Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 581: 581: Just like you, still a chef?

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"How long will our Zhagenbao spacecraft be successfully developed?"

The smug Steven asked the development manager.

"It is estimated that it will take another 6 months."

The development manager replied.

"Six months will not work! I will give you 3 months at most!"

Stephen's eyes were cold, and he sternly said: "After 3 months, if you can't develop it, just get out of it!"

"Yes Yes!"

The development manager was sweating coldly.

The corners of Stephen's mouth curled up.

He picked up the phone, took a majestic photo of Zha Genbao, then thought about it, and passed it to someone.

His best friend-Twitter boss.

It's okay, look for a Twitter boss to pretend to be forced!

"Ahaha, my Grab Genbao is about to be successfully developed. It will be able to realize manned travel between Azure Star and Yanxing! Isn't it bullish?"

The Twitter boss is in the office, utterly exhausted.

Because of the inability to deal with a certain infectious disease, the lighthouse country is rotten to pieces.

The police were everywhere, protesting.

The Twitter boss is depressed.

Hemp egg.

Is this because of my fault?


Absolutely does not exist!

It is impossible for me to carry the pot, and it is impossible for me to carry the pot for the rest of my life!

He is thinking hard, who should I throw the pot for today...

The phone rang suddenly.

The Twitter boss picked up his phone and took a look~~

The eyes are straight!

I rub!

We have successfully developed a manned space travel between Azure Star and Yanxing in our lighthouse country?

Is this news not good enough?

This is great news!

He quickly picked up the phone and retweeted the tweet.

"I am very happy to announce to you that the great scientist of our lighthouse country, Stephen, the most advanced and most powerful spacecraft [Grab the Root], is close to the success of its research and development. In a few months, our great lighthouse country will be in Write another glorious stroke in the history of mankind. We will be the first country to travel to a manned star!"

Twitter boss, how awesome is that bragging skill?

Originally, Stephen just asked him to pretend to be forced, but he didn't expect to be exposed.

But the tattered Twitter boss, like a drowning man, grabbed the life-saving straw and blew it vigorously.

Now, the whole world knows.

The lighthouse country needs good news too much.

There are reposts, likes, and media reports everywhere.

"The great inventor Stephen, is about to successfully develop a new generation of manned spacecraft that can fly to Yanxing!"

"Lighthouse Nation, the maiden voyage of human beings about to take Yanxing (satellites have been there, but humans have not yet)! Lighthouse Nation astronauts will represent mankind and will be the first to set foot on the land of Yanxing!"

"The lighthouse country, the dominance of invincible technology, once again appeared!"

"Grabbing Genbao will become the most powerful spacecraft of a generation."

These reports naturally spread to China.

As a result, those crooked fruit blowers who could not raise their heads in the first blow began to collectively go crazy again~~

"This is the top technology!"

"Wake up! I won't be able to catch up in a hundred years!"

"Hehe, don't do unnecessary struggles, how many years have you been behind others?"

"In terms of technology, the Beacon Nation has always been tight-lipped."


Jiang Chen also saw this report.


"Grab Genbao?"

"A spaceship that can reach Yan Xing?"

"It is known as the most advanced in the world?"

"This is amazing."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth was slightly curved.

Although his [Dragon Spaceship] is also being manufactured, even if it took a few months to grasp the root treasure, it was successfully developed and launched in the shortest time~~

It will take at least one to two years to reach Yanxing!

Because the most recent launch window of Azure Star and Yanxing has passed, and it will take another year to reappear.

With the technology of grasping Genbao, Jiang Chen can be sure that it is only an optimization of the past technology, and it will definitely not exceed the speed of light anyway.

Can you reach Mars in two years?

Jiang Chen smiled.

His dragon spacecraft needs a very short time to reach Yanxing!

"You have been running away for decades?"

"Let you bounce around again."

"When the time comes, don't cry too badly~~"

Jiang Chen shook his head and put the phone aside.

His progress in the development and manufacturing of the Dragon spacecraft is also fast~~

Thanks to the familiarity of Huaxia Infrastructure Crazy and the complete and powerful industrial chain, Jiang Chen can easily buy advanced equipment such as 10,000-ton hydraulic presses and 4.0 industrial robots, making the manufacturing process not only advanced, but also 100% in many places. The demand for science and technology [Dragon Spaceship] after the year.

Jiang Chen is not only emotional~~

Alas, I wanted to keep a low profile, and even if it can be made, it's a pity that our family's strength doesn't allow it!

At that time, it will be a race between the [Dragon Spaceship] and the tortoise and the hare of [Grab Genbao]!

Jiang Chen laughed~~

That picture is so beautiful!


Jiang Chen lost his mobile phone, drove downstairs, and drove straight to his home [Xin Rong Ji] restaurant.

The beautiful chef Du Shuwen is going to cook him a special dish today, and she is busy in the kitchen of Xinrongji.

After Du Shuwen became Jiang Chen's woman, she has been studying food with great concentration. In her words, communication with Jiang Chen is mainly through food.

When Jiang Chen came to Xinrongji, he didn't need to stop, just got off the car and left.

He is the owner of the club, so naturally there is a security guard to park the car for him.

No way, Jiang Chen's life is so boring!


Jiang Chen walked into Xinrongji.

The beautiful chef Du Shuwen is busy in the back kitchen.

Seeing Jiang Chen, he smiled sweetly and happily.

Since meeting Jiang Chen, her life has changed tremendously.

Becoming Jiang Chen's girlfriend is the happiest thing in her life.

After Du Shuwen followed Jiang Chen, she gradually put aside her career and began to learn how to cook with Jiang Chen six months ago. You must know that Jiang Chen is the title of [God of Food].

Famous teachers make high apprentices! Now in just six months, Du Shuwen's culinary skills have been so perfect.

She now holds two positions, responsible for the work of the two Michelin chefs in [Xin Rong Ji] [Guo Feng Mei Tang]. She is very busy all day, but doing her favorite job, coupled with the power of love, let her Rejuvenated.

"Jiang Chen, I'm making Wellington steak for you. Just wait for me to order it."

Du Shuwen smiled sweetly at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and sat down.

But this scene was seen by a male customer.


This male customer, ever since Du Shuwen became the head chef, he must be there every day, rain or shine.

He has a crush on Du Shuwen for a long time.

As far as conditions are concerned, his conditions are enough to outsmart the crowd (think of it).

She takes care of Du Shuwen's business every day, but Du Shuwen has always maintained a normal customer relationship with him, and has never shown such a happy smile.

Male customer, sour in heart~~



Why do I take care of the business every day, but I still can't impress this Du Meier?

He looked at Jiang Chen carefully.

Jiang Chen's clothes were very low-key and ordinary, and there was hardly anything unusual.

The male customer sneered.

He, Su Daiming, is a rich second generation. He has mines at home and some are money!

What he is doing now is-a Michelin three-star food critic!

That's right.

In fact, he has a restaurant in his hands, can he comment on the right to re-evaluate the three-star Michelin star?

The Michelin three-star has a very strange rule-it never engages in public reviews. Instead, it sends some judges, gourmets, to the restaurant on its own behalf, without saying hello, and eating secretly as ordinary diners.

Then, give grades.

This is to maximize the avoidance of the restaurant’s preparation in advance, and to carefully prepare for the selection of Michelin three-star restaurants, it is impossible to accurately evaluate the restaurant’s food and service level.

Su Daiming was upset in his heart and naturally prepared-revenge.

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He originally came to [Xin Rong Ji], had a meal, and thought it was very good, so he wanted to give Samsung a comment.

Who knows...

Su Daiming raised his head and ran into Du Shuwen!

He felt that he fell in love all at once.

Hemp egg.

This beautiful chef is too beautiful and temperamental, right?

It's a goddess.

Since Su Daiming saw Du Shuwen on the first day, he felt that he could no longer look away.

He simply didn't leave.

Come every day.

Every day, I designate Du Shuwen’s "Chef’s Recommended Dish" and order that one to eat. The chef recommends dishes, made by Du Shuwen herself.

He likes Du Shuwen's dishes very much.

Originally, he planned to have a showdown with Du Shuwen, confessed to her, and told his identity. Congratulations to her for being so lucky to have met her, a rich foodie. Not only Xin Rongji can keep the three-star rating, but he can also help Du Shuwen expand his cuisine. Channels and contacts in the world.

Who knows~~

I saw Jiang Chen walk in!

Du Shuwen immediately flirted with Jiang Chen!

Su Daiming felt that he was fooled.

Hemp egg!

Affection This goddess chef has a boyfriend, and he has a good relationship.


Really blind.

His face darkened.

That being the case, then...smash the place!

I'm a judge of three Michelin stars!

I want to deprive Xin Rong Ji of the Samsung rating.

As long as I find the fault, scold the dish, and then make a negative review, it is enough.

This restaurant has lost three Michelin stars. How do I see it open?

Sinister and cunning.

He turned his eyes and called the waiter.

"What is the chef's recommendation today?"

The waiter looked at the menu: "It's Wellington steak, sir."

Wellington steak is a steak wrapped in meringue. The moment the meringue is cut, the steak is also fragrant, which is simply delicious on earth.

"Is this made by the chef himself?"

Su Daiming asked.

"Yes, it was indeed made by our head chef and new gourmet Du Shuwen himself."

The waiter respectfully said: "Do you want a copy?"


Su Daiming nodded: "That's it."

30 minutes passed.

The Wellington steak carefully cooked by Du Shuwen is ready.

She made several copies at once, and of course the best one was reserved for Jiang Chen.

Du Shuwen personally brought out a plate from the back kitchen and sent it to Jiang Chen.

"Honey, try the Wellington steak I made today?" (*╹▽╹*)

Jiang Chen nodded and cut open the steak.

With the aroma, Du Shuwen's Wellington steak for Jiang Chen aroused people's appetite.

Jiang Chen opened the chair to Du Shuwen: "Sit down and enjoy together."

Du Shuwen had a sweet face and sat down with Jiang Chen.

This is her happiest moment-cooking steak for the most beloved person and watching him eat...because Jiang Chen said that she likes to eat her.

Du Shuwen does not have much ambition, but just wants to make good food and open a good Michelin restaurant.

Jiang Chen opened a bottle of red wine and tasted the Wellington steak Du Shuwen made for him.

"It's delicious, I like it very much."

Jiang Chen nodded and praised.

He only taught this Wellington steak once, and it's pretty good to be able to do this.

Du Shuwen was very excited: "Really? I am going to push it into a signature dish."

Around, several other customers who ordered [Wellington Steak] were also full of praise.

"too delicious!"

"I have never had such a crispy skin, such a tender steak."

"The Michelin three-star restaurant has a well-deserved reputation."

"The craftsmanship of Chef Du Shuwen is great."

Who knows~~

In the sound of praise, there was a disharmonious voice suddenly, yin and yang strange airways.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous! A group of people who don't understand **** dare to say that it is delicious! This Wellington steak is as bad as shit, and it has received a lot of praise? Huaxia, it really is a dumpling! I don't understand any food! "

Jiang Chen's eyes were sharp, and he looked over.

The diners who praised him were also very upset with the arrogant attitude of this person and turned their heads.

"Who? So awesome?"

"A sense of superiority! Why don't you go to heaven?"

"Eat in Huaxia. We don’t understand food in the country of Huaxia cuisine?"

"Let me Kangkang, who is so awesome?"

Su Daiming arrogantly took care of himself, cut a portion of Wellington steak, and sneered: "I don't need to eat this dish! I know it must not taste good! There is still some raw material in it. This thing is also called Wellington. Steak? Are you all a bunch of dogs? Eat raw?"


The few customers he scolded as dogs wanted to hit someone.

Du Shuwen stood up, her face serious, and walked to Su Daiming's table.

She recognized Su Daiming.

This man comes to her restaurant to eat every day.

When I saw her, they all smiled and praised me for doing well.

Why did he suddenly change his face today?

So yin and yang? Picky?

Du Shuwen glanced at Jiang Chen behind him and understood in seconds.

It turned out that this person was upset when he saw his boyfriend, so he came to provoke him?

Jiang Chen also saw through Su Daiming's mind at a glance-he must have some thoughts about his girlfriend, but he saw the happiness of eating intimately with his girlfriend, his dream was broken, and he was hated because of love.

Jiang Chen didn't panic and watched indifferently.

See what tricks he is going to do?

Du Shuwen walked to the table and took a close look at his 【Wellington Steak】

I found that there was indeed a trace of bloodshot inside.

Check the menu again, the steak that Su Daiming ordered is medium rare.

Half-ripe steaks may indeed have bloodshot eyes in order to pursue the taste of the steak.

"Mr. Su? This steak is half-ripe and will leave a bit of blood, but if you change your mind, I can make another one for you for free."

Du Shuwen said neither overbearing nor overbearing.

"Huh! You open a Michelin three-star restaurant. I want a half-cooked freshness and a well-cooked peace of mind. If you can't do it, you're incompetent! You don't deserve to continue to be a three-star restaurant!"

Su Daiming clasped his arms in a clumsy and arrogant "I just don't make sense".

Du Shuwen smiled and said to the waiter: "Throw away this one and I will do it again."

She smiled apologetically to Jiang Chen: "I'm sorry dear, I have to go back and redo one for the guest."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Go ahead."

Du Shuwen walked to the back kitchen and got busy.

Thirty minutes later, she returned to the lobby with a new [Wellington Steak].

"Mr. Su, this is your half-cooked Wellington steak. Please taste it."

Du Shuwen smiled.

Su Daiming glanced at the steak and sneered: "Stop! Who taught you to do this steak?"

Du Shuwen: "?? What's wrong?"

Su Daiming sneered: "What's wrong? Are you Wellington steak? Are you sure?"

Du Shuwen nodded: "No problem."

"I think there is a big problem!"

Su Daiming said lazily: "This time, it's worse than last time!"

"Because this time, I don't even bother to cut the puff pastry!"

"Who have you ever seen cut puff pastry like this? The puff pastry must be crispy and tender, and must be fluffy and juicy. Is your puff pastry fair?"

Su Daiming was critical and lazily said, "Even if you are incompetent, there should be a limit? What do you cook as a three-star Michelin chef? A joke!"

Du Shuwen fell into silence.

Obviously, her heart was severely impacted.

not talking anymore.

Jiang Chen stood up coldly and wanted to say something.

"No! Honey!"

Du Shuwen waved her hand and signaled Jiang Chen not to get involved in this matter: "Mr. Su is right. It is true that I am not good at cooking and I did not understand these requirements. I will come back when I go."

She carried the plate of steaks and left again.

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