Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 854: 854: I'm so happy~

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Why is it like this?

I spent 300,000 yuan to buy the supreme version of the service, which turned out to be...

Let me serve him?

make breakfast?

"This...what's wrong with this, right?"

Tang Ge is still a little reluctant: "Then what am I spending money for?"

"For the experience!"

Jiang Chen reprimanded: "If you don't do this, how can you experience the day when a wealthy man is too big?"

Tang Ge: "..."


She can only cook breakfast for Jiang Chen.

All kinds of hard work, all kinds of preparations.

I was so tired that I couldn't straighten my waist.


After eating breakfast, Jiang Chen said again: "In the morning, my clothes are a bit dirty. You can wash them for me. I'm going out to attend a ceremony. Take good care of the housework."


Tang Ge became angry: "Isn't my current identity your Kutai? Why don't you let me attend this kind of ceremony?"

Jiang Chen picked up an invitation and said lightly: "Because this is the opening ceremony of a golf club. It was me who invited me, not you. Besides, the first duty of the rich man is to take good care of her husband. No My favor, you can't sit firmly in your position as a rich man?"

"So angry~~"

Tang Ge is dumbfounded~~

Never imagined!

The experience of this supreme version is not as good as the luxury version, or even as good as the beggar version!

The beggar version, at least you can eat a boyfriend’s meal, let your boyfriend clean up and serve yourself?

How could it become like this?

Tang Ge exploded his lungs with anger.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen came back refreshed.

Tang Ge had washed the clothes and dried them on the balcony.

Eating instant noodles in a huff.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "That's right, it's gradually becoming a bit rich and generous."

Tang Ge: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

This Nima is a rich man?

This is obviously for you as a maid and maid, okay?

She was so angry that she threw her kitchen skirt on the ground, and stepped on her foot: "I don't want this [Extreme Edition] temporary boyfriend experience! I now request a refund! Then it ends early!"

"What? End early?"

Jiang Chen said with a funny face.


Tang Ge said angrily: "This experience is not good at all. I don't want it!"

Jiang Chen stretched his hands and said, "But, yesterday we made it. You said that the time for this experience must be at least one month, right?"

Tang Ge: .....

Yesterday, she really said this!

Jiang Chen said solemnly: "We still signed the contract, right? Look at this contract."

Jiang Chen handed a contract to Tang Ge.

Tang Ge looked down~~

It's really a contract signed a few days ago.

She saw Jiang Chen’s thoughtful and meticulous boyfriend experience for her girlfriend Wen Huahua. In order to pursue the most luxurious experience and YY can enjoy better service, she signed this [Extreme Service] contract with Jiang Chen. But I can't even dream of it...

This [Extreme Edition] experience is so cheating!


No, it's an old lady!

She was so angry that she pulled the contract and tore it to pieces: "I don't know this experience is so bad? No, I just want to end this contract! I don't want to experience any boyfriend with you anymore? Oh, let me go. Right."

She cried with her nose and tears.

Jiang Chen: "...I'm sorry, this won't work!"

Tang Ge was shocked.

"Why, why not?

Tang Ge is crazy.

Jiang Chen said solemnly: "Because I am a very credible temporary boyfriend! I signed a contract to give you a one-month temporary boyfriend supreme version, then an hour can't be ended early! You have to experience it slowly. "

Jiang Chen blinked.

Skin it, very happy!

Tang Ge was crying in the toilet at the time!


Don't want to live anymore!


Jiang Chen was walking on the road and saw a man and a woman arguing.

"Why are you breaking up with me?"

The woman looked sad and angrily, pulling the man's sleeve angrily.

The man said with a dazed expression: "Let's get together and get together. I'm afraid my mother will know."

The woman said fiercely, "I'm not afraid that my husband will know, but are you afraid that Nima knows?"

She said, slapped over~~

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It was drawn on the man's face.

Jiang Chen passing by: ...


This eldest sister, you are so awesome! Thumbs up!

Jiang Chen was walking on the road and saw another pair of men and women quarreling again.

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry~~

Why do so many people quarrel these days?

Why do you want to get married if you have to fight?

We got married when we fell in love with each other, so why quarrel?

"You don't even buy a bag of 30,000 yuan for me? It's not a question of money or money, it means you don't love me at all!"

"A bag of 30,000 yuan? Do you know how much I earn in a month? 4,000 yuan!"

The man shrugged helplessly: "How can I afford a 30,000 yuan bag!"

"You bullshit! Don't you know that everyone in the society is very capable now? The rich are making fun and showing off their wealth every day? Their women always buy bags line by line? Not at all Do you look at the price?"

The woman yelled.

The man shrugged and said, "That's funny, right? In reality, even if the rich buy a bag, 30,000 yuan can't be said to be cheap, and many people can't afford it."

"Nonsense! It's just that you have no abilities! Xia Guo is now 100 trillion a year!"

"That's the country's GDP, isn't it? The country's GDP, isn't it the income of the people waiting for me? I still make 4000 yuan a month."

The man looked helpless: "I really want to make more money too? Maybe it's just that much. I'm so busy all year round, I don't make much."

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart~~

This man's words spoke out the aspirations of many men in reality.

It’s not that I don’t want to spend money on my wife or girlfriend, but because~~

No money!

After all, there are too few rich people in reality, and the jokes that show off their wealth on the teaser are just jokes. Most people live on the level of several thousand yuan a month.

There are even people who are struggling to earn 2,000 yuan a month.

Xia Guo is currently at a level of severe polarization between the rich and the poor. There are fathers from all walks of life with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and most of them belong to the silk family with an income of hundreds of millions of dollars.

We are all average targets of dads from all walks of life.

(System: Shit! Dads met you, obviously you are the target of being averaged!)

(Papa Ma and Papa Wang hold their heads, cry bitterly~~)

"I don't care, why am I blind and found a man like you?"

The more the woman talked, the more emotional she became, and she yelled at the man: "Break up! I won't live with you anymore!"

The man shrugged: "If you break up, just break up. I really can't afford you a bag of 30,000 yuan. If you really want it, buy it yourself."

The woman didn't care much about the man, she became even more angry, and suddenly rushed to the side of the window, opening the window involuntarily.

"Just breaking up? How can I do it? Not only do I want to break up with you, I have to jump from here!"

The woman yelled a little hysterically: "If I die, what do I see you do?"

the man:"..."

The woman started jumping up and down frantically, trying to open the window.


The window seemed to be a public window, and it was so sealed. The woman tried everything she could, but she went up again, pulled it, and grabbed it again. There was no way to open the window.

Jiang Chen was about to go up and persuade this woman not to jump off. After all, this is a life, and it's a bit unreasonable to see death.

Seeing that the man had a calm expression, he picked up his cell phone and dialed a property call.

The phone was posted on the wall, as if it was for the convenience of reporting the property.

"Hello? Gemdale Property Company? Let me tell you something? How do you do your work? Huh? Do you know that on the 6th floor of Building 18 in Area A, a woman is going to jump off the building?"

At the property company, I was nervous and shocked when I heard that: "What? Someone is going to jump from our window? Let's come here to deal with it urgently. Wait for us."

This property company is very nervous. After all, the corridor belongs to a public area. If someone opens the window here and jumps from here, then the property is really responsible.

Generally, if family members file for compensation, the court will rule the property to compensate others.

Property: What? Someone wants to jump out of our property management building? Absolutely not allowed!

"Mr., thank you for your enthusiasm for telling us. Please be sure to hold the lady who committed suicide. Our master is leaving and will be there in three minutes!"

Who knows! !

The man looked dissatisfied and said: "I called to criticize you! What did you say about your property? Ah? I have to make the windows so strong? She can't open the windows even if she wants to jump off the building! How do you do this? Serve? It’s not satisfying customers at all! Understand?"

Property company customer service:....

A woman looking for life and death: ..." (QAQ)!

Jiang Chendu: I wipe it~~

Sanguan has been shattered.

Dude, you are a talent!

Give you a thumbs up!

The woman jumped down from the window and rushed towards the man: "XXX, my mother, I'll fight you desperately! My mother is about to jump off the building, and you are still adding fuel to the fire! Even if I am going to die today, I will drag you to death~ ~"

The man was so scared that he turned his head and ran: "If you want to die, you will die, don't involve me~~"

The man turned around and ran away.

The woman didn't mention suicide anymore, and she was so excited that she chased after her.

It seemed that this woman didn't want to die either.

Be angry with a man.

Jiang Chen: I laughed and cried~~

Is this a happy ending?

Or my husband, who knows my wife best!

That's the spirit!

Thumbs up!


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