Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 933: 933: New project, it's a success again!

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The blind date in the cafe did not stop there.

Some people filmed all the words of the blind date man and uploaded them directly to the Internet. Although the first half didn't have time to shoot, only the second half was filmed, but it was enough for the people who eat melons on Fang Yin.

"Who is this idiot?"

"Didn't the hospital say that the cost of the nutrient solution was reduced, so it joined the medical insurance? What is this guy spraying his mouth full of?"

"Funny, I really think of myself as a green onion! You can't return to the Jiang Group, I think you are rubbish!"

"Which neuropathy is not closed, and it doesn't matter?"

"The blind date girl is so domineering and beautiful!"

"That's how you should **** him!"

"That eldest brother is a northerner, and the northern man is just Gang!"

"Haha, this guy can't find a place to sew in?"

"I'm embarrassed, what is it?"

"Hey, isn't this my colleague? I'll go, really!"

"The chip battery is a high-tech product. You can get it for me at a cost of 100 yuan?"

"Look at his little mouth, I'm not there, otherwise I have to let him kneel on the ground and sing to conquer!"


Not surprisingly, as soon as the video was put on Xiangyin, it immediately detonated the topic of fishing boats. In less than three hours, it received more than one million likes.

Upon seeing this, the official staff of Shanyin quickly pushed the video to the top, so that at the end of the day, its pageviews exceeded 100 million, and the number of likes directly reached a terrifying 20 million!

No way, all the topics this blind date man talks about are recent hot topics!

Chip batteries, new technology.... coupled with the video itself, such as blind dates, beauties, reversals, cursing, and courageous acts, have caused many netizens to applaud and spit on blind men.

After Fan Yin became popular, it spread to the entire network immediately.

Meager, circle of friends, etc.!

Blind date directly hit the entire network!

It was also because he was so famous that everyone around the blind dated man knew about this and his words and deeds, and began to criticize the blind dated man.

"Oh, what's the matter with your little Cao! The new technology is so good, cheap and easy to use, so something that benefits the country and the people is actually so vicious by him. If it is because of his new technology There is something wrong, maybe your little Cao will be the culprit then!" A relative called the mother of the blind dated man and complained.

"Xiao Cao, in view of your bad remarks, you won't use the company to report tomorrow. Our company can't afford you, a big Buddha!" ​​The company leader fired him directly.

"Wow, no old classmate? It's just a matter of slandering Xinsheng's technology. This is too much for a woman to take action. I have blacked you out. Don't contact me in the future! Bad luck!" An old classmate cut him off the Internet directly.

In addition, the blind date man turned off his cell phone.

Because his cell phone has been bombed, an unfamiliar phone calls in and scolds him every few minutes.

Either a strange text message sent over to greet his family.

In just one day, the man on the blind date has already seen the terrorist influence of the Jiang Group, and also learned what it means to eat the evil fruit.....

In response to this, he wanted to cry but didn't even dare to go out of the door, afraid of being beaten!


"Oh? Is this guy really the nephew of Deputy Dean Cao? He also interviewed our company and was eliminated in the first round?"

After the video went viral, Jiang Chen certainly saw it.

Then let the intelligence department simply investigate the details of this person.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang."

The other end of the phone said: "His father died since he was a child, and his uncle treated him very well. Because of the incident in the Aimin Hospital, his uncle lost his job, so he felt resentment. Once anonymously, on multiple social networking platforms, As well as knowledge sharing platforms, videos, etc., more than 300 malicious comments were made against the Jiang Group!"

"The interview with our company might have impure motives."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen already roughly understood.

This guy is not wronged at all.

His uncle lost his job because he violated the rules, so he wanted revenge.

I also want to sneak into the Jiang Group as an undercover agent. Fortunately, this person is of average qualifications and has not even had the first round of interviews.

If this allows him to sneak into the company, he won't have to discredit him again?

It is conceivable that this man has a gloomy mind and is not a good bird.

Just so, let him get on the Internet, let those keyboard guys greet this blind date man, and teach him how to be a man!

As for the group’s entry, the recruitment standards will be strengthened in the future. People with unpredictable intentions like this cannot be easily included.

Although it will not cause any disturbances, it is not a good thing after all. What should be eliminated is still to be eliminated.


Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

This month, Jiang Chen also let his multiple girlfriends know each other.

In fact, they are already somewhat aware of each other's existence.

After all, Jiang Chen has so many girlfriends, and when he is with one of them, he will inevitably receive calls and text messages from another girlfriend. It is really not practical to want to keep his feet in the dark.

They get along more harmoniously on the surface, but sometimes they will compete secretly.

For example, when lingering with two or three girlfriends, they will fight for favor and be the first to perform.

After all, there is only one Jiang Chen, and he understands everything that he understands.

In this month, several new small projects have been released. For example, the new plastic bag degradation method is fast and pollution-free, and it can be regarded as a small contribution to society.

However, the results of this project did not bring Jiang Chen a great increase in reputation, indicating that the influence on the masses is not enough.

Among those large-scale projects, there have been breakthrough news in the past six months, but so far, none of the projects has really produced a substantial product.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry.

R&D and scientific research are not something that can produce results in a short time, especially those large-scale projects that subvert mankind. Any substantive product is a huge change for society, mankind, and the world!

For example, chip batteries.

Now, in this short month, chip battery technology has penetrated into all aspects of human life.

On the road, oil trucks have dropped from 90% to about 50% all the way, directly halved, and the shadow of new energy electric vehicles can be seen everywhere.

If you go shopping, no matter where you go to any store, any corner, there is a wireless charging signal, as long as you connect it, you can charge!

Not only that, the chip battery is now more widely used because it is used by the government.

The agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation industries have undergone earth-shaking changes, and all kinds of efficiencies and production steps have begun to scream!

Invisibly, it also promoted the national GDP!

All in all, chip battery technology has now changed the way of life of the Chinese people.

Therefore, foreign countries have also begun to contact Jiang's Group and negotiate cooperation with Jiang's Group.

At first, the Jiang Group never let go.

After all, Jiang Chen agreed to the official not to stream this technology abroad for the time being.

Jiang Chen is very clear that this is official talks with foreign countries.

Sooner or later, this technology will be popularized globally. As for how long it will take, it is a matter of time.

Sure enough, the official approached foreign countries a week ago, and the results were finally reached. It is estimated that the benefits are not small.

Jiang Chen also received the notice and made a wave of cooperation with the official.

It was later decided that after three months, the chip battery would be officially integrated with foreign countries.

Regarding this, the government expressed all kinds of gratitude and thanks to Jiang Chen. In various official media, the Jiang Group was generally promoted and praised and exaggerated time and time again.

At the same time, there are some tilts in the power of resources, which are also particularly obvious.

"President Jiang!"

On this day, Jiang Chen was lying on the yacht, enjoying the comfort of the sea breeze blowing on his cheeks. At the same time, he was chatting with Yi Miaoqing, who had a devil figure and was protruding forward in a bikini, and suddenly received a call from Song Xiu.

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"Song Xiu, are you short of equipment again?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Since the construction of the super laboratory for Song, Song Xiu has been so excited, almost all kinds of overtime work and various developments, all these are all in Jiang Chen's eyes. So every time Song Xiu raised a difficult point, Jiang Chen would choose the appropriate equipment in the science and technology mall to buy him. Over time, basically every time Song Xiu called, Jiang Chen had already begun to think about being in the science and technology mall. What did you buy?

If it weren't for the [AI robot] item purchased in the Science and Technology Mall, Jiang Chen would like to throw the design in front of Song Xiu and tell him, "You just do it!".

"Hahaha, President Jiang, this time I don't lack equipment, I succeeded! I finally succeeded in developing it!!" Song Xiu's excited voice came over there.

"What, the artificial intelligence research is successful?"

Jiang Chen suddenly became energetic, and directly sat up and took off his sunglasses.

"Song Xiu, talk about it carefully."

Jiang Chen was a little curious.

In this project, he helped Song Xiu at least 70%!

If this is a waste robot developed, Jiang Chen will kick him out without hesitation!

"Mr. Jiang, I can't say one or two sentences on the phone. What exactly is going on? You have to come to the scene to check it yourself!"

Song Xiu said excitedly: "I can guarantee that you will be surprised and shocked when you see it."


Jiang Chen had a black line on his head and said lightly: "You don't want to disappoint me."

Immediately, Jiang Chen got up and ordered people to drive the yacht back.

"Mr. Jiang, is there any good news?" Yi Miaoqing asked curiously.

"Song Xiu's artificial intelligence project was successfully developed. I want to go back and see how it works."

"Finally the research and development is successful?!"

Yi Miaoqing was surprised.

As an assistant, she has certainly heard about this project. Strong artificial intelligence is far more powerful than weak artificial intelligence. The real horror of this project is that it can not only be applied in one field.

It's like Alpha Dog.

It only reached its peak in the field of Go, but besides knowing Go, it is a waste.

But strong artificial intelligence is powerful.

It covers almost all areas, learning, calculations, and results... so as to complete all the **** of a field!

If strong artificial intelligence also enters the field of Go, enter the Go algorithm and face-to-face confrontation with Alpha Dog. Maybe the strong artificial intelligence is not as good as Alpha Dog at first. After all, the opponent has been in the field of Go for many years and has extremely exaggerated attainments... But after a few games, the strong artificial intelligence will gradually learn to analyze the operation of Alpha Dog and learn while learning. Calculate, while finding out the loopholes of Alpha Dog, so as to defeat them in one fell swoop in the shortest time!

This is strong artificial intelligence.

Its appearance, undoubtedly, will be a transcendent existence that is more subversive than chip battery technology!

The yacht docked soon.

Jiang Chen and Yi Miaoqing got in a Rolls-Royce and hurried to Song Xiu's Super Lab.


"Mr. Jiang, Assistant Yi!"

When Jiang Chen arrived, Song Xiu had been waiting at the door for a long time. From his excited face, it could be seen that he could not wait to show his invention in front of Jiang Chen!

"Go, go and see your results."

There was a look of expectation on Jiang Chen's face.

"Okay, President Jiang, please here!"

Song Xiu was excited about Yabiao.

Just as everyone was about to step into the automatic glass door of the laboratory, the metal pillar on the side made a sound.

"After scanning, Mr. Jiang, Assistant Yi, Master Song, welcome!" A nice female voice came out, "Mr. Jiang, your physical condition today is very healthy, please keep working hard. Assistant Yi, Master Song, the bodies of both of you All are in a sub-healthy state, please pay attention to keep exercising to soothe your body and mind!"

"Huh? She will also check the health of the human body?"

Jiang Chen was surprised.

When he first built the super laboratory, he was greeted by the voice intelligence, but his physical condition was not measured at that time.

"Hey, yes, President Jiang, before you built the super laboratory, it was only equipped with ordinary intelligent voice assistants... After my successful research and development, I have fully integrated the entire system in the super laboratory to make me strong Artificial intelligence, that is, [Lingling] has taken over!" Song Xiu smiled.

"This is artificial intelligence..."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, "Your name is Lingling?"

"Yes, President Jiang, I am Lingling, and I am glad to meet you." Lingling replied in a sweet voice.

No need to wait, answer seamlessly.

This strong artificial intelligence program has reached the world's leading level at least in terms of speed of speech recognition and response!

"President Jiang!"

"President Jiang!"

As soon as Jiang Chen entered the super laboratory, the internal staff greeted him enthusiastically and respectfully.

The three people walked all the way to the real core laboratory.

At the same time, Song Xiu continued to explain to Jiang Chen the sharpness of this artificial intelligence.

"Mr. Jiang, Lingling's strength lies in her versatility!"

"If Alpha Dog needs to learn through a lot of calculations, a lot of analysis, and countless data to deduce the results...

Then Lingling is a super program with wisdom, able to draw inferences from one another, by analogy, and can easily reach the ultimate goal without going through big data! "

Song Xiu’s eyes flickered, “Lingling has the instincts that are fully in line with humans, and humans are instinctive to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. She also has them. However, in my underlying code, she added the highest command, so in my command In front of her instinct, she will not hesitate to choose to execute my order, of course, including your order!"

"It can be said that both of us are her masters.

But if we issue orders to her together, she will give priority to your order to execute.

Because in my setting for Lingling, I am your subordinate and obedient to you.

Lingling has higher obedience, so your command authority is higher than mine! The priority is also higher than mine! "


Even though he had entered the core laboratory, Song Xiu was still enthusiastically introducing Lingling's principles, underlying logic, and the possibility of her application in various fields to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen listened carefully all the way.

Although he had any questions in the middle, after asking them, Song Xiu would quickly answer them, allowing Jiang Chen to understand Lingling more quickly and comprehensively, that is, the limit that this artificial intelligence can reach and his abilities. How ferocious.

"You mean that Lingling has reached the category of'cognitive intelligence', right?" Jiang Chen explained.

Artificial intelligence is divided into three levels: weak, strong, and super.

But how to distinguish these three levels.

What is seen is that artificial intelligence has reached a certain stage of intelligence.

The first stage is computational intelligence. It is the stage of Alpha Dog. Its computational ability is undoubtedly. Chess players who have played chess pieces with it feel terrified! It can calculate the development of an algorithm in advance after a hundred steps!

The second stage: Perceptual intelligence, that is, being able to understand language, give feedback, and be able to see and understand everything in the world, and have a preliminary understanding of everything in the world, unlike Alpha Dog, who doesn’t even know what football is. Stuff.

The third stage is cognitive intelligence.

Lingling is at this stage, can take the initiative to think to a certain extent, and make her theoretical analysis and judgments like a normal person... And the artificial intelligence that reaches this stage is the most representative. , Is the unmanned driving technology (of course this technology is not yet mature)!

Next, is the fourth stage, thinking intelligence.

At this stage, it is basically no different from a real person, even to a certain extent, more powerful than a real person... because it already has self-awareness, self-thinking, and self-emotion, and it will be completely affected by the environment , And make your own judgment.

At this stage, people often worry that artificial intelligence will have self-awareness in the future and bring crisis to mankind.

Although with the current technology, it is still far away from this stage.

"Yes, President Jiang, Lingling is currently in the cognitive intelligence stage, but it is only in the primary stage. She still needs to learn, analyze, and constantly capture the factors in the environment to perceive, and then she can achieve a completely normal conversation with us. Degree!"

"But there is one thing I most want to introduce to you."

A light flickered in Song Xiu's eyes: "Lingling, play the first chapter of "Fights Break Continent"!"

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