Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 616: 616: monopoly!

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Netizens from other countries watched the video with jealousy. Two Yanxing vehicles were mining, mining, and prospecting everywhere, gradually falling into envy, jealousy and hatred~~

"Madan! Too awesome, isn't it?"

"Everyone is a goldfish, why are they so beautiful?"

"A wave of fast landing + mining, it's a beautiful sight!"

"Does Jiang's Space Company sell this dragon spacecraft? How much does it cost?"

"Are Yanxing mining vehicles sold? I'll have a dozen!"

Jiang Chen smiled and watched the two mining vehicles gradually fill up the Dragon spacecraft.

The Dragon spacecraft weighs 1,900 tons, enough to load huge minerals!

Take tritium ore as an example, which is equivalent to 10,000 times the value of gold. If 200 tons can be transported back, it is equivalent to 2 million tons of gold!

On the Blue Star, there is currently no total of 2 million tons of gold!

One can imagine the wealth on this flame star.

Two mining vehicles stayed on Yanxing for two more Yanxing days (equivalent to a week for Blue Star).

The dragon spacecraft is full of dangdang, and precious tritium, chromium and other rare metals are everywhere.

This metal is rare on Blue Star, but on Yan Star, it can only be said everywhere!

Not worth mentioning at all.

Following Jiang Chen's order, the dragon spaceship full of precious minerals rose up from the ground with a roar, left Yanxing and returned to Blue Star.

The dragon spacecraft returned to the blue star orbit in only 3 hours!

This speed is terrible!

At this time, all the three-stage power rockets on the Dragon spacecraft were all used up.

But the return journey requires much less effort than the outbound journey. Because it takes a lot of speed to leave the blue star, it costs a lot to break free of the atmosphere and gravity, but the atmosphere of the flame star is thin, so it is much easier for the spacecraft to break free.

The dragon spacecraft flew slowly around the blue star, was attracted by the blue star's gravity, and entered the blue star falling procedure.

Next, there is no need for power, only a reduction gear.

The dragon spacecraft returned to the Blue Star after...just a week of flight!

Landed on the prairie of China!

The world is a sensation!

You can't leave it now!

Because there are not only three astronauts on the Dragon spacecraft, but also more than 200 tons of precious tritium and chromium metal ore on the Blue Star!

There are also a lot of precious minerals and mineral deposits on Yanxing.

And precious data explored in a week.

Scientists from all over the world flocked to see the Yanxing minerals on the Dragon spacecraft for the first time.

The rocks and minerals on Yanxing have never passed the Blue Star in the future.

Because it's too far away.

In the past, only photos were taken and sent back to Bluestar.

But this time~

For the first time, mankind brought back a large amount of minerals from outer space and returned to Blue Star!

Through the inventory of goods, the tritium returned by the astronauts reached 85.4 tons, and the metals such as chromium 128.9 tons!

Tritium, a precious resource, caused major companies in the world to scramble to buy!

At the landing site, Jiang Chen, before he could react, was stopped by a Mobil CEO: "Mr. Jiang! Congratulations to your Dragon spacecraft for successfully completing the first space exploration + mining journey of mankind. We need tritium. Metal, can you sell all these 85.4 tons of tritium to us?"

"How much do you pay?"

"100 times the price of gold!"

The Mobil CEO blinked and signaled that we were generous.

Jiang Chen spit out: "Get out of the way!"

"I am from Amei Petroleum, and I want to purchase your tritium element. Is it okay to be 150 times the gold price?"

"Go aside!"

Jiang Chen dismissed it.

"We belong to the Sana Space Agency of the lighthouse country. I want to purchase the samples you get back. Is it okay to 200 times the weight of gold?"


Jiang Chen raised a finger and said lightly: "You can listen to me. This tritium is 1000 times the weight of the same gold! I won't sell it for a penny less!"

For Jiang Chen, tritium can be a vital rare metal on the Blue Star!

And the rarity is equivalent to 10,000 times that of gold, and it stands to reason that the value should be 10,000 times.

But Jiang Chen took into account economic issues and inflation. On the whole, it is reasonable to set a price of 1,000 times gold for the same quality!

Still think it's too expensive, don't these people?

Jiang Chen just hoarded.

Anyway, so far, there is a way to freely shuttle between Blue Star and Yan Xing, and he is the only one, Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen didn't worry about the price plummeting because of the increased supply.

He is not so stupid.

Since I control the entire supply of goods, even if I stock up and ship a little bit, and maintain a stable market price, it will not delay my own money.

This is Jiang Chen's previous assumption-monopoly!

Monopoly can bring huge profits!

Jiang Chen is currently the only boss who can monopolize the trade of tritium ore and other Yanxing minerals!

Sure enough, under Jiang Chen's strength and prestige, buyers from all walks of life had to cherish the opportunity and scramble to raise prices.

"I pay 500 times the price of gold!"

"I pay 800 times!"



Finally someone couldn't help but shouted the same price as Jiang Chen's offer!

This buyer is a consortium of several large rare metal monopoly groups on Blue Star, including more than a dozen super wealthy giant groups such as Lighthouse Country, Jie Peng, Gaul Country, Hans Country, etc., in order to monopolize the 85.4 Tons of tritium, monopolized resources, formed by temporary negotiation.

After all, Jiang Chen, the tritium mined by Yanxing, is too valuable!

Let's do the calculations, 85.4 tons of tritium is equivalent to 1000 times the price of 85.4 tons of gold!

The price of a ton of gold is 400 million soft sister coins, so 1000 times is 400 billion soft sister coins!

Then 85.4 tons, 4000X85.4 is 34.16 trillion!

Equivalent to US dollars, 5 trillion US dollars!

An average company, or a single boss, really can't eat so many goods!

Among them, the Erling and Inoue Heavy Industries Consortium of Jie Pengguo is the most active.

The chairman of Erling Heavy Industries, a fat-eared Jie Peng with a smirk on his face, whispered to the chairman of Inoue Heavy Industries next to him.

"This Jiang Chen is still young! The tritium on the earth is mined less than once a year, but the value is 10,000 times the value of gold! He sells the 85 tons of tritium in one go?"

"If we buy all these tritium, won't we monopolize global resources?"

"At that time, as long as there is a lot of hype, how much money can we make with a magnification of one thousand and ten thousand? Hahaha!!!"

Jiepeng people are best at hoarding.

Chairman Inoue Heavy Industries also nodded.

A person on the side raised an objection: "Buying Guangjiang Chen’s tritium ore can indeed temporarily monopolize the entire world supply. However, what if Jiang Chen sends a Dragon spacecraft to mine Yanxing ore? If he supplies it like this, the price will definitely be high. Fall!"

The chairman of Erling Heavy Industry sneered: "Do you think that the technology promoted by Jiang Chen can be advanced to that extent? Really control the blue star Yanxing's voyage to one day round trip? According to the existing technology, this dragon spacecraft is fundamentally in a short time. It’s impossible to fly Yanxing again, okay? I'm sure that the Dragon Spaceship is now at the end of the crossbow, and will not go back if there is no two years. Two years is enough for us to make a lot of money."

After all, Jie Peng people still don't know the performance of Jiang Chenlong spacecraft!

The Dragon spacecraft burned its 7-stage rocket propellers, and now it's just a chubby cabin!

Jie Peng people speculate that such excellent performance of the Dragon Spaceship is definitely the result of a swollen face and fat man. The next time Jiang Chen launches the Dragon spacecraft, he doesn't know it will be the year of the monkey.

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They dare to throw a lot of money, give out 5 trillion US dollars in one breath, and take a gamble!

Gambling on Jiang Chen in a short time, it is impossible for the Dragon Spacecraft to return to Yan Xing again, taking Yan Xing as Jiang Chen's back garden!

Jiang Chen glanced at Jie Pengguo and smiled faintly: "Sold it!"

Jiang Chen could clearly see Jie Peng's little abacus.

But it's still all sold!

85.4 tons of tritium ore sold for 5 trillion US dollars!

This number shocked the audience.

They looked at the flame star in the sky again, and their eyes were different!

Where is this TM Yanxing?

This is clearly a gold star!

What kind of desert is there?

It's obviously pure gold everywhere.

No, it is a rare metal mine that is more valuable than pure gold!

The dragon spacecraft made by Jiang Chen, in one round trip, in addition to accomplishing the honor of "Humanity's First Time Ascending the Flame Star", it also earned Jiang Chen 5 trillion US dollars by the way!

This is too profitable, right?

China TV and the media flocked to interview Jiang Chen.

"Excuse me, the Yanxing ore on your dragon spacecraft has sold for 5 trillion US dollars. Are you excited?"

Jiang Chen dismissed this kind of problem.

"Only sold for 5 trillion US dollars! It's almost as I expected!"

I heard Jiang Chen's answer~~

The whole world has been completely stunned!

Reporters, dumbfounded!

The hand holding the microphone trembled slightly.

5 trillion!

This is 5 trillion U.S. dollars!

You actually said "cai"?

The current world's richest man, it seems that his personal wealth has not exceeded one trillion US dollars, right?

Jiang Chen only successfully developed a spacecraft, went to Yanxing, and the value of the ore returned reached 5 trillion U.S. dollars?

What a rub for me!

An NNC reporter saw that Jiang Chen had made so much money as soon as he flipped his hands. He was very upset and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, you made so much money in a space flight? Isn't that enough? Why don't you go to heaven? "

Jiang Chen slapped his backhand: "Ma Dan! You don't have eyes? I just went to the sky, didn't I just come down from the sky?"

Jiang Chen made 5 trillion U.S. dollars out of thin air. This news made Stephen cry in the toilet!

If, in case, if his grasping the root treasure did not understand the blind command of the king, and did not crash into the asteroid by speeding cars, he would be able to earn it at least one trillion dollars!

Cry to death!


Hate the Twitter boss!

You are blindly commanding!

Jiang Chen is being interviewed by China Media.

"Mr. Jiang, congratulations on your fame and fortune. You have successfully developed the first spacecraft to travel between Blue Star and Yan Star in human history. What is your next plan?"

Jiang Chen said generously: "It is to further replicate the technology of the Dragon spacecraft, and will manufacture the Dragon spacecraft No. 2 and 3, and carry out the mining and transportation business of minerals between Blue Star and Yanxing on a large scale. Of course, I can also transport. Astronauts from other countries go to Yanxing to engage in scientific research. But the ticket price is not cheap! One person, round trip 1 billion soft coins! No bargaining!"


I heard Stephen from the side, he was on the street~~

One person, the seat price is one billion? Can't counter-offer yet?

This is too black-hearted, right?

Jiang Chen, can be called the most dark-hearted businessman ever!

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Also, our Jiang's Space Company is going to mass-produce the Dragon spacecraft, form a space fleet, and start the establishment of Yanxing base and colonizing Yanxing plan!"

The heavy news one after another shocked the whole world.

Beacon Country, the Twitter boss, threw the drink on the TV fiercely.

The TV was smashed and went out.

"Fuck, bastard!"

"I will never allow Jiang Chen to be so successful!!"


A Jie Pengguo reporter interviewed Jiang Chen: "Excuse me, why do you sell 85.4 tons of precious tritium ore to foreign companies? I mean, is it not good for China to monopolize such precious ore?"

This reporter hid the evil intentions and gave Jiang Chen a trick.

If Jiang Chen didn't answer well, he would be easily scolded by Chinese people on the Internet.

Indeed, at the landing site, Jiang Chen directly auctioned the precious ores mined on the Dragon spacecraft on the spot, which really caused some people on the Huaxia Network to be puzzled.

"Jiang Chen is stupid? Since it is so cherished, why not give it to the boss and monopolize it temporarily?"

"Yes! China has another rare weapon that can restrain the world!"

"Jiang Chen, are you just drawing those dollars? It's boring!"

The chairman of Erling Heavy Industries and Inoue Heavy Industries came over triumphantly, wanting to see Jiang Chen's jokes.

They also felt that Jiang Chen didn't stock up on odds and shipped them at high prices, which was really a bit silly.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen said with a calm expression: "Am I at a loss? Oh, I am too honest and honest. Okay, I will launch the Dragon spacecraft again tomorrow, and I will be shocked!"


Chairman Jiepeng, the eyes popped out together!

"Ming, tomorrow?"

"The dragon spacecraft only returned today. Can you launch again tomorrow?"

Jiang Chen smiled brightly: "Yeah, don't you know? My dragon spacecraft is a modular design and can be launched again in minutes! As long as you change a wave of astronauts, the spacecraft itself can be reused countless times!"


Chairman Erling knelt to Jiang Chen!

Tears flow long!

Wailing crying~~

No, I can’t stand this grievance ╥﹏╥...!

"No! Mr. Jiang, I want to return the goods! I don't want this batch of tritium!"

Chairman Inoue also knelt down to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, be merciful! Your spacecraft, so capricious, can freely go back and forth between Blue Star and Yan Xing for unlimited times. The ore of Yan Xing is not as valuable as the valuable Blue Star. Ah! I'm losing a lot~"

"Yeah, otherwise it's 10,000 times the price, why should I sell it to you at a thousand times the price?"

Jiang Chen shrugged and waved the contract: "However, it is clearly written on it that the goods have been sold and will not be returned!"

Jie Peng, crying in the toilet!

This wave they are on the first floor, Jiang Chen is in the atmosphere!

Underestimated the power of Jiang Chenlong spacecraft!

That was a disagreement, so let's take a trip to the Blue Star Flame Star!

What is 1000 times the price of gold?

Jiang Chen's continuous supply can make the price of tritium ore plummet!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and every day he pits Jiepeng!

Check-in is complete!

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