Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 699: 699: Wang Yubing's best friend is here!

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Jiang Chen went to the supermarket with Wang Yubing once.

Wang Yubing keeps cats, and he especially likes to visit the cat food area. He stayed for a long time and didn't leave for a long time.

Jiang Chen: "..."

The time to tease her is here again!


Jiang Chen walked to Wang Yubing's side, and solemnly said: "Yubing, in fact, I have long wanted to ask you a question."

Looking at Jiang Chen so serious, Wang Yubing couldn't help but his heart was pounding...

Could it be that this guy, he is going to follow me~~


Confession? !

The question he asked me, could it be-do you like me?

If he suddenly asks me this kind of question, what should I do?

It's quite sudden...


Wang Yubing was shy and lowered his head: "You can ask."

Jiang Chen said with a serious face: "You must answer me seriously, you must not lie, have you heard?"

The more serious he said, the more Wang Yubing determined that he was going to act on himself.


Has Jiang Chen's big wood finally opened up?

He finally couldn't help but confessed to me this little fairy?

Have I finally waited until today?

Fortunately, I was not mad at him!


Wang Yubing was delighted.

"Say it, you say it."

Wang Yubing looked at Jiang Chen with a smile.

Jiang Chen glanced at the cat food in Wang Yubing's hand, and suddenly said, "I ask you-what brand of pig feed do you eat?"

Wang Yubing was stunned!

Just, quite suddenly!

What brand of pig feed do I eat?

What the **** is this?

She hasn't reacted yet, Jiang Chen has already slipped away~~

"You bastard! Stop!"

Wang Yubing became angry and threw the cat food in his hand~·

Kill you pig!

The fairy in vain cares about you so much, but you ask me what brand of pig feed I eat?

I hit you!

So angry!

When others look at me, they treat me as a goddess and a fairy!

But you always like to trick me?

The fury of the little fairy!


After all, what should have come is here.

On Friday this day, Wang Yubing seemed particularly unsure.

The call came in.

Qixue Liu's voice sounded: "Hey, little fairy, I'm off work and ready to come over, where are you now? Send me a location."

Wang Yubing suddenly panicked~~

How to do?

Do you want her to come?

Wang Yubing panicked when he thought of Liu Qixue's destructive power and Jiang Chen's handsome appearance.

What if Liu Qixue is here, and when she sees her surprise, she gets confused about Jiang Chen~ what should I do?

But in the past few days, Wang Yubing tried his best to get Jiang Chen out.

no solution anymore.

Wang Yubing rolled his eyes and begged Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, I, I have something to ask of you."

Jiang Chen: "???"

Wang Yubing pleaded: "That's right, I have a good girlfriend, and I must come and see me. I have to stay with us for two days to spend the weekend."

Jiang Chen: "???? Your girlfriend is coming over for the weekend, what does it have to do with me?"

Wang Yubing can only grit his teeth and tell the truth: "But my girlfriend is super lustful! I'm still a big dinosaur! I'm afraid she will fall in love with you, and then I will spare no effort to chase you!"

The smile on Jiang Chen's face gradually disappeared~~

"Really? Is your girlfriend so scary?"

"Of course it's true!"

Wang Yubing swears to the sky: "So, I want you to go out and hide! Don't be seen by my dinosaur girlfriend! Otherwise, I don't know what terrible things she will do. I do it for your own good. ~"

Jiang Chen: "..."

In fact, Jiang Chen, who possesses mind-reading skills, had already seen through Wang Yubing's careful thoughts and laughed secretly.

This woman is so funny, she used to tune the tiger away from the mountain?

However, Jiang Chen simply did it.

"Okay, I'm leaving. But~~"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I paid for these two days. Can't you let me pay for this rent?"

Wang Yubing was almost crying.

Jiang Chen bears 4000 yuan a month's rent, which is four times her rent.

Even if it is changed to daily, it is 133!

Two days, it is 266!

Wang Yubing, he really made himself bleed.

"I dig!"

Wang Yubing gritted his teeth.

"In addition, my compensation?" Jiang Chen deliberately said.

"I know!"

Wang Yubing cried: "I will do more housework and make up for you!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I want you to massage me! Feet! The last time you massaged it was very comfortable!"

Wang Yubing wants to cry without tears...

I was really drained by this vampire.

"Okay, got it! Okay! Go ahead."

Jiang Chen picked up the backpack, blinked, and finally opened the door and went out.

Wang Yubing let out a sigh of relief.

Although he paid the price of blood to Jiang Chen that annoying guy, he finally left.

It's no problem to deal with Liu Qixue alone.

She began to clean the room.

Jiang Chen is here, the room is messy.

Super messy.

Wang Yubing is a girl who wants face, so she can't greet her girlfriends in such a mess, right?

She was tired and sweated with a wave of labor.

Doorbell rang.

Wang Yubing knew that it was Liu Qixue who came.

She hurried over.

"Yixue! Are you here?"

At the door, I saw...

Qixue Liu looked at Wang Yubing with shocked face...

By her side, is...

Jiang Chen who helped her take the bag!

"You, why are you back again?"

Wang Yubing was shocked.

Qixue Liu was surprised at the time: "What? Do you know each other?"

"No no no!"

Wang Yu was cold and sweaty: "I don't know, I don't know. I, I'm talking about you! Haha, why are you here?"

Liu Qixue looked smug, and took Jiang Chen's arm and said: "Handsome, right? I'll ask you?"

Wang Yubing looked at Jiang Chen, who had finally "rushed out" after spending a lot of money, and nodded his head dullly, "You, are you?"

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Qixue Liu smiled triumphantly: "I have too much stuff. I hired an errand guy temporarily and brought me here. I didn’t expect to meet such a handsome errand guy! Dangdang Dangdang! How about? I’m not shallow, right? "

Wang Yubing: "..."


Hemp egg! Jiang Chen, are you still an errand boy?

Jiang Chen showed a kind smile and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that this was not my intentional breach of the agreement, it was really good fortune.

In fact, Jiang Chen didn't plan to leave at all!

Wang Yubing's beautiful girlfriend Liu Qixue is coming, and he certainly wants to watch this kind of good show!

Not only to watch, but also to look at it openly.


Jiang Chen learned of Liu Qixue's existence through Wang Yubing's psychology.


Wang Yubing is beautiful enough and a goddess enough. There is a goddess who is not inferior to her, who is also the goddess of dancing, who wants to live with him?

How could Jiang Chen be missing such a good thing?

Liu Qixue's ability to catch errand brother Jiang Chen was purely because Jiang Chen deliberately touched porcelain.

After all, the errand company is Jiang Chen. What order does he want the system to allocate? Isn't it a sentence?

Liu Qixue couldn't care about reminiscing with Wang Yubing, her beautiful eyes surpassed Wang Yubing, and she landed on that luxurious flat-floor mansion!


Qixue Liu was shocked!

He stared blankly at the big mansion in front of him.

The French-style decoration of the Riviera, the luxurious baroque furniture, and the 300 square meters of superb vision overlooking the capital.

"Oh my God!"

Liu Qixue exaggeratedly yelled, with envy, jealousy and hatred, she grabbed Wang Yubing's shoulder and shook it vigorously: "You little hooves! No wonder you have disappeared. You live in such a mansion? No wonder I told him when I was taking a taxi. As soon as the master said it was [Changan Yuxi Terrace], the master's expression was immediately awe-inspiring, and he repeatedly said that you are really rich! I was a little strange, I just came in to know such a magnificent mansion?"

Liu Qixue, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Wang Yubing was swayed by Liu Qixue and was about to fall apart: "Don't don't, grandma, please spare your life. I was wrong..."

"How long have you enjoyed it alone? I'll just ask you!"

Liu Qixue said angrily: "I don't know if there are good things to call me! Damn it!"

She was curious again: "But, you are really rich! You must have concealed your income. Otherwise, with the income of a training teacher, how can you afford to rent such a mansion? Such a large flat, one month rent, not 50,000 yuan Three to four thousand, right?"

Who knows, Wang Yubing said: "Yes, it's not that expensive. I rented it with others."

"Let me guess, even if you share a rent with someone, you have to pay at least 10,000 yuan a month? Can you make 10,000 yuan a month?"

Liu Qixue suspiciously.

"It's not ten thousand, the rent is only..."

"How many?"


Wang Yubing said embarrassedly.


Liu Qixue sprayed!

It didn't work at that time!

She fell on the sofa, foaming at her mouth.

There is no such thing as a goddess.

Jiang Chen snickered while watching.

These two girls are more beautiful than the other, and the temperament is better than the goddess...

As a result, playing around is no different from ordinary girls.

Facts have proved that the goddess Gao Leng is all people who don't know the outside, and among the best friends, they are all sand sculptures.

"What? 1000?"

Qixue Liu jumped up angrily: "You know that the broken house I live in costs 2000 a month! You live in such a big house, yes, in a four-bedroom and two-living house, you only need 1000? There is fairness in this world. Is it? No! What is your landlord's phone number? I want to rent here too! I want to be a roommate with you! I will never live in the broken house of my unit anymore..."

"Huh? But here we have two people, and it's full."

Wang Yubing said quickly, she was full of unwillingness to live with Liu Qixue.

"how is this possible?"

Liu Qixue exclaimed: "A house with four rooms and two halls, you two? Huh? Who is that person? Where is your roommate?"

Wang Yubing quickly said: "He happened to have something on the weekend, so he went out and was not at home."


Liu Qixue glanced suspiciously at her: "Man?"

"No no, girl!"

Wang Yubing said quickly.

I dare not let Liu Qixue know that she shares a rent with a man and lives under the same roof.

Liu Qixue snorted coldly, and looked left and right as if inspecting: "Aren't you four rooms and two halls? It should be okay to live with four people?"

"Yes, but we live very scattered, we have already occupied 4 rooms!"

Wang Yubing said quickly.

Liu Qixue visited Wang Yubing's boudoir and was amazed.

"Cow! Too awesome!"


She went to the dance studio~~

A scream came from the dance studio!

Jiang Chen was shocked!

"what's the situation?"

"Ah! Wang Yubing, get out of here!"

Liu Qixue screamed.

Wang Yubing was startled, thinking that something was wrong, and ran to the dance studio to take a look...

Liu Qixue's eyes flashed, her face collapsed, and she exaggeratedly pointed to the extravagant professional dance studio: "Here, this 40-square-meter dance studio is more professional than our school! The decoration is at least one million! Is this kind of house owned by gods? You rented it for 1,000?"

Qixue Liu was so angry that she just wanted to explode on the spot!

Jealousy makes me deformed!

It's ridiculous that she even told Wang Yubing about the welfare house of her unit.

As a result, it compares with the luxurious, comfortable and professional mansion where Wang Yubing now lives.

The unit’s welfare room is simply a pigeon cage!


Qixue Liu collapsed more and more thinking about it.

People are more angry than people.

Liu Qixue has beautiful eyes that are as beautiful as a fairy, staring at the equally beautiful Wang Yubing.

Wang Yubing looked hairy.

"Why? You? Look at me like that, I'm scared."

"You, tell me honestly!"

Qixue Liu suddenly grabbed Wang Yubing's hand and said fiercely: "Are you secretly carrying me and approaching the rich second-generation boss? Huh? You didn't rent this house at all? This house is for us to dance like this. The decoration! You must have been taken care of by someone, right? Unexpectedly you were so depraved?"

Liu Qixue deliberately ran on Wang Yubing.

Wang Yubing blushed, and said angrily: "Who has been taken care of? You are so nonsense!"

Qixue Liu deliberately teased her: "No? Who believes it? Such a big house, such a good condition, and such a low price for you. Your landlord, I don't think you are at ease!"

Jiang Chen snickered aside.

Although Liu Qixue is fierce, she still speaks in a sentence.

Speaking of the point.

Jiang Chen, the landlord, really fell in love with Wang Yubing and gave such a low price.

Ordinary people wanting to live in Jiang Chen's mansion, the money will not work!

Wang Yubing blushed: "I haven't seen the landlord at all, can you stop talking nonsense?"

This time it was Liu Qixue's turn to be surprised: "What? Have you never seen the landlord of this mansion? Then who do you usually rent the house to?"

"I'll give it to my co-tenant. He has always lived here. He and the landlord are good friends, and he transfers it to the landlord every month."

Wang Yubing said shyly: "Now, are you satisfied? Miss Detective?"

"Huh? Not right."

Liu Qixue said: "You, the co-renter, are you a man! Not a woman at all?"

Jiang Chen was surprised-this Liu Qixue is really amazing.


Wang Yubing said, "Why do you say that he is a man?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I saw men's slippers in the bathroom!"

Liu Qixue glanced at Wang Yubing with a smile but a smile: "Oh, you are Wang Yubing. You can't see such a horny, but Jinwu hides Jiao? Hid a man at home? Didn't find out when I was in college, are you brave?"

Wang Yubing smiled bitterly: "Even if you know it. But it's okay? It's a shared lease at most."

"Huh? Why haven't you left?"

Liu Qixue looked at Jiang Chen.

? ? ?

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