Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 905: 905:

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"It turns out that you are here, so I said why you ignore me, it turns out that there is a little wolf dog by your side!"

There was a disgusting voice in my ear.

Jiang Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and his face was still indifferent.

He has long been calm.

When she heard this, Lin Yingyue put down her wine glass immediately, looked at the young man sullenly, and scolded:

"Yu Huaiwei, don't talk nonsense. I'm not familiar with you. It's better to go farther and don't disturb me."

Upon hearing this, Yu Huaiwei's face showed disdain.

He chuckled and said, "Lin Yingyue, it seems bad for you to treat me with this attitude? Don't forget, your company, my family, and cooperation! You make me unhappy, believe me or not Go home, tell my dad directly, let my dad terminate the cooperation with your family!"

Being threatened by Yu Huaiwei, Lin Yingyue was extremely annoyed.

But she also knew that her family did cooperate with Yu's family.

If it is because of myself, the cooperation between the two parties is destroyed.

I'm afraid I will be blamed when I go home.

So Lin Yingyue gritted her teeth and said, "Yu Huaiwei, what do you want?"

Hearing Lin Yingyue’s somewhat compromised words, Yu Huaiwei raised his head and said proudly: "Lin Yingyue, I said earlier, don’t pretend to be a lofty person in front of me, don’t pretend to be a goddess! Stay with me all night, this matter That passed!"

"You are shameless!"

Lin Yingyue, who was angry, couldn't bear it.

She picked up a bottle of wine on the table and poured it directly on Yu Huaiwei.

At this moment, even Yu Huaiwei didn't expect it.

So he was abruptly, and Lin Yingyue was splashed all over with wine.

Yu Huaiwei was immediately angry!

He is a rich second-generation, and his family is very rich.

All along, in this small Anhua city, domineering!

There has never been anyone who dared to be so arrogant in front of him to throw him all over the wine!

Especially now, so many people are watching him!

Where does this make his face!

He became angry and raised his hand and shouted angrily: "Bitch, you are looking for death!"

When the voice fell, Yu Huaiwei suddenly raised his hand, facing Lin Yingyue, and threw it out!

The people whom Yu Huaiwei had brought, saw this scene with a happy face!

They felt that following Yu Huaiwei, it was very exciting.

However, before Yu Huaiwei's hand hit Lin Yingyue's face, there was a hand that suddenly stretched out and grabbed the former's hand!

Suddenly, Yu Huaiwei felt a sharp pain in his wrist!

In surprise, he hurriedly looked aside.

At this moment, Jiang Chen stood up.

It was Jiang Chen who grasped Yu Huaiwei's wrist.

The expression on Jiang Chen's face was still calm.

He looked at Yu Huaiwei and said calmly: "Boy, our man's hands are not used to beat women, don't you know?"

This sentence can be said to be full.

Lin Yingyue on the side was moved by Jiang Chen instantly, with little stars in her eyes!

Jiang Chen is so handsome and so manly!

On the other hand, Yu Huaiwei is really angry now!

Even if I poured alcohol on myself, I wanted to teach Lin Yingyue a lesson, but I was stopped!

This simply rubbed his face on the ground!

Yu Huaiwei stared at Jiang Chen angrily: "Smelly boy! I warn you, it's best not to be nosy, otherwise, you won't be able to eat!"

Jiang Chen smiled disdainfully and said, "Is it something new to threaten people? I've heard a lot of such words!"

Seeing Jiang Chen, he really didn't put Yu Huaiwei in his eyes at all.

Yu Huaiwei felt that his majesty had dropped by more than half.

He was instantly furious!

Apart from anything else, he picked up a bottle of wine from the table, directly hit Jiang Chen on the head, and smashed it fiercely!

As a rich second generation, Yu Huaiwei is not afraid of making trouble.

Besides, in this Anhua city, who has he been afraid of?

Even if it was tonight, I would give Jiang Chen a scoop, at most he would pay a small amount of medical expenses.

However, he really overestimated himself!

His bottle of wine was just lifted, and Jiang Chen backhanded it and snatched it away!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen took the bottle of wine, flipped it directly, and slammed it on Huaiwei's head!

Yu Huaiwei was caught off guard instantly and screamed!


The expression on his face was full of horror, this literal happening was too fast to react!

Who knows~~

When the wine bottle in Jiang Chen's hand approached Yu Huaiwei's head, he suddenly stopped and didn't smash it down.

Yu Huaiwei, who was originally terrified, saw Jiang Chen stop, and suddenly felt that he was even more embarrassed and embarrassed.

Because before, he was trembling with fear and begged for mercy.

This kind of thing, seen by the people I brought, is simply embarrassing to death!

Shame, what a shame!

Suddenly, Yu Huaiwei became angry from embarrassment.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Why, are you scared? You really can't do it."

When Yu Huaiwei heard this, he was extremely angry.

He stared at Jiang Chen and shouted angrily: "Smelly boy! If you have the ability, you can smash it, you smashed me tonight, don't want to go out!"

He thought Jiang Chen was scared, so he didn't dare to hit him!

But Jiang Chen is not a person who likes to be threatened.

He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Really? You are so arrogant? Then I will give it a try. What will happen!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen directly smashed the wine bottle in Yu Huaiwei's head.

"Kang Dang!"

The bottle is broken!

Yu Huaiwei's head suddenly blossomed and blood came out!

The people around were stunned!

Even people in the distance are passively attracted, it seems to come!

Actually, fighting at night in this bar is also very common.

It's just that, the commonality of people is that they like to watch the excitement!

Lin Yingyue beside Jiang Chen was shocked now!

She didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so arrogant and domineering!

Facing a rich second generation like Huaiwei, Jiang Chen didn't show any mercy!

For a while, even Lin Yingyue was at a loss.

But Jiang Chen dropped the wine bottle in his hand and let go of Yu Huaiwei.

He still smiled.

"Young Master Yu, how do you feel, how do you feel?"

Yu Huaiwei's head is very painful now, and his ears are humming even more!

He clutched his head and yelled in pain!

Several of his younger brothers hurriedly came to his side and asked eagerly:

"Yu Shao, Yu Shao, how are you? Do you want to call an ambulance?"

Although Yu Huaiwei is now, his head is opened.

But he is strong!

He directly slapped his hand and slapped the nearest little brother fiercely!

He scolded loudly: "What is the ambulance called, I am being bullied now! Didn't you see it?"

"Standing stupidly, give me hands! Teach this kid hard!"

When those little brothers heard what Yu Huaiwei said, they didn't dare to disobey!

They turned around, looked at Jiang Chen, and shouted angrily:

"Boy, you're done! Do you dare to do less, want you to look good today!"

Jiang Chen sneered and said with disdain: "Well, since you are not afraid of death, then all go."

The little brothers suddenly looked surprised!

They didn't expect Jiang Chen to have such a big tone!

Let them go together?

This makes them angry.

What kind of tone is this?

This is Chi Guoguo's despising them!

Indeed, Jiang Chen was just looking down on them.

Just a few of them are not enough to fight!

Jiang Chen said: I can play ten more!

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The next moment, Yu Huaiwei's little brothers yelled and rushed towards Jiang Chen with huge fists!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and quickly shot, knocking a few gangsters to the ground with ease!

The whole journey takes only a few seconds!

These people are all like ants in front of Jiang Chen, vulnerable!

Everyone in the bar stopped dancing, they all looked here, their faces were full of horror!

They have seen fierce people, but they have never seen such a fierce man Jiang Chen!

This kind of body style can be used to make armed action movies!

This big movement caused the music in the bar to stop too!

Even the colorful flashes were turned off and turned on.

At this moment, a few brawny men in black suits came from not far away and came to Jiang Chen.

"Sir, please stop, we are not allowed to fight in our bar!"

The costumes of these people can be seen as the security of the bar.

It is also commonly known as watching the scene.

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and said, "I don't want to either. They send it to the door and find their own death. What can I do? You say yes?"

Hearing that, those security guards were also quite helpless!

After all, listening to Jiang Chen's words, it seemed that he was the victim.

When they saw the beaten man clearly, they were shocked!

They all know who Yu Huaiwei is.

This is a big customer of the bar, starting with hundreds of thousands in one night!

Before he could argue with Jiang Chen, one of the security guards quickly helped Yu Huaiwei.

"Yu Shao, how are you? Do you want to call the police?"

At this time, Yu Huaiwei was in anger.

I have suffered a big loss, how can I just forget about this matter?

He stared at the security guard and scolded fiercely:

"You bastard, when you see me being beaten, what are you still trying to do, call me back and beat him hard! Otherwise, I will make you out of work!"

Yu Huaiwei really regards himself as an uncle.

He feels that big customers like himself, these security guards, should protect himself!

However, the facts did not go as he wished.

Yu Huaiwei's threats made the security guard feel disgusted in his heart.

However, in any case, Yu Huaiwei could not be offended by the security guard.

After thinking for a while, the security said calmly: "Yu Shao, how about that? I will take you to the hospital first. We will take care of the rest, okay?"

This security guard is still very savvy.

The first thing he thinks about is to calm things down.

So he planned to send Yu Huaiwei to the hospital first.

Next, have a good talk with Jiang Chen.

But now, Yu Huaiwei is in anger.

If he wants him to go to the hospital now, isn't he going to let Jiang Chen go?

Without even thinking about it, Yu Huaiwei said immediately: "No! You want me to go to the hospital, do you think it's possible to let me go to the hospital?"

He stared at the security guard fiercely.

"I'm telling you, the best way now is to give me a slap in the face of this stinky boy! Otherwise, I will tell your boss and fire you directly."

The security guard saw Yu Huaiwei being so arrogant, his face also showed some displeasure.

But he knew that he couldn't afford to offend someone like Yu Huaiwei.

If you offend such a rich second generation, I am afraid it will be difficult to mix up here in the future.

After thinking about it, the security guard said in a good voice: "Yu Shao, if you want to find our boss, I will call now and let the boss come down and take care of the matter in person. After all, we are only working part-time, and we can't make claims. ."

Hearing this, Yu Huaiwei was happy, hehe smiled and said:

"Okay, you go find your boss, if you can't give me a satisfactory explanation today, your bar, don't open it!"

Yu Huaiwei looked arrogant, a little lawless!

The security guard also didn't want to say anything to Yu Huaiwei. What could he say to a idiot?

He nodded, took out his cell phone, and made a call...


After a while.

A calm-looking middle-aged man in a suit walked down from the second floor of the bar.

Came in front of Yu Huaiwei.

"Yu Shao, I already know what happened to you. We make money by harmony. We value harmony. If you have anything, you can talk about it, why bother?"

Seeing this middle-aged man, Yu Huaiwei smiled and said, "Boss Fang, I don't like to make troubles for Yu Huaiwei.

At your bar today, I got a headshot. Just tell me what to do with this matter? "

In his words, with a threat!

After all, in his capacity, he is enough to be on an equal footing with Boss Fang!

Anyway, I have to find face here too!

Otherwise, how will he come out to mess in the future?

That boss Fang is also very personal.

He also has some understanding of Huai Wei.

Offending Yu Huaiwei is not good for him.

Boss Fang smiled kindly: "Yu Shao, don't worry, I will take care of this matter and give you a satisfactory answer."

When the voice fell, Boss Fang looked at the security guard behind him and asked: "Who was it that beat Yu Shao just now?"

The security guards didn't dare to talk nonsense.

He looked at Jiang Chen and replied: "This is the gentleman."

Boss Fang nodded slightly and walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Young man, are you courageous? In someone's bar, you still dare to do something, do you know what the consequences are?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said, "I don't know what the consequences are, but we have to make sense. It's this guy who did the first thing. I will counter him. Isn't that okay?"

Boss Fang was embarrassed for a while.

He immediately looked at Yu Huaiwei and asked: "Yu Shao, was your first hand?"

Yu Huaiwei took the towel, covered his forehead, and said angrily: "Boss Fang, I am looking for you to help me solve the problem. What do you ask so many for?

Hurry up, take this kid away, give it a big beating, and break a leg! Otherwise, I will never end this matter with him! "

Upon hearing this, Boss Fang was speechless!

He originally thought that Yu Huaiwei was the victim, and feelings were your first hand?

Was beaten back?

You come to me to sue?

What made him even more unexpected was that Yu Huaiwei's mind was not easy to use!

Don't look at it either, how many people are staring here.

If you do it casually.

Not only Yu Huaiwei has something to do, but even he can't get rid of it.

Even if you want to move Jiang Chen, you have to find a hidden place!

Boss Fang was embarrassed and said, "Yu Shao, don't worry, let's take care of this matter slowly."

Yu Huaiwei was furious: "What is slow, he broke my head! This matter can only be done according to what I said, otherwise, it will end like this!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was funny in his heart.

Really treat himself as a person?

Jiang Chen looked at Yu Huaiwei and smiled faintly: "Did you have a broken head, it's not enough, and you want to suffer a little bit to know you are afraid?"

Jiang Chen's words were very plain and casual.

I don't know, I thought he was joking.

But in fact, what Jiang Chen said is true.

If Yu Huaiwei doesn't know each other, Jiang Chen can take action at any time and make him regret it!

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Yu Huaiwei was already furious!

He is going to explode!

Ever since he was young, when has he been threatened like this by Yu Huaiwei? !

Just as he was about to speak, Lin Yingyue on the side spoke up.

Lin Yingyue stood up, and the other boss said, "Boss Fang, this is my friend. If there is something that is not done well, please ask Boss Fang to give a face."

When Boss Fang saw that it was Lin Yingyue, he immediately said with a smile: "It turns out that it is your friend, Miss Lin, so this matter will be easy to handle."

After that, Boss Fang looked at Yu Huaiwei as a peacemaker, and said: "Yu Shao, you and Miss Lin are both old acquaintances. Why don’t you pay you some medical expenses. Let’s forget about this. ,what do you think?"

As soon as Yu Huaiwei heard this, he immediately exploded.

"No! I don't agree with this solution! What do you think of me Yu Huaiwei, give me some medical expenses, this matter can be forgotten, do you think it is possible?"

Hearing this, Boss Fang looked a little ugly.

This Yu Huaiwei doesn't give himself face at all!

If this were replaced by someone else talking to him like this, he would have been angry long ago!

But there is no way, this Yu Huaiwei, he still needs to be a little bit jealous!

Boss Fang smiled and said in a good voice: "Yu Shao, let's not talk here. It's better to go to the second floor and go to my office. Let's discuss how to solve this problem slowly, okay?"

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