Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 924: 924: fully cover!

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"Is this done?"

"Yes, President Jiang, now our new technology has completed the first stage, the flesh-and-blood restoration!"

Professor Li said excitedly: "Any trauma, as long as it does not involve nerve damage, a pure blood wound can be repaired extremely quickly through the special X72 nutrient solution!"

Jiang Chen asked faintly: "Then which step is still missing now?"

"Mr Hui Jiang, it's a human experiment now."

As Professor Li said, he took a knife from his assistant, then grasped the edge of the knife with his hand, and yanked it!

Blood splashed directly from his palm!

"Professor Li?"

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

"President Jiang, I promised you that I won't let you down."

"I also promised you that I will make science and technology that will contribute to mankind and society!"

"Start with me now to test the effect of this invention on the human body!"

With that, Professor Li opened the medical cabin and lay in silently.

The medical staff in charge of injecting anesthetics came over and infused Professor Li with total anesthesia.

Professor Li quickly fell into a deep sleep state.

The blood on his hand is still flowing out.

The X72 nutrient solution was injected.

Gradually drowning Professor Li's whole body and mixing the blood in it, it looked like turbid ink.

At the same time, these nutrient solutions were poured into the body from Professor Li's mouth, nose, and ears.

The researchers around were not idle, and quickly began to adjust the parameters of the human medical biological cabin.

In addition to X72 nutrient solution.

These parameters are also very important.

All of them were debugged by Professor Li and the researchers over and over again. For the nutrient solution and these parameters, they burned a lot of Jiang's medical life-prolonging drugs, which is a lot of money!

So no matter what is missing, this technology will not work.

Soon, Professor Li's body was completely infiltrated with 72 nutrient solutions.

Through the transparent glass of the biological cabin, Professor Li looked like a human body in formalin, breathing slowly, and fell asleep completely.

X72 nutrient solution does not cause hypoxia in the human body.

Because it is full of oxygen.

"Start, first gear!"

The human body medical repair cabin is activated.

Jiang Chen and the others stared straight at the wound on Professor Li's hand.

When the weak current passes through, the nutrient solution is instantly activated, completely fused with the cells in the human body, and repairs Professor Li's wound super fast!

It was less than five seconds.

There were no more wounds on Professor Li's palm.

What disappeared at the same time were the scars on the corners of his eyes left from childhood.

And because of his lung discomfort, he has always had old troubled lung organs!


Accompanied by the green light on the medical repair cabin of the human body lit up.

"The repair is 100% complete!"

The scientific researcher looked at the results displayed on the display and said excitedly.

"President Jiang, we succeeded!"

In a word, all the researchers in the audience were all mobilized at this time, cheering and cheering, venting the excitement in their hearts!

No one knows better than them what this scientific research success means.

The birth of the human medical repair cabin may directly fundamentally change the medical status of humans in the future!

"Yes, it's really good."

Jiang Chen couldn't help sighing.

The progress of Xinsheng's technology was obviously much faster than he had imagined.

Before Professor Li wakes up, the professionals will expel all the nutrient solution in his body to prevent the trachea from being blocked and choking to death after resuming breathing.

At the same time, he deliberately gave him a complete set of "drying" operations, so that when he lay in, he was dry and dry, and the same when he came out.


When Professor Li came out of the clean room safe and sound, Jiang Chen took the lead to applaud and welcome him.

"Professor Li, thank you for your contribution!"

"Your human body medical repair cabin is worthy of my trust in you!"

Jiang Chen smiled and applauded.

"Thank you, President Jiang." Professor Li already knew the result at this time, and his face was also filled with an unconcealable smile.

"It's time to consider bringing this repair cabin to the market."

Jiang Chen picked up a piece of information and said, "Professor Li, the cost of our human body medical repair cabin is about 780,000 yuan each. This price is not high among medical equipment.

However, the high cost is the nutrient solution. The nutrient solution is extracted from our Jiang’s medical life-prolonging medicine. The cost of making a bottle of nutrient solution costs 20,000 yuan, which is not conducive to our nationwide investment. "

You know, the 20,000 yuan is just a cost.

When it is really applied to hospitals and major clinics, the price will be at least tripled!

Even if the patient knows that this treatment has a good effect and can eradicate their sequelae, most people are not entitled to enjoy it in the face of money.

"President Jiang, I have considered this."

Professor Li said: "At present, I have increased the cost a lot for the effect of stacking materials. If it is decentralized for civilian use, the cost can be greatly reduced. The effect will be reduced to a certain extent, but it will not be too much, which will benefit the general population. effect."

"According to my previous calculations, under the condition of ensuring the standard effect, the cost of a nutrient solution can be as low as about 6000."

"Of course, if you invest so much cost, you must recover the cost, so I personally suggest that you can set the price of each nutrient solution to about 20,000! This price is acceptable to ordinary people. After all, a minor operation, Everyone has to start at 20,000!"

"In addition, the hospitals have money, and it is not a problem to sell the medical cabin for 1.5 million!"

"I can also apply to include this medical technology in the scope of national social insurance reimbursement, so as to better benefit the people!"

Professor Li is very considerate.

Jiang Chen was especially careful about pricing.

However, what he didn't know was that Jiang Chen had another idea!

"Well then."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "I invested in Xinsheng Technology only to benefit more people in the society. Although this product burned me a lot of money, but in order to let more people enjoy it, I decided to use the lowest cost. Price to put it on the market!"

"The cost of the cabin is 780,000. Excluding the cost, freight and various losses and so on, it will be 850,000."

"You said that the cost of the nutrient solution can be compressed to 6000, then the shipping price is set at 8000. At the same time, all hospitals or clinics that use human medical repair cabins must be required to price no more than 12,000, otherwise the cooperation will be cancelled!"

This time, Jiang Chen didn't want to make money.

Because his system has a reputation value!

The prestige value can be exchanged for various high-value things!

And the company's product conscience can gain a good reputation!

To gain the prestige of the people!

As today's super boss, money is really just a bunch of numbers to him!

What he wants to do is something more meaningful!

"President Jiang, your mind... I'm ashamed!"

When Professor Li heard Jiang Chen's words, he was even more shocked and admired from the heart.

Since he started, he has known many people.

He knows that many businessmen, for the sake of profit, can suppress as low or as low as possible, and the pricing can be as high as possible, and making money is the kingly way!

Like Jiang Chen, who only asks for favors to the people, but does not force profits in return... is the first person he has ever met in his life!

So when it came to this, Professor Li solemnly bowed to Jiang Chen on the spot, and bowed to Jiang Chen.

"Professor Li, you..."

Before Jiang Chen had time to stop him, he found that all the researchers behind him, all following Professor Li, saluted Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen used his personality charm to completely conquer the scientific researchers present, and made them admire and admire them from the bottom of their hearts!

Leng Xiaoyan and Xiaowu also looked at Jiang Chen, the little stars popping up in their eyes!

Have turned into a fan girl, a fan brother!

Afterwards, Jiang Chen and Professor Li discussed about the second stage of freshman science and technology.

The second stage of Xinsheng Technology is nerve repair!

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Only then can Xiaowu's leg injury be completely repaired!

At that time, as long as the second stage technology of Xinsheng Technology is mature, Xiaowu will receive treatment as soon as possible!


A week later.

Medical repair cabins for human bodies are slowly becoming popular!

Several major domestic hospitals have heard that Jiang’s Medical Group has released a new product, saying that as long as people lie in and fill them with nutrient solution, when they come out, they can completely repair some wounds that require surgery. , Eager to try one by one.

A new technology is equal to a new competitiveness!

Despite the fact that the major hospitals are full of patients, in fact there is still competition among hospitals.

And they compete for nothing more than two:

One is to recruit expert-level authority.

The second is to have access to a batch of top-notch equipment that no other hospitals have.

If you can get this killer-level equipment, you can imagine how many patients will be attracted and what a huge and beautiful performance will be produced for the hospital!

But when they said that the most profitable nutrient solution was 8K, but the selling price could not exceed 12,000, some private hospitals hesitated.

The public hospital doesn't matter.

With the support of state subsidies, it doesn't matter whether the profit is large or small, as long as the above thinks it is appropriate, it will do if it has passed the various approvals.

But private hospitals are different.

They need to be responsible for their own revenue, and they also need to make a lot of money through this!

Most private hospitals are very profitable!

In recent years, public hospitals are always hard to find, and private hospitals continue to use high prices to dig out all kinds of authorities, and use high prices to obtain various top-notch equipment, so that many people choose to go to private hospitals for treatment!

To sum it up in one sentence, private hospitals are good except expensive!

It's just that this medical repair cabin for the human body has a profit range of 4,000.

Profits are too low, right?

Although the gold content of the operation is indeed not high.

Let people lie down, adjust a parameter, and get a few minutes in a few tens of seconds, and it's done.

But just because the gold content of the operation is low, the chargeable space is also low!

If this is an ordinary operation, can't you earn more than 100,000 yuan?

Therefore, some private hospitals have decided to forget it and did not introduce this technology.

Only one private hospital, with the attitude of giving it a try, introduced a medical repair cabin for humans, intending to try the water.


Imperial Capital Aimin Hospital.

A famous private hospital.

There are a lot of authorities in surgery, internal medicine, and brain gathered here, and it has a great reputation in the hospital industry.

However, Aimin Hospital is also a well-known profiteering hospital.

Ordinary drugs are priced the same as public hospitals.

But once some more expensive medical items or drugs are involved, the price will go up soaring!

In this regard, patients have no choice.

After all, this private hospital does have its own unique place, the environment is good, and the experts are quite authoritative!

"Xiao Fang, are you right?"

"The cost of this nutrient solution for medical repair cabins for humans is 8,000, and it is mandatory that it cannot be priced more than 12,000?"

"Do you really think we are a charity?"

In the office, the deputy dean is severely criticizing a middle-aged man in the equipment department.

As the vice-president of a private hospital, he emphasized performance while emphasizing medical ethics to save people.

This human body medical repair cabin is indeed a gimmick, and it is jointly built by the Medical Research Institute and the Jiang Group. The total expenditure is tens of billions! Such an awesome thing, only 850,000 per device!

At the same time, use a brand new nutrient solution once.

When the deputy dean heard this, he seemed to have seen the figures on the performance report go up frantically.

Unexpectedly, a word from the Chief of the Equipment Division made him look down.

The purchase cost of the nutrient solution is 8K, but Jiang's Medical requires the price not to exceed 12,000, otherwise the follow-up nutrient solution will not be provided!

According to his thoughts.

The cost is 8,000, so you have to sell for 80,000?

In other words, it is also a new technology, a new product.

And Professor Li said that its effect is very good, just for this point, he might be promoted to the dean this year!

However, it was such a condition that pushed his dream to the bottom!

"Associate Dean, I think this thing is very good. If it's really useful, it might make our hospital's name more prominent." Section Chief Fang explained: "And it's still produced by Jiang's Medical, Professor Li Personally led the team! The quality is determined by the bargaining power!"

"Then you can't go crazy regardless of your performance!"

The deputy dean scolded: "How many did you get in?"

"One, one!" Section Chief Fang hurriedly said.

"That's good, an 850,000 unit is not expensive."

The deputy dean breathed a sigh of relief, "Are things here now?"

"It's here tomorrow."

"Well, let some patients come out tomorrow and let them try it out. I will see it in person. I want to see what it is. I dare to claim to repair the body's comprehensive blood and tissue damage!"


the next day.

The medical repair cabin for the human body is here.

It was arranged into a small furnished room at the first time.

After the installer installs everything, the scientific researcher is responsible for debugging the data and teaching the medical staff who takes over how to operate the human medical repair cabin.

The deputy dean was watching.

"That's it?"

He took a look, and felt that there was nothing strange about this restoration cabin except for its cool appearance.

Soon, everything was settled, and patients were arranged to come in.

The first patient experienced was a firefighter whose arm was injured.

During the firefighting operation a few days ago, he carried the most dangerous gas canister and ran out. Although the gas canister was thrown out before the explosion, the aftermath of the explosion still caught him, causing his entire arm. Even his neck and shoulders suffered burns.

According to medical inferences, he suffered moderate burns.

It will be no problem if he is cured, but the scar left by the burning will definitely not be removed.

Although the firefighters were mentally prepared, they couldn't help crying secretly...

However, the hospital sent him good news. Recently, the hospital introduced a new advanced instrument, which happened to be scientifically researched to fully repair his injury.

As soon as the firefighter heard it, he arranged it without saying a word.

"Come, lie in."

When the firefighter, with his upper body completely red, lay in, the cabin was full of people.

In addition to the deputy dean, Fang Section Chief.

The dean, as well as several authoritative experts are there.

They also heard about this, and found it a little weird, so they came to see how it worked.

Accompanied by the gradually closing of the hatch.

The firefighters who had fallen asleep under general anesthesia were bit by bit infested by the nutrient solution leaking out.

Everyone saw the hideous burning wound on the firefighter's body!

The burned skin is like a muddy road, corrupted.....This kind of large-area burn marks can only be repaired by skin replacement, but skin replacement surgery is very expensive!

In contrast, human medical repair cabins are much cheaper.

Everyone was whispering and whispering.

Soon, the nutrient solution has filled the entire cabin.

"start up."

As the medical staff pressed the start switch, the weak current began to be connected.

After only five seconds, everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God!"

"Fuck, fuck!"

"What a joke! How could it be possible?!"

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