Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 838: 838: Are you the majority shareholder of the company?

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Li Shanshan walked out of the bank's gate, and then let out a sigh of relief, and said:

"Just now in the bank accountancy room, I was so scared that I didn't dare to release it. Sister, brother-in-law, this bank card is too powerful. Who would have thought that brother-in-law is not only rich, but other people are so rich? Maybe, even Hua Xia Bank belongs to him!"

"Don't bark!"

Li Yuanyuan became annoyed: "What about brother-in-law and brother-in-law? Did they hear about the rear-end collision?"

"Say it~"

Li Shanshan's ghostly spirit: "Sister, you actually recognized it a long time ago? I'm just afraid that my brother-in-law will not recognize it? Right?"

Li Yuanyuan is so angry and funny. With such a tricky sister, she is speechless: "Don't talk nonsense. What if I want to be his girlfriend? I don't believe it, you are not tempted?"

Li Shanshan stuck his tongue out: "Sister, of course I am tempted. But I don't know what my brother-in-law looks like? There is no contact information."

Li Yuanyuan was discouraged: "Yes, even the bank can't find his contact information. What if I have this card?"

Both sisters felt discouraged.

Finally met such a young, rich, handsome and generous Jiang Chen, but did not leave contact information.

There is only one card.

I want to return it to him without knowing how to return it.

Li Shanshan looked at Li Yuanyuan sympathetically: "Oh, sister, I can only say that you have good luck and bad luck. Although you have met such a brother-in-law, but there is no contact information, how can I find him? This card, You can only keep it as a thought."

Li Yuanyuan: "..."


The next day, the 4S shop car was repaired, and Li Yuanyuan drove to work.

She is in a company, doing sales work.

Li Yuanyuan walked into the company, but saw a group of people gathered together and talked a lot.

"Have you heard? Recently, the deputy head of our sales department has been selected."

"Is it Li Yuanyuan? She has been working very hard."

"Yes, she has the best performance. She has maintained the top sales for several years."

"So what? I heard it wasn't her again! This time, it was a relative of a very close family!"

"Ah? That's unfair! Li Yuanyuan worked so hard?"

"How can there be fairness these days?"

The talking crowd suddenly saw Li Yuanyuan standing in the back, suddenly distracting from birds and beasts.

Li Yuanyuan was angry.

Actually, it's not yourself?

She couldn't suppress the anger in her heart and walked into the general manager's office.

"Mr. Ma!"

Li Yuanyuan said solemnly: "I heard that there are already candidates for the deputy head of the sales department?"

A fat-eared man, sitting lazily behind the general manager's desk, tilted his legs and said: "Yes, I have already selected the candidate for the deputy head of the marketing department. It is Xiao Feng."

"Feng Xiaoyu? Didn't he just join the job every year?"

Li Yuanyuan frowned, lifted her head tightly and said: "I have been working in the marketing department for more than 3 years. I have been a top seller every year. Why can he be a newcomer who says that qualifications and achievements can jump to the top? I still choose No? Last year you decided to get me promoted this year?"

"Listen to me~"

The general manager moved his lips and said: "Although he doesn't have the ability like you, who is the general manager of one of our big customers? With him as the deputy head of the sales department, his uncle promised not to run for us. Shan. You don’t have the social resources of others, who can you blame? In these years, just having the ability and hard work is not enough."


Li Yuanyuan is so angry.

This general manager is really shameless.

For three consecutive years, she has made the greatest contribution to the company's performance. The general manager always said that she must be promoted next year.

Unexpectedly, I said every year and failed every year.

Li Yuanyuan deeply felt her own powerlessness.

She worked hard, she was willing to give, but no matter how she gave it, she couldn't compare to a newcomer who had something to do with her.

This made her feel frustrated and discouraged.

"Go out."

The general manager also felt a little blush. After all, he did promise Li Yuanyuan for a long time and felt that Li Yuanyuan was very capable.

Li Yuanyuan is gone.

The general manager shamelessly shook his head: "Innocent! In these years, if you just think you have the ability and performance, you will be promoted?"

He turned on the computer and continued to play the game.

After get off work, Li Yuanyuan returned home and lay down exhausted.

Li Shanshan saw that her sister's face was not right, and came over quickly: "What's the matter? Sister?"

Li Yuanyuan said helplessly: "It's okay, that bit of a mess of the company!"

"Did you get promoted and you were let go again?"

Li Shanshan said angrily: "I told you a long time ago that your general manager is not a good thing, but just uses your abilities. He doesn't want to reuse you at all!"

"Oh, I want to resign too."

Li Yuanyuan sighed and said: "However, these years are almost the same everywhere. Every company is like this. Even if I leave here and go to other companies, it's hard to tell the difference?"

"Oh, yes."

Li Shanshan also sighed: "I'm about to graduate, and when I think that I will be like my sister you when I go to society, I am also worried. Huh?"

She smiled: "Don't forget, sister, you are a beautiful woman with golden fingers! If the tens of billions of handsome presidents appear again, you won't..."

Li Yuanyuan thought of Jiang Chen, and she shook her head, "Impossible! Don't think about good things. Take a bath, sleep!"

The next day, she prepared a letter of resignation and prepared to give it to the general manager.

Although going to another company might have to run into a wall, Li Yuanyuan felt that she didn't want to continue working for this company.

I'm not thankful, and it is estimated that the experience next year will remain the same.

She walked into the company, but heard a lot of discussions~~

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"Have you heard? Something happened to the company!"

"Yeah, I can't think of that Xiao Feng, such a bastard!? Just when he became the vice president of the marketing department, he immediately colluded with outsiders and collected one billion in the company's purchase money?

"Call the police, catch him!"

"Already called the police. However, Xiao Feng had already prepared and escaped. The billion yuan was transferred overseas, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to get it back."

"Company, pills?" Li Yuanyuan was surprised.

"Yes, the biggest problem now is that the company's financing has a big problem. Because there is no company deposit certificate as a guarantee, the bank has stopped financing. This month, let alone doing business, it will be a problem to pay wages."

The man said.

Li Yuanyuan was surprised.

The company is now in a mess.

I don’t know where to hand the resignation letter in my hand.

Li Yuanyuan went straight to the general manager's office.

The general manager is sighing, his sad face is bleak.

Seeing Li Yuanyuan walk in, the general manager burst into tears..

"Yuanyuan, I don’t know anyone, so I actually used Feng Xiaoyu’s kind of bastard! If I use you, it’s fine. I just called and questioned his uncle, but Wang Ba Gaozi pushed six and twenty five and said nothing. I know, I also suggest that I report to the police! The police said he absconded with the money last night. This kid had planned for a long time!"

The general manager's fat face was full of tears.

Li Yuanyuan wanted to throw her resignation letter in her hand, put it on his face, said that she deserved it, and turned around and left.

But she has worked here since graduation, after all, she has feelings.

Who makes you owe others money?

Banks are protected by law, and it is unceremonious to bankrupt companies. The bank has done too much to seize assets, and a wave of operations is extremely 666!

The bank manager waved his hand: "Okay, don't delay. Everyone's time is precious and start sealing up! All the bank accounts of this company, as well as inventory, and all the assets on the books have been sealed up. Not yet. I’ll look back to you a little bit later on the debts of my debt! That’s right~"

He lowered his head and sneered to the general manager and said: "Your company borrowed, but you used your own house and car as a mortgage from our bank! Since it is still not available, I am sorry. We will go to your house and seal it up later. Your car, house, and other personal property!"


The general manager shuddered like five thunders, and he was trembling with fright at the time: "Please! I only have one house. The child is still young and I still live. You have sealed it up, what should I do?"

The president didn’t care about his style at all, and said indifferently: “The house, you can live in it temporarily, and we won’t drive you away. It’s just that you have to give us the rent, and we can dispose of your property in the future.”

The general manager wanted to cry without tears.

A misstep becomes an eternal hate.

I just looked away and saw Feng Xiaoyu by mistake. I didn't expect to be reduced to the point where the company went bankrupt and the garage was confiscated!

This is really miserable.

At this time, the bank president suddenly looked back and saw Li Yuanyuan aside~~

He opened his eyes wide, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

Confirmed again and again, it is indeed Li Yuanyuan.

He tentatively called: "Huh? Miss Li? Is it you?"

Li Yuanyuan was stunned and turned around.

It's actually~~

Yesterday she went to the bank's VIP room to handle business-the fat president of the branch?

The fat bank looked surprised, and then turned into a warm and warm face, as gentle as the summer sun. An agile and vigorous walk that was completely incompatible with his body shape came up and said enthusiastically to Li Yuanyuan: "Why are you here? Oh, oh! I see. ! This trade company, isn't it yours? No wonder!"

Li Yuanyuan: "???"

General manager, is it me?

Why is there such a misunderstanding?

There is no time to explain.

The general manager who was crying was in shock~~


I must be panicked, causing my ears to malfunction!

Why did the bank president who came to seize him respect me when he saw me scolding him like a bereavement dog and Li Yuanyuan?

This is unscientific and impossible!

The fat bank leader glanced at Li Yuanyuan, pondered for a moment, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"President, it's me. Today I brought the judge of the Executive Board to seize the assets. Yes, yes, I saw the VVIP in the VIP room yesterday! That's the VIP I reported to you. She seems to belong to this company! Yes, I suggest~~"

The fat bank leader whispered.

Then, put down the phone, held Li Yuanyuan's hand, apologized, and said with a spring breeze: "Haha, this matter is our responsibility! I came without knowing the basic situation. This fat guy should be the general manager you hired." Right? You are the majority shareholder of the company, right?"

While he was talking, he nodded and bowed to Li Yuanyuan.

That flattering look was in stark contrast with the ruthlessness of dealing with the general manager before.

General Manager: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Who works for Li Yuanyuan? I am the boss of this company!

She works for me!

He was about to protest loudly and suddenly realized a problem~~


Li Yuanyuan was so respectful and respected by the bank president, and she misunderstood that she became the boss of the company?


Didn't it mean?

Is there any hope that my company will not be seized?

Is there any hope that my RV will not be taken away?

The difference, but life and death?

He reacted immediately!

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