Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 888: 888: Is there someone behind Jiang Chen? !

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Saw Jiang Chen kicking President Zheng directly!

Zhao Ming on the side was stunned!

You know, Mr. Zheng is a great figure in Anhua City!

If this offends him, don't you want to hang out in Anhua City? !

Suddenly, Zhao Ming had lingering fears!

It seems that Jiang Chen has acted on Mr. Zheng, half of the responsibility lies with him!

Mr. Zheng, who fell on the ground, felt a sudden turn of the river in his stomach.

I'm about to vomit blood!

Mr. Zheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth and waved at the door and shouted, "Bodyguard! Bodyguard! Get me in!"

At this moment, from outside the box, a few young bodyguards rushed in immediately!

These young bodyguards are tall and big, and they can fight better at a glance!

President Zheng couldn't wait, and immediately ordered: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Give me a beating of this stinky boy, and beat him to the hospital!"

With that said, Mr. Zheng also pointed to Jiang Chen, his face full of grief and anger!

He only hoped that his bodyguard could give Jiang Chen a violent beating and let himself out of a bad breath.

After all, he is in Anhua City, but a big man with a face!

If you can't teach Jiang Chen today, how can you come out and get involved in the future?

In the next moment, these people's tall bodyguards immediately arrived in front of Jiang Chen.

"Boy, who is not good for you to provoke, but you provoke our President Zheng, I'm sorry, you go to the hospital."

After saying this, this tall bodyguard directly hit Jiang Chen with a fierce left uppercut!

However, before his left uppercut hit Jiang Chen's body, Jiang Chen hit his backhand with a punch!


Jiang Chen's powerful right uppercut fell directly on the bodyguard at this moment!

Suddenly, this bodyguard was blasted out with a punch!

Accompanied by a scream, he flew out all over!

He immediately fell under Mr. Xu's skirt, an expression of extreme pain!

This punch dislocated his jaw.

No way, Jiang Chen's strength is just so powerful.

As a master of fighting, he would not be his opponent even if there were more than a dozen strong men.

Just these bodyguards, in front of Jiang Chen, are like adults beating kindergarten children!

Frighten ordinary people, these bodyguards may be fine, but they are still far from fighting Jiang Chen!

The other bodyguards, when they saw their companions being punched by Jiang Chen, they panicked in their hearts!

They didn't expect Jiang Chen's strength to be so powerful!


If they want to fight Jiang Chen, I am afraid there is no such simple thing.

The painful wailing called Mr. Zheng, and I can see it now. The bodyguards I have invited have now been counseled, and they dare not attack Jiang Chen again!

If his bodyguard didn't even dare to do anything, wouldn't he be ashamed.

Mr. Zheng went out and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? I will give you half a million. As long as you beat this kid, the money will be rewarded."

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under the reward!

Therefore, these bodyguards, regardless of so many, rushed in front of Jiang Chen!

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen's mouth raised a sneer.

In the face of these guys, Jiang Chen would not show mercy!

After a sneer, Jiang Chen quickly shot.

At this moment, his fist, like raindrops, was quickly swung out.

Although it seemed that Jiang Chen didn't show too fast, nor did he keep punching.

But in fact, Jiang Chen made a punch, which was worth ten punches.

Soon, these bodyguards immediately lay on the ground and screamed.

They don't have the strength to get up!

Originally, they thought that Jiang Chen would be beaten to the hospital.

Now it seems that they need to be hospitalized.

A few bodyguards, now lying on the ground, rolling there, never got a chance to help Mr. Zheng again.

At this moment, even several other people in this box, including Mr. Xu, were all frightened.

Although they are all decent figures, from the current situation, Jiang Chen can't provoke them.

Even if they want to call the police or find someone to come, there are still some too late.

With Jiang Chen's ability, they can all get down within a minute.

The beautiful young woman, Mr. Xu, is even more flustered in her heart.

For fear that Jiang Chen would get angry, he would beat her too...

But she is a female class after all!

Moreover, she just said something insignificant in front of Jiang Chen, and she wanted Jiang Chen to be her little white face...

Thinking of this, Mr. Xu couldn't help frowning, looking at Mr. Zheng who was lying on the ground, and immediately said: "Old Zheng, I didn't say you, how can you offend Mr. Jiang? Now it's fine, you got beaten up. On the ground, you don’t even have the strength to get up. You don’t have to apologize to Mr. Jiang now!"

I have to say that although President Xu is a woman, she is a good hand at the rudder.

She has already seen that Jiang Chen is very powerful, and now she can only save herself by stepping on Mr. Zheng.

President Xu took the lead to say this, and the other bosses also immediately agreed: "That's right, Lao Zheng, you are not too young. You are really ignorant and offended Mr. Jiang, do you think this is really good? ?"

"Hurry up and apologize, Old Zheng."

A few people are twittering, now I have to ask Mr. Zheng to apologize to Jiang Chen!

If Mr. Zheng doesn't do this, they seem to want to break the relationship with Mr. Zheng.

At this time, Mr. Zheng was speechless for a while.

If he could squirt bleeding now, he would not hesitate to spit out a mouthful of old blood!

What kind of people are these guys who treat themselves like this?

Want to apologize to Jiang Chen?

Are you talking human words?

Mr. Zheng felt extremely helpless.

However, he was not a fool either. He knew very well that judging from the current situation, he really couldn't offend Jiang Chen.

If he was taught another lesson by Jiang Chen himself, it would not be a dream to stay in the hospital for a month.

Mr. Zheng raised his head, looked at Jiang Chen with difficulty, and said with an embarrassing smile: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, it's because I'm old and confused. I accidentally offended you... I would also like to ask you a lot. I'm a horse, don't care about me, okay?"

In order not to be violently beaten by Jiang Chen, the current President Zheng can't take care of that much, and can only beg Jiang Chen for mercy!

Zhao Mingxian on the side was completely stunned!

He had never seen such a thing.

In Zhao Mingxian's heart, Mr. Zheng is very arrogant. Mr. Zheng has always been the only one who scolds and teaches others. There has never been anyone who can make Mr. Zheng admit counsel.

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But now, Jiang Chen could have made Mr. Zheng counsel, and he was so counseled that he didn't care about his face at all.

Lin Xiaochuan originally thought that bringing Jiang Chen here today is to watch Jiang Chen's jokes, and even step on Jiang Chen.

As a result, I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so awesome, and his strength was so amazing!

And also don't put Mr. Zheng in his eyes!

Could it be...

There are also people behind Jiang Chen!

And still don't be afraid of big shots like Mr. Zheng? !

Lin Xiaochuan couldn't think of such a situation.

Lin Xiaochuan secretly decided not to offend Jiang Chen easily in the future.

Otherwise, his own fate may be miserable.

After all, he does not have the status and strength of Mr. Zheng.

Even if it did, Jiang Chen wouldn't necessarily take it seriously.

When Jiang Chen saw Mr. Zheng, he had already begun to confess, his face still wore a faint smile.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, a guy like Mr. Zheng is just an ant.

As long as you want to, you can pinch to death casually.

Jiang Chen sneered and said: "Okay, you guy, you can be afraid now. I warn you, don't be so arrogant in the future! Otherwise, you will regret it."

After saying this, Jiang Chen turned around, walked in front of Zhao Mingxian, and said, "Old uncle, let's go."

At this moment, Zhao Mingxian was stunned by Jiang Chen's strength!

He himself couldn't think of it, his nephew was so arrogant and bombarded!

Even he himself, in front of Jiang Chen, feels that he is like an ant, he can't offend his nephew!

He nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay, okay, let's go now."

With such an awesome nephew, Zhao Mingxian didn't know what to say.

Although, if someone dared to bully him in the future, Jiang Chen might help him.

But today's business, it is impossible to talk about it, and I can completely offend Mr. Zheng!

This made Zhao Mingxian wonder in his heart, would he still have a chance to hang out in Anhua City in the future?

Maybe in the future, he can only be a man with his tail in Anhua City!

Thinking of this, Zhao Mingxian couldn't help sighing in his heart.

However, he still did not say these words to Jiang Chen.

Following Jiang Chen, Zhao Mingxian and Jiang Chen left the box.

The guy Lin Xiaochuan was still in a daze, but when he saw Jiang Chen and Zhao Ming both left, he was also scared and hurriedly followed out.

Lin Xiaochuan didn't dare to stay in this box.

It would be miserable if Mr. Zheng and the others angered him.

It's better to follow Jiang Chen and the others quickly, so it's safer.

Soon, the three Jiang Chen left the hotel.


Just after the three of them left, Mr. Zheng in the box gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and got up from the ground embarrassed.

Just getting up, Mr. Zheng's expression instantly became gloomy.

At this moment, in this box, another obese man walked up to Mr. Zheng and said, "Old Zheng, what are you going to do with this incident today? Do you want to call the police?"

This fat guy is one of the four people in this box today, and it was Mr. Zheng who had a drink together.

He and Mr. Zheng have been good friends for many years.

Only just now, due to Jiang Chen's pressure, did he dare to stand out.

Now Jiang Chen is gone. As an old friend of Mr. Zheng, of course he wants to come over and discuss with Mr. Zheng what to do about this matter.

These people are all decent figures in Anhua City. They were bullied by Jiang Chen this time. If you don't take revenge, you can't justify it!

Mr. Zheng said with a sullen face and coldly snorted: "Call the police, why do you call the police, this kid is doing this to me, I just call the police, isn't it too cheap for him? We must find a way to make him pay the price and not kill him. He wants him to half his life!"

When he said this, Mr. Zheng was exuding murderous aura!

After all, Mr. Zheng is also a long-time shopping mall, a big man, with the aura of a superior!

The fat man nodded immediately and said, "Okay, Lao Zheng, we will do what you say. This kid, I think he is unhappy, and he must teach him severely!"

Just when they were discussing what to do...

The beautiful young woman, Mr. Xu, has already picked up his Hermes bag, glanced at this side, and said lightly: "Your business, you have to discuss it yourself. I have something to be busy, so let's go first."

After speaking, Mr. Xu walked out the door and left here directly. She vaguely felt that Jiang Chen was not as simple as they thought...

Mr. Zheng did not stop either.

On the contrary, he felt that if a woman was here, it would also affect his plan!

So he smiled sinisterly at this time, and said to the fat man next to him: "You can contact Dasha, this time, I want to make Jiang Chen look good!"

Fatty and Mr. Zheng usually wear a pair of trousers.

Now that Mr. Zheng wants to deal with Jiang Chen, how can he stand by!

Nodded, the fat man said: "No problem, I will call Dasha and let him teach Jiang Chen that kid!"

They had known Jiang Chen's name from Zhao Mingxian's mouth long ago.

So when they talked, they were very angrily at the two words Jiang Chen.

Soon, the fat man took out his cell phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, a rough voice came from his cell phone immediately.

"Boss Lu, what's the good thing about you calling me?"

At this time, the fat man didn't have any nonsense, and immediately said, "Dasha, there is one thing you want to do. The benefit costs one million yuan. Can you do it?"

Soon, the big silly on the other end of the phone replied: "Go, I can do everything, as long as the money is in place."

"OK, just do it."

Fatty Lu narrowed his eyes and told Dasha what he had taught Jiang Chen.

Dasha immediately agreed to this.

After the negotiation, Fatty Lu hung up the phone and said to Mr. Zheng beside him: "Mr. Zheng, things are done right, Dasha will take over this matter, he will definitely teach Jiang Chen well and interrupt him. Then pull out his front teeth, so that he dare not speak insultingly, what do you think?"

Mr. Zheng nodded slightly and said arrogantly: "Very well, Fat Lu, this matter is left to you. It must be done well. I only look at the results and don't get into trouble, understand?"

At the level of Mr. Zheng, as long as it is something that can be spent, he tries his best not to cause trouble to the upper body!

Fatty Lu is here with President Zheng, and there is still some business that needs President Zheng to take care of.

Therefore, in front of Mr. Zheng, this fat man is also able to flatter, so he should try his best to avoid Mr. Zheng being upset.


At this time, the door of the hotel.

The three Jiang Chen have already come out.

Zhao Mingxian's face was very ugly, and at the same time he blamed himself.

If he had known this long ago, then he would not have brought Jiang Chen here!

Unfortunately, things are now a foregone conclusion, and it is too late for Zhao Ming to regret it!

Zhao Ming first glanced at Jiang Chen and sighed: "Jiang Chen..."

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