Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 920: 920: Girlfriends plastic love!

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Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran returned home.

In the kitchen, a beautiful girl in a maid costume is cooking, ready to show off her skills.

This is the maid butler invited by Jiang Chen, who graduated from Helan International Butler Academy.

Young and beautiful, with long legs, big waist and thin ass!

Also various life skills!

Cooking is just the most basic.

Of course, the salary is also slightly higher, with a monthly salary of 100,000.

As soon as I walked into the hall, I smelled a strong fragrance of vegetables floating in the hall!

Jiang Anran stayed at the auction house all morning and was already hungry.

Now that she smells the fragrance of vegetables, she feels her belly groaning~~

"Wow, I have something delicious today~~"

Jiang Anran looked at the kitchen and smiled like a flower.

At this time, the beauty housekeeper walked out with a plate of steamed grouper with a smile.

"President Jiang, Miss, you are back. I made some dishes today, which will be ready soon. Please wait a moment."

With that, the beauty housekeeper put the steamed grouper on the table, then turned back and continued cooking.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran brought grandma out.

The three of them were sitting in the living room, watching TV and waiting for dinner.

These days, they have been eating takeaways, as well as hotel and restaurant food. They miss home cooking very much.

In fact, the dishes of the hotel and restaurant are matched with various seasonings.

Similar to the products of the production line, there is still a little difference from the home-cooked dishes.

Now, the butler can make a good table.

Jiang Chen and the others can just taste it.

Soon, all the dishes prepared by the beauty housekeeper were put on the table.

"President Jiang, eldest lady, old lady, the food is ready, you can eat."

With that, the beauty housekeeper supported the old lady and took her to dinner.

Everyone sat down.

Seeing the table full of dishes, everyone eats it.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and smiled: "Xiao Xu, the food I cooked today is good."

This beautiful housekeeper is called Xu Yi, who is almighty in housekeeping.

I just graduated from the Dutch Butler Academy this year, with a top five overall score.

According to the market price, it should start with a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, and the price given by Jiang Chen is twice the market price!

No way, too much!

After being praised by Jiang Chen, Xu Yi blushed.

"Thank you, President Jiang for the compliment, you can call me Xiaoyi in the future."

After that, Xu Yi picked up some vegetables for Jiang Chen's grandma and fed the old lady himself.

This kind of service can only be enjoyed if you pay a lot of money.

After taking a mouthful of the food, the old lady said with a smile: "The dishes made by Xiao Yi are really delicious. This kind of taste is much better than the restaurant!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Grandma, if you like to eat, then eat more. I haven't eaten good things these days, so make up more today."


The old lady nodded and smiled.

She feels very happy to be able to eat with her grandson and granddaughter.

Eating delicious food, the old lady also had a leisurely chat, and smiled: "Xiao Chen, I think this girl Xu Yi is really good. If I can be my grandson and daughter-in-law, that would be great!"

With that, the old lady looked at Jiang Chen.

Xu Yi on the side turned blushing immediately.

Jiang Chen was a little speechless when he heard this.

He invited Xu Yi to take care of his grandmother.

He Jiang Chen, still needs someone to take care of him?

Besides, I don’t know if Xu Yi has a boyfriend.

Jiang Chen coughed and said, "Grandma, you can eat. If you say that, if Xu Yi gets angry, he won't come to serve you."

Xu Yi was a little embarrassed, bowed his head to eat, raised his eyes and peeked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is so handsome and so rich!

In most people, her conditions are actually very good, but...

In the formal world of housekeeping, there is actually a rule.

That is not to have feelings with the male host, this has always been a taboo in the housekeeping world!

Therefore, she can't even think about it.

Grandma Jiang Chen, seeing Xu Yi blushing, she didn't say much.

After dinner, the family sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Jiang Anran took the remote control and selected dramas for his grandma.

After choosing a channel, she took her mobile phone and started playing there.

While playing, Jiang Anran looked at Jiang Chen suddenly and said, "Brother, my former high school classmate, knows that I have moved to a new house and want to come to play, okay?"

Of course, Jiang Chen would not refuse such a trivial matter.

After all, this is her only sister, her classmate, who wants to come to play at home, how would Jiang Chen refuse.

"No problem, they want to come, so let them come, my brother is very welcome."

When Jiang Anran heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, you are so kind, I know, you will agree."

With that said, Jiang Anran picked up his mobile phone and sent a message, asking his high school classmates to come to her house to play this evening.

After sending the message, Jiang Anran prepared to clean the villa.

However, the villa was very clean, and Xu Yi was there, so there was basically nothing to clean.

But to welcome the guests, Jiang Anran did it himself and sorted it out.

And Xu Yi also helped.

Soon, the villa was cleaned and it was beautifully made.

Xu Yi also knew that Jiang Anran was going to entertain her classmates tonight, so she went outside to buy something and came back.

After all, she is the housekeeper of Jiang Chen's family, and she is the only one now.

She has to do these things well.

After six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Anran's high school classmates arrived.

Not many people came, only five people, these are all good friends of Jiang Anran High School.

All girls.

It should be called Jiang Anran's best friend.

When these five girls came to Jiang Anran's house, they were very surprised to see the luxurious villa.

They did not expect that Jiang Anran was very poor when he was studying.

As a result, a few years later, Jiang Anran's family actually bought a villa!

Such a thing is really shocking.

However, one by one, they were all happy for Jiang Anran.

Jiang Chen also went over and greeted them.

The five female classmates were all excited when they saw Jiang Chen here.

They all think Jiang Chen is so handsome!

He looks more handsome than the superidol on TV!

A girl with dyed red hair, dressed very fashionable.

As soon as she saw Jiang Chen, she said to Jiang Anran, "An Ran, who is this? Is your boyfriend?"

None of these girls knew Jiang Chen.

They thought Jiang Anran had found a rich boyfriend to live in the villa.

Jiang Anran was embarrassed and immediately said, "This is not my boyfriend, this is my brother, my brother!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of those girls brightened up!

Unexpectedly, this handsome man is actually Jiang Anran's brother?

In other words, is Jiang Anran really rich at home?

The red-haired girl stared at the stars and immediately said: "An Ran, your brother is really handsome~~"

After speaking, she hurriedly came to Jiang Chen, stretched out her hand, and smiled slightly.

"Hello, I am An Ran's high school classmate. My name is Yu Xiaomei. I don't know what you call it?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "My name is Jiang Chen. When you get here, just be casual and you are welcome."

When Yu Xiaomei heard this, she laughed and said, "Okay! Then I'm not welcome!"


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Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what she was going to do.

I saw, Yu Xiaomei smiled, immediately put down the bag in her hand, and then ran to the villa, looking around.

She grew up so big, she has never seen such a luxurious villa.

The same is true for several other girls.

After watching for a while, the five of them returned to the lobby of the villa.

"An Ran, your house is so big, it's really beautiful!"

"It's okay, my brother bought this, the villa he gave me."

Jiang Anran is a little proud.

She felt that she had such a good brother Jiang Chen, that was so happy!

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaomei's eyes became even more intense.

She looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, you are so amazing. If you can afford such a villa, you must be able to make money?"

Seeing that she was not malicious, Jiang Chen smiled plainly: "Well, I have made a small amount of money in the past few years. So I bought a villa and lived in An Ran.

If you are free in the future, come here to accompany An Ran more. "

Yu Xiaomei hurriedly smiled and said: "Okay, no problem! Don't worry, Jiang Chen, we will come to accompany An Ran when we are free in the future!"

Jiang Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, then. By the way, do you stay here for dinner tonight?"

Yu Xiaomei's eyes suddenly turned, and she smiled and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, you think you are so rich. We don't want to eat at home tonight. Please ask us to eat out, okay?"

Jiang Chen frowned, a little unhappy.

But considering that these are Enron's high school classmates, it's normal to be ignorant.

"All right, let's go out to eat."

After speaking, Jiang Chen looked at the old lady and asked patiently: "Grandma, are you going out to eat tonight, or are you at home?"

The old lady smiled kindly, and slowly said: "Xiaochen, grandma is getting older, so I won't go out to join in the fun, you young people go."

Xu Yi has been with the old lady, showing a warm smile and said: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry. I have the old lady at home."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen nodded in relief.

"Then, you can stay, do you have anything you want to eat, tell me, I will bring it back for you."

Regarding the housekeeper, Jiang Chen didn't mean to overpower the superior.

On the contrary, it will be more comfortable to get along as friends and family.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, don't bother. Whatever the old lady wants to eat, I will cook it for her."

Xu Yi deserves to be a graduate of the Professional Butler Academy. There is nothing to say whether it is professionalism or character.

Understand the emotions of others and take care of other people's diet and daily life.

Be meticulous.

This made Jiang Chen feel that these 100,000 yuan of flowers are worth the money.

"That's fine, you can take care of your grandma at home, let's go eat first."


Xu Yi smiled sweetly, like a well-behaved maid.

Not far away, Yu Xiaomei saw Xu Yi so well-behaved and sensible.

There was jealousy in her heart!

Isn't it just a green tea bitch?

What to pretend to be cute?

The old lady has the opportunity to also perform well in front of Jiang Chen.

When the time comes to become a hostess, the first one will fire you!

Yu Xiaomei thought secretly.


After half an hour.

Jiang Chen took a group of girls and drove two Porsches to the most high-end restaurant in Anhua City for dinner.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to drive a car.

But with so many people, a little crowded.

So he and Jiang Anran drove a Porsche alone.

Those girls have never been in a luxury car like a Porsche.

They were all very excited while sitting in the car, and they took out their phones and took pictures there.

After taking the photo, send it to Moments for showing off!

Soon, a group of them came to the door of the high-end restaurant in Anhua City.

Two Porsches stopped, and six beauties and a handsome guy came out!

With such a lineup, the rate of return is directly exploded!

Many passers-by were envious of this scene!

They thought that Jiang Chen was a rich second generation with a group of beauties and was going to go hipi!

This multi-player movement of men and six women is exciting to think about!

Even the waiters and security guards at the entrance of the restaurant are sour!

Why is the gap between people so big?


Soon, Jiang Chen took a group of beautiful women into the restaurant.

Just sitting down, the waiter came.

Jiang Chen took the menu and handed it to the other girls.

"You can order whatever you like, you are welcome."

Yu Xiaomei took the menu and said with a smile on her face: "Little brother Jiang Chen, then I'm not welcome. I want to have a big meal tonight."

After that, she was really rude, took the menu and started ordering.

Other girls also started to follow suit.

When they first saw the price of the menu, they were shocked!

This value is really expensive, a plate of ordinary Chinese cabbage costs more than 200 yuan!

But when they thought that Jiang Chen was so rich, they didn't have too much worries and let them go.

Anyway, it's not my own money!

Jiang Chen didn't feel distressed.

He just helped his sister support the scene, and it didn't matter to spend a little money.

Soon, the order is finished.

They rushed to chat with Jiang Chen.

It seems that they really like Jiang Chen, a rich man.

But Jiang Anran was a little embarrassed by the side.

After all, my best friend is a big deal here!

This makes her a little unhappy.

Although his elder brother is very rich, he is so snarled by his best friend.

She thinks these girlfriends are like plastic sisters?

Soon, the dishes came up, and expensive dishes were put on the table, neatly arranged.

The color, fragrance and taste!

It's very expensive just by looking at it!

The girls took out their phones again and took pictures there.

Jiang Chen drank lightly, not caring about these little things at all.

He was totally looking at Jiang Anran's face, so he invited dinner today.

Otherwise, these vain girls can let Jiang Chen invite dinner?

Think too much!

After the photo was taken, these girls disregarded the image of ladies and feasted on them!

They hadn't eaten this kind of delicacy before, but they ate it for the first time today. They were extremely excited and made strange noises from time to time!

"Ah~~This is too delicious!"

"No way, no way! I'm full! I can't eat it!"

"I'll go down with this bite, it will cost more than one thousand yuan!"

"I don't know why, there are tears in my eyes..."


Several girls burst into tears and started crying!

Jiang Chen: "..."

Isn't it?

Just eating a meal, so moved to cry?

It seems that I have suffered a lot before!

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