Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 676: 676: deploy...

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Huarong’s face was gloomy: “I’ll go to the White House and warn the White House that Nanyang Kingdom wants to do something against us. Our army and the Anbu must act immediately. Xinxin, you go to chase that kid back. This man is amazing. There should be strength not to be underestimated."

Hua Hin Xin: Laughing and crying~~

A second ago, old man, you seemed to say how people are worthy of it? Are you talking about this this second?

It’s not such a turning point, right?

Jiang Chen arrived at the White House...

Since this Wu'an Mountain is perilous and the soldiers are fierce and wars are in danger, he now wants to pick up Bai Yuqi and leave the place immediately.

As for whether the White House and the Hua Family will be destroyed, it is not his Jiang Chen's business.

Jiang Chen came to the White House, and the White House was in panic.

The news of Washington has reached the White House. The White House is in chaos and everyone is in danger...

Several elders quarreled at the Supreme Elders' Meeting in the White House.

"The Hua family said that the Nanyang military is ready to attack us! It will be tomorrow night? How come?"

"Nanyang military, do you want to kill the fish and break the net?"

"We Baifu and Nanyang Nyonya family are not easy to mess with. It is easy for us to paralyze this country's economy!"

"Since they have decided to do it, they are naturally not afraid of our economic troubles. They plan to kill them all."

"What should I do? Do you want to send the junior out of the country as soon as possible?"

"I'm afraid it's too late. Although Nanyang is underdeveloped, it is not a problem to block our Wu'an Mountain by sea and air. Our air force and navy are not strong enough to compete with the country."

Bai Yuqi also participated in this highest meeting concerning the fate of the entire White House.

But she really hadn't experienced such a dangerous event. Just now, she was still worried about whether she would be squeezed out when she returned to the White House. In the blink of an eye, the White House herself was in a huge crisis.

"Jiang Chen, don't Jiang Chen know where he is? Will it be in danger? I really regret bringing him here and being in danger."

Bai Yuqi regretted it.

Jiang Chen, where are you?

The old patriarch of the White House, Bai Yuqi's grandfather, was already dying.

But his eyes are still piercing!

Majesty overlooked the noisy elders underneath, and shouted majesty.

"Look at you, the slightest disturbance will scare you like this! What's the point?"

The whole audience was silent~~

The old patriarch of the White House said lightly: "My Bai family, after that was a famous general, after thousands of years of ups and downs, what kind of big scenes have you never seen? It's a mere Nanyang country, not the first one who wants to destroy me in the White House. Power, but no one has ever succeeded!"

"I, I have been in Macheng, I have arranged ten years in advance! Most of the assets of my White Mansion have been transferred to Macheng by me, and I have purchased huge assets in Macheng! I have established hundreds of companies and have developed well. No. Inferior to Nanyang Headquarters!"

The old patriarch of the White House said solemnly: "The reason why I bought the submarine is to prevent the bad situation in the White House being dumped! Even if Wu'an Mountain is surrounded by the Nanyang Kingdom army and is on the verge of destruction, our juniors in the White House can also. Nothing happened, fled to Macheng and continue to develop!"

Lei Ting, the old patriarch of the White Mansion, immediately calmed down.

Everyone looked up at the old patriarch with admiration.

Bai Qiming knelt down and said: "Father has foresight! I wait for juniors, and there is no foresight, there must be near worries. Unexpectedly, my father had anticipated today's disaster and was fully prepared in advance. The son is extremely ashamed."

Although the old patriarch is terminally ill, he still has piercing eyes, overlooking the audience, so that no one in the White House dares to refuse.

Ten years ago?

At that time, the White House was in full swing.

In the entire Nanyang Kingdom, no one dared to provoke the White House.

But he can plan ahead and arrange the back hand in advance?

With the clansmen in the dark, the large-scale transfer of assets unknowingly?

Everyone in the White House didn't know.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy.

As soon as the ancestor made a move, the people's hearts and the situation were immediately stabilized, and the bottom calmed down.

The old patriarch's face sank: "I have been in charge of the White House for decades, and no one in Nanyang Country has dared to give me an idea. Maybe they will be ready to move when they hear of my terminal cancer, and my life will not last long. I will definitely make them regret it!"

The face of the old patriarch flashed a fierce and decisive force!

This occasionally reveals that Bai Yuqi can see how grandpa is.

As long as there is a way to escape and there is a back hand to transfer, these patriarchs of the White House immediately calm down and begin to think about the back hand.

"Nanyang Country! How dare to perfidy to get rid of my family? You can't be merciless!"

"I will call the companies I control and ask them to sell their Nanyang stocks! Let the Nanyang country stock market crash."

"I can manipulate Nanyang Country's imports and exports, stop all imports of grain and minerals, and bring Nanyang Country's industry to a standstill."

"I can also contact the upper levels of surrounding countries to impose sanctions on Nanyang Country!"

"Why don't we ask China for help. China is already a world power, and China supports us. Who else dares to act rashly?"

The ancestor shook his head one by one, his gaze fell on Bai Yuqi, who was silent and ranked last.

He pinned his hope on Bai Yuqi.

"Xiaoqi. You have been developing in China for three years. You have done a good job in your career. People have experience and vision, you say! What should we do now in the Bai family?

The old patriarch of the White House was slow and firm.

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Bai Yuqi never expected that the old patriarch would actually ask her own idea?

She sorted out her thoughts, and said solemnly: "Old ancestors, fortunately, the Hua family discovered an anomaly in the Nanyang military and promptly warned. Give us a day of preparation. We can prepare calmly and actively strive for more. time."

"The granddaughter believes that the most urgent thing at the moment is to arrange the retreat of the tribe to preserve vitality."

"Assets should be transferred out as much as possible. If they cannot be transferred, they must be destroyed, so that the Nanyang military cannot benefit."

"Two submarines can arrange for about 200 people to retreat overnight. My White Mansion should take out the retreat list. Not only the White Mansion should be arranged, but also the descendants, elites, and all of the White Mansion and other Nyonya families should be evacuated."

"After retreating to Macheng, the two submarines should continue to return and retreat the tribe."

"Our air force should also arrange to **** private jets to take off and retreat from the airport to speed up the retreat."

"There is still one day and one night before the Nanyang military starts to take action. We will be vigilant, strengthen our guard and prepare for war, and buy more time. In this way, more tribesmen can withdraw."

"I will retreat on the one hand, and on the other hand, don’t rush to tear myself apart with Nanyang. We must use the economic lifeline in our hands as a bargaining chip to threaten the high level of Nanyang institutions, let them control and restrain the military, so that the military dare not act easily ."

"At the same time, we can announce the Nanyang military's attempt to bloodbath Wu'anshan to the world. All forces in the world are not happy to see such atrocity by the Nanyang military. Huaxia should give us a step forward and put pressure on us. I can wait. Delay more time."

"Good, good!"

The old patriarch was pleased to look at Bai Yuqi, who was well-organized and well-measured, and looked around at the Bai Mansion and said, "Have you seen? You have been walking around the rivers and lakes for decades, not as calm and clear as a fledgling Huangmao girl."

Bai Qiming and others bowed their heads ashamed.

However, a trace of insidiousness flashed in Bai Qiming's eyes.

The old patriarch said lightly: "Just do what Yu Qi said. Take out the first batch of 200 people's submarine retreat list! The retreat must be young talents under the age of 40! Each family is limited to 2 people! It's the same with my White House! Only in this way can we soothe people and stabilize the families! Everyone advances and retreats together."

"As for air retreat? It's no longer feasible."

The old patriarch sighed: "I have received information from the inside of the Nanyang Army - the Nanyang Air Force has blocked the airspace. Any private plane that takes off from Wu'an Mountain will be shot down. Only the submarine is what they did not expect, and it can go to the bottom of the sea. The Nanyang Navy cannot block it."

The people of the White House are like a bolt from the blue.

The airspace has been completely blocked?

The Nanyang military, is this going to kill them all?

"Our air force is not vegetarian either!"

Bai Qiming said in a deep voice: "It's really not possible, just fight to kill the net and break the net."

"Xiao Qi."

The old ancestor ignored him and looked at Bai Yuqi: "You, and Bai Xingwu from Sanfang, you two are the most outstanding descendants of my White Mansion. Let's take a step first. When you arrive in Macheng, the important task of rebuilding the White Mansion will fall. On your shoulders."

When I heard that the ancestors would only have the two first batch of retreat places, Bai Yuqi was actually changed, and countless people in the Bai family were all envied, jealous and hated.

Although the ancestors said that the submarines were shipped to the first batch and there was a second batch, everyone knows that the Nanyang State Navy is not a vegetarian. The first batch of people have the greatest chance of escaping. The blockade is getting stricter and the hope of escape is slim.

Bardelle exclaimed: "Old patriarch, how can you give her a **** girl with only 2 places? Only those of us who are descendants from the front door should arrange to escape?"

"To shut up!"

The ancestor replied with majesty: "Am I not listening? Now at this moment, what kind of professing and concubine are there?"

"Me? I can't go!"

Bai Yuqi resolutely said: "I want to be with Grandpa! Resolutely defend my Bai family!"

"This is for the continuation of the White House!"

The old patriarch said angrily: "You get ready for me immediately!"

"Don't fight for places!"

A voice faintly sounded.

Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen appeared at the meeting place of the White House, opened the door and walked in swaggeringly.

"You? Are you still here? How dare you come in?"

Bai Qiming stood up furiously.

"Who is this?"

The old patriarch's eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"He, he is mine~~"

Bai Yuqi said shyly.

"I am her driver + bodyguard!"

Jiang Chen said lightly.

There was a thump in the audience, and all fell to the ground!

driver? bodyguard?

I rub, what nonsensical incident is this?

Our Bai Mansion will be destroyed, and Wu'an Mountain will be bloody, but you told us that you are a driver + bodyguard?

"Asshole, go out! Anbu! Someone catch him!"

Several Anbu rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Who knows, Jiang Chen shook it lightly, no one could see what he did, those dark parts had already flown out.

Fell to the ground hard, life and death unknown.

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