Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 890: 890: Find the difference!

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Fat Lu made an appointment with Dasha, and the two met in a billiard hall.

One enters the billiard hall.

Fatty Lu saw that a tall, vicious-looking man was playing billiards there.

Beside this man, there was a group of young people onlookers.

The group of onlookers watched the big men playing billiards, and they kept applauding, and they were flattering there.

As soon as Fatty Lu saw this big man, he walked over, raised his hand there, and shouted, "Hey, Dashou, so you are here."

Dasha who was playing billiards put down the cue in his hand, looked at Fat Lu and smiled.

"Fat Lu, you fellow hasn't come to me for a long time. Come on, let's play a round together, how about?"

When Fatty Lu heard this, he waved his hand and said: "It's OK to play, we will play again next time, and you should come to see you today. You should also know what happened. Mr. Zheng was injured by a stinky boy. Go now. It’s in the hospital. He asked me to come and find you. Let’s go to teach that kid and give Mr. Zheng an explanation."

Dasha put down his cue and said with a smile: "These are all trivial things, no problem. You know, Dasha always collects money first when doing things.

You and I are old friends, don’t you know. "

Fatty Lu also directly opened the black bag in his hand, put a check from the inside, put it on the table, and said: "This is a check for 500,000 yuan. You take it first. After it's done, the other 500,000 yuan will be paid. Here you are, is it okay?"

Dasha took the check and looked at it, hehe smiled and said, "If it were someone else and only gave one million, I wouldn't do it...

But in terms of Mr. Zheng and your face, I reluctantly agreed to this matter, but after the matter is completed, the 500,000 yuan is no less. "


Fatty Lu smiled, and said, "Dasha, bring more people this time, that kid is not easy to deal with, he seems to have practiced a few tricks."

Fatty Lu was a little worried. He was afraid that there were not many people with Dasha, and he would suffer a loss when he met Jiang Chen.

However, Dasha chuckled, and Qi Zhang said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Do I have to take a lot of people with me when I do things? I used to be alone, holding two watermelon knives, and chopped from the east market to the west of the city. The vegetable market, that is unstoppable! Just a young man, I can take five or six people casually, and he can be dealt with!"

Looking at Dasha's self-confidence, Fat Lu didn't have much to say.

He nodded and said, "Well, since you are confident, that would be the best. If this is done, the benefits will be indispensable to you in the future. You know, Zheng is always more generous, you Wait a moment, I'll make a call!"

With that, he called Zhao Mingxian, Jiang Chen's uncle, and asked Zhao Ming for Jiang Chen's phone number.

In the beginning, Zhao Mingxian was still unwilling to betray Jiang Chen.

In any case, Jiang Chen is his nephew and helped him.

If he betrayed Jiang Chen, wouldn't he be very loyal?

But soon Fatty Lu used various names, threats, and feared that Zhao Mingxian, if he didn't call Jiang Chen, he would do anything to him, and even cut off Zhao Mingxian's business network.

Helpless Zhao Mingxian, in order to keep his job, could only tell Fatty Lu Jiang Chen's phone number.

With Jiang Chen's call, Fatty Lu began to implement the plan!

He was going to call Jiang Chen blatantly and ask where Jiang Chen was.

He felt that Jiang Chen was not very arrogant, so he just made an appointment. If Jiang Chen didn't dare to come, he would go to Zhao Mingxian. In short, he would be able to find Jiang Chen.

Holding his cell phone, Fatty Lu immediately called Jiang Chen.


At this time, Jiang Chen was wandering on the street and walked to a place in Huahai Park.

Appreciating the flowers all over the ground, Jiang Chen planned to take a breath of fresh air.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

As soon as the call was connected, Fat Lu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is it Jiang Chen? Where are you?"

Although Jiang Chen and Fat Lu had only met, he had only heard a few words from Fat Lu.

However, Jiang Chen already knew that the person who called was Mr. Zheng's dog legs.

As soon as he heard the other's tone, Jiang Chen knew that this guy must be bad.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't care either.

Someone wants to trouble him, so he just accompanies him.

A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Jiang Chen took the phone and replied: "Yes, I am Jiang Chen. I'm in Huahai Park. Are you looking for something to do with me?"

As soon as Fatty Lu heard this, he arrogantly said in his cell phone: "Jiang Chen, you injured Mr. Zheng, if you have the ability, don't go, wait for me in Huahai Park, I'll come right now!"

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that they will run away after receiving this kind of call.

But Jiang Chen didn't plan to run away.

He calmly replied: "Okay, then I am waiting for you here, you have to come quickly, don't be too late..."


After Jiang Chen told Fatty Lu where he was, he hung up the phone.

Since this Fat Lu doesn't know good or bad, and wants to trouble him, let him come.

This time, Jiang Chen must let Fatty Lu know how miserable Jiang Chen would end if he dared to provoke him.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen relaxedly walked to the park bench and sat there, waiting for Fat Lu to come.

I have to say that in this Huahai Park, the people who come to enjoy the flowers are all young couples.

They are a pair, in this park, enjoying the beautiful scenery, cuddling together, it looks very sweet.

Only Jiang Chen, sitting on the bench alone, holding his mobile phone, began to play chicken-eating games. The only thing is that Jiang Chen is sitting on the bench alone, holding his mobile phone.

At this time, not far away, there was a girl in the clothes of a little yellow man, holding roses in her hand, selling flowers to a nearby couple.

However, most of the men who can take their girlfriends to the park in the hot summer are stingy ghosts.

Therefore, the girl's roses did not sell a few, but she herself, in the sun, sweated straight.

When this girl saw Jiang Chen sitting on the bench alone, her eyes suddenly brightened.

In a hurry, the girl took the rose and ran to Ye Yang. When she came to Jiang Chen, the girl smiled and immediately said: "Handsome guy, are you waiting for your girlfriend? Buy a bunch of roses. Later, your girlfriend will come. I will be happy to see it."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the girl.

He found that the girl in front of him was pretty good, very beautiful, with white skin, short hair, and a little pure and lovely.

It's just that this girl, let him buy roses and give them to those who are waiting, it would be very funny.

He was waiting, but Fatty Lu and a group of guys who came to retaliate.

If Jiang Chen bought roses and was seen by Fatty Lu, wouldn't this guy get it wrong?

Therefore, Jiang Chen said: "No, I'm not waiting for a girlfriend."

However, the flower girl didn't give up and said quickly: "Even if you are buying flowers and waiting for your friends, your friends will be happy when they see them."

It can be seen that this girl, today's business is really not good.

In order to sell roses, in front of Jiang Chen, I highly recommend it.

Jiang Chen was also a little speechless to this girl.

However, for the sake of this girl's diligence and hard work, if she does not buy her flowers, it is estimated that this girl would not be willing to leave.

So Jiang Chen took out several thousand yuan from his pocket and said, "Okay, you don't need to recommend it. I bought all these flowers."

That girl, seeing Jiang Chen so generous, wanted to buy all her flowers, her face immediately showed an expression of surprise!

She looked at Jiang Chen and said excitedly: "Handsome man, is what you said is true? Are you going to buy all my flowers?"

Jiang Chen took the money, handed it to the girl, and said, "Of course it's true. After all the money is taken out, will I still lie to you?"

The girl looked at the money in Jiang Chen's hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't need to be that much, just one thousand yuan, all for you."

With that said, this flower girl took out a thousand yuan from Jiang Chen's hand, and returned the remaining money to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen still rarely sees such a girl.

The girls he met before were all greedy for vanity, as long as they are rich, everything is OK.

Now that Jiang Chen gives more money, this girl actually doesn't want it, which is really strange.

So Jiang Chen said again: "These flowers are all for you, I don't need them anymore."

The girl was surprised, and then said: "Why?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "There is no why, it's given to you because you look beautiful."

When the girl heard this, her face blushed.

She looked at Jiang Chen so handsome and couldn't help but said, "Do you want to pursue me?"

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while, but still said, "You think it is, then it is."

Jiang Chen is also boring now, and it is good to tease with the girl.

Sure enough, the girl was a little nervous about Jiang Chen's words.

Jiang Chen saw the girl nervous, and said with a smile: "Don't care, I'm joking."

However, as soon as Jiang Chen said this, the girl's expression became annoyed.

She looked at Jiang Chen and said, "How can you do it, you said, if you want to pursue me, then please invite me to dinner, then go to the movies, and drink coffee! I can only consider whether or not to promise you and be you? What about my girlfriend."

Jiang Chen didn't expect these things in the girl's heart.

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Seeing the girl's seriousness, Jiang Chen said, "If you want me to invite you to dinner, then wait for the next time. I will invite you to dinner again if I have time, but not today. I have something to do today, so let's go first. "

The flower girl felt that Jiang Chen was playing tricks on her, and immediately became a little unhappy.

She looked at Jiang Chen, pouted and said, "Are you lying to me? What are you doing today, are you making fun of me?"

The girl stared at Jiang Chen, angrily.

However, she saw that Jiang Chen was handsome and sunny, and she was such a nice person. Her heart couldn't help but her heart moved. She rolled her eyes and said quickly: "Well then, please leave me a contact information. You will come to me tomorrow. Okay?"

Jiang Chen sighed.


My **** charm with nowhere to put it!

He took out his cell phone and said helplessly: "Okay, let's add a V letter and contact us again when we have time."

The flower girl was also very happy, took out her mobile phone, and added a contact information to Jiang Chen.

After adding the contact information, the girl smiled and looked at Jiang Chen, and said: "Na~~My name is Sun Feifei, you can't lie to me."

"Well, Sun Feifei? Okay, I remember."

Jiang Chen nodded without saying much.

At this time, Sun Feifei looked at Jiang Chen again and asked, "What about you, what is your name?"

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen simply said his name.

Although he also felt that Sun Feifei looked a little weird, but Jiang Chen also knew that Sun Feifei was not malicious.

Moreover, with Jiang Chen's current medical skills, one could tell at a glance that Sun Feifei was in poor health and was seriously ill.

It's just that Jiang Chen can't get Sun Feifei's pulse now, so he can't ask more.

After adding the contact information, Jiang Chen said to Sun Feifei: "Okay, this is not a very safe place, you should go back first."

Jiang Chen is here waiting for Fatty Lu to come, and it will definitely be a fierce battle by then!

It's better not to let Sun Feifei see this kind of scene.

However, Sun Feifei looked at Jiang Chen playfully, rolled her eyes, and said, "What's not safe? This is a park, I think it's pretty good!"

Just as Sun Feifei's voice fell, there was a ridicule from not far away!

"Yo, brat, you are still picking up girls here, no wonder you are in this park, you really know where to choose."

As soon as this voice came out, Sun Feifei's eyes looked behind Jiang Chen.

Not far away, Fatty Lu brought Dasha and five tall and strong men slowly towards Jiang Chen.

Fat Lu is full of arrogance!

Because he felt that when he came to Jiang Chen this time, he would definitely be able to give Jiang Chen a lesson!

With Jiang Chen alone, he certainly wouldn't be Dasha's opponent!

Sun Feifei saw Dasha walking towards Jiang Chen with a group of people maliciously.

My heart became tense instantly!

So, Feifei Sun hurriedly looked at Jiang Chen and whispered: "Jiang Chen, who are these people? Why would they come to you?"

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently and said, "They are my enemies. They came to me for revenge. They told you to go. If you don't go, it's too late, right?"

Jiang Chen said this to scare Sun Feifei and save her so boldly.

However, Sun Feifei, a girl, really has a bit of courage.

She is really not afraid of the sky and the earth now.

She glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "I'm not afraid! What if they are crowded, if they dare to mess around, I will call the police!"

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "You don't need to call the police. These guys are not my opponents."

"Not your opponent?"

Sun Feifei was surprised, not sure why Jiang Chen was so confident.

According to her understanding, when encountering so many bad guys, shouldn't you call the police?

Jiang Chen didn't bother to explain so much to her. He looked at Fat Lu who was not far away and said with a smile:

"Hey, you fellow, do you want to help Mr. Zheng get revenge? Bringing such a small number of people over here is not enough!"

Fat Lu saw that Jiang Chen was still so calm now, but he was anxious.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen would kneel down and beg for mercy in fear when they saw so many people coming!

As a result, Jiang Chen didn't put him in his eyes at all, which made Fat Lu feel very uncomfortable!


He snorted, pointed at Jiang Chen and said: "Smelly boy, you are really arrogant, don't be proud, you won't be able to laugh later!"

After saying this, Fat Lu looked at Dasha next to him, and said, "Dasha, you teach me this kid hard, you must let him go to the hospital to lie down for a month!"

Dasha held a can of beer in his hand, took a sip, and then calmly said, "Fatty Lu, the person you said is going to be taught is this kid. You should have said it earlier. Dealing with such a guy, I want me to go. Any one of my subordinates can come and beat him. It's a waste of my time!"

As he said, Dasha looked at the men behind him, and said, "Axi, you go and solve that kid!"

A strong man with a stature of more than 1.9 meters immediately replied: "Okay, boss!"

This brawny man named Assi is not only very tall, but also very fierce. His face is full of flesh, and his eyes are full of murderous aura!

Such a person, even walking on the street, will make people afraid and dare not approach him.

At this moment, the fierce Asi, step by step, walked in front of Jiang Chen.

He was half a head taller than Jiang Chen!

Assi glanced at Jiang Chen, and said arrogantly: "Boy, you are in trouble today, and you have offended Mr. Zheng. I'll take care of you. You'd better be honest and let me beat you. Otherwise, you will be worse, understand? ?"


Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said two words.

After that, Jiang Chen put his hands in his pockets and quickly kicked out, hitting Asi's stomach, and kicked it fiercely.


The speed of this kick, as well as the strength, were extremely fast, and it only hit Asi in an instant!


Asi didn't react, but was kicked by Jiang Chen, and suddenly he bowed into a shrimp, spraying a mouthful of foam from his mouth!

Such a fierce attack, even a strong man like Asi, could not hold it.

He backed up continuously, the expression on his face was already extremely painful.


With a scream, Asi fell behind, clutching his stomach, and rolled there, screaming endlessly!

No way, Jiang Chen's kick is too cruel!

The top power that surpasses the human body three times!

Even Asi can't hold it.

Not far away, Dasha and Fatty Lu were immediately shocked when they saw this scene!

They didn't expect that Jiang Chen, this guy, would actually make a move without playing cards according to common sense!

This is equivalent to a boxing ring match. Before the referee shouts to start, you will directly KO the opponent!

This is nothing about martial ethics!

The angry silly stared at Jiang Chen immediately, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, you dare to attack, it's so despicable!"

Standing not far away, Jiang Chen stretched out a hand, tucked up his hair, and said with a smile: "I didn't attack, I acted honestly, blame it, blame it, he reacted too slowly."

After Jiang Chen was so handsome and handsome, after seeing Feifei Sun behind him, she was immediately exasperated!

She thinks that a man like Jiang Chen is a real man, so handsome!

However, not far away, Dasha was anxious.

His expression instantly distorted, and his face was full of anger!

He stared at Jiang Chen and shouted angrily: "Smelly boy, you are too arrogant. If you don't teach you today, I won't be called Dasha!"

With that said, Dasha was angrily and rushed in front of Jiang Chen.

A big silly man with a strong figure, like a bull, he rushed directly to Jiang Chen and punched fiercely!

Fatty Lu, who was watching the battle, shouted at this moment: "Dasha, don't underestimate the enemy! Take out your tricks and get rid of this kid!"

Fat Lu was very confident about Dasha.

He felt that Jiang Chen would lose when Dasha made a move!

At this time, Dasha had already rushed to Jiang Chen's front, and his fist as big as a casserole was smashed!

Ordinary people will be frightened when they see Dasha's vigor.

But Jiang Chen just smiled faintly, and the corners of his mouth raised a radian.

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