Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 928: 928: Subvert your world!

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"President Jiang, we now have photonic chips, chip batteries, and we can develop mobile phones!"

Professor Chen said: "With your current influence, you can fully participate in the mobile phone market. In the future, our mobile phones will definitely occupy the best leading position in the market!"

"This is indeed a good suggestion, but I am a person who doesn't like troubles. I don't make money to make money, but to make more people experience the happiness of advanced technology and benefit from it... . Since I develop my own mobile phones, it would be better to continue to cooperate with mobile phones on the market to make more people feel the convenience brought by wireless charging. Wouldn’t it be better?"

It's not that Jiang Chen never thought about making a mobile phone. He had thought about making a photonic chip before.

If you rely on your own photonic chip, you can really break into the China mobile phone market.

But Jiang Chen found it troublesome and simply cooperated directly with other manufacturers.

Now Hualian and Rice are also doing well, and working with them can achieve a win-win situation and mutual benefit.

"President Jiang, I am ashamed of your pattern and mind!" Chen Yongxin admired.

"I'm not that great."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Recently, the fruit company has purchased a batch of our photonic chips. It seems to be rampant again. Give them another blow!"

The fruit company has been waiting for Jiang Chen's shipment for a long time. It has been almost two years before they got the first batch of photonic chips!

The next fruit 14, which will be equipped with a photonic chip, will be released in a big way, and it is bound to set off a domestic boom!

"Hahaha.... President Jiang, your decision is too appetizing for me!"

"Okay, let's just do it!"


Afterwards, Jiang Chen specially invited Chen Yongxin and all the research members of the chip battery to have a meal of hundreds of thousands!

At the wine table, Jiang Chen gave each participant a surprise prize!

"Everyone...5 million yuan in cash reward!"


When Jiang Chen was slightly drunk and said these words, all the researchers in the audience burst into exclamation and cheers, and the boiling cheers almost lifted the ceiling of other restaurants.

A cash reward of 5 million yuan.

Enough for everyone to greatly change their lives and all go to a well-off society.

Even Jiang Chen promised them.

If they want to buy a house in the imperial capital, the company can make a free loan!

Jiang Chen is the bank, and all researchers are borrowers, with the same period of 30 years and the same monthly repayment. The difference is that there is no need to pay any interest!

For these billions of dollars, Jiang Chen not only gave favors, but also asked the researchers to owe him a sum of money, thus forming another bondage.

In order to achieve a better tomorrow, to achieve their goals and ideals, and to obtain wealth enough for the family to live a good life, all the researchers are just like a chicken blood, one by one, in the following days, Work hard!

This is not the first time Jiang Chen has used this method.

When Professor Li successfully developed new technology, Jiang Chen gave Professor Li a personal reward of 30 million, and all the research institutes participating in the project each had 5 million!

Nowadays, the medical repair cabin of the human body is profitable from the machine Weibo.

However, with strong sales and nutrient solutions that are in short supply, there are still about 1.8 billion profits every month!

So Jiang Chen simply used these profits to subsidize the researchers and build a better working environment for them.


About a week later, the chip battery was fully used in Jiang Chen's Qiwangfu.


"Look, my husband, the TV, refrigerator, mobile phone, desktop computer, and my laptop do not use wires, and they can always be powered!"

"This way, it's much more convenient!"

As the founder, Jiang Chen certainly had to experience the convenience brought by chip batteries for the first time.

After careful modification by researchers.

All the electrical appliances in his house, no matter how big or small, have all been replaced with chip batteries!

Such as TV.

It is embedded in the wall and does not need to be connected to the power supply. There is a chip battery inside, which can supply power every minute and every second.

Moreover, with a cell phone with a chip battery, Jiang Chen can use it for a long time after a single charge!

No need to charge for 7-8 days in normal use!

What a horror concept is this!

Even his Tesla electric car can replace all the batteries with chip batteries!

Such a charge is very long-lasting!

It's that Tesla's recent reviews are not good, and there are always accidents, so Jiang Chen doesn't bother to drive!

Anyway, with a chip battery, it is equipped with wireless charging.

No matter where Jiang Chen goes, he doesn't have to consider the issue of electricity.

During this week, Jiang Chen also hosted a large-scale project cooperation meeting.

It was in this large-scale project cooperation meeting that Hualian Technology, Rice Technology, Blue Green Factory, OnePlus Two and other major mobile phone manufacturers were all shocked by the chip battery technology!

In other words, CEOs such as Ren, Lei Jun, Liu Zuohu and others were very worried when they received Jiang's chip meeting invitation!

I'm afraid that Jiang's chips will stop supplying them.

Unexpectedly, there is a new technology!

And this chip battery technology comes with long-lasting power, which is ten times more durable than previous mobile phones!

And the accompanying technology, wireless non-attenuation charging technology, has refreshed their worldview!

"What you see now is not science fiction, but a technology that really exists and will soon be applied to Xia Guo and the whole world-chip battery technology!"

Jiang Chen smiled and introduced to all the bigwigs present.

Next, Jiang Chen combined the scenes described by Chen Yongxin.

As well as his personal feelings about using chip batteries these days, all the big guys in the room have been blasted!

"Mr. Lei, you heard that right. The size of our single chip battery is only 2% of that of a normal mobile phone battery. But the power storage is 200 times that of the same volume! And it is equipped with wireless charging technology, within a range of 100 meters, no Subject to any restrictions on walls, glass, steel, etc., he can charge without attenuation..."

"Mr. Ren, I know what you mean, and I can tell you very responsibly that this is high-speed charging! The electromagnetic field it is in is different from the normal magnetic field. You can understand it as thinking space!"

"Mr. Liu, team, as you said, chip batteries will spread to all corners of society in the, shopping malls, restaurants and other public places! Because only equipped with chip batteries, and a wireless charger or charger , Can solve all problems!"

"What? You said rubbing power? We thought of a solution for this problem a long time ago. We made an APP that can encrypt a wireless charger or wireless charger with a key, so you don’t have to worry about your own wireless charger. It was stolen by others!"

"As for the new energy vehicles you just mentioned, indeed, I have already sent out invitations to several domestic new energy brands, but I will not explain the meeting personally. I believe they will be like everyone here, and they are very happy to join us. The win-win package shared by Huaxia has achieved another major subversion of Huaxia’s lifestyle after mobile payment!..."

Jiang Chen spoke passionately for three hours at the meeting.

All the big guys present were enthusiastic about what Jiang Chen said, especially Mr. Ren of Hualian Technology.

No one is more eager than him. There is such a weapon, which is obviously beneficial to the whole world, but only China has it!

So when Jiang Chen proposed that this project would only work with all domestic brands, many bigwigs were shocked and admired Jiang Chen even more!

After all, they have known Jiang Chen a long time ago!

Before Jiang's chip, Jiang's spacecraft, which one is not the world's attention?

And now the Jiang’s Group has stood proudly on the top of the world, and the chairman of the board of directors has personally popularized their knowledge of new technologies.

It can be seen that Mr. Jiang is so approachable and personally doing things!

Moreover, this kind of patriotic feeling also made the big brothers present a lot of respect!

So, the big guys said nothing on the spot, and all agreed on the spot!

After the big bosses went back that day, they immediately organized all the company's senior executives, began to discuss, and make huge changes to the follow-up products.

Especially add the chip battery.

When the senior shareholders of each company heard about this technology, they thought that the boss was talking in sleep...Chip battery?

Two hundred times the power storage capacity of the same volume!

Can it be charged wirelessly at 100 meters without being restricted by any obstructions? ?

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Is this Nima doing science fiction?

But the truth is, it really came!

After everyone saw the real thing and experienced it for themselves, all their jaws couldn't close in shock.

The bosses felt a lot of psychological comfort when they saw this situation.....When they first saw the real thing, they also had the same reaction. It seems that it is not that their concentration is not enough, it is indeed that this thing is too shocking!

However, think about it, after all, it is produced by Jiang's Chip Group!

Jiang's chips, when they come out, they must be high-quality products!


One month later.

"Hey hey, have you seen it? Rice, Hualian, Blue and Green Factory, one, sister, a bunch of mobile phone manufacturers actually pushed all the development conferences!"

"It's really yeah, how do you fat four? Now the competition in the mobile phone market has become so fierce?"

"The world is about to be completely overturned? This ad is interesting!"

"It seems that rice has just released the rice supreme commemorative edition not long ago, which is equipped with the latest chip of the Jiang Group. Why is it going to release new products?

"The rice supreme version in my hand suddenly doesn't fragrant!"

"All the domestic brands have come together to develop the conference. This time is not easy!"

"I haven't heard of any new phones that have passed the review of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Why are new phones going to be issued again?"

"Fruit 14 is coming out soon. Now we have a new machine. Are you not afraid of being slapped in the face by Fruit 14?"

"Send it, send it whatever you want, I'm waiting for my fruit 14, this time the fruit 14 is also equipped with a photonic chip, it will definitely blow up other domestic mobile phones!"

"Upstairs, the photonic chip on the Fruit 14 is only version 2.0. Now the photonic chip is version 3.0. What should I install?"

"Why, my fruit is fragrant! Can't it? What's the use of being so fast?"


As various mobile phone brands announced that they would open a new phone conference, the entire network began to talk about it!

It's really rare that so many domestic mobile phone brands have launched new phones by chance!

Especially soon, the new Fruit 14 machine will be released!

Obviously, in the eyes of the majority of netizens, the actions of major mobile phone manufacturers are to make a quick profit before the fruit 14 comes out!

Even some mobile reviewers are puzzled by this.

"Dark Blue, Rice has just released a new phone, why is it going to develop a conference again, do you know any inside information?"

During the live broadcast, Deep Blue of technological aesthetics read a barrage from the audience.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, I am also stunned. And I believe that not only me, all mobile phone reviewers are the same...According to the news we have received, the major mobile phone manufacturers are indeed going to open The new machine launch conference is now. But I don’t know why. In the past, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology would submit it for review before the development conference, but this time, it was not submitted for review by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the first time!"

Deep Blue said: "However, based on my current guess and understanding of major mobile phone manufacturers, this time domestic brands seem to have the meaning of uniting...Look at the posters of their press conferences. Although the content is different, The core of the side description seems to be the same!"

"It seems to be emphasizing that this time we will subvert our previous cognition!"

It's not only Deep Blue that has such a prediction.

The same goes for the reviewers of various mobile phones, asking for news everywhere, but in the end they didn't get any new news.

However, this craze spread quickly, and even some hot searches abroad showed a piece of news.

It just so happened that Cook, the chief executive of the fruit company, visited the offline store recently.

"Mr. Cook, the fruit press conference will be held in half a month, but the mobile phone manufacturers in China now all open the press conference at the same time. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?" a reporter from the United States asked .

"Sorry, you can ask me other questions. Such less important questions can be skipped directly." Cook said directly.

That's right.

In his eyes, the fruit is bound to rise this time!

Because he spent 200 billion US dollars to buy a batch of 2.0 chips from Jiang's Chip Group!

Although the latest chip is version 3.0, the photonic chip is originally fast!

Even the 2.0-3.0 increase is only 10%!

This improvement is almost indistinguishable for personal experience!

In addition, the optimization of his fruit phone has always been very good!

The release of Fruit 14 this time will surely regain the China market again!

Even if they push the development conference, so what?

What can you do with version 4.0 of your chip?

There is no new qualitative change, as long as his fruit phone is equipped with a photon chip, it is invincible!

These domestic mobile phones are all scum!


In a blink of an eye, it was time for all companies to develop the conference.

The live broadcast rooms of major live broadcast platforms have been prepared.

Due to the unprecedented rise in popularity, the press conference officially started at 14:20, and the popularity of the major live broadcast rooms has soared to tens of millions!

Tens of millions of heat means that almost every live broadcast room has hundreds of thousands of real viewers watching.

Even in peace like Dousha, Maoya, and Fangyin, more than one million viewers poured in, sending out dense barrage while waiting for the live broadcast to start!

"It's started, it's started!"

"Does anyone know what exactly is going to be released?"

"Really, we will all develop the conference together! Unprecedented!"

"I choose to watch the rice press conference!"

"Support Hualian!"

"What? Is my big green and blue factory not fragrant? I'm a factory girl, I love OPOP!"

"My code, the competition is fierce!"

"The struggle before the release of Fruit 14, the domestic mobile phone is dangerous!"

"Cook: The conference? Does it make sense? I have a photonic chip too!"

"If you can catch a wave and quickly catch it, if 1999 I will place an order, more than 1999, sorry, no money!"

"Fruit 14 is back to its peak, and domestic mobile phones are expected to be cold!"


It can be seen from the content in the barrage that the audience stays with the excitement to watch the excitement. When it comes to the press conference, there are not many people who want to buy a mobile phone.

Fruit 14 will be released soon.

Many former fruit fans are already waiting for the latest equipment. They bought domestic products because they have photonic chips, and now they also have fruits.

Who still buys domestic products?

Finally, with the arrival of 2:30, Lei Jun, IOQQ Song Qingwei, Yu Dongcheng and other speakers all appeared on the stage.

"Wow, Song Qingwei's legs are really white!"

"Big, white and long! Stingy~~"


Netizens laughed.

Similar to the opening introduction of previous conferences.

But the difference this time is that the presenters have been rendering a big surprise in the back.

Lei Jun: "This time Rice has prepared a very surprise, something beyond imagination I want to give to everyone, which will subvert your understanding of the world..."

Song Qingwei: "You may not be able to imagine how shocking the gift you are about to bring to you!"

Yu Dongcheng: "When I first came into contact with it, to be honest, I was shocked... Even the glasses bucket almost fell to the ground. This amazing technology is also from the Jiang's Chip Group, which is the top of the world today. , It is..."

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