Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 691: 691: Walking music library!

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Chu Lingyao has recently become obsessed with street stalls.

Discuss with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stunned: "What? Set up a stall? What stall? Are you short of money?"

Chu Lingyao smiled and said, "It really doesn't matter what money is or not. I have recently become obsessed with guzheng. I saw many ladies in costume playing guzheng or singing ancient wind songs at the night market. I also want to try it. Experience it. Promote the feeling of classical culture and antiquity, and make some contributions to the promotion of Chinese studies and classical culture."

Jiang Chen was moved.

My girlfriend, a former piano master, now likes classical culture and promotes Chinese classical culture. There is no reason why I don’t support it.

"Then what kind of stall are you going to set up?"

Jiang Chen asked.

Chu Lingyao: "The antique dress I want to wear, I will sing ancient songs at the night market stalls for everyone to listen to. Let everyone realize the charm of ancient styles, so that more people will pay attention to classical culture, costumes, and songs. charm."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Anyway, he is okay, then accompany Chu Lingyao to set up a stall every night.

It just so happens that recently I have been with Chu Lingyao for a little bit less time, and watering other girlfriends a bit more.

Although Jiang Chen has many girlfriends, he is the most outstanding time management master.

Every girlfriend, Jiang Chen meets at least two or three times a week, and is very happy every time.

Many feelings, but every paragraph, every girl is very happy.

"Let's go! Go to the training stall with you at night."

At night, Chu Lingyao wore an antique...

Wearing a sky blue ancient style dress with a pink robe, combed with cloud temples, golden hairpins, and stepping, it is beautiful like a fairy walking out of an ancient ink painting of beauty, Lingbo fairy dusting socks and lotus step by step Swaying flowers, standing in the night market.

Jiang Chen drove a Rolls-Royce Phantom, sitting on the side of the town.

Chu Lingyao, this beautiful ancient fairy, instantly detonated the audience!

Among the countless night markets, old and young, men and women, are all attracted.

"I'm going, it's so beautiful."

"What is this pretty girl going to do? She wears such an ancient costume and is practicing here?"

"What kind of stall is it?"

"The handsome guy on the side is so handsome!"

"Mom, I want the jewelry on this pretty sister too! It's so beautiful."

"Child, it's stepping! It's still emerald, can it be beautiful?"


Chu Lingyao said openly: "I'm here to make ancient style songs. The song order is 10 yuan per song, which is limited to ancient style songs."

On the side, a woman who set up a stall, watching Chu Lingyao so popular, the flow of people attracted by, secretly jealous~~

Hemp egg!

She stood up and sneered: "Girl, I don't believe you that you are so big. In that case, I will give you 10 yuan. Your song is really good. If you can sing me crying. I will convince you. How?"

How could Chu Lingyao be afraid of her? Nodded with a smile.

She gave Chu Lingyao 10 yuan and provocatively said: "Chi Ling, will you? Sing me a listen?"

The crowd eating melons around them all looked at the excitement and applauded.

"Good! We like it!"

"Red pity? I like this word!"

"What ancient song is this? I have never heard of it!"

"This is a song sung by Teacher HITA! It's very nice. Is it only online in your hometown?"

Chu Lingyao was generous, picked up the microphone in her hand, and played the guzheng.

"The play is up and down

Singing joys and sorrows

The mountain opens and closes and the gongs and drums are ringing and silent."

Who can say the outsider in the drama

Used to blending happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness

How can I sing and sing through the old words?


The people in the audience walked by, but the old colors were not seen...


Chu Lingyao gently spread her throat, and the sound of the sky passed away. The streets of the night market full of fireworks were originally very noisy and noisy, but when they heard this beautiful fairy singing, countless people shopping unexpectedly. Stopped and looked at this place dumbfounded.

"What kind of singing is this? So good?"

"Simply better than the original song?"

"Just this voice, I'll take it!"

"Hurry up and listen to the song. I can't take it anymore..."

More people gathered around.

A song is only sung for a little and a half...

I saw the big sister who was aggressive and unconvinced by the side, already...


Kneel on the ground with a puff!

Cry out!

Crying bitterly!

"Woo, good, so good! I have never heard such a good song! I was really a gentleman like a villain just now. I can't take it anymore... I'm so embarrassed."

These five big and three rough eldest sisters were actually crying by Chu Lingyao's singing!

Jiang Chen laughed blankly on the side.

This is too exaggerated?

However, Chu Lingyao's song really sang the empty valley, orchids, and sounds of nature.

It is full of ancient style, ancient charm and poignant artistic conception.

Just listening is a kind of extremely high enjoyment, three days around the beam, people are endless aftertaste, lingering sound.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Chu Lingyao has an absolute sense of sound!

Chu Lingyao finished singing a song.

The audience was silent and silent.

A child couldn't help jumping up: "The beautiful big sister sings so well! It's so good!"

The people around then woke up from the endless aftertaste and applauded.

They are all brought into the mood of the song.

Good things are good, they have impressive effects, so there is no need to preach.

Chu Lingyao also smiled with satisfaction.

She came here to set up a stall, not to make money, but to promote ancient customs and traditional culture.

"Little girl, let me order one."

An old man came over and said with a smile on his face: "I want to test you. The name I hear every day... is water? It starts with. I forgot what it was called."

Chu Lingyao was taken aback for a moment, and she smiled: "Who is knocking on my window...who is tempting my heart?"

Her singing voice is still beautiful and sweet, and the people who listen to it are mesmerized.

Who knows~~

The old man shook his head: "No, no!"

Chu Lingyao was also Bingxue smart, her beautiful eyes turned, and hurriedly turned around: "Who...sent you to come to me?"

While singing, she also twisted her neck like a daughter king in Journey to the West.

Almost no one has ever heard of this song, but many people don't know its original name. It is called "Tianzhu Girl". It is a famous episode in Journey to the West.

It's so beautiful.

There was a burst of cheers from the surrounding crowd eating melons neatly.

This must be the opening song of "Who is" that the old man wants to hear!

Isn't it too nice to sing?

Who knows~~

The old man was disdainful, and still shook his head: "NONONO!!!"

Not right?

Chu Lingyao turned her beautiful eyes and continued to sing continuously: "Who is it, in the ear, saying, love me forever?"

But this voice changed again, full of elegance and resentment, as if the beautiful white lady was vomiting in the faintly on the south of the Yangtze River and on the edge of the broken bridge, confiding in her heart.

It's so heart-warming...

But the old man still shook his head: "No! No!"

Chu Lingyao was stunned for a moment, and immediately connected: "Who...brought the call of the ancients, who left the longing for a thousand years?"

The voice is beautiful, high-pitched, and the style is suddenly turned, from the misty and rainy Jiangnan to the majestic and tall Himalayas, and directly onto the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of more than 5,000 meters!

The people eating melons were amazed and applauded again and again!

"This little ancient fairy is truly amazing!"

"Any song can be easily controlled, and any mood can be sung!"

"This is the most beautiful skewers I have ever heard!"

"I'm crying!"

Who knows~~

The old man still shook his head.

The people who ate melon scolded.

"Bad old man, very bad!"

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"So many songs are sung, shouldn't it be wrong?"

"I believe you a ghost?"

Chu Lingyao frowned lightly, sang, and turned to the next skewer without any hindrance.

"Who is it? Whose heart is it, staying alone, is he okay? I miss him so much!"

It is said that Chu Lingyao only knows the ancient style. Who knows that Chu Lingyao is so familiar with this kind of popular song, and he can sing with such a powerful mood than the original song.

The people around are extremely excited~~

"I wipe it! It's amazing!"

"Whose opening song is this? This beauty is absolutely sung!"

"This tune, Jane is up to the top! I'll tell you!"

"Top! Great top!"

Who knows, the old man still shook his head, right?

Chu Lingyao just froze for a second, and immediately continued singing.

"Who is singing to warm the loneliness, the white clouds are long, the blue sky is still there, and the tears are drifting?"

This is from the song "Freedom to Fly", a song sung by the legend of Phoenix.

The dynamic songs full of the romantic feelings of the vast grassland are also so moving by Chu Lingyao's affectionate interpretation, as if a large grassland unfolds in the eyes of everyone, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Chu Lingyao continues to sing...

In her mind, there seems to be endless songs, a walking music library~~

"Who comes from the mountains, rivers, and seas, but is confined to the kitchen and love day and night?"

From the song "Heart-wrenching jokes and long daydreams".

The people around clapped desperately.

"I'll go, I have lived for so many years, only to realize that there are so many songs in the relationship, and they all started with [Who]."

"Yeah, I haven't heard many of these songs."

"What if you have heard it? Can you remember it in such a short time?"

"This beauty is not only beautiful, she sings well, but she is also so smart and witty!"

The old man still shook his head...

"Who said that beautiful girls have no brains and only know how to love beauty and giggle?" From the song "Thirty-Six Strategies of Love".

The old man's face was indifferent.

Chu Lingyao: "Whose eyes are locked in, I'll take a bite of this apple..."

From the song "Beauty's Tactics", or Jolin Tsai.

The old man continued to shake his head.

Chu Lingyao was not convinced, and continued the battle: "Who is still going on? Isn't it that my heart is still singing in a low voice..."

From the song "Dark Light".

The old man still shook his head.

Many people couldn't help it anymore and stood up one after another.

"Old man, you must be making trouble, right?"

"Bad old man, very bad!"

"You said you want to listen to the song whose beginning is, the beautiful woman has already sang no less than 10 songs to you! Say no?"

"I can't find out. What other song starts with [Who]? Are you sincerely making things worse?"

"You said none of these, I believe you a ghost!"

"I'm going to listen later, what is the song you said, old man? Anyway, I can't think of it."

Chu Lingyao didn't panic, and continued...

"Who is directing this scene? In this lonely character, the dialogue always talks to himself, the opponents are memories, and I can't see the ending..."

This song, singing and crying a lot of people~~

The old man was still shaking his head.

Even Jiang Chen couldn't sit still.

This old man must be looking for trouble and making trouble!

Chu Lingyao is like a walking music library. He has sung so much, he still says no?

The old man laughed and said proudly: "Little girl, I admit that you are good at strength, have a better memory, and are very witty! However, you are still too young. You must have never heard of this song that I am talking about. "

Seeing the old man's playful eyes, Chu Lingyao, who was not convinced, suddenly had an idea!

She sang: "Who is it~~ that took my microphone, it's okay, I still have my throat!"

The old man opened his mouth in surprise!

This is awesome!

Chu Lingyao can actually sing songs that expose my age and old man like me?

This was unexpected.

Seeing the old man's stunned look, everyone knew that Chu Lingyao had won in the end.

"Hahaha, how is it? Bad old man!"

"Anyone who is awesome, haven't you guessed it by the beauty?"

"This old man is really... difficult! But he still lost miserably under the singing voice of this fairy."

"It's obviously a walking music library? I can't remember many of these songs."

"People are beautiful and sweet, and what is even more rare is this cleverness!"

The old man was convinced and offered a piece of 100 yuan: "Little girl, I never thought you were so good. You are so familiar with songs that even old guys like me would listen to. Just open your mouth and I will give up! I will give you 10 times!"

Chu Lingyao nodded politely, and said politely: "Old man, you are welcome."

The audience was shocked by Chu Lingyao.

This is too awesome.

Give it to the boss!

At this time, a man went out.

Olympic ace athlete-parallel bars, apply to play!

"Beauty, let me talk about the title of the song, can you make a skewer?"

Chu Lingyao is not afraid, as long as she is singing ancient style songs, who has she been afraid of?


Jiang Chen stood by and said lightly: "It's so difficult, what will you do if she succeeds?"

The man coughed: "I am willing to be like the old man just now. If you can pick it up, you can skewer every song I said, and you can sing it beautifully. I am willing to give you 10 times! How about it?"

He has a bold face.

Jiang Chen sneered: "100 yuan is ashamed to be so arrogant?"

"Then I will give it 100 times! 1000 yuan!"

The man became irritated and took out a wad of banknotes.

Chu Lingyao was not polite, and smiled slightly: "Okay, come on."

"Big canopy!"

The man seems to study ancient songs very well, and he burst out a song title as soon as he came up.

Chu Lingyao didn't frown, and sang directly: "I'm afraid of reincarnation in the heavens and the soul flying away. It would be sad without you..."

"The Warden!"

When the man heard that Chu Lingyao sang so well, he immediately shouted.

Chu Lingyao continued: "You said that the rain in the south of the Yangtze River is hazy, the Sabei Gutian Festival..."

"A Fang Gong Fu!"

As soon as the man's eyes turned, the problem immediately appeared.

Chu Lingyao continued to sing: "The six kings are complete, the four seas are one, and the Shushan Wu'afang came out, overwhelmed for more than 300 miles, and isolated from the sun."

When the man saw that the situation was not good, he immediately turned: "Guanshanjiu!"

Chu Lingyao continued to sing: "I order wine from Guanshan, and I will enter my throat in the coming years, and I will have more boiled snow and wind and wind."

The man was stunned...

Chu Lingyao chuckled.

Jiang Chen immediately hooked his hands: "Money, bring it!"

Immediately scolded and handed over 1,000 yuan...

The distressed complexion twitched.

Although he is not bad money, but only 1,000 yuan, a song will go out!

For such a person, it is also distressed to death.

He murmured: "Forget it, I'll reward you. Alas, it's... sloppy!"

Listening to him sorely, it seemed that the 1,000 yuan was a lot, Jiang Chen smiled, pulled Chu Lingyao up, and gently pressed the button.

Rolls-Royce Phantom, the headlights are on!

At the scene, a group of people suddenly became discerning!

Countless people are amazed!

"My God! Rolls Royce!"

"No wonder the little fairy dared to set up a stall here, because her boyfriend is so arrogant?"

"This is awesome, isn't it? What kind of family condition is this?"

"A song of 1,000 yuan, still think it's expensive? I'll sing a song for you on this condition, this singing voice, don't want you to have a five-figure number, right?"

Jiang Chen pulled Chu Lingyao up, smiled slightly, kicked the accelerator, and left!

"A good harvest today, I will continue to set up the stall tomorrow!"

Chu Lingyao smiled happily: "Unexpectedly, I have a talent for setting up a stall."

Jiang Chen: →_→!

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