Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 682: 682: The black technology demon Jiang Chen is questioned!

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Bao Shihuan was furious: "Someone has registered a company? Want to engage in controlled nuclear fusion?"

Bao Shihuan was very concerned about China's scientific research progress, and specially sent someone to stare at the official website of China's registered company for real-time inquiries. As long as someone registered such a company, he would be reported immediately.

"Yes, look here."

He called up the website and showed it to Bao Shihuan.

"Jiang's Energy Company?"

Bao Shihuan took a closer look, and it was really like this!

A few days ago, did China really set up such a company?


Bao Shihuan became angry from shame: "It must be that they have plagiarized my scientific research! Otherwise, how could it be so fast?"

Scientists below: "...."

Hundred-faced dumbfounded!

People set up the company a few days ago. You obviously just developed a successful technology?

Can this touch porcelain?


I was stunned by your shamelessness.

Bao Shihuan contemptuously said: "Hmph, in their situation, how could it be possible to successfully develop controllable nuclear fusion earlier than me? Apart from plagiarism, I can't think of any other possibility for them to win."

R&D brother: "..."

Well, you just have to be happy.

Others are really capable, and they can know the prophet, and they can plagiarize the technology that you just developed this morning a few days ago!

Great Klass!

Bao Shihuan's eyes rolled: "No, I will hold an urgent reception immediately to announce the plagiarism, and let the Twitter boss give me control and punish this company!"

Just do it.

Bao Shihuan immediately held a press conference to expose the truth about "China Jiangshi Energy Company" stealing his newly developed technology.

Dozens of reporters flocked in.

Bao Shihuan was on the stage, impassioned: "I announce that the [controllable nuclear fusion] technology I have just developed this morning has been plagiarized by the shameless Jiang's company!"

The reporters from the Beacon Country blew up the pot.

This is big news!

"What? Really hammered!"

"Really? What evidence do you have?"

"Controllable nuclear fusion? Is it the most important and ultimate energy technology in the legend? This is the science that all mankind dreams of."

"I knew it! They must have plagiarized our technology to develop so well. Otherwise, why would they be able to do it with them? Humph!"

The reporters were excited one by one, and pointed their guns at Bao Shihuan, eager to report a major explosive news.

Bao Shihuan was extremely proud to see that it caused such a big reaction, and now I'm on fire.

He shook his head and shook his head: "I have just successfully developed a controllable nuclear fusion technology. However, I just checked the Xia Guo network and found that Xia Guo had established a Jiang's energy company three days ago. The main business is actually a controllable nuclear fusion technology. ~~"

He did it, said something.

When reporters heard it, the wind was messy~~


What do you call "evidence"?

You only succeeded in researching and developing controllable nuclear fusion this morning. It was a company that was registered 3 days ago. As a result, you accused others of plagiarizing technology?

Is this logical?

Bao Shihuan ignored it and said to himself: "I highly suspect that this Jiangshi Energy Company is plagiarizing my scientific and technological achievements! Otherwise, based on my past research and tracking of China's related technologies, their technology is far from poor. At least. It takes 3-5 years to make a breakthrough! It makes no sense to enter the commercialization stage at this time."

A crow flew over the reporters.


His eyes stared like brass bells.

Is this okay?

Just suspicion, just opened a press conference to accuse others of plagiarizing technology?

Does your old man have any stone hammers?

The reporters suddenly felt bored and wanted to leave.

It is always air-to-air, but I can't produce any real hammers. After a long time, even the media reporters don't bother to report.

At this moment, there was a blonde female reporter suddenly, her eyes lit up: "You are talking about Jiang's Energy Company?"


Bao Shihuan nodded.

"Since this company is called [Jiang's], will Jiang's Chip Company and Jiang's Space Company be owned by Jiang Chen?"

The blonde female reporter Louise, the ace reporter of NNC, has been following Jiang Chen's every move, and she is very interested in Jiang Chen.

Of course, this "interest" is entirely based on hatred.

Bao Shihuan nodded: "As far as I know, it is Jiang Chen's company."

Louis' eyes lit up: "I see!"

The reporters' eyes lit up together!

Is Jiang Chen again?

The name Jiang Chen has recently become a household name in the lighthouse country, and everyone knows it.

Because Jiang Chen was born, the chip of the lighthouse country failed miserably and ended sadly.

Not only the chips cannot be sold, but the fruit company in the lighthouse country, in turn, is looking for Jiang Chen's company to buy photonic chips.

Jiang Chen doesn't want to sell it yet!

The fruit company is now bowing to its knees, and the CEO almost kneeled down for Jiang Chen.

On the chip, as soon as Jiang Chen's photonic chip came out, no one could confront it.

Jiang Chen, that's so awesome!

At this moment, Jiang Chen was completely famous in the lighthouse country.

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What makes the people of the lighthouse even more lingering is that Jiang Chen developed the Dragon spacecraft!

The Dragon Spacecraft can freely go back and forth between Blue Star and Yan Star in one day!

Every time you come back from Yanxing, you can be loaded with countless precious ores, ores that are more expensive than gold!

It made the lighthouse country, which was originally in the field of space exploration, leading the world for decades, was disgraced.

Slap on the face!

This kind of thing happened once and twice, causing the people of the lighthouse to have a conditioned reflex of Jiang Chen's name!

When I heard that this time it was China's "Jiang's" company again, the reporters from the Lighthouse Country were all in their spirits!

Black technology.

Other people may not be news, but Jiang Chen must have made big news!

Jiang Chen, known as the "Black Technology Demon" in the lighthouse country!

He seems to have an endless magic bag that can conjure endless black technologies.

Say yes, yes.

Someone immediately went to investigate Jiang Chen's newly registered company.

"It's true! Jiang Chen really registered and established a new company named Jiang's Energy Company!"

"Great Demon King Jiang Chen, is going to enter the energy field again?"

"Shivering! Jiang Chen is going to do something again?"

There were also people who were extremely excited and excited, frantically pour dirty water on Jiang Chen.

"Facts once again prove that Jiang Chen made his fortune by plagiarism!"

"Jiang Chen was arrested for plagiarizing the great technology of our lighthouse country this time!"

Some people refuted.

"Plagiar? Jiang Chen's previous photonic chip cannot be developed in the lighthouse country within 30 years! The technology of the Dragon Spaceship is not available for 100 years! How could he plagiarize the technology that we don't have?"

There was a sensible voice, but was soon overwhelmed by a flood of jealousy.

Reporters frantically reported on "Jiang Chen's plagiarizing controllable nuclear fusion technology", and they made headlines in major newspapers.

The big photos that Bao Shihuan called Jiang Chen plagiarized appeared on the headlines of various newspapers and electronic websites.

The beacon country Twitter tycoon was also excited when he saw the news on TV.

The Twitter boss immediately logged on to Twitter and began to anger Jiang Chen.

"Shamelessly plagiarizing the thief Jiang Chen, once again plagiarizing the important technology of my lighthouse!"

"The reason why you can continue to improve depends on these!"

"This time, plagiarism is a real hammer!"

Netizens all over the world were shocked by the wave of actions by the lighthouse country.

"Just registering a company, is someone plagiarizing your technology?"

"In addition, it seems that Jiang Chen registered before? Three days later, your technology was successfully developed? May I ask Jiang Chen three days ago, how did you plagiarize your technology three days later?"

"Can this also touch porcelain?"

"Speechless! Looks like you feel too good about yourself, right?"

But the Twitter boss, don't care about this...

He kept urging Bao Shihuan: "I fully support you and file a lawsuit against Jiang Chen! When necessary, our lighthouse nation will block Jiang Chen! All companies under Jiang Chen will be included in our blockade."

Bao Shihuan received the support of the Twitter boss, and even jumped up and down Huan, saying: "I will go to China next week to check Jiang Chen’s energy company to see if I have stolen my technology. Once there is evidence, I will sue him immediately and let the lighthouse block him."

Jiang Chen is at home, watching TV.

Laughed dumbfounded.

Hemp egg.

At this time, Zhou Lingling, the female reporter Jiang Chen had met before, called.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know that the lighthouse country, a man named Bao Shihuan, wants to sue you for plagiarizing his controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "I saw it."

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhou Lingling asked: "He said he would come to Xia Guo to check your Jiang's Energy Company. Did he plagiarize his technology?"

Jiang Chen shrugged: "I now suspect that the lighthouse country has plagiarized the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier technology that I just invented exclusively! I asked to go to the lighthouse country to inspect their shipyards, and I have to go to every factory to confirm that they have not used me. Technology just invented..."

Zhou Lingling chuckled, "You know, this is impossible."

Jiang Chen shrugged: "Yes, for the same reason, why should I accept any historical exchange?"

"Hahaha, it's Bao Shihuan!"

Zhou Lingling smiled.

"Oh, Bao Shihuan?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What kind of bird do I care about him? Should he check if he wants to come to check? Is he sick?"

Zhou Lingling worried: "However, according to the Twitter of the beacon country’s tweet, if you refuse to accept his technical inspection by Bao Shihuan, the beacon country will completely block all your businesses. Including your energy company and you Chip, space company."

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: "Blocked? Okay! No problem! Blocked up! Anyway, the company in the lighthouse country knelt down and begged me to supply photonic chips and Yanxing ore! If they don't buy it, then I just won't sell it! Also save I have a headache. The resources on my side are in short supply. Hualian Company has prepaid me 100 billion US dollars for additional orders. I want to go to the new factory again."

Zhou Lingling puffed and almost knelt to Jiang Chen!

Great! Great!

Almost everyone is afraid of the blockade of the lighthouse country!


Ever since Jiang Chen, the enchanting evildoer, was born, the blockade of the Lighthouse Nation has been indifferent!

Jiang Chen not only has no demand for the lighthouse country, but counterattack everywhere!

In these areas, the Lighthouse Nation not only has no place to threaten Jiang Chen in the slightest, on the contrary, they all demand Jiang Chen.

Sure enough~

Seeing Jiang Chen's relaxed remarks to the reporter during the interview, the CEO of Fruit Company was completely black at the time!

Hemp egg!

Twitter boss, you are really blind!

Don't you know, the so-called "blockade" is useless to Jiang Chen, and in turn will only harm his own people?

He immediately yelled at the Twitter boss on Twitter.

"I hope you are a little brainy! Is it Jiang Chen begging us to buy? No! On the contrary, we are begging Jiang Chen to supply! What they master is the core technology! If the reckless comments of the Twitter boss lead to a break For confession, the fruit company will sue the Twitter boss!"

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