Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 863: 863:

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The simple Jiang Anran didn't know what Li Xinmo was thinking.

She nodded and said, "Okay, we can be good girlfriends, that's also good."

After saying this, Jiang Anran looked at Jiang Chen and asked: "Brother, Xinmo and I are good friends, what do you think?"

Jiang Chen didn't want to say anything more, he just nodded, and looked at Jiang Anran domineeringly, and replied, "As long as you are happy."

Just when Jiang Chen was chatting with Li Xinmo and the others, the food in this hotel was brought in slowly.

After all, Li Xinmo is the diamond VIP of this Huacheng Hotel. She came here to eat, and her treatment was better than others.

Even if it is served, it is faster.

Soon, many dishes were delivered to the box.

Looking at the delicious dishes on the table, Jiang Anran's face showed a more pleasant expression.

She has never seen many dishes here, let alone eaten them.

Li Xinmo saw that the dishes had already been delivered, and she said to Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran: "The dishes have been delivered, let's eat first, you are in front of me, don’t be polite, and treat me as your family. That's it."

When he said this, Li Xinmo's gaze also glanced at Jiang Chen's body.

She was checking Jiang Chen's expression to see if Jiang Chen was happy or angry.

However, Jiang Chen had a calm expression on his face, and he couldn't see what Jiang Chen was thinking.

Jiang Chen picked up the chopsticks in his hand and said with a smile: "In this case, I'm not welcome."

After speaking, Jiang Chen began to taste the dishes on the table.

The movements are very elegant and high-end.

After seeing Li Xinmo, he was even more surprised, Jiang Chen?

Are you really a takeaway guy?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it?

However, there are some things that Li Xinmo can't say much now.

She sat aside, accompanied Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran, and began to eat.

The three of them sat together, eating and chatting.

I don't know if Jiang Anran is too innocent, or because being with Li Xinmo makes Li Xinmo a good girl.

When she was eating, she didn't pay much attention to her image. While smiling, she was eating, and she said, "Well, it tastes so good, such a delicious thing, I have never eaten it before."

From her look, she really felt like a little fool.

Of course, this appearance of Jiang Anran will only show up in front of the people closest to him.

Other unfamiliar people want to see Jiang Anran's appearance, but it is not so easy.

Just as they were eating and chatting, looking happy and happy, Li Xinmo's cell phone suddenly rang.

Hearing his mobile phone rang at this moment, Li Xinmo's expression also changed slightly.

She picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.

Afterwards, Li Xinmo's expression was a bit uncomfortable.

But after hesitating for a while, she still pressed the answer button.

As soon as the call was connected, a man's voice came from Li Xinmo's mobile phone.

"Hey, Xinmo? Did you go back to your hometown? Why don't you notify me when you are back, so I can pick you up, really, I miss you so much."

Li Xinmo heard this, but his expression was very speechless.

Immediately, Li Xinmo said, "Ou Hao, it is impossible between me and you. Don't call me, OK?"

After saying this, Li Xinmo was about to hang up.

However, Li Xinmo's phone call has not been hung up yet. From the phone, the man's voice hurried again and said: "Xinmo, I know you are at the Huacheng Hotel. I will come now. I will help you. Prepare a gift, you have to accept it."

Li Xinmo was speechless at this moment.

She really didn't expect that she had already rejected the other party, and that fellow Ou Hao actually came to find herself.

What makes Li Xinmo speechless is that she originally wanted to say a few more words to tell Ou Hao not to come to her.

In the end, I didn’t expect that before I said anything, Ou Hao said on the other side of the phone: "Okay, Xinmo, just say that first, I will come to you now, you have to wait for me."

With that, Ou Hao hung up the phone.

Seeing what Ou Hao meant, he came over to find Li Xinmo as soon as possible.

Li Xinmo took the cellphone and hid there several times, but what came from the cellphone was just busy sounds.

This situation made Li Xinmo very unhappy, very unhappy.

She really didn't expect that fellow Ou Hao was so shameless and wanted to come here to find her.

Li Xinmo was very unhappy when he thought of this kind of thing, so he put the phone in his hand on the table and made a muffled noise.

Jiang Anran, who was sitting opposite Li Xinmo, saw Li Xinmo's unhappy look.

She immediately said: "Xinmo, what's the matter with you? Is there anything unhappy about it?"

At this time, Li Xinmo realized that he was still eating here with Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran, and his attitude just now seemed a bit rude.

As soon as she brushed her hair, Li Xinmo said: "It's nothing, but there is a nasty guy coming. The good mood today is destroyed by this guy."

With that said, Li Xinmo had a very depressed expression.

Jiang Anran was still very simple at this time. He looked at Li Xinmo and asked: "Xinmo, who is here to make you so angry?"

Maybe Jiang Anran has some gossip now, so he would ask Li Xinmo these questions.

Li Xinmo didn't want to say anything, but after she glanced at Jiang Chen, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

So Li Xinmo said: "It's a guy who has been pursuing me for a long time who wants to be with me. I don't like him at all. He is still stalking. If it were not for family reasons, I would have thrown him far away. Yes, I told him a month ago that it’s impossible for me to tell him. I didn’t expect him to come here to find me today. You said, what should I do?"

When the words fell, Li Xinmo's gaze turned to Jiang Chen's side.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen, sitting there drinking soup, looked calm and not very interested in Li Xinmo's affairs.

Jiang Chen has seen many such things.

Li Xinmo's suitor should be a rich second generation or something.

However, Jiang Chen didn't really want to participate in this kind of thing.

Jiang Anran sat there, and some very solemnly said: "This is really a troublesome thing. If only I could help."

Li Xinmo was waiting for Jiang Chen's words.

When she heard Jiang Anran say this, she hurriedly said: "Ran Ran, you can help, really, you can help me."

Jiang Anran is also more loyal. She immediately asked, "What can I help you? Just say it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

At this time, Li Xinmo's gaze turned to Jiang Chen, and then he turned Jiang Chen a little, and then said: "Of course, I thought of a good way, that is, let your brother pretend to be my boyfriend and put Ou The guy Hao got angry and left. If that's the case, he won't bother me in the future. What do you think of my plan?"

Jiang Anran was taken aback for a moment, as if she had never expected that Li Xinmo would come up with such a method.

She hesitated for a while, then said, "This method is good, but...but...I don't know if he wants to."

With that said, Jiang Anran looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Brother, can you help Xinmo with this?"

Jiang Chen, who was drinking the soup, almost didn't spit out the soup in his mouth.

He just ate Li Xinmo's meal, so he wanted to do such a thing himself, of course he didn't want to.

Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't think much, he waved his hand and said, "I refuse."

Seeing Jiang Chen's refusal so directly, Li Xinmo felt a little helpless in his heart.

To be honest, Li Xinmo felt that this was really a good plan at the beginning.

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However, even if Jiang Chen refused, Li Xinmo would not just give up so easily.

Looking at Jiang Anran, she suddenly possessed the drama spirit, and said with some sadness: "Oh, it seems that I really want to be with someone I don't like, and I will live a dark life in the future."

Pretending to wipe her tears a little, Li Xinmo said again: "Of course, I always regard you as my best friend. If I jump into the fire pit in the future, if you have time, come and see me more, okay? ?"

Li Xinmo and Jiang Anran only met for a few hours, less than a day, and they became best friends.

Such things really made Jiang Chen feel very speechless.

However, a girl like Jiang Anran really eats this set.

The relationship between their girls is really something that I don't understand.

At this moment, Jiang Anran didn't even think about it, so she looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Brother, you can help Xinmo. She is very pitiful now. She will be forced to be with someone she doesn't like. ."

Jiang Chen sat there, still looking calm.

"No, it just doesn't work."

Jiang Chen did not hesitate.

Jiang Anran, his cheeks puffed out, his eyes filled with tears.

Hurry up and act cutely to Jiang Chen: "Brother, how about that? I will wash your clothes and socks when I go back for the New Year this year. If you don't need to cook, you can help Xinmo, okay? "

She blinked her eyes wide and almost didn't cut anyone to death.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his eyes still changed a few times.

For him, it is really a good thing to be able to do without cooking for a period of time, without washing clothes and socks.

After thinking about this, Jiang Chen still showed a smile on his face.

"Hey, no way."

Jiang Chen sighed and said with an embarrassed expression: "An Ran, your brother and I are not an unkind person. Since you asked me so much today, I can't refuse you. That's it. Well, I will help Miss Li today, but you must keep your promises if you say."

Can't pretend to be a boyfriend!

But if you are willing to wash and cook for me...


That still has to be discussed!

Seeing Jiang Chen agree, Jiang Anran's face immediately showed an extremely excited smile.

"Thank you brother, brother, you are such a good person."

If it were not for Li Xinmo here, it is estimated that Jiang Anran would immediately kiss Jiang Chen on the face.

Of course, this is just to express the feelings between brothers and sisters, and has no other meaning.

At this moment, Li Xinmo was also very happy.

For her, if Jiang Chen is willing to help herself, that is really a good thing.

Not only can I refuse that annoying Ou Hao.

If you can take the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jiang Chen, that would be even better!

On the surface, Li Xinmo still showed a very grateful expression.

She looked at Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran and said there, "I really want to thank you brother and sister for today. Don't worry, I will repay you well in the future."

However, just after saying this, she said again:

"In order to hurry up, let's discuss it now. When Ou Hao comes, what should we do."

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't want to agree to Li Xinmo's request.

Now for the sake of his younger sister, and for the sake of not having to wash socks, wash clothes and cook for more than half a month, he can only be forced to open business now.

Nodding slightly, Jiang Chen also wanted to see at this moment, Li Xinmo, the girl, can think of any good way to come.

Li Xinmo immediately told Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran of his plan and some basic information about Ou Hao.

Originally, Ou Hao was just a standard rich second-generation, rich in family, proficient in eating, drinking and playing.

Coupled with the fact that the Ou family and the Li family had business dealings, this led to the guy Ou Hao desperately pursuing Li Xinmo.

Of course, in Ou Hao's eyes, the most important thing is that Li Xinmo is beautiful, otherwise, this guy will not pursue it desperately.

After they had planned everything, only a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

At this time, Li Xinmo had also adjusted his position and sat next to Jiang Chen.

At first glance, people who don't know would really think that Li Xinmo and Jiang Chen are a couple.

Because of the appearance of the two of them, they still match very well.

At the very least, Li Xinmo is also very beautiful, enough to sit next to Jiang Chen.

With some smug and happy Li Xinmo in her heart, she said at this moment: "Who, come in."

Soon, the door was pushed open, and Manager Liu of the hotel walked in.

As soon as Manager Liu came in, he looked a little unnatural, and said in front of Li Xinmo: "Miss Li, Ou Shao is here."

For Manager Liu, Li Xinmo and Ou Hao are both rich and second-generation rich. She cannot be offended.

If you offend these two Gods of Wealth, your performance is much less.

After all, these two people, but regular customers here, spend more generously.

She also knew through some gossip that Ou Hao was pursuing Li Xinmo, but Li Xinmo didn't really want to care about Ou Hao.

So now, she came over to say hello, but she didn't know what Li Xinmo meant, whether she was willing or unwilling to see Ou Hao.

Li Xinmo at this moment is already very confident.

Now that Jiang Chen is by her side, she doesn't care about Ou Hao.

She even had some wishing Ou Hao to come in quickly and see the "sweet" scene between her and Jiang Chen.

So at this time, Li Xinmo said to Manager Liu: "Since Ou Hao is here, let him in."

Li Xinmo is now smiling and confident.

After getting Li Xinmo's permission, Manager Liu went out.

Soon after she went out, a young man dressed in a brand-name suit, who looked like some playboys, walked in.

This young man, even though he looked average, was far behind Jiang Chen.

But after his own dressing, he still has a bit of beauty.

Of course, as soon as Jiang Chen saw this guy, he could detect through his medical skills that this guy had undergone plastic surgery.

After all, it is normal for a wealthy young man who wants to have a few more girls and feels that he will be easier to get started with plastic surgery.

In this world, not only women can have plastic surgery, but men can also have plastic surgery.

The man who walked into the box, he was very excited now, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, he came to Li Xinmo.

As soon as he came to Li Xinmo, the young man smiled and said, "Xinmo, welcome back."

Li Xinmo only glanced at the other party's flowers, but did not reach out to pick them up.

Later, Li Xinmo said, "Ou Hao, don't send me flowers anymore. I already have a boyfriend. If you are like this, my boyfriend will be unhappy."

With that said, Li Xinmo hugged Jiang Chen's arm directly, his face was full of happiness!

I have to say that Li Xinmo, this woman, is really straightforward.

It seemed that Ou Hao was here, and he immediately used a big move.

Ou Hao was stunned when he saw this scene!

His face turned green on the spot!

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