Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 429: 429: I can't help but want to laugh, what should I do?

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Jiang Chen and Shazhu performed the task together.

Shazhu sighed.

"what happened?"

Jiang Chen was strange.

The silly Zhu said honestly: "Brother Chen, you said that I am so handsome, why do I always fall in love and be rejected by girls again and again? I am puzzled!"

Jiang Chen was drinking water and a squirt of water came out.

I go~~

Are you still handsome?

Jiang Chen forced a smile and said: "Yes, yes, I am also very surprised about this. You said that you are a yushu, why are you rejected by the girl?"

Silly Zhu looked up to the sky and sighed: "I wanted to look at the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!"

Jiang Chen spouted and laughed again.

"That tells me that I was interested in the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch! You don't know how to pull the text! If you have something to say!"

Jiang Chen couldn't stand this stupid pillar anymore.

Silly Zhu said with a simple smile: "Hey, I don't often see, Brother Chen, you pull texts on beautiful young ladies, and you can stop the young ladies from chatting. I also want to imitate it."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Ma Dan, you haven't learned my greatest essence.

That's handsome!

Handsome people, little sister, don't want to tease casually.

You silly cow, you still need to learn from my sister-in-law? Don't you want it?

"What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Chen tickled Silly Zhu's head.

Shazhu coughed: "Brother Chen, I see your previous girlfriends, they are all so beautiful. I really want to have a girlfriend like this, can you teach me about the experience?"

"How did you chase your girlfriend? That Su Xiaoxiao?"

Silly Zhu's eyes lighted up.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Actually, there is no special skill. At that time, I was reading Moments and saw that she wanted to eat sundae and KFC is available everywhere, so I immediately bought it. I sent it to her."


Silly Zhu suddenly realized: "So~~ Brother Chen, your focus is to do what you like?"


Jiang Chen said with a deep face: "It all depends on my Lamborghini poison to drive fast! I drove 120 yards at the time! You took the bus to send the sundae, it has already melted!"


The fool suddenly realized.

Thought for a while.

Crying with a headache~~

The key is that Lamborghini poison is prescribed quickly~~~



Jiang Chen and Lan Nuanyan walked in the SKP mall.

Since becoming the chairman of SKP, Jiang Chen likes to bring girls to SKP for dates.

Lan Nuanyan is going to the bathroom temporarily.

When he came out to wash his hands, beside the blue warm smoke, a man wearing a yellow T-shirt and designer jeans passed by.

The man's eyes lit up when he saw Lan Nuanyan.

I go!

Such a goddess?

Even in SKP, where beautiful women and rich people gather, Lan Nuanyan’s beauty and temperament belong to the crushing level!

A trace of greed flashed in the man's eyes.

How to do?

It's impossible to let it go. It's hard to meet such a goddess, it is impossible to let it go anyway.

But how do you get the goddess' attention?

The man frowned.

Suddenly, inspiration came.

"Haha, yes."

He pretended to be embarrassed and said to Lan Nuan: "Beautiful lady, can you do me a favor?"

Lan Nuanyan: "???"

"That's it."

The man looked embarrassed and said: "I drove here, but I encountered a big problem in parking. Would you like to do me a favor and go to the basement with me?"

Lan Nuanyan said: "Stop? I usually drive, but~~"

"Do you have a driver's license? Great!"

The man's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, "Madan, I'm afraid you don't understand cars, it's good if you have a car!"

This is forcing, I pretend!

He folded his hands together and begged: "Beauty, please, I'm so anxious now, thank you!"

Lan Nuanyan thought for a while: "Okay, but I want to go with my boyfriend."


The man's face stiffened: "Boyfriend?"

Now, it's a bit embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, the goddess actually has a boyfriend?

His smile is a bit reluctant~~

This is a bit difficult.


Men are very confident in their own strength!


Even if you have a boyfriend, what's the use?

In front of me, all lovers can be removed!

Goddess, only belongs to a strong man like me!

He has used this trick before, and he doesn't know how many pairs have been removed.

Hehe, secretly rubbing the Yin smile.

"Okay, you call your boyfriend, let's come together, and I am willing to give you two thank-you gifts after everything is done!"


Lan Nuanyan and Jiang Chen reunited and recounted what had just happened.

"What? Someone asked you to go to the basement to help?"

Jiang Chen frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

What's the plot here?

Jiang Chen didn't believe that because of the parking problem, this man asked Lan Nuanyan for help.

How many men would turn to a female driver for parking?

Female drivers parking, many are disaster-level!

Shouldn’t it be the other way round?

Jiang Chen understood in seconds.

It must be the beauty of the goddess of Lan Nuanyan, who has attracted the crazy bee and butterfly, who thinks it is awesome, and it is not easy to chase it directly. This method is used to test.

Jiang Chen: Hehehe!

I can kill 120 of them in a day like this pretending to be a crime!

"Then go."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Lan Nuanyan brought Jiang Chen and joined the man's basement.

The man was a little nervous at first, for fear that the man with Lan Nuanyan would be a gangster or something. After all, in places like SKP, where the emperor and rich people gather, it's not unusual for big men to come and go.

Besides, Lan Nuanyan is still such a goddess, what is her man like?

Who knows~~

Lan Nuanyan gently took Jiang Chen's hand, and when he walked, the man's eyes almost popped out!

Security, security?

The boyfriend of the goddess is actually a little security guard?


It's blind!

The man almost laughed.

Today, the goddess must be mine!

With a grateful expression on his face, the man said as he walked: "My name is Ma Jianhua, thank the goddess, and the goddess boyfriend, for helping me park the car, I'm really in big trouble."

Jiang Chen: "..."

This kid is not at ease at first glance.

But hehe.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Let you pretend, I let you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail?


Dare to covet my girlfriend on this three-acre land of SKP?

kill you!

The three walked into the parking garage together.

Ma Jianhua led the way, but did not go to the bus parking area, but pointed to the front [truck parking area]: "My car, it's in front, it will be here soon."


Lan Nuanyan was a little dazed: "You drove a truck?"

What a strange man, driving a truck to SKP?

Ma Jianhua smiled very obscenely: "Haha, I'm sorry, this is the most difficult part for me, or else, I won't ask you for help."

From his sorrowful smile, Jiang Chen has already smelled a familiar breath!

Pretending to be a breath!

Ma Jianhua brought Jiang Chen’s blue warm smoke to the truck parking area, pointed at the high pole, and said, “The general height limit for shopping malls is 1.9 meters, right?”

Lan Nuanyan nodded.

"But, my car~~"

Ma Jianhua said: "The height of the car is 1.96 meters, so you can't enter this area where the bus is parked!"

"So, in order to be able to enter SKP to buy things, I was whimsical and thought of a way!"

Ma Jianhua smiled confidently: "How about I parked my car in the truck area in the mall? I'm very witty, right?"

Wit you are paralyzed!

Jiang Chen: →_→!

Ma Jianhua brought Jiang Chen's blue warm smoke to the truck parking space, and pointed: "Look! Some people say that SKP is the most concentrated area of ​​the big G in the Imperial Capital!"

"Big G, do you understand?"

"It's Big G off-road!"

"This car, less than 3 million cars, more than 5 million!"

Ma Jianhua forced a smile and said: "There is a G63 in front, white!"

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Jiang Chen: "..."

Sure enough, what to ask for help, Nima is here to pretend to be forced!

A domineering G63 was parked in the truck parking area.

Below SKP, really big G is walking everywhere, Mercedes-Benz is as cheap as a dog.

Ma Jianhua ran to the G63 and pointed to his height: "Look, I am 1.83 meters tall. This G63 is taller than me, so I must not pass the height limit."

Lan Nuanyan nodded.

But Jiang Chen saw the routine clearly.

What height limit bar?

Ma Dan, you are here to show off your wealth!

"Look! There is a **** G500 in front!"

"This big G500 has black wheels, black surrounds, black roofs, and black car logos~~"

"Black four-piece suit!"

"This is not an ordinary big G!"

"This is really rare, do you know? There is this black kit!"

Ma Jianhua began to talk endlessly, focusing on this black G500, spitting stars flying around.

"This is really different, do you know? If there is this black kit, it will be more expensive than an ordinary G. It will cost an Audi A4! It is still the top version!"

Ma Jianhua said excitedly: "I am very sure now that this is a dark night version~~"

"If you drive this car on the road, not only passersby will look at you, but even ordinary big G car owners will look at you. Because your car is really the most beautiful boy on the whole street!"

"It's so cool, don't you know?"

Ma Jianhua kept talking, and continued to tout this big G500 to show off his wealth of knowledge.


Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded: "Why do you want to tell us this? Didn't you let us help? How did you start to talk about the G500 here? You sell a car?"


Ma Jianhua was immediately embarrassed.

The smile gradually disappeared.

Hemp egg!

How could I have bought a car?

"I'm just telling you that this big G is really powerful! I used to drive big G in the desert, Gobi, and... the feeling of driving this car must be great!"

He completely ignored Jiang Chen, and started to show off at Lan Nuanyan: "Some people say that this G500 has three particularly nice sounds, one is the sound of exhaust, the other is the sound of opening and closing doors, and the other. It's the sound of camels!"

While talking, Ma Jianhua looked at Jiang Chen contemptuously and curled his lips.

That means~~

Sample, have you all seen

LOW is forced!

You probably haven’t even heard of a game played by rich people, right?

We are not the same, not the same~~

Jiang Chen understood in seconds.

These three nice voices Ma Jianhua so-called should be to participate in the Alxa Hero Meeting: a game of rich people traveling by car to Alxa.

The Alxa Hero Association, because of the extravagant and corrupt life of some rich second generations, has a bad reputation.

It was originally a grand event for off-road in the desert, but it has become that kind of decline. Are the rich second-generation still showing off?

Ma Jianhua looked regretful and said: "These three best sounds, if you can listen to them today, they will be perfect! This is a man's romance~~"

He talked and glanced at Lan Nuanyan. These words, without exception, were secretly attacking Jiang Chen~~

No money, not worthy of being called a man.

The way of life of our wealthy people is so tall.


A little security guard?

Is your salary for a year enough to buy a G500 car wheel?

After all, the G500 car costs 5 million.


While he was talking, he sighed, as if this car [Night Elf] couldn't drive and couldn't hear the sound. What a great regret?

Blue warm smoke: "..."

Jiang Chen: "..."

This person is so strange.

That Ma Jianhua is also looking forward to waiting for Lan Nuanyan, being bewitched by him, and feeling the same...

After all, I met a lot of beautiful young ladies before, and I heard him say that [Night Elf] G500, how awesome, driving on the road, how beautiful, it will be worshiped, both eyes are small stars~~

At that time, even if the girl has a boyfriend by her side, it doesn’t matter~~

He can logically invite girls to get in his car and go shopping.


Haha, don't you need to say more?

Even if he and the girl only ride the same car, the relationship between the girl and her boyfriend will still be cracked.

No matter how open-minded a boy is, it is impossible not to mind that his girlfriend gets in another man's car in front of him.

This kind of shameless operation, I don't know how many pairs have been split.


Lan Nuanyan didn't respond after a wave of sorrowful operations.

Ma Jianhua: "..."


what happened?

After I did this wave of operations before, the girls were already swayed...

It's hard to hold on.

What a seemingly reserved girl, facing the temptation of this night elf, it is impossible to hold it!

But what is going on with this goddess?

There is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even want to huh?

Ma Jianhua doesn't know~~

Lan Nuanyan has a net worth of tens of billions. Her own luxury cars are all parked in the garage, and the car she is currently driving is the Bentley Continental that Jiang Chen sent!

It's also a 5 million car!

People with a net worth of tens of billions, and seeing you show off a car of 5 million for a long time, what fluctuations can there be?

You showed off for a long time, it was still yours, and the boyfriend sent it directly!

In the middle, is it okay?

Lan Nuanyan: "Is this man a fool, right?"

Jiang Chen suppressed his laughter.

"Cut, it must be the goddess who doesn't know anything about G500! It will be indifferent!"

Ma Jianhua rubbed secretly, not convinced.

Hold back your energy, try to pretend to be the last!

It's time to make a big move!

While sighing, he took out a car key from his pocket!

With a smirk, they were about to see Jiang Chen and Lan Nuanyan's surprised and shocked expressions.

Before, he praised this car as if it weren't his.

But it's actually his.

Here, there should be applause!

He looked superior, waiting to see the shocked look of Jiang Chen and Lan Nuanyan.


Jiang Chen and Lan Nuanyan looked at each other with an expression of "Do you look stupid?", looking at him.

The three people looked at each other.

The atmosphere was once very embarrassing.

Ma Jianhua: "..."


Why are these two people not shocked?

Shouldn't they be so shocked at this time, beautiful women love me, men ashamed of themselves?

I am so rich.

"Well, next, I will show you the sound of this car opening and closing doors."

He went up and opened the car door with a look of excitement.

Open forcefully.

Close it firmly.


"This car, you have to work hard to open it!"

He looked proud.

Open forcefully.

Close it firmly.



Jiang Chen and Lan Nuanyan just watched him quietly, the door opened and the door closed...

The atmosphere was once very embarrassing~~

The awkward atmosphere is quietly spreading.

"Husband, this man, he seems to be a not-so-smart Yazi?"

Lan Nuanyan quietly said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded.

When Ma Jianhua on the side heard it, a mouthful of old blood almost came out!

Hemp egg!

The goddess actually said I'm not too smart!

I'm so wronged!

I have such an awesome night elf G500!

Why do you look at me like fools?

Ma Jianhua is so angry.

He pretended to be chic, and said: "Don't be stunned, get in the car!"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "But, didn't you let us help? What on earth do you help?"

"Oh, this way."

Ma Jianhua was meant to pretend to be coercive. Where can I help?

But Jiang Chen was embarrassed when he asked, "That's right, that's it, haha, my car is too high. It's easy to hit the height limit bar and the various warning devices on it. I want to ask you to help me take a look at the height-limiting device above, don’t hit it."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Well, I'll help you watch it."

Ma Jianhua started the G500 and started to sell himself and boast: "Listen to this sound! The sound of this engine is so beautiful~~"

At this time, Ma Jianhua still did not forget to pretend to be forced.

Blue warm smoke: "..."

I can't help but want to laugh! How to do?

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