Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 931: 931: President Jiang, have pity on the child!

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"System, how long does it take to build a super laboratory?"

"It only takes 24 hours to return to the host."

24 hours, neither short nor long.

Therefore, Jiang Chen did not stay in the factory building. Under the protection of No. 28, he left the factory building, and under the watch of No. 28, he drove away.

Those who left at the same time also included all the protection team members.

Although they wanted to know how these people appeared and how they planned to leave... But compared to their curiosity, Jiang Chen's personal safety is more important!

one day later.

Jiang Chen came to this factory again.

But this time, due to the lack of handover and other issues, the 28th did not appear.

Jiang Chen came to the location of the factory alone.

However, when Jiang Chen saw the new look of the "factory" at the moment, his face was full of shock!

What appeared before his eyes was not an original iron-clad cement factory at all.

It is a cool research institute full of sci-fi sensation, and almost all the surface is constructed by some kind of toughened glass with extremely high hardness!

"Twenty-four hours, can you achieve this point?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He tried to enter.

As soon as he approached the door, a metal instrument that looked like a street sign scanned his whole body and uttered a female voice: "Identity confirmed, President Jiang, you are welcome to come back!"

"It's a super laboratory!"

Jiang Chen's eyes shined.

Just this built-in identity scan confirmation is already very cool.

He entered the institute.

An advanced and comfortable environment constructed with whiteness, dreams, and various radiances greeted the eyes.

Jiang Chen felt that he didn't feel like he had come to a research institute or a laboratory. It was more like he had entered a certain science fiction film and was walking in a laboratory that only science fiction films had.

"Open the Technology Mall."

Jiang Chen said silently.

A virtual window that only he could see quickly popped up in front of him.

It presents equipment classifications in multiple fields.

[Medical Biology] [National Visit to Military Industry] [Electrical Equipment] [Agriculture]......

Jiang Chen casually clicked on a small category "car".

I saw a lot of laboratory equipment about automobiles.

Similar to the high-precision press machine, according to the description in the introduction, it is far more powerful than the top stamping machine tools on Bluestar...Of course, the price is not cheap, and it requires 100W reputation.

There are also welding robots needed for welding, which are also more powerful than humans' current cognition, and they are also 100W prestige.

As for pressing robots, glue-applying robots, etc... all these equipments involved in manufacturing cars start at 50W at the cheapest price.

Jiang Chen glanced at other categories again.

A laboratory dedicated to the field of battery research, 800W prestige.

Laboratory in the field of computer research, 500W reputation.

Laboratory in the field of agricultural research, 500W prestige.

None of the things inside are cheap, and Jiang Chen currently has a limited amount of prestige that he can buy.

"However, with these environments and equipment, the progress of research on various projects will inevitably be greatly accelerated!"

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife and not cutting wood by mistake, the more powerful the machine, the more amazing the efficiency of the savings... Naturally, the progress of the research can also be twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Chen walked around the entire super laboratory while visiting the laboratory mall.

He has browsed several research institutes of Professor Li before and knows about the necessary things and equipment... and the super laboratory has everything, even some things that have never been seen or heard!

"Call Professor Li and the others, this super laboratory, let them use it to conquer the new technology!"

New technology is still Jiang Chen's top priority.

Jiang Chen directly dialed Professor Li's phone and asked him to lead his R&D team here.

As the distance is not far, Professor Li and they arrived soon.


"My goodness!"

"Where did this equipment come from? There is only one in the world, in Newtown, United States....Why is it here? And it seems to be more advanced?"

When Professor Li and the others saw the surface of the super laboratory and some of the internal structures, they were not surprised... But when they entered the laboratory dedicated to the field of medical biology, their faces suddenly showed horror. , One after another exclaimed!

In addition to the environment and layout of the entire laboratory, they feel extremely reasonable, and more importantly, the equipment that is specifically supplied to the field of biotechnology.

All are Bluestar's top, rarest and most advanced medical biotechnology equipment!

Some even exceed the level of equipment on the Blue Star, the only one in the world!

"President Jiang, this... where did you get these equipment?"

"It's incredible!"

Professor Li was shocked.

"I naturally have my channels." Jiang Chen certainly wouldn't say directly.

"Good good.... This is great!"

Professor Li was extremely excited, "President Jiang, I’m afraid you don’t know how important these devices are to our new science and technology project. Their existence saves us a lot of detours, and even brings us hard to predict. What a surprise!"

In fact, the ideas of many geniuses suffer from the lack of corresponding technology, corresponding equipment, and corresponding materials, and they have to regret an entire era... Just like the 1950s, in fact, there have been all kinds of present. The embryonic form of technology is only limited by the reasons of the time, and it has only now gradually exploded.

In a word, standing on the shoulders of giants can stand taller.

Because, such a super laboratory, such a bunch of top-notch equipment, the convenience brought to Professor Li and the others is absolutely subversive!

"By the way, Professor Li, I have also inquired about a lot of extremely advanced equipment that has not yet been made public through my channel. If you have any needs in this regard, you can summarize what you need and give it to me. I will do my best to give You guys get it!"

Jiang Chen said: "Maybe there is a piece of equipment that fits your needs and can bring you even greater help!"

There are many advanced gadgets in the science and technology mall.

Each advanced equipment is aimed at different projects and technologies, and there are many types of subdivisions, which are more complicated. Jiang Chen has actually owned it for so long, and has not fully browsed it.

So Jiang Chen had to let the researcher clarify the characteristics so that he could buy it...otherwise, at the level of expensiveness of the laboratory mall, Jiang Chen's reputation would not be able to withstand the increase!

"President Jiang, you are so magical!"

Professor Li sighed.

He said this with emotion.

Before he worked in the Medical Research Institute of the State Council, he knew that it would be extremely difficult to get a world-class device, even if it cost a lot of money, it might not be possible to get it.

In contrast, Jiang Chen.

This is silent, and there are so many rare equipment that you may not be able to buy with money... it is absolutely amazing!

"Next I will ask someone to transfer the institute over, and you will be here in the future."

"Professor Li, and everyone, work harder, I believe it will not be long before your names will be recorded on the human monument and be worshipped by all mankind!"

Jiang Chen's words ignited the flames in the hearts of all researchers.

They already have the excitement of having so many top-notch equipment. Now the thought of being able to go down in history, be praised by mankind, be sung by mankind, and even be written into textbooks, spread for thousands of years...Can this not make them excited?

In this way, the first super laboratory completed the handover.

With the help of the Super Lab, Professor Li's progress in researching and developing new science and technology has also made a breakthrough. Many of the technology nodes have been quickly breached one by one due to the introduction of new equipment. Especially the nerve cracking has reached almost Almost close to the level of perfect cracking!

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Not only that.

Because of the successive breakthroughs in these main technologies, the cost of Xinsheng Technology's nutrient solution has dropped again, from the original 6,000 one shot to the current 3,000 yuan one shot.

However, Jiang Chen did not lower the price. Instead, it was included in the national medical insurance and can be reimbursed by 20%!

The news that was included in the medical insurance was posted on Weibo's hot search that day, once again making Xinsheng Technology the object of praise and praise from the whole people.


"President Jiang, I can understand that Professor Li has a super laboratory. He is for new science and technology."

"Professor Liu has a super laboratory and I am also courteous. He is to conquer cancer and for the safety of all mankind."

"Professor Chen has a super laboratory and I can also understand that, after all, our chip battery technology has gradually become popular, and mobile phones equipped with chip batteries will be released soon, even various brands of new energy vehicles, electric vehicles, and various electronic products. They have all used chip batteries one after another...and soon it will change people’s lifestyles."

"But even Hu Liangcai, a rice researcher has a super laboratory! President Jiang, you can't be biased! I have looked for you several times for the super laboratory. For this'strong artificial intelligence' technology, I have no day. Working all night, you almost didn't sleep in the laboratory, you have pity on me, and the guys under me, get us a super laboratory!"

In Jiang Chen's office.

A young man in his twenties, wearing square glasses, was yelling in front of Jiang Chen, howling ghosts and wolves, crying and crying... just barely rolling around.

"Okay, Song Xiu, I know that you really want a super laboratory, with a status and environment comparable to other doctoral professors... But according to the feedback from my subordinates, the current The research institute environment is already sufficient for you to develop strong artificial intelligence, and there is no need to build an additional super laboratory."

Jiang Chen said, "And you know, except for Professor Li. I am not only working on your technology. They also don't have a super research room. Song Xiu, don't rush for quick success, and be patient in everything. You don't want to slap around with me every give me a break and do your research well, OK?"

Song Xiu, male, 26 years old.

Master of MIT.

The dream is to create a real artificial intelligence comparable to Jarvis in "Iron Man".

His qualifications are very good, not only graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but also hand-held papers, awards, and a weak artificial intelligence program that has invented the "sub-alpha dog".

Ge Gu later acquired this weak artificial intelligence program and gave Song Xiu a lot of money... Song Xiu decisively took up research and development, but the money was invested in it, but the result was not coming out.

For this reason, he had to choose to invest in project books everywhere, hoping that someone would strongly support him.

Although the qualifications are indeed good, too many investors think he is too young. After talking with him, there is a high probability that the project will not only go bankrupt, but also lose money...until he met Jiang Chen.

Remember, Jiang Chen set up a Star Investment Company before.

After talking with Song Xiu for the first time, Jiang Chen became very interested in Song Xiu's ideas.

After asking the subordinate department to investigate all the background about Song Xiu, as well as the details of the project.

Although this project is likely to fail, Jiang Chen chose to invest in Song Xiu.

As a result, not long after the research and development started, Song Xiu saw the super laboratory of the predecessors, that shining in his eyes, and the envy in his heart... At that time, he couldn't hold back, so he came to Jiang Chen and wanted a super laboratory.

But Jiang Chen was in addition to investing in Song Xiu at that time.

Several other large projects have also been invested.

[Lightning Rice Project] [Super Farm Reconstruction Project] [6.5G Satellite Network Project]

And a... consciousness upload technology that almost exists in science fiction movies!

Let me talk about Song Xiu's strong artificial intelligence, which is one level stronger than weak artificial intelligence.

Now there are weak artificial intelligence in the world, such as Alpha Dog, which is a kind of weak artificial intelligence.

Although it is very powerful in chess, no one in the world can beat it.

But artificially you let it distinguish the difference between elephants and lions. It may not be able to distinguish it at all... because this is not its area of ​​expertise.

But strong artificial intelligence is different.

He has the ability to learn, can quickly learn a language, quickly understand a subject, accurately answer all your questions about the subject, and give the most correct answer...but it will only follow the script and cannot be born like a human being. Own creativity.

And it was this that made Jiang Chen see the hope of its success.

Otherwise, the artificial Song Xiu will tell Jiang Chen as soon as he comes up, he can create Jarvis, and it is estimated how far and far Jiang Chen will let him go.

So Jiang Chen chose to invest in Song Xiu.

In addition, Lightning Rice, Super Farm, 6.5G satellite network project, and consciousness upload project are also the same... all let Jiang Chen see the possibility of their realization!

Lightning Rice and Super Farm can be said to be the same agricultural technology project.

As the name suggests, Lightning, Super Farm, pay attention to one word "fast"!

The core is: use the smallest energy consumption in exchange for the largest farm resources!

For example, to raise a pig now, it will take six months at the earliest from birth to slaughter. Slightly slower takes 8-10 months.

The manpower, material resources and financial resources required during the period are relatively small.

The significance of the super farm is to shorten the process that was originally completed in 6 months to only ten days, or within one month, to be completed!


You heard me right.

Super farms require rapid prototyping in a short period of time, and the cost is greatly reduced!

Not only pigs, since it is a farm, whether it is rice or livestock, it takes shape in a fast time!

The people regard food as their heaven.

Jiang Chen also saw the feasibility of this project before choosing to invest!

Better benefit to society in the future.

The 6.5G satellite network project is even more powerful.

Today is the 5G era, but the experience of 5G is not much different from that of 4G.

Because it still needs base stations as support, wherever 5G base stations cannot be deployed, there should be no internet like no internet. Compared with 4G, there is not much progress.

But 6.5G is different.

Because it chooses the direction not to endlessly lay base stations on land, but directly launch multiple satellites into space, so that the network signals emitted by the satellites will cover the entire China, or the entire world, so that any corner of the world, Can receive network signals from 6.5G!

The 6.5G network speed is only 150 times faster than the 5G block.

But its real meaning lies in coverage.

The reason Jiang Chen chose to invest for this purpose is also because of his practicability.

Don't forget, Jiang Chen has Jiang's Space Company. In terms of spacecraft technology, Jiang's Group in the world today says that it is the first, but no one dares to say it is second!

As for the consciousness uploading technology, this is purely Jiang Chen's "blind play".

The person in charge of this project is a girl.

To be precise, she was a little girl who seemed to be conscientious and somewhat introverted, named Shan Ling... she was only 18 years old.

She is also a genius.

She and Song Xiu are alumni. They completed all the credits at MIT at the age of 16, and specialized in brain consciousness subjects...

Due to her own excellence, she is very interested in the human brain, and also very interested in the human consciousness network. This has become her future goal...Unfortunately, there is no one in the world. A complete team specializing in the study of human brain consciousness.

Most of the teams are just enthusiastic, or just study things casually, after all, humans now have very little mastery of the brain, and so many practical technologies have not been overcome, so how can time and money be wasted in this emptiness. Research?

When Jiang Chen saw her project plan, he was shocked and immediately met with Shan Ling and had an in-depth exchange with her.

This project was not approved by the project department, because there was no theoretical support. It was completely a castle in the air, which was unrealistic... But Jiang Chen decided to invest, and it was a substantial support, absolutely no Insider!

"President Jiang, I have already done my research very seriously!"

Song Xiu said: "The progress of the strong artificial intelligence program has already begun. With your monthly financial support of 1 billion yuan, and the resource support of the Jiang Group, breakthrough progress will soon be made!"

"Mr. Jiang, you have to pity the poor child, and get me a super laboratory...With a super laboratory, my ‘engineering robot’ can really land!"

Speaking of the back, Song Xiu started begging grandpa again.

"Engineering robot?"

Jiang Chen suddenly raised his brow.

Isn't that strong artificial intelligence?

Why did you engage in engineering robots again?

This thing seems to be different from artificial intelligence?

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