Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 903: 903: Night, robbery!

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Jiang Chen was speechless.

He did not expect that the former "goddess of high school" would now turn his face against himself for money!

Blackmail yourself 200,000?

This woman is so funny!

A smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face.

He smiled faintly and said to Zu Kexin: "Classmate Zu, you are too much to say that. If I don't pay you, what will happen to you?"

Zu Ke was furious.

With a sneer, he said: "Jiang Chen, don't blame me for not reminding you! I haven't come out for nothing all these years. I know a lot of big brothers. If you don't give money tonight, you don't want to leave!"

Jiang Chen really didn't expect that this woman would dare to threaten him.

Is it because he revealed that he is very poor now?

After touching his nose, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Well, you say that. I really want to see what the big brothers you know are like. Or, you call to see if you can scare me? "

Zu Kexin was also taken aback at this moment.

She was a little surprised, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen would not be afraid of her own threats.

For the sake of face and money.

Zu Ke gave his heart out.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! Jiang Chen, you asked for this, don't blame me!"

After speaking, Zu Kexin took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the call was connected.

The angry Zu Kexin's tone changed suddenly.

She became extremely flattering.

"Brother Yang, I was bullied. Come on."

"Hmm, I'm at home, waiting for you."

After the call, Zu Kexin put away the phone and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, wait, don't go, my eldest brother, he will be here soon!"

Jiang Chen sat there with a calm expression.

Even at this moment, Jiang Chen's face still showed a smile.

He smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will not leave, I will be here waiting for your elder brother to come over. He must hurry up, I have finished eating, but I will leave."

With that said, Jiang Chen picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

Seeing this, Zu Kexin wanted to stop it.

Because all these foods were bought by her with great price and hard work.

However, Zu Ke changed his mind and felt that Jiang Chen should continue to eat.

Brother Yang will come later, how much will Jiang Chen eat and vomit!

Thinking of this, Zu Kexin's eyes became vicious!

After all, she grew up so big that she hadn't been bullied like this before!

Today, how can she be happy without teaching Jiang Chen.

After about half an hour.

Jiang Chen put down his chopsticks and said, "Classmate Ancestor, your eldest brother, is it not coming, it's been half an hour, he hasn't come yet, so slow?"

As soon as these words came out, Zu Kexin's face was a little embarrassed, and gritted his teeth.

"Jiang Chen, don't be arrogant! My brother Yang, come soon, you wait!"


After speaking, Jiang Chen sat there, sipping coffee slowly.

Finally, another half hour passed.

A guy in a black suit, with two younger brothers, rang the doorbell.

Hearing the doorbell, Zu Kexin seemed to hear the sound of nature.

Now her mood can only be expressed in one song.

"I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up..."

Zu Ke hurried to the door and opened the door.

The man in a suit showed up with his two little brothers.

Zu Ke excitedly rushed over, and kissed the other party's face fiercely!

"Brother Yang, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Zu Ke was very excited and said quickly.

That brother Yang was full of spirits.

He hugged Zu Kexin's waist and said, "Kexin, who is bullying you, tell Brother Yang that Brother Yang will abolish him tonight."

Zu Kexin looked excited, she pointed to Jiang Chen and immediately said:

"Brother Yang, that's him! He wants to bully me even if he stays at my house. He owes me the money and doesn't pay it back, so arrogant~~"

When Brother Yang heard this, he said, "Oh, is that arrogant? Okay, Brother Yang will help you teach him!"

With that said, Brother Yang, walked to the restaurant.

At this moment, Jiang Chen turned his back to Brother Yang, and he couldn't see clearly what Jiang Chen looked like.

Brother Yang raised his hand, patted Jiang Chen's shoulder, and said, "Boy, you are so good! Bullying my family is okay. Let's talk, do you want left hand or right hand?"

At this time.

Jiang Chen slowly turned his head and looked at Brother Yang.

When Jiang Chen's face appeared in front of Brother Yang, this guy was shocked!

"Ah! It's—you!"

Brother Yang exclaimed and stepped back in succession.

"Kang Dang!"

He was panicked and didn't notice when he backed up, knocking over the drinking fountain behind him!

And he slipped and fell directly.

But even so, Brother Yang was still in shock!

At this time, Jiang Chen also recognized him, isn't this Brother Yang, Dasha's subordinate?

I didn't expect to meet him here again.

Brother Yang was completely frightened and trembling!

After all, Jiang Chen easily cleaned up Dasha before.

After Dasha reached this point, he told his subordinates that he would take a detour when he met Jiang Chen in the future!

Unexpectedly, tonight, his Yang brother's luck would be so bad. Here, he would meet Jiang Chen.

Thinking of what he had just said to Jiang Chen, Brother Yang felt nervous and afraid!

He certainly knew how powerful Jiang Chen was.

Offending Jiang Chen, he is dead!

At this moment, Jiang Chen stood up. He looked at Brother Yang who fell, and stretched out his hand and said, "Get up, it hurts."

When these words came out, Brother Yang felt very strange in his heart.

He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so kind now.

So, Brother Yang stretched out his hand, grabbed Jiang Chen's hand, and was pulled up by Jiang Chen.

He is so confused now, he doesn't know what to say.

Who knows!

Jiang Chen suddenly coldened his face and slapped him over!


With a slap in the face, Brother Yang slapped the gold star.

There was blood coming out of the corners of his mouth.

In this scene, everyone present was stunned.

None of them expected that Jiang Chen would be so bold and dare to do something to Brother Yang!

Especially Zu Kexin, she wondered if her eyes were wrong!

This Jiang Chen, why is he so arrogant, he still dares to beat Brother Yang!

In surprise, Zu Kexin said quickly: "Brother Yang,...he hit you!"

Brother Yang was extremely afraid of Jiang Chen.

But he was very angry with Zu Kexin.

He immediately shouted: "Shut up!"

Zu Ke was stunned and didn't dare to speak any more.

And Yang Ge looked like an ant in front of Jiang Chen.

He hurriedly apologized: "Brother Jiang, I don't know you are here, please forgive me, don't be angry!"

With that, Brother Yang bowed and apologized to Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen, with a smile on his face, said faintly: "You guy, you are so courageous. You help this woman. You want to teach me, right?"

When Brother Yang heard this, he was in a cold sweat!

He immediately raised his hand and slapped his face to his face.

One click, two clicks.....

Brother Yang didn't dare to stop.

He slapped himself and begged for mercy: "Brother Jiang, I was wrong! How dare I do it with you? Please raise your hand and let me go."

Seeing the situation is almost done.

Jiang Chen's anger dissipated a lot.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop!"

Brother Yang hurriedly stopped, as if he received an amnesty.

Now he has a fiery pain on his face.

If you fan it again, it will really swell into a pig's head!

"Brother Jiang, thank you very much, thank you!" Brother Yang thanked him with his hands.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "Don't worry, it's not over yet. You said, Zu Kexin came to you, how can this matter be solved?"

Hearing that, Brother Yang has been out for a mess, not a day or two.

He instantly understood Jiang Chen's meaning.

Brother Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Jiang, this little **** dares to slander you, I will definitely clean up her tonight!"

After saying this, Brother Yang turned around and walked towards Zu Kexin.

At this moment, his face was full of anger, and he almost had a murderous heart!

He eagerly said, "You bitch, you almost killed me, today you are finished!"

Zu Kexin stood there, trembling and terrified!

"Brother Yang, don't mess around, say something if you have something to say!"

However, how could Brother Yang now give up easily.

When he raised his hand, he slapped Zu Kexin violently.

Before Jiang Chen was angry, he wanted to vent all of Zu Kexin's body!


A fierce slap fell on Zu Kexin's face.

Suddenly, Zu Kexin's whole person turned around.

A beautiful face swelled up instantly, with five fingerprints!


Zu Kexin was a woman after all, and she couldn't help it, so she started to cry.

"Brother Yang, let me go, I was wrong!"

If she had known this a long time ago, she would never call Yang Ge over!

I wanted to ask Brother Yang to come and clean up Jiang Chen, but it turned out that he was injured?

But now, it's too late to regret!

However, Brother Yang did not intend to stop.

He raised his hand, angrily, ready to attack Zu Kexin again.

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At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was not far away, suddenly said, "Forget it, stop it!"

When Jiang Chen spoke, how dare Brother Yang do it again.

He hurriedly closed his hand, turned around, and said to Jiang Chen: "Yes, Brother Jiang, you have the final say, whatever you say, it's the same."

After saying this, Brother Yang looked at Zu Kexin, and said: "Come here soon, thank Big Brother Jiang for letting you go!"

Zu Ke was so embarrassed, he always felt that he was grateful to Jiang Chen for something weird.

But she couldn't help thinking more.

Zu Ke was wronged and hurried to Jiang Chen, Jiao Chu tremblingly said: "Jiang Chen, I was wrong, you forgive me."

Jiang Chen laughed and preached: "Classmate Ancestor, I hope you will remember the lesson this time and don't go wrong in the future."

Facing Jiang Chen's reproach and accusation, Zu Kexin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes, I know, I know."

The current Zu Kexin is really full of grievances!

She didn't expect that she would find someone to teach Jiang Chen.

As a result, I didn't expect it to be taught by Jiang Chen!

It hurts a lot and is more insulting!

Jiang Chen shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, this matter, stop here, so be it."

After speaking, Jiang Chen walked to the door, ready to leave here.

At the door, the two Yang Ge's men, seeing Jiang Chen coming, immediately lowered their heads, not daring to face them.

At the same time, let the road open so that Jiang Chen can walk smoothly.


After Jiang Chen left, Zu Kexin was at home.

Brother Yang also let out a sigh of relief.

His legs were shaking involuntarily.

No way, facing Jiang Chen, it's terrible!

His heart is full of fear!

But fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't care about him, otherwise he would be miserable!

At this time, Brother Yang's gaze fell on Zu Kexin, and he said viciously: "Remember, if you have anything to do in the future, don't look for me!"

Zu Kexin at this time is really wronged!

To be honest, even if something happens in the future, Zu Kexin will never look for Brother Yang again.

This guy is really unreliable!

She hates Brother Yang now, and hopes to never see him again!

But now, she still knows that she can't offend Brother Yang!

Otherwise, we will be beaten again!

She has a small body and a small face, she is not good enough!

"Brother Yang, I know...I remember all your words."

"Huh, it's almost the same! Let's go!"

With a cold snort, Ge Yang took his men and left Zu Kexin's house.

After all, he has to go back quickly and report the situation like a big silly brother.

I would also like to remind you that you must be careful in your work these days!

Otherwise, if you meet Jiang Chen on the opposite side, you will be over!


As soon as Brother Yang left, Zu Kexin hurriedly closed the door.

The next moment, Zu Kexin smashed things crazy in the house!

Endless irritation and anger!

She was still thinking today that she might be able to approach a rich man.

As a result, the rich didn't show up and were humiliated. It was simply annoying!

Just when Zu Kexin was angry, her cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Lin Hao turned out to be calling.

Zu Kexin didn't dare to accept it now.

Because she still owes Lin Hao money.

If Lin Hao wants to pay back the money himself, it will be miserable!

Zu Ke hung up the phone without even thinking about it!

Who knows, the next moment.

Her cell phone rang again.

It was from Lin Hao.

Zu Kexin was about to collapse, and could only choose to answer.

When the call was connected, Lin Hao's excited voice came from the phone.

"Hey, it's heartwarming. You've gotten better with Jiang Chen, right? You owe me one hundred thousand yuan, can you pay it back?"

When Zu Kexin heard this, her heart became tense.

Now, where can she have the money to return to Lin Hao.

"Lin Hao, let me tell you the truth, we were all deceived by Jiang Chen, he is not a rich man at all!..."

Zu Kexin, let's go, let's tell Lin Hao that Jiang Chen is a fake rich man and has no money at all!

Who knows!

Lin Hao was even more annoyed when he heard the news!

"Zu Kexin! Don't be sloppy with me! You owe me the money now, quickly pay it back! One hundred thousand yuan, one point cannot be less! Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Hearing this, Zu Kexin added fuel to the fire!


It's really a leak in the house, it's rainy night!

Unlucky things come after another!

Kaizi did not fall, and he owed a hundred thousand in debt!

Who is going to talk about this matter?

"Lin Hao, believe it or not! Anyway, I don't have any money right now, so do whatever you want!"

After saying this, Zu Kexin directly hung up the phone!

No matter how Lin Hao sends messages or calls, she won't answer!

Even later, Zu Kexin directly blocked Lin Hao and deleted it!

As for what will happen after them, it is unknown!


As for what happened behind Zu Kexin, Jiang Chen didn't know.

Besides, Jiang Chen was not interested in knowing.

At this time, Jiang Chen was blocking a car on the side of the road, preparing to take a taxi back.

However, Jiang Chen waited for a long time on this big road, but he didn't even wait for a taxi.

Jiang Chen thought, should he have a showdown?

Anyway, I am a rich person, and my relatives know about it.

It doesn't make sense to hide it any more.

at this time.

Not far away, a tall beauty in high heels walked over to Jiang Chen's side with long legs.

She came to Jiang Chen and suddenly said with a smile: "Zhang San, I didn't expect that I would meet you here, what a coincidence."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he was taken aback.

He is not called Zhang San at all.

Besides, I don't know this woman either.

Although this woman is very beautiful, he would not take the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

Jiang Chen looked at the beauty in front of him and said, "Girl, have you admitted the wrong person? I'm not Zhang San."

However, just as Jiang Chen had just finished speaking, the girl hurried forward and hugged Jiang Chen.

The nephrite came into her arms, and the fragrance of the beauty immediately floated into Jiang Chen's nose.

At this moment, the beautiful woman, right in Jiang Chen's ear, whispered: "Handsome guy, do me a favor and pretend to know me. Someone is following me behind me, I'm so scared..."


Jiang Chen was a little speechless.

Unexpectedly, I would encounter such a thing.

However, Jiang Chen's gaze shifted not far away.

Indeed, there are not many people on this road, and it seems relatively quiet.

And not far away, there was indeed a man wearing a hat and a black trench coat with a sneaky look.

The look of this guy kept looking at Jiang Chen and the others.

It seems that this guy is not a good person.

Now that this beauty has been followed, she should also come forward.

If you don't help, are you still a man?

Therefore, Jiang Chen simply hugged the beauty a little tighter, her **** waist feels very good, and this beauty's figure is also very good!

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Xiao Wei, it turned out to be you. I haven't seen you in a few years. I really didn't recognize you. Your changes are quite big."

With that said, Jiang Chen glanced at the beautiful woman in his arms inadvertently.


This beauty is not only tall, but the weapon is also very big, she can't grasp it with one hand, and wearing a skirt that wraps her hips, her figure is drawn forward and backward.

The goddess of 95 points!

Such a big beauty, it's no wonder that some people will think badly and follow!

The beauty in her arms, being held by Jiang Chen, looked a little shy.

However, she herself is now more worried about her own safety.

Therefore, the beauty Yanran smiled and said, "Yes, I have changed a lot in the past few years."

At this time, Jiang Chen let go of the beauty, touched her nose, and said with a smile: "Yes. I remember you were ugly when you were a kid. In recent years, I heard that you worked in a plastic surgery hospital. Did you get plastic surgery? "


Suddenly, the beauty wanted to stamp her feet!

What does it mean to be ugly when she was a child? She has been very beautiful since she was a child!

The figure and face are all born good or not!

However, when she thought of someone following, the beauty smiled and said: "Zhang San, you used to be too, more than two hundred catties, like Brother Pig. Now this is the case, shouldn't you have less fitness?"

After speaking, this beauty raised her eyebrows and looked a little proud in front of Jiang Chen!

After all, just now Jiang Chen said this to her, she also had to fight back!

However, just when the two were "playing" with each other, the guy who was following came over.

The beauty was startled when she heard the footsteps.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the man in the black trench coat walking towards them, and she suddenly became frightened and soft!

She hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen's arm, extremely nervous: "What should I do now?"

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said: "That guy's target is you, or you should run quickly?"

Unexpectedly, the beauty was crying in a hurry, with tears in her eyes.

"Woo, my legs are weak now I'm afraid, I can't walk anymore."

With that, she hid directly behind Jiang Chen and grabbed Jiang Chen's arm.

She felt that she felt safer behind Jiang Chen.

At this moment, the man in the black windbreaker had already speeded up his pace and came to Jiang Chen and the beautiful woman, his mask revealed a pair of fierce eyes.

In such a night, it is extremely frightening and terrifying!

Jiang Chen coughed and said, "Man, don't mess around, let's talk carefully if you have any questions."

However, the man in the black trench coat pulled out a knife directly from behind, stared at Jiang Chen and the beauty, and said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense! Rob!"

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