Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 922: 922: Project begining! Long missed Liancheng!

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"Mr. Jiang, what are your conditions?"

Professor Li couldn't wait to ask.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said faintly: "My conditions are very simple. I must control 70% of the new technology.

In addition, Professor Li, you also need to join our Jiang’s Medical Group and sign a confidentiality agreement. "

Upon hearing this, Professor Li was silent for an instant!

These two conditions are not simple at all!

First, Jiang’s Medical Group must control 70% ownership. What does this mean?

This means that this technology must be dominated by Jiang's Medical!

Jiang Chen has the final say!

And joining the Jiang's Medical Group, this is not what he can say!

This must be approved by the superior!

Professor Li took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Jiang, I cannot give you an answer immediately on your terms. I must get permission from above to give you this answer. Can I make a phone call?"

"Well, Professor Li, please."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

He believes that everyone is not a fool, and it is obvious to all that his Jiang Group has made contributions to China.

This technology, if the other party does not agree, it will cause the new technology to stagnate for at least 20 years!

They can't wait!

And only cooperation is the last word!

As for who owns the ownership, it depends on whether the other party trusts him or not!


Professor Li nodded, picked up the phone with a solemn expression, walked aside, and called the superior leader.

When the superiors received this call, their expressions were extremely solemn, and later they even called the high level of the central government.

After several rounds in this way, an order was communicated from the top, that is to trust the Jiang Group!

During this half-hour waiting, Professor Li was sweating profusely!

It can be seen that this project is of vital importance to China as a whole!

Professor Li was also relieved when he finally received the reply, but the high-level staff also put forward the conditions.

Professor Li was worried and happy, walked back and said, "Mr. Jiang, the State Council gave a reply. We can accept your terms, but..."


"The State Council has also put forward conditions for you, that is, the issue of research funding."

Professor Li showed a bitter smile on his face: "The executives said, your Jiang’s group is the light of Huaxia Technology, so you can control and lead this project and trust your company’s decision-making! But at the same time, the research funding must also be yours. Bear 70%. We believe that this is relatively fair."

"70% of the funding?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment. This high-level man was really an old fox.

He smiled and said, "I remember that your research funding for this technology in the past two years should be around 20 billion, so I only need to invest around 7 billion every year, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang."

Professor Li nodded, but at the same time he was a little nervous, afraid that he would be embarrassed by this issue.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen readily agreed, and stretched out his hand: "No problem, Professor Li. Welcome to join the Jiang Group and look forward to your and your team."

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Professor Li held Jiang Chen's hand with both hands excited.

He knows that this moment is of vital importance to China's medical technology!

It can even subvert human cognition in the medical field!

Create a new era of medical care!

Next, the two chatted about the details!

Such as salary issues, confidentiality contracts, and resource issues and so on.

And along with this talk.

Jiang Chen also thoroughly understood Xinsheng Technology.

Newborn technology is a technology that breaks through human cognition. It can reconnect human muscles and spinal nerves that have been blocked!

Regenerate nerves!

The focus of this technology lies in the life-prolonging medicine of Jiang's Medical!

And the first-generation machine that Professor Li and his team have developed: the human body medical repair device!

Of course, the details of this technology will be improved one by one in the follow-up!

Not surprisingly, every professor wants to take over the power, and this project is also dominated by Professor Li.

Jiang Chen did not intend to interfere with their research, but to sit back and enjoy the results.

Just have the ownership of the later technology!

These professors are actually helping him work!

After the conversation, Professor Li was full of joy and shook hands with Jiang Chen again.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your trust! We will surely develop great technology that will benefit mankind and society in the shortest time!"


Jiang Chen smiled slightly and shook it lightly!

At this point, this matter has also been finalized!

At this time, Professor Liu who had been silent for a long time was also a little bit ready to move!

"Mr. Jiang, can you take some time?"


Jiang Chen glanced at his watch and found that it was still early.

Professor Liu whispered: "In fact, I have another project in hand, which is also biotechnology, but it is in the medical direction. Once the research is successful, 99% of cancers in the world can be completely conquered!"

"Oh? Conquer cancer?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he was interested: "Tell me carefully."


Professor Liu began to describe his thoughts to Jiang Chen in great detail.

Of course, Professor Liu is also a great power in the medical field, and his biotechnology to overcome cancer is not nonsense!

The core idea is to make a drug that can activate the body's immune system, allowing it to accurately attack cancer cells, sweeping the whole body from the start, without letting go of any cell, so as to achieve the point of complete eradication of cancer!

But his project, after a PK with Professor Li's new technology, the new technology won, and his project was stopped.

The only thing that can bring him back to life is to cooperate with Jiang's Medical!

After listening to Jiang Chen, he remembered one thing!

He once used life-enhancing potions for ten years to save a girl!

And only this ten-year life extension agent has the effect of killing cancer!

But this kind of medicine is very scarce, and it is impossible to make it popular all over the country!

And if there is biotechnology to overcome cancer and achieve low-cost cancer treatment, it will be a technology that can be put into use and can be popularized.

The situation was completely different then!

"Mr. Jiang, can you give me a chance? I won't let you down!"

Professor Liu has a firm vision, this project is very likely to be the last project in his life!

Who doesn't want to be famous?

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Professor Liu, be more confident! Your project is fine."

"Although the State Council gave up your research, I think it is not completely out of opportunity!"

"Well, the cancer project is independent, and you have full control!"

"The ownership is completely owned by the Jiang Group!"

"In addition, I will give you 1 billion R&D funds every month. What resources are needed? You can apply to my secretary!"

The annual R&D fund of 12 billion is enough!

Because the resources available to Jiang's Group are endless!

Various rare metals, elements, medicines...

This 12 billion plus existing resources can even reach an effect of 200 billion!

This is not an exaggeration at all!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, are you true?"

Professor Liu couldn't help getting excited at this moment, so excited that his whole body was trembling!

"Of course, you have a huge reputation in this field, and through the conversation with you just now, you can clearly hear that you have ideas, but you lack a little time, opportunity, and resources. I believe you once!"

Jiang Chen smiled meaningfully: "I hope you, don't let me down."

"Thank you... Mr. Jiang, thank you, thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you for trusting me! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

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Professor Liu was so excited that he was a little incoherent, and bowed to Jiang Chen again and again.

"If you're polite, let's not talk about it. Go back and mobilize your research team. Give them the most generous treatment, as long as they have the strength and work hard. Houses, cars, tickets, everything.

What I dislike the most is to treat scientific researchers wrongly. That is the core force that promotes the progress of human civilization! "

Jiang Chen's words came to Professor Liu's heart, making him grateful.

In this way, Jiang Chen settled two scientific research projects worth tens of billions of years in one afternoon!

1: Newborn technology. In cooperation with the State Council, 70% of the power will be held by Jiang's Group!

2: Biotechnology! Conquer cancer, Jiang Chen has full control!



Two scientific research teams have settled in Jiang's Medical Base.

They are two scientific research teams led by Professor Li and Professor Liu!

And Jiang Chen also gave 2 billion to the two teams as start-up funds!

Professor Li and Professor Liu are not negligent.

They have been looking forward to this day for too long, too long!

Now it's finally the closest moment to the realization of their dreams. They are so excited that they have devoted themselves to the laboratory.

The two scientific research teams quickly started their work.

If there is a shortage of biological equipment, let Jiang's Technology Company build it!

If there is a shortage of raw materials, take them from Jiang's Space Company!

This biological equipment starts at one million, and some of the raw materials are as high as hundreds of thousands of grams!

Cooperating with Jiang's Group, this research money has been saved by at least 80%!

If it weren't for the Jiang Group, the family would be great!

Most people can't afford scientific research!

"No...Professor Liu's project has been restarted!"

"They are all stationed in the Jiang Group! The Medical Research Institute is not staying! This is outrageous!"

"Now they have what they want! There is no need to worry about equipment, resources or anything! It is so fragrant to engage in scientific research in the Jiang Group!"

"I thought Lao Liu was joking with me. When he invited me, he said that his project had restarted, but I didn't believe it. I didn't expect...he was appreciated by the boss of Jiang's Group and joined Jiang's Medical Group! I'm sour!"

"Or... I'll look for Lao Liu, who should still be short of people there!"

"Lao Li's project is really strong. It was originally focused on by the State Council, and now it is still linked with Jiang's Medical Group in a dream! This new technology, I guess it will be successful!

"I want to find Lao Li quickly. If this new technology is really born, my name will also be recorded in the textbooks of the posterity, and it will be passed on forever!"


A bunch of authoritative old professors and experts are all excited at this moment!

The scientific community is not big.

The biotechnology community is even more pitiful.

The entire circle belongs to the top, and there are only a few groups of people, so the news spread quickly!

Especially Professor Liu, his project was originally stopped. When the team was formed, the authoritative professional doctors in the industry did not believe it very much!

After all, even the country is not ready to invest money!

Who will continue to invest money for you?

As soon as the news came out, Professor Liu unexpectedly found the great backer of Jiang's Medical Group!

And one billion research funds per month!

At this moment, all authoritative professors and doctors began to waver!

No one wants to achieve their dreams and stay in history!

As a result, a group of authoritative experts and professors all found Professor Li and Professor Liu.

When they heard that these industry leaders were willing to come, both of them were overjoyed.

"No problem, no problem! As long as you open the golden mouth, I will welcome you infinitely! And I promised that your treatment will never change. We will double how much you will receive over there!" Professor Li was extremely excited.

"Old Wu, if you really want to come, I will make room for you! Don’t say anything else, haven’t you been worrying about the problem that your granddaughter does not have a school district room and that you have to commute for an hour to school every day? You arrange a room in the nearest school district, and the rent is free!"

Professor Liu was equally excited: "And Mr. Jiang said, if you make a major contribution to the project, let alone renting a house, it will be fine to give you the entire school district room!"

Hearing what Professor Li and Professor Liu said, these authoritative experts and professors no longer hesitated and resigned decisively from their original units or groups.

Allow those units and groups to raise their salaries twice as well, knowing it with affection, and moving it with reason, and it is impossible to keep it.

No way, no matter how you persuade, others will just say: "If you also have the energy of the Jiang Group, I will definitely stay. But if not, please don't stop me from realizing my dream, thank you."

Those unit groups are speechless!

Jiang's Group!

There is not one of the largest groups in the world today!

They really can't keep the important people in such a place!

The resources and energy of others are beyond their imagination!


On Jiang Chen's side, an investment company was established silently.

It is named Xingchen Investment Company, and its purpose is: whether to make money or not is not the first thing, it must contribute to the human society and drive the progress and development of mankind!

This company deliberately set a very low profile.

Just to be able to mine good projects for investment!

Every day, there are many projects sent to Jiang Chen, but unfortunately, almost all of them are short-term projects.

Regarding technology and future projects, Jiang Chen has never seen satisfaction.


Outside of normal, he goes to accompany his girlfriends!

On this day, he drove to Liancheng!

Liancheng is a small city, very close to the emperor.

Here, Jiang Chen has two bars: Tianchen Bar and Tianque Bar.

Now, under the care of Leng Xiaoyan, revenue continues to rise, and a bar has an annual income of 500 million!

In the city center, a Tianchen Building was built. This building has also become a landmark building in Liancheng today!

Under the building.

A woman stood there quietly, with a light makeup painted on her face, and her facial features were exquisite and glamorous. Her long satin-like hair was dangled at will, her skin was white and tender and smooth, her figure was rugged, her waist was gripped, and her two slender legs were wrapped in black silk.

People passing by can't help but glance over here!

But seeing her cold eyes, he immediately retracted his gaze, not daring to look at her!

She is the female president of Tianchen Group-Leng Xiaoyan!

She was originally from an ordinary background, but a few years ago, she met someone who changed her life's fate, Jiang Chen.

Today, knowing that Jiang Chen was coming, she waited under the building in advance.

The man she longs for is coming, and she is naturally full of joy!

Soon, a dark Rolls Royce brought it over!

Leng Xiaoyan's icy eyes flowed immediately, as if full of endless tenderness.

The door opened, and a man got out of the car, a man she could never know more about!


Leng Xiaoyan whispered, the iceberg melted, showing a girlish smile, stepped on high heels, and ran over!

Before Jiang Chen could close the car door, he was hugged by Leng Xiaoyan!

"Husband~ I miss you so much!"

She buried her head on Jiang Chen's shoulder, closed her cold eyes, and squeezed out a few crystal tears from the corners of her eyes!

She really missed Jiang Chen so much!

Jiang Chen smelled the faint fragrance of her body, stroked the woman's hair smoothly, and smiled gently: "I miss you too."

"Well... I'll hold it for a long time!"

Leng Xiaoyan's tone was a little coquettish, and she hugged Jiang Chen tightly.

"Okay, you are also a female president now, don't you want to be an image?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"No! What image do you want in front of your husband?"

Hearing Leng Xiaoyan's words, Jiang Chen laughed blankly, and hugged each other tightly without letting go.

At this time, a group of employees walked out of the Tianchen Building, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, they saw an amazing scene!

Her family's always cold female president was hugging a strange man!

The smiles on their faces disappeared instantly!


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