Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 684: 684: Who is the person behind you?

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The blonde journalist Louise looked dumbfounded...

Who is this again?

Jiang Chen picked it up: "Oh? Queen of Bohemia? Haha, hello~"

The Queen of Bohemia is the mother of Avril Lavigne!

The Queen of Bohemia smiled and groaned: "Jiang Chen, you even cheated my daughter away, why? Such a good business, don’t you ask me to do it together? You Jiang’s Energy Company, can you let the mother-in-law do 10%? Otherwise, Bo The Hemia royal family is almost out of money."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Even the foreign mother-in-law came to ask for help, what should I do?

Jiang Chen shrugged.

The Queen of Bohemia said: "Mother-in-law, is there too much money to invest here, but it's okay to put together 100 billion US dollars!"

Louise on the side almost stared out!

Queen of Bohemia? Also come to Jiang Chen for investment?

100 billion dollars?

What kind of family conditions are these?

Louise's mentality is about to explode.

Before, I hoped that Jiang Chen had no money to invest. As a result...

After a while, the world's richest man and the queen of a country have crossed Jiang Chen's threshold.

Slap on the face!

This turned out Mrs. She was beyond her expectation!

How does Huaxia Jiang Chen know so many bigwigs?

Jiang Chen wiped his sweat and said to the Queen of Bohemia: "Haha, mother-in-law, I really don't need your investment. I still have trillions of dollars in my own money, and there is nowhere to invest."


A bunch of reporters listened and fell directly to the ground!


This Jiang Chen, his wife is embarrassed!

Trench breaks the sky!

Jiang Chen hurriedly walked out the door: "Your door is waiting first, I'm going to work first~~"

"Go to work?"

Louise was dumbfounded.

You are so rich, what kind of work do you still work?

What does this mean?

The reporters interviewed like crazy.

"Mr. Jiang, don't know where you work?"

"This is, what company can bring you to work?"

"How much is your monthly salary?"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Oh, it's actually not a tall company, it's just a courier company. I deliver the courier, and I earn 5,000 a month!"

Louise: "..."

Reporters: "..."


I believe you a ghost!

This young man is very bad!

You are such a rich boss, even Ba Feite kneels and begs you to invest in shares, but you are still working part-time? Express delivery? Earn 5000 yuan a month?

Do you think we will believe in evil?

Jiang Chen shrugged, launched an electric car, and walked away suddenly.

Before Jiang Chen went out, a group of luxury cars came in aggressively and galloped forward.

The leader of the Rolls-Royce braked hard and stopped in front of Jiang Chen.

"It's him, don't go!"

The Rolls-Royce window slowly rolled down, Bao Shihuan, with an unattainable face and eyes above the top, pointed at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Hemp egg!

Why are there so many flies in this world?

Bao Shihuan got off the car: "It's you, plagiarizing my controllable nuclear fusion technology? Want to set up an energy company?"

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "Get out! There is evidence to sue me, there is no evidence to get away!"

Bao Shihuan shouted to the reporter from the Lighthouse Country: "Have you seen? He dare not let me check, he is guilty!"

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Jiang Chen didn't bother to talk to him at all, and just threw down a business card: "This is my lawyer's royal power number. If you have any questions, go to him! I don't have time to talk to you."

Jiang Chen rode away from the battery car.

Only Bao Shihuan, who was still arrogant and arrogant a second, was left with a gray-headed face and a circle in place...

"Asshole! How dare he treat me like this? Don't you know I came back from Beacon Country?"

Bao Shihuan kicked a side tree fiercely, and yelled with pain in his leg.

He said that he could not understand!

I'm a beacon countryman!

This Jiang Chen, dare not bird me?

"You wait, I will tweet now! I want the lighthouse country to block you!"

Bao Shi screamed wildly.

Jiang Chen dropped a sentence: "Silly bird!"

Only Bao Shihuan was left messy in the wind.

Jiang Chen went to the Shuimu New Town community and wanted to deliver the courier (During Jiang Chen's return, he experienced the life system, so he sent the courier again).

Who knows~~

Suddenly I saw a man, a dogged dog, dressed in their company's express uniform, and wanted to go in.

Jiang Chen took a closer look.

Huh? Isn't this Mr. Wang from their express company?

To say that Mr. Wang, he is usually pretty good, all kinds of great, and he likes to reprimand ordinary courier brothers.

Today, Mr. Wang is wearing the uniform of the courier brother? He is still carrying a bag and looks very nervous, awkward?

What is this?

Jiang Chen stepped forward.

President Wang walked to the door, but was stopped by a security guard: "Stop! What are you doing? Why haven't I seen you before?"

With a cold sweat on Wang's head, let alone embarrassment, he smiled: "Me? I'm the courier brother in this community? I'm new here today, haha!"

The security guard looked suspicious: "That's not right? Our community has been a very handsome courier guy for the past few days. The surname Jiang is here to deliver him. How come you are so ugly? This is unreasonable..."

The smile on President Wang's face instantly solidified...

Puff puff!

Heartbroken, old iron!

The sentence of BGM echoed in the air.

The sky is blue, and paper cranes outside the window...

"Our community has always been a handsome boy delivering couriers, how come you are so ugly?"

President Wang: I really want to hit someone.

However, Mr. Wang still made a strong smile: "That surnamed Jiang just resigned. Our company sends me here, and I will be responsible for it in the future! Let me go in."

The security guard said coldly: "Oh? Resigned? Then who is the person behind you?"

President Wang Petrochemical!

Look back.

Jiang Chen stood behind him with a smile: "Hi! Where are you going, President Wang?"

Is President Wang angry?

"You, why are you here?"

Jiang Chen spread his hands: "I'm in charge of this community. How can I work if I don't come to deliver the express?"

President Wang rolled his eyes, turned his head in anger and left, leaving a sentence: "Unlucky!"

Jiang Chen asked: "Why do you pretend to be me to deliver the courier, Mr. Wang?"

President Wang rolled his eyes and said: "Do you think I would pretend to be you to deliver express delivery? This little brother, there is a very important customer of the company. Isn't this right away for the holidays? I want to go in to give gifts. But the management of this community is very strict. Most people are not allowed to enter without the leadership of the owner. I give gifts and dare not tell customers in advance, for fear that they will not accept my gifts..."

Right now...

Jiang Chen understood in seconds.

The relationship is about to celebrate the holiday season. Mr. Wang needs to curry favor with important customers, so he is awkward and pretends to be a courier and mixes into the community to give gifts to important VIP customers?

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while.

Mr. Wang said angrily: "It's all you! Don't come early or late! Come here when I am most important! Let the security see through my plan! Humph! Wait for you to suffer."

Jiang Chen laughed blankly: "Mr. Wang, don't you see what you said is to go to a community? Is it worth being so angry?"

President Wang angrily said: "You kid knows what a fart? This Shuimu New City is the highest-end community in the southern part of the Imperial Capital! 1 square meter of 120,000 yuan! The property fee alone costs 11 yuan per square meter per month. The community is a closed garden management. The property management is very strict. I have been around here for a day, but I can’t get in by any means. You broke my big business. After I go back, the chairman will blame it!"

Jiang Chen lightly wrote, "What's the problem with this? You can just follow me in?"


President Wang blinked and shook his head again: "I have observed that the security of this community is really very strict. You should not be able to get in because you are a courier. Generally, only the courier is delivered to the door, and the owner comes out to get it. Limit the entry of people other than the owners and maintain the high-end environment of the community."

Jiang Chen smiled: "I have known them a long time ago, so you just leave with me."

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