Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 901: 901: change!

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Jiang Chen took out his cell phone, walked aside, and directly dialed the number of the CEO of Jinding Group.

Now this boss is also Jiang Chen's subordinate.

At this time, the Imperial Capital, the headquarters of Jinding Group.

CEO Cai Dahua is in the office, having a meeting with a group of executives.

Cai Dahua is full of spirits!

Because in the past few days, their company has cut a wave of leeks and made a lot of money!

Some listed companies are like this. First, they raise their stock prices, attract leeks, and let leeks fuel the flames!

When it reaches a high position, the company sells, hits the market, and makes Leek lose money!

Once and again, the company has made a profit, but the leeks have lost a lot!

Just like Lin Xiaochuan, now it's a leek, or a fat leek!

Although this approach is shameless, but it makes money!

Just as Cai Dahua was happy, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Cai Dahua immediately snorted.

He didn't expect that it was Jiang Chen who called.

Jiang Chen Jinding Group is the real controller, and he is just the boss in the face.

After all, he still works for Jiang Chen.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Chen calling, Cai Dahua felt extremely nervous!

He picked up the phone, went to the glass floor-to-ceiling window, and answered the phone.

With a smile on his face, Cai Dahua nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Hey, President Jiang, what are your instructions for calling? Xiao Cai must make arrangements for you!"

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Chen said directly: "Cai Dahua, the company's stock price has fallen, what's the matter?"

When Cai Dahua heard this, his heart became nervous.

He knows that there are countless Jiang Chen companies, and this Jinding Group is just a small company.

Moreover, although this company is listed, in Jiang Chen's eyes, it should not be taken seriously.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would actually call and ask in person?

Cai Dahua quickly explained: "Mr. Jiang, this is a normal operation and it's okay. The stock price will stretch in a few days."

"You immediately raise the stock price to the daily limit for me."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

Cai Dahua was a little surprised.

He didn't know why Jiang Chen did this.

"Why, don't you understand what I said?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's cold tone, Cai Dahua was shocked, cold sweat on his back.

"Okay, okay, no problem, I will do it right away, I will do it immediately!"

He didn't dare not listen to Jiang Chen's instructions.

Unless he doesn't want to mix in Jinding Group.

"Well, it's okay to know, do it quickly, I will see the result in fifteen minutes."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Cai Dahua was already sweating profusely and was extremely scared.

How could he hesitate at this time, and quickly said to the management in the office:

"Listen! Don't ask why! Within five minutes, stretch the company's share price to the daily limit!"

As soon as this was said, the management of the company was amazed.

They don't know why Cai Dahua ordered this.

Everyone was silent, and Cai Dahua immediately said angrily: "Are you all deaf? Do it quickly, whoever doesn't do it, get out!"

In the next moment, the company's management will act immediately!

With a call from Jiang Chen, Jinding Group went up and down, non-stop starting to increase the stock price!


at this time.

The roof of the building.

Jiang Chen looked at Lin Xiaochuan who was about to jump off the building and said, "Okay, it's done. Within ten minutes, the stock price of Jinding Group will rise."

At this time, Lin Xiaochuan stood on the edge of the roof.

His expression was very surprised.

Because he didn't know whether what Jiang Chen said was true or not.

However, looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, it doesn't seem to be a joke.

He was skeptical and took out his phone to see if Jiang Chen was right.

Open the mobile stock trading software.

Lin Xiaochuan stared at the phone, his eyes straight!

Unexpectedly, at this time, the stocks that originally had a limit-lowering limit were actually pulling up, and they were rising in a straight line!

Lin Xiaochuan was shocked!

He didn't expect that a phone call from Jiang Chen would actually allow Jinding Group's stock price to rise directly from the lower limit!

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Jinding Group's stock price actually reached its limit!

Lin Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly stared like copper bells!

Shocked to the extreme.

Looking at the account, he not only did not lose, but also made hundreds of thousands!

This kind of thing is too exciting, too crazy!

It's unbelievable!

He was dumbfounded all of a sudden!

Lin Xiaochuan felt like a dream, holding his mobile phone, and yelling frantically:

"Rising, rising, really rising!!"

The yelling sound spread all around the community!

Many of the people watching downstairs were bewildered.

"Born? Born?"

I don't know, I thought it was Lin Xiaochuan's wife who gave birth to the baby. Now I am so excited!

But what I never expected is!

Lin Xiaochuan was overjoyed, he didn't notice the situation under his feet.

As a result, he slipped and fell on the edge of the building.


His mobile phone fell directly from the top of the building, smashed to pieces!

Lin Xiaochuan reacted fast enough, clutching the edge of the roof with both hands, using the energy of milking, struggling desperately! !

"Help, help, help!! Jiang Chen, help me!!"

Lin Xiaochuan, who was extremely frightened, screamed hysterically!

Below was a floor more than 20 meters high, and he was scared to pee his pants!

He doesn't want to die now, wants to live, wants to live well!

After all, he has no debts and earned hundreds of thousands!

This is a dead shit!

Jiang Chen, who was not far away, was angry and laughed at this scene.

Lin Xiaochuan can really do it, and he almost killed himself!

Below the first floor, many onlookers are holding mobile phones to record videos and watch jokes!

Lin Xiaochuan was looking for life and death before, but now he is so afraid of death?

This is so funny!

However, those firefighters are still life first!

The two firemen hurried out, ran to the edge, grabbed Lin Xiaochuan's hand, and dragged him up!

Back on the floor, Lin Xiaochuan's face was pale, and he kept panting!

A look of horror undecided!

After all, he almost died just now!

Zhao Songzhi, stepping on high heels, ran up to the seventh floor in one breath!

Her speed is extremely fast.

Within a few tens of seconds, Zhao Songzhi came to the top of the building!

Looking at Lin Xiaochuan, who was still in shock, Zhao Songzhi ran over, hugged him, and cried out: "Xiaochuan, you really scared mom just now, and mom thought that she would never see you again! Uuuuu~~ ~"

Tears crept across her face.

After all, she is the only son of Lin Xiaochuan.

If Lin Xiaochuan dies, her life will be extremely painful!

At this moment, in Lin Xiaochuan's heart, besides panic, there are endless surprises!

Wandering around on the edge of life and death, it is a complete enlightenment!

Lin Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Mom, don't worry, I won't die! I will be fine in the future and honor your old man."

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Zhao Songzhi wiped the tears, and said with satisfaction:

"Okay, okay, as long as you stop doing stupid things, everything is fine!"

At this moment, Jiang Chenyun came over slowly.

"How about it, don't you want to die?"

Lin Xiaochuan was very grateful when he saw Jiang Chen.

Immediately respectfully said:

"Yes, yes, I'm not dead! Jiang Chen, thank you, thank you!!!"

With that said, Lin Xiaochuan kept bowing and thanking!

The former Lin Xiaochuan was extremely arrogant and dismissed Jiang Chen!

But after this incident, Lin Xiaochuan completely understood!

Jiang Chen is now unpredictable, and behind him, there is a terrifying ability!

Today, if it weren't for Jiang Chen, Lin Xiaochuan's life would definitely not be kept!

At this time, Zhao Songzhi was also grateful.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for what happened today... Without you, our family, Xiaochuan, would be in danger. Thank you, thank you very much!!"

Having said that, Zhao Songzhi couldn't help it again, wiping tears.

The scene just now, Zhao Songzhi can be considered unforgettable in this life!

She was still a little frightened at this time!

Jiang Chen was very calm, waved his hand and said: "Okay, second aunt, needless to say, we are all relatives, don't need to thank you. If you want to, thank the firemen. Thanks to them this time."

Zhao Songzhi nodded quickly, agreeing: "Yes, yes, yes, our family is a family!"

After that, she came to the firefighter with great excitement and thanked her repeatedly.

Indeed, Lin Xiaochuan slipped just now. If it weren't for the heroic rescue of the fire officers and soldiers, Lin Xiaochuan's body would not last long before he would fall down and die!

To express his gratitude, Zhao Songzhi also said that he would invite firefighters to dinner.

However, the firefighters were very busy and did not accept the invitation.

After resigning, they registered and left here.

Those onlookers also gradually dispersed.

After all, Lin Xiaochuan was not dead, and some people who wanted to watch the excitement were disappointed.


Go down to the first floor.

Zhao Mingxian hasn't left yet, waiting there.

He also saw what happened just now.

Therefore, when Lin Xiaochuan came, Zhao Ming went there first, and continued to comfort him: "Xiaochuan, there is nothing I can’t forget! I owe some money, it’s nothing, it’s all trivial! Look at my uncle, I owe a large amount of project money. Still good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he was speaking too fast, and he had spoken out all his old friends!

But soon, Zhao Mingxian avoided this topic and changed his words: "Xiaochuan, remember, stay alive in the future."

Lin Xiaochuan smiled awkwardly and said: "Uncle, don't worry about me, I'm fine, Jiang Chen called and my business was resolved."

"is it?"

Zhao Ming was surprised for a while.

He didn't expect that Jiang Chen could help Lin Xiaochuan solve the big trouble with a phone call.

Jiang Chen is so powerful now?

Zhao Ming hurriedly came to Jiang Chen's side and said, "Jiang Chen, my eldest uncle has long thought you are extraordinary! You are smart when you were a kid, and sure enough, you are a dragon and a phoenix! You can help Xiaochuan, and also help uncle Hey, my uncle is missing a project now..."

Jiang Chen: "..."

He had long guessed that he was a rich man, and once it was revealed, these relatives would ask him to do something.

This uncle Zhao Mingxian is a typical example.

If he helps Zhao Ming first solve the problem now, after that, those seven aunts, eight aunts, and even relatives who can't reach him will come to him!

This precedent must not be set!

Jiang Chen smiled, and declined: "Uncle, I just happened to know a few people who asked them for help. What is the favor I owe. I can't help you for the time being."

Hearing this, Zhao Mingxian's face was slightly disappointed.

But the bottom of my heart is still very happy.

Zhao Ming first smiled and said: "That's fine! If you have something good in the future, remember to tell your uncle, uncle will count on you in the future!

"Well, let's talk about it later."

With that said, Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the blue sky.

"It's getting late, let's go to the hospital and see grandma. Grandma has gotten better these past two days and should be discharged soon. You should accompany grandma more."

Now Jiang Chen's words are like imperial edicts. How dare Zhao Ming not follow them!

They nodded quickly, expressing their understanding!

Zhao Ming first nodded and said: "Definitely, surely, we must accompany mom more these days! Don't worry, Jiang Chen, it is my mom, who will take care of me? I will take care of mom’s food, food and drink these days, you guys Don't grab it with me!"

Everyone smiled at each other suddenly.

Today Zhao Mingxian also understands very well.

He knew that Jiang Chen had filial piety.

So now, in front of Jiang Chen, he has to look more filial.

Moreover, what Jiang Chen said is: Can’t help temporarily...

In other words, as long as you perform well, you still have a chance!

And after all these things, he gradually paid more attention to family affection!

Seeing everyone's filial piety, Jiang Chen was also more relieved.

Zhao Mingxian, they are not bad in nature, and their filial piety is somewhat a bit.

It's just that I wasn't so caring before.

Now with the arrival of Jiang Chen, all of them can be called the top ten filial sons in the country!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Okay, let's go to the hospital first."

When Jiang Chen spoke, the other three had no objection!

Jiang Chen now shows too much hard power!

No way, it's awesome!

Therefore, they will not go against what Jiang Chen said today!


Go back to the hospital ward.

When grandma saw everyone, she asked what was going on first.

Zhao Songzhi explained to her mother what had happened.

Knowing that it was Jiang Chen who helped, got things done, and saved Lin Xiaochuan.

Grandma's face was extremely relieved, and the hanging heart was also let go.

It's six o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Chen's WeChat kept ringing.

I picked it up to see if it was a phone call from Zu Kexin or a video call.

Frowning, Jiang Chen took the phone and went outside to answer the call.

Outside the ward.

When Jiang Chen opened the video, he saw that Zu Kexin was wearing a charming short skirt, with a pair of snow-white long legs exposed from her lower body. The short skirt was made of tulle suspenders, which was very light.

Zu Kexin was shy and said: "Jiang Chen, when are you coming over? I'll be waiting for you at home.

I have already made dinner. If you don’t come, the dishes will be cold~~"

As he said, Zu Kexin's eyes were a little bit sad and pitiful.

Jiang Chen faintly replied: "I have something wrong here, I will come later."

"Well, you have to hurry up, my address is 807, Unit 2, Building **, Wealthy Garden, I will wait for you, see or leave!

With that, Zu Kexin looked at the camera, cast a wink, and blew a kiss!

Suddenly, Jiang Chen had a chill.

He agreed and turned off the video.

This Zu Kexin was once the dream lover of "Takeaway Brother Jiang Chen".

It was the woman that "Jiang Chen" dreamed of before, but couldn't get it!

But now, after Jiang Chen showed his financial resources, he directly sent the bubble to the door!

This is simply...

Very ironic!

But today's Jiang Chen is no longer the previous Jiang Chen, and the women I've seen cannot count with one hand.

People like Zu Kexin may be ranked behind forty or fifty.

He couldn't get into Jiang Chen's eyes at all.

However, this ill fate still needs to be closed.

After receiving the video, Jiang Chen was ready to return to the ward.

As soon as he opened the door, he accidentally bumped into Zhao Mingxian!

This guy is eavesdropping?

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