Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 434: 434: Do you know how to write dead words?

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Several rich second generations are completely dumbfounded!

Ten thousand, one trillion?

Are you teasing me?

The people around are also dumbfounded~~

There was a lot of discussion.

"Oh my God~~One trillion?"

"A stallholder with a net worth of one trillion?"

"How much is the richest man in China? Impossible, right?"

"The richest man is only on the surface. Everyone knows that there are many invisible rich people in China, and it doesn't necessarily matter whether the Ma is the richest man or not."

"But no matter how hidden it is, it's impossible for a stallion boy to have a net worth of trillions? This is too exaggerated!"

Few people believe it.

"Aha, even if you are the king himself, I don't believe it!"

The leader of the rich second-generation monster cried out: "I'm Linghu, but the son of the imperial capital Ling family! I don't believe in evil! In the Chinese imperial capital, how can there be rich people I don't know? Not to mention trillions? Let me pay? Dreaming~~"

Who knows~~

At this time, a Hummer drove over.

Hummer, jumped down to a great young man.

He quickly walked in: "Ling Hu, what's the matter?"

"Brother Yun!"

Ling Hu's eyes lit up when he saw this man, like someone falling into the water grabbing a life-saving straw, and hurriedly rushed over: "Brother Yun, you can count it. Someone wants to blackmail your cousin!"

"Someone, dare to blackmail you?"

The visitor squinted his eyes with a dull look, and sneered: "Let me see Lingyun, which one is not long-eyed, dare to blackmail my cousin~~~Uh...Σ(°△°|||)︴!"

His eyes fell on Jiang Chen, who was sitting "touching porcelain" on the hood of Linghu's luxury car.

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Ling Yun, "Oh? Lingyun. How are you? Don't be unharmed! Your brother rubbed me. I touched the porcelain today. It's a deal! Don't give me money, don't Want to go!"

Ling Hu yelled and jumped up and down and said, "Brother Yun, look at him, this kid is so arrogant. He is obviously a low seller who sets up a stall, and he is still following a lawyer, and he said he has trillions of dollars in net worth! He can earn 200 million yuan a day! Let me compensate him for his lost time, 200 million yuan! Do you think he is crazy about money?"

At this time, with Ling Yun supporting him, Ling Hu's waist became hard.

Ling Hu, stand up straight!

The attitude is even more arrogant.

The rich second generations around were all excited and excited.

"Young Master Ling is here, on our side, we are determined to win!"

"Look at this mysterious kid, how did he die~~"

"When you touched porcelain, you actually bumped into Young Master Ling's head. I think you are looking for death!"

"Hehe, boy, don't kneel and surrender in a while, stand up straight after being beaten!"

The self-confidence of the rich second generation is not without reason.

Ling Yun, but one of the four youngest in the Imperial Capital!

Rich and powerful in the family, he is the top rich second generation of the imperial capital!

He has great energy, he has no scruples in doing business, and he can even get involved in the imperial capital real estate market with deep water.

Also involved in many industries such as film and television, entertainment, strength enough to make many bigwigs feel ashamed.

His personal property is estimated to be in the tens of billions.

Such strength is already terrifying, okay?

Ling Yun's eyes were facing Jiang Chen's eyes, and his smile gradually stiffened~~


Next second.

He suddenly rounded his slap.

Slap hard!

It was drawn on Linghu's face!

"I'm going to you *%...¥!"

Ling Hu was completely slapped by the slap of his cousin~

Covering his face, he exclaimed: "Brother Yun, why are you hitting me? This kid is bullying me!"

Ling Yun breathed fire in his eyes, wishing to eat Linghu, and roared: "Nonsense! How could Mr. Jiang trouble you for no reason! Your kid must be bullying others, right?"

Ling Hu felt guilty for a while.

I rub.

How did cousin know?

Ling Yun looked at Ling Hu's guilty expression and sneered: "Of course I know, because I'm duller than you! Ma Dan! Until I met Mr. Jiang!"

"Brother Yun, I really didn't. It was his brother who scratched my Porsche! Then do you think my Porsche was injured?"

Ling Hu was aggrieved, pulled Ling Yun, and pointed at the scratches of his car.

Ling Yun walked over and glanced at the Porsche scratched by the stupid post.

Three seconds.

His cold eyes stared at Ling Hu: "Is this hurt? How much do you want this brother?"

Ling Hu was a little hairy when his cousin stared at him, and said with a dry smile: "I didn't dare to ask for more, it should have been 100,000~~"


Ling Yun breathed fire in his eyes.

"I, I only wanted it later, 50,000!"

Ling Hu stretched out a hand and said with a guilty conscience.

"50,000? With this kind of injury, you dare to ask for 50,000!"

Ling Yun yelled: "You really shame the Ling family! Did the Ling family lack this 50,000? Besides, for such a bit of damage, you are ashamed to ask for 50,000? You are touching porcelain! Blackmail! Nima's, really give it to me Long face!"

"No, no, no money from this brother!"

When Ling Hu saw Ling Yun's emotions, he raised his big slap, and was shocked. He knew that his cousin, once he became angry, it was because his six relatives did not recognize him. He had been beaten by his cousin since he was a child~~

I am afraid, and a conditioned reflex has been formed.

"He hasn't paid yet? It's okay~~"

Ling Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Shaozhu didn't give the money, it was okay, and Mr. Jiang wouldn't be too angry over there.

Who knows~~

Next second.

Ling Hu looked smug and pointed at Jiang Chen: "His eldest brother gave me 50,000 yuan!"


Ling Yun was blown up again: "Ms. Jiang, I'll give you 50,000!"


Ling Hu was a little dazed. Why did Ling Yun call the stallholder one by one?


Ling Yun couldn't help it anymore, slapped again, and Ling Hu staggered, spinning around in place.

He was so angry that he picked up a brick directly from the ground.

Turned his head fiercely.

Smashed directly on the glass of the Porsche 911!

Snapped! !

Porsche, this is broken.

Everyone was shocked.

Ling Hu was dumbfounded.

This is his favorite car.

2 million, I just bought a car for a week.

Was it just being smashed by cousin?

2 million, I just bought a car for a month.

Was it just being smashed by cousin?

Ling Yun went crazy, picking up a brick, and smashing Linghu's Porsche severely.

"I wiped you! You actually offended Mr. Jiang for this broken car! I let you touch porcelain, I made you worthless, I let you go! Don't you like this car? I let him become one Push through the copper and rotten iron!"

Jiang Chen quickly avoided.

I'm so dumb~~

He was on the side and asked Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen, what's the matter with this man? How did he smash his cousin's car? Is he having a brain problem?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "We don't care about their brothers."

Ling Yun not only smashed himself, but also waved his hand.

On his Hummer, four or five brothers in black came down and swarmed.

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Smash Linghu's car together.

The people around were talking a lot.

"Why is this?"

"Why this rich man can't get along with this luxury car"

"Tsk tusk tusk, 2 million new car, just like that was smashed?"

"It's a pity, really~~Don't give it to me."

Ling Hu wanted to cry without tears.

But he did not dare to resist.

He is a small role and a sideline in the Ling's family, who has a big business.

Ling Yun is the direct descendant of the present.

His cousin is far inferior to his cousin in terms of strength and status, so he dare not resist~~

Only tears, fear, and trembling.

"Brother, brother, take a break and don't get tired."

Ling Hu also had to persuade Ling Yun to take care of his body and don't get angry: "My car is hard. Don't shake your hand if it hits it."

"Yes, the wagon skin is quite hard."

Ling Yun was still angry, picked up a brick, and coldly said to Ling Hu: "Or, change it to smash your head?"

"Don't don't!"

Ling Hu was so scared that he quickly avoided: "Brother, let me go, I really know what I was wrong."

"Do you dare to offend Big Brother Jiang?"

Ling Yun grabbed Ling Hu and roared: "Do you know, how do you write the dead word?"

Only then did Ling Hu know that Ling Yun was furious and his feelings were because of Jiang Chen?

Afraid, Jiang Chen?

The young man sitting at the stall in the front of the car?

Scared to pee.

Ling Yun kicked Ling Hu's knee.

Ling Hu thumped and knelt down to Jiang Chen!

"You kid, you want to die, whatever! But don't drag me and the Ling family to die together! Offended Mr. Jiang, you are looking for your own death! Brother Chen, I brought you this unscrupulous descendant, just send it off. Don't look at the face of Ling's family!"

Several rich second generations saw that Ling Yun unexpectedly handed Ling Hu out for Jiang Chen. They were so scared that they ran away quickly.

Ling Hu, only then knew what great **** he had offended.

Feelings, this one in front of me, even my cousin dare not offend.

Wang Quan said that he was worth trillions of dollars, and he didn't believe it at first~~

But the cousin's attitude speaks for itself.

If you don't believe it, it will not work!

He cried and pleaded loudly: "Brother Chen! I, I am confused, I am stupid! I really don't know you are such a big god! Please raise your hand and let me go. I, I lose money, I really lose money. what."

Jiang Chen said lightly: "200 million!"


Ling Hu was stunned.

2 billion?

Do you really want me to lose a hundred million?

Jiang Chen raised his injured little thumb.

In order to be realistic, he actually wiped his little finger with chili just now.

It looks a little red and swollen, but it doesn't hurt or itchy.

But it was injured after all.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word.

"Oh shit!"

From behind, Ling Yun kicked Ling Hu hard.

Linghu fell a dog to eat shit.

"You dare to hurt Brother Chen?"

"Damn you!"

"If it wasn't for your parents' sake, I would kill you!"

Ling Yun yelled: "Hurry up! Lose money!"

Ling Hu cried and said, "I see, let me join in."

The people around were shocked!

"Oh my God! Are you really going to lose 200 million yuan?"

"Who is this stallholder sacred?"

"Supposedly let the 2 million Porsche rich second generation lose him 200 million?"

"Just because I was driving, I accidentally rubbed his little finger?"

"A little finger, looks a little red and swollen? Lose a hundred million?"

Jiang Chen received the prompt.

"You have transferred 200 million yuan to your account. [Hua Xia Bank]"

Jiang Chen smiled and jumped out of the car cover.

"Okay, you and I are cleaned up."

Jiang Chen still looked distressed, and blew his little thumb: "Today, let me count it out! Forget it, today I received 200 million in compensation, and I will have a day's wages tomorrow. I can take a rest at home for a day, so I don't have to go to the stall."

Ling Hu: "..."

Rich second generation: "..."

Hemp egg!

You pit me 200 million!

As a result, only one day's wages are available, so there is no need to contribute?

So angry!

Why are you so good?

The people around are stunned~~

"Won compensation of 200 million, but tomorrow's wages will be available?"

"We are not the same, we are not the same~~"

"This, this, where is it sacred?"

"If I'm lively, I won't go to work in my next life, so what kind of stall do I have?"

Jiang Chen waved to Ling Yun and left.

One more sentence.

"Oh, it's not easy to set up a stall~~"

A group of people puffed and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth~~


Others suddenly turned their heads, and the dusty Yang Hu said, "You are welcome to continue to set up the stall. Tomorrow, no, see you the day after tomorrow! I still want to be a neighbor with you! Set up a stall together?"

Yang Hu, lost 200 million, has gone bankrupt~~

I borrowed a lot of money everywhere.

When Jiang Chen said that, Ling Hu was...

A mouthful of old blood, spit it out!

Hemp egg!

Do you still want to be a neighbor with me and set up a stall together?

Hemp egg!

I have been smashed by your pit!

Just because the crowd is swollen, I look at you more!

The car was smashed.

Two hundred million fortunes were lost.

If I set up a stall with you for a day, wouldn't I even lose my panties?

"No no, brother!"

Yang Hu said in tears, "I swear that I will never set up a stall again! In my life, I will never set up a stall again!"

The stalls around cheered.

The most annoying these rich second-generation stalls!

It's called a stall, it's really a show of wealth!

This time, is Nima still dazzling?

Jiang Chen floated away~~

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