Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 869: 869: Say it again!

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As soon as these words came out, the villagers' eyes went straight.

One by one, they all showed an expression of envy!

In this rural area, even if you work in the town, the monthly salary is only two or three thousand. If you go out to work, you may earn a higher salary.

Those who can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month are all outstanding.

But Jiang Guangping, this guy, is seven to eighty thousand a month.

This level of income is top-notch in this Jiangjia Village!

Even some of the little girls began to look at Jiang Guangping, showing admiration and admiration.

In this era, rich people are the objects of attention. Even if you want to marry a wife, it will be much simpler.

Of course, Jiang Guangping is very arrogant now, and the little girl in the village may not look down upon it.

"Kwong Ping, you have a good life now, but it's really amazing. You make seven to eighty thousand a month, which is amazing."

"Yes, Quang Binh, if your company is short of people, you can come to me."

The warm words of these villagers made Jiang Guangping proud of the spring breeze.

Even Liu Yufen, Jiang Guangping's mother, is now proud.

After everyone praised Jiang Guangping, Jiang Deming, Jiang Chen's uncle, fell on Jiang Chen again.

Yesterday Jiang Chen was so awesome, and he dared to be so hard-hearted to Wang Wanwan to not give him Jiang Deming's face, which made Jiang Deming hate it!

Now that Jiang Guangping is so promising, he just dumped a few blocks of Jiang Chen, which gave Jiang Deming an opportunity to let out a good breath.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, look at Guangping. It’s 70,000 or 80,000 a month. If you look at you again, you are still delivering food, and now you get several thousand yuan a month. What can this do? In the future, I have to learn from Quang Ping, not to be so arrogant, it is better to be a low-key person."

Jiang Deming’s words were just finished. Liu Yufen on the side also echoed: "Yes, Jiang Chen, you have to work hard. You are not too young now. Find a good job and save more money, otherwise From now on, I won’t even be able to marry a daughter-in-law, and now this country requires a lot of money for a wife."

Liu Yufen and Jiang Deming have always vented their breath through the same nostril.

Both of them have a relatively good relationship.

Now that they have the opportunity to suppress Jiang Chen, of course they will not miss it. If they want to seize the opportunity, they should talk about Jiang Chen.

In this era when richness is truth, everyone feels that what Jiang Deming and Liu Yufen said is correct and makes sense. It comes from the care of the elders.

Even many villagers have joined Jiang Deming and Liu Yufen's camp, talking about Jiang Chen there, asking Jiang Chen to work harder and not wasting time in vain.

Jiang Anran, who was beside Jiang Chen, saw her uncle, second aunt, and villagers all talking about her own brother, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

She finally couldn't help it, looked at her uncle and second aunt, and said: "You, you all shut up, you are not allowed to say that to my brother! My brother is the best brother, he didn't eat your rice. Eating your food, all the money he earned will be used for my studies. After I graduate, I will make a lot of money so that my brother can live a good life."

Seeing Jiang Anran's appearance, he was really angry now.

When she spoke, her angry face turned red and white.

Moreover, Jiang Anran spoke with a louder voice, ignoring her image as a lady.

However, Jiang Anran's impulse, but the elders' dissatisfaction came in return.

The most dissatisfied is Jiang Deming.

He took the smoking gun, knocked on the table, and said in a very majestic manner: "An Ran, what are you talking about?! We are your elders, your uncle, how well you talk to us like this, ah! "

At this time, the uncle’s son Jiang Zhuang also stood up and said domineeringly: "That’s right, no big or small, without our relatives, you two brothers and sisters, you’ve already starved to death! Today is not in Guangping’s face. , If you talk to my dad like this, I would have slapped you twice a long time ago.'

Jiang Zhuang is tall and big, very burly, in this Jiangjia Village, he is also a tyrant!

He dared to say this, and he was confident.

Jiang Anran was very angry by Jiang Deming and Jiang Zhuang, but she did not dare to mess around.

After all, she was also afraid of getting into trouble and hurting Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen on the side was very dissatisfied to see Jiang Zhuang's family being so mad.

Originally, Jiang Chen was looking at the face of his relatives. He didn't want to care about how these guys pretended to be arrogant, and planned to dismiss it.

However, if anyone bullied Jiang Anran, Jiang Chen would not agree.

There is no way to bully his sister!

Without a word, Jiang Chen took a step forward, looked at Jiang Zhuang with a stern look, and said coldly.

"Jiang Zhuang, be careful when you speak, you scared my sister, be careful I want you to look good!"

To be honest, Jiang Chen didn't have much feelings with these people.

So sometimes, when it's time to be hard, you still have to be hard.

However, Jiang Zhuang, who was two hundred and five, had no muscles and strength. But he didn't know that Jiang Chen in front of him was a powerful man who was very difficult to deal with.

Instead, he felt that Jiang Chen was crazy and wanted to compete with him.

Jiang Zhuang couldn't bear such a thing.

If he endures it, he will be gone.

Jiang Zhuang was furious, he stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes: "Jiang Chen, what are you talking about, who do you want to look good? If you have any kind of things, say it again!"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Zhuang shrugged his muscles and looked fierce and powerful.

At this time, the yard was already full of gunpowder, and the battle between Jiang Zhuang and Jiang Chen was about to start.

However, people in the village saw this scene and no one tried to persuade them.

After all, in a small village, that is unpredictable.

Besides, this can be regarded as Jiang Chen's family affair, and it is not easy for them outsiders to intervene.

If Jiang Chen's great-guy Jiang Lanhua was here, she would definitely come forward to stop it.

But it's a pity that Jiang Lanhua hasn't come yet. She is still at home, ready to send some gifts to Jiang Guangping.

Jiang Deming looked cold and did not speak to persuade him. Although he is older, his son Jiang Zhuang is still young and very strong, and it is certainly not a problem to deal with Jiang Chen.

Asking his son to teach Jiang Chen not to be so rude, there is nothing wrong with it, Jiang Deming still supports it.

Although Jiang Chen only came back one day, he had already seen through the people in the village, including some relatives.

Jiang Chen has no good impressions of these people.

Originally, he planned to leave after the Chinese New Year.

But now, if someone bullies his sister, he can't persuade him.

Otherwise, is he still a man.

With a sneer, Jiang Chen said, "Jiang Zhuang, you are so deaf at a young age. You can’t hear what I say to you? I have to say it a second time. Say it again, so what?"

Jiang Zhuang, who wanted to bully others, couldn't help it when he heard Jiang Chen say this.

He felt that if he didn't show Jiang Chen's color, where would he put his own face?

Without saying anything, he waved a huge fist and yelled: "My Nima! Today, on behalf of the ancestors of the Jiang family, I will teach you a lesson and make you remember a little bit."

Even if they are brothers, there are times when they turn against each other, let alone cousins.

The current Jiang Zhuang, a fierce group!

He pounced on Jiang Chen, trying to punch Jiang Chen directly.

It is a pity that Jiang Zhuang's attacking method is full of flaws, just like Wang Baquan.

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Today's Jiang Chen is a master of martial arts, usually a dozen brawny men are not his opponents, just rely on Jiang Zhuang, that is really a mantis arm as a car, I don't know how to write dead words.

A sneer was raised at the corners of his mouth, Jiang Chen was completely completely without putting Jiang Zhuang in his eyes.

As soon as he stretched his leg directly, he easily tripped Jiang Zhuang.

Jiang Zhuang didn't have time to regain his strength, he staggered forward, fell on a table, knocked over some bowls and chopsticks, and snapped to the ground.

To make matters worse, Jiang Zhuang was tall, fell to the ground, and fell a dog to eat shit. He looked so funny that he almost knocked off his front teeth.

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Cover your mouth and laugh!

However, due to Jiang Zhuang's daily majesty and arrogance, the villagers in the yard did not dare to speak much.

After all, if they offended Jiang Zhuang, they were also afraid of retaliation.

Jiang Deming was not far away when he saw his son and was tripped by Jiang Chen. His old face was hard to look at.

He knocked on the pipe and yelled, "Useless things!"

Jiang Zhuang, who was lying on the ground, became even more angry when he heard his father's rebuke.

He felt that his face was dull and embarrassed!

In order to save face, he struggled twice, and immediately got up again.

Anger, even more to the next level!

His two eyes, which were already big, were now as big as copper bells, looking at Jiang Chen angrily.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Jiang Zhuang yelled and said furiously: "Jiang Chen, you dare to attack me, I want to break your leg today!"

Jiang Zhuang, who was extremely angry, didn't care much, and continued to use the king and eight combination punches, plus a series of crazy dog ​​moves, and went straight to Jiang Chen.

I have to say that Jiang Zhuang's momentum can scare some ordinary people.

After all, he was crazy enough and arrogant enough.

But it was a pity that in front of Jiang Chen, his attacking method was like a hare, no big deal.

Regardless of which direction Jiang Zhuang attacked from, Jiang Chen had already prepared more than a dozen cracking methods.

Soon, Jiang Chen shot immediately, knocking Jiang Zhuang this guy by five and dividing it by two, and knocked him to the ground.

Jiang Zhuang, who was lying on the ground again, was touched by Jiang Chen, but he couldn't get up for a while.

At this time, he could only groan and scream on the ground in pain.

The villagers were surprised to see this scene.

All people never expected that Jiang Chen had learned what skills in the past few years, and he was so easy to defeat Jiang Zhuang.

You know, in the eyes of the villagers, Jiang Zhuang is still very powerful.

A few years ago, they had conflicts with the neighboring village in Jiangjia Village and started a fight. At that time, Jiang Zhuang singled out two strong men, and both won a big victory.

As a result, now that Jiang Zhuang met Jiang Chen, only two or two times, he was overturned.

Could it be that Jiang Zhuang is releasing the water?

However, judging from Jiang Zhuang's attitude towards Jiang Chen, it is impossible for Jiang Zhuang to release water or something.

The only explanation is that Jiang Zhuang could not beat Jiang Chen.

This Jiang Chen's strength is already extraordinary, he may have studied martial arts!

Jiang Anran saw that her brother was so powerful, her hanging heart finally let go.

She wanted to cheer and sing a song for Jiang Chen.

But she held it back.

She felt that she couldn't be too crazy now.

Even if Jiang Chen is very powerful now, she has to be low-key and low-key...

Jiang Deming was so angry that there was smoke above his head!

He didn't expect that his son Jiang Zhuang, who was not Jiang Chen's opponent, would be defeated by Jiang Chen, and he would be so miserable.

This kind of thing really exceeded his expectations.

Jiang Deming at this moment, that's a madness.

He really wanted to play by himself and beat Jiang Zhuang so as not to be embarrassed.

Jiang Deming was angrily frustrated, took the smoking gun in his hand, knocked on the table a few times, and shouted angrily: "Jiang Zhuang, get up quickly, Niang Xipi! Today, my old face is all lost by you."

Jiang Zhuang, who was lying on the ground, struggled a few times, but also wanted to get up and retaliate against Jiang Chen.

But it's a pity that now he only feels numb all over, and the strength of his whole body can't be used.

This feeling, uncomfortable batch!

Jiang Zhuang looked helpless and said bitterly, "Father, I have no strength, I can't get up!"

When these words came out, Jiang Deming almost fainted.

On weekdays, he has the right to speak in Jiangjia Village because he has this son, who can fill the front and scare others.

It's all right now. His son Jiang Zhuang was beaten up by Jiang Chen in twos or twos!

This incident utterly embarrassed him!

Not far away, Jiang Chen already knew that Jiang Zhuang would definitely not be able to get up after ten minutes.

In order to deter the villagers.

Jiang Chen sneered, walked to Jiang Zhuang's side, and smiled: "You bastard! Aren't you arrogant? Today I want to see how good you are! Are you getting up?"

After saying this, he squeezed his hand, ready to continue to clean up Jiang Zhuang.

Jiang Guangping was shocked when he saw this situation.

He knew that he couldn't let things go on, otherwise, it might not end!

Besides, Jiang Chen is so awesome, so powerful, you can't make Jiang Chen unable to stop the car!

Therefore, Jiang Guangping hurriedly ran over, stopped Jiang Chen, and said anxiously: "Jiang Chen, forget it, don't fight anymore, if you fight again, the lobby brother will not work, we are all our own. It’s not good for anyone to stay a little bit affectionate in everything.

At this time, Liu Yufen, who was not far away, also hurried over and said politely to Jiang Chen: "Yes, Jiang Chen, you all grew up when you were young. For the sake of my face, let Jiang Zhuang go. ."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen felt a little ridiculous.

This old woman Liu Yufen really regards herself as a character, and she is ashamed to say, give her a face?

Jiang Chen smiled, and immediately said: "Don't you say it was okay when you were a kid, when you say it, I remember it! This guy bullied me since elementary school! If I don't teach him today, where is Jiang Chen's face? put?"

When Jiang Chen said that when he was a child, it was the life of "Takeaway Brother Jiang Chen".

Now that I remembered it a little bit, I remembered it all.

Jiang Zhuang on the ground heard this, but his face turned dark for an instant!

This Nima.....

Don't come here! ! o(╥﹏╥)o


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