Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 618: 618: The two of us, who is more arrogant! ?

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After landing on Yan Xing, Jiang Chen's life temporarily returned to peace.

The system master is finally satisfied, and will not release tasks to Jiang Chen for the time being.

Jiang Chen, a lazy man, naturally enjoys leisure, stealing his life for half a day, and continues to lead the boring life of the rich.

He doesn't go to work anymore, he is busy every day—indulge in the flowers!

So many girlfriends need Jiang Chen to moisturize and comfort. Jiang Chen can come here by himself, it’s already great, okay?

How can I go to move bricks again?

Jiang Chen recruited several people he had worked for before, who had a strong relationship, Xiao Li, Xiao Guo, and Sha Zhu, the captain.

These people, when Jiang Chen experienced life in the past, were all Jiang Chen's colleagues and subordinates, but now they all know Jiang Chen's awesome identity!

That's a pity that I want to hug my thighs in my dreams, but I dare not.

After receiving Jiang Chen's call, he was overjoyed and rushed over.

The reason Jiang Chen looked for these few was not how strong they were, but because he could trust them.

These people are all Jiang Chen's friends in adversity, knowing the roots, knowing that their nature is very good. In addition, they started from a very low starting point. Jiang Chen would be able to succumb to Jiang Chen with just a little benevolence.

Such a person, don't worry!

Jiang Chen now finally understands why the boss likes to plant relatives in the company.

Obviously the ability is not good, but it is still placed in various key positions!

Just one sentence-can be trusted!

At the level of Jiang Chen, the ability to employ people is not important anymore.

Most importantly, loyal and unfaithful!

Loyal, Jiang Chen can give him everything! Everything you want! Jiang Chen can even give a life that they couldn't even think of in the past!

Captain, Xiao Guo, Xiao Li, Sha Zhu...

Several people looked at each other, standing in a row in front of Jiang Chen, looking very cramped.

Jiang Chen's current name, it can be said that no one on Blue Star doesn't know it, right?

No matter how low-key, they all know who Jiang Chen is?

That was a big man with a bruised nose and swollen face who even had conquered Yan Xing and even beaten the lighthouse country!


Brother Chen's strength can no longer be measured by his wealth.

Anyway, no one on Blue Star dared to say that he was richer than Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is about to top the Forbes World Rich List!

Can such a big man still be able to see himself as a security guard, a courier, or a takeaway?

Several people were uneasy.

Jiang Chen smiled: "You guys, why are you so nervous? I won't eat you."

A few rubbed their hands and giggled.

Jiang Chen pointed: "Sit down."

Several people sat down, still afraid to look at Jiang Chen.

"Speak, you guys."

Jiang Chen frowned: "Why don't you even dare to speak when you see me now? If so, I asked you to go out?"

"Brother Chen!"

The security guard week leader was bold and screamed: "We used to have eyes but didn't know Mount Tai. We didn't know how offended you to experience life, so don't take it to your heart."

"I'm going to my heart, so I won't invite you."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Then you are so rich and powerful, why are you still looking for us?"

The silly Zhu said stupidly, "We can't help you much."

Jiang Chen said calmly: "As the saying goes, one fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs. You are the friends I made when I was in trouble, iron buddies! I can't believe you, who else can I trust? Don't gossip, you, hope Don't want to do things under my hands? Help me?"

The few people are incredible! It was petrified at that time!

Jiang Chen, the richest man in the world, would actually want them?

Of course you have to hug this kind of thigh!

Several people were dumbfounded, and after reacting, they nodded desperately.


"Of course I do!"

"My wife said long ago, let me come to you, but I can't erase this face, hehe."


Jiang Chen waved his hand and said: "You and I are both the ironiest, and I will need your loyalty in the future. Since everyone is willing today, don't say anything. Everyone's annual salary is calculated based on ten million. Right. At the end of the year, there will be additional rewards for you!"

"What? Ten million?"

Several people were shocked!

What is this concept?

Before they were all security guards, takeaways, and couriers~~

When have you ever thought about earning millions of annual salary?

It's all Jiang Chen!

If it weren't for Jiang Chen, they wouldn't have seen ten million in their entire life!

Several people were so scared that their legs were weak, and they couldn't sit still with excitement, and Sha Zhu sat on the ground with all his butts...

"Really?" The silly Zhu forced: "You give me ten million annual salary?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "When did I lie to you?"

"I don't sell myself as an artist!"

The silly post is vigilant to protect his vitals.

Jiang Chen's eyes went dark, grabbed the teacup and threw it over.

"You **** sell yourself, does anyone want it? Disgusting!"

Silly Zhu was beaten up, and then he smirked: "It's true! Brother Chen actually wants us to give me ten million annual salary. Hehe~~"

Jiang Chen divided the work among several people based on their abilities.

Shazhu, acting as Jiang Chen's bodyguard + driver, he is the most loyal, and he can block bullets at any time for Jiang Chen.

Captain Zhou, in fact, is a retired elite. Don't look at him usually calling five and six, but he actually possesses very powerful security skills. Jiang Chen made him responsible for his personal security work and led the bodyguard.

Of course, Jiang Chen secretly planted the bodyguard elite of Tianchen Security Company as the second defensive force, monitoring and restraining each other with the bodyguards, and doing things together.

Jiang Chen attaches great importance to his safety. The more his own security forces, the better. He will never trust one person or a team easily.

Xiao Li and Xiao Guo were placed as special assistants by Jiang Chen, responsible for contacting Jiang Chen's many businesses and companies, helping Jiang Chen with his office, and handling some unimportant affairs.

Xiao Li has rich experience in business, and he is very successful in his own business. He is also a billionaire. There is no problem in handling some unimportant businesses.

Xiao Guo is also very talented in business, and temporarily acts as Jiang Chen's assistant. With a little tap, he will be able to go out and act alone.

Jiang Chen also contacted Zhuo Ming, Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, Mr. Ren, Mr. Ba Feite and other business partners and leaders, and delegated part of the cooperation business to them, and they made the decision. Nothing important, don't bother Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen can just sit back and enjoy the success by himself.

What money is not money, for Jiang Chen at this time, is really not important.

It's just a number.

Jiang Chen should focus on the upgrade and development of the experience life system.

Also, stay with your girlfriends and enjoy life.

The thinking of the rich is to delegate power and authorization appropriately and reasonably, free up the most precious resources-time and energy, and give them the most important things.

For Jiang Chen, there are only two most important things-the system and the girlfriends.

Jiang Chen felt extremely relaxed and happy.

The life of the rich is so boring, but the joy of it is beyond your imagination!

Today, Jiang Chen took Leng Xiaoyan out.

Leng Xiaoyan has been serving as Jiang Chen's wise internal assistant in Longcheng since she has been with Jiang Chen until now, taking care of Jiang Chen's two bars in Longcheng.

Every time Jiang Chen worked in Longcheng, he would actually go to her for the night, so the two of them also kept in touch.

Leng Xiaoyan's ability is indeed strong. The market value of the two bars at the beginning was only a mere 2 billion. In just a few years, the market value has now reached more than 4 billion!

It's doubled.

This time Jiang Chen opened a shopping mall in Longcheng, SKP mall.

Because the bar market is almost saturated, and the SKP mall is a big seller in God City. The most successful business model is-copy!

So Jiang Chen built a new mall SKP-L in Dragon City!

L is the abbreviation of Leng Xiaoyan's last name, Jiang Chen also deliberately let Leng Xiaoyan take charge of his harem in the future.

She has this aura and this ability!

SKP-L is newly opened, and there are not many people who know Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen can safely take Leng Xiaoyan to pretend to be there, ah, it’s shopping.

Jiang Chen walked into SKP-L with Leng Xiaoyan.

Leng Xiaoyan smiled shyly: "Jiang Chen, do you know? The luckiest thing in my life is that being with you and being with you has changed my destiny in this life."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I am also very lucky to have a good helper like you to take care of these trivial businesses for me, but you have been working hard during this time."

Jiang Chen rubbed Leng Xiaoyan's hair.

"Where, take care of these for you, I should do it."

Leng Xiaoyan leaned on Jiang Chen's shoulder with happiness and gentleness: "As long as you are free and stay with me, I will be satisfied."

Jiang Chen smiled.

This woman is too good, too sensible, can such a woman not love herself?

"Ah, I want to go to the bathroom, husband, wait for me."

Leng Xiaoyan blushed and hurriedly went to the bathroom.

Jiang Chen played with his mobile phone alone.

Suddenly, a rich woman saw Jiang Chen, stared at it twice, and walked over.

This rich lady looks very young, in her twenties, she looks like Mrs. Kuo, with an impeccable figure and appearance of more than 90 points.

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Belonging to walk anywhere, will be stared at by men for a long time that kind of temperament beauty.

In SKP-L, there are many such beauties.

But she wore a wedding ring on her ring finger, and she knew she was a beautiful wife.

The rich woman walked to Jiang Chen's side, looked at Jiang Chen from a close range, and looked more satisfied.

Jiang Chen had already noticed: "???"

The rich woman smiled: "Little handsome guy, do you want to talk about love with me?"

Jiang Chen snorted and laughed.

He pointed to the rich woman's hand: "Are you obviously married? Are you not divorced yet? How come you come to find me?"

Jiang Chen was funny in his heart.

Is your own tofu so delicious?

Why was this rich lady staring at him and wanted the old cow to eat tender grass?

No, are you cheating on yourself?

Jiang Chen: I look good to lie?

The rich woman sighed: "I know, I didn't intend to hide it from you. I am a married man now, but I really want to cheat on you!"

The news was so explosive that Jiang Chen didn't know what to say at once.

Let me rub!

Is it really good for this request to be so straightforward?

If it weren't for this rich lady to be beautiful enough and temperamental enough, plus her dress is really expensive, Jiang Chen would have doubted that he had met a goddess...

Seeing Jiang Chen's caring eyes on the mentally retarded, the rich woman knew that Jiang Chen had misunderstood her, so she was cruel and clear.

"I'll just say it straight. I didn't find someone to cheat for no reason. My husband, he, cheated last month!"

In her beautiful eyes, tears of grievance suddenly appeared~~

"How can I treat me like this? I obviously love him so much, help him, and give silently behind his back...but why did he cheat?"

The rich woman was very wronged in her heart, and tears burst into her eyes.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Using mind reading, he briefly scanned the rich woman and found that what she thought in her heart was basically the same as what she said.

Last month, she accidentally found her husband cheating.

More than once.

Therefore, this rich woman and beautiful wife, Sanguan is a bit collapsed, and in an extremely depressed mood, she ran out to SKP-L and wanted to find a handsome guy to cheat as a revenge on her husband!

Jiang Chen was a little bit dumbfounded for a while.

What kind of **** plot is this?

Let me catch up?

Fortunately, this rich woman shouldn't read the news very much and didn't recognize herself.

In fact, Jiang Chen still overestimated his popularity and the possibility of recognition.

In this world, most people don't read the news very much.

Even people who watch the news may not be able to remember someone's appearance.

Unless that person has too much exposure, such as a first-line star.

Jiang Chen is usually very low-key and pays special attention to protecting privacy. He doesn't show the news very much, so even if he is standing on the street, there may not be one person out of a hundred who can recognize him.

Even if someone recognizes it, they will think, how could the world's richest man be here?

Nowadays, Jiang Chen is still wearing a hat and a mask, and it is even rarer to recognize him.

"Little handsome guy, can you promise me once? I want to cheat on you. After it's done, I'm willing to give you 1 million!"

The rich woman gritted her teeth.

Jiang Chen didn't know what to say for a while~~


this problem.

"what happened?"

The rich woman is very confident and believes that with her face, figure, and temperament, plus a luxury red envelope of 1 million, it should be enough to make any man who encounters this matter, shouting that the **** of luck will come and hit her. That's right!

She was full of expectation, looking at Jiang Chen, hoping to see Jiang Chen's expression of ecstasy.

Who knows~

One second passed~~

10 seconds passed...

One minute passed...

Jiang Chen looked at her expression, not only did it not fluctuate, but also wanted to hehe~~

Jiang Chen: 1 million?

Want to cheat on me?

Do you think that's possible?

"Little handsome boy, what do you think of sister's proposal?"

The rich woman couldn't wait for Jiang Chen's reply, she gritted her teeth and asked Jiang Chen shyly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "Your WeChat?"

The rich woman is overjoyed!

This young man finally agreed!

It turns out that he didn't answer just now because he was overjoyed and overwhelmed with surprise.

She took out her mobile phone and proudly let Jiang Chen scan WeChat.

Jiang Chen has finished scanning, add friends.

The rich woman is also refreshing. Without a word, she added a friend and directly transferred 1 million to Jiang Chen!

Trench inhumanity!



Who knows~~

Jiang Chen didn’t point the money she transferred in the past, instead~

Backhanded, I transferred the money to the rich woman~

10 million!

The rich woman was dumbfounded at that time!


Kids, do you have a lot of question marks?

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Actually, I have nothing to comfort you. You are really pitiful. I'll give you 10 million. Let's buy something. Soothe your injured little soul!"

The rich woman was shocked at the time!

I rub!


I want to give you 1 million, find you to cheat on my husband?

In the end, you gave me 10 million backhands and asked me to buy it?

The two of us, who is more arrogant! ?

"Hey, why?"

The rich woman was shocked and couldn't help but want to ask.

This matter~~

Leng Xiaoyan is back!

Ruthless Sister Yu's beauty!

Hold Jiang Chen's hand gently!

The rich woman was a little dumbfounded when she saw Leng Xiaoyan's outstanding Fanghua!

She has a 90-point look and temperament, and she is still complacent. She feels that Jiang Chen is sure to eat?


My girlfriend is back!

When the rich woman saw it, she felt inferior!

what the hell!

The girlfriend of this male **** is too A!

I am ashamed of my mother.

Leng Xiaoyan: "I'm back. Hey, who is this lady?"

She curiously looked at the rich woman who was standing opposite Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shrugged: "She is not in a good mood, and said she wants to talk to me."


Leng Xiaoyan nodded with a smile.

Jiang Chen took her hand: "Let's go, go shopping."

The two are gone.

Rich woman: "..."

The wind is messy!

I wanted to find someone to cheat, and I spent 1 million to raise a little white face, but I was accidentally sent back 10 million in comfort money by the male god!

How to break?

Should I be kept by him?


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