Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 110: 109. Conference

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My mind froze at the implication he was making. “Everything that I use comes from my one quirk. I did research on using magnetic fields like I showed you with my arm, and came up with a move from that.” I tip-toed around saying anything definitive. No way I could just say I wasn’t a mole. Who would believe that? The principal nodded and continued on. “Yes, me asking was just a formality.” I scoffed at him as he said it. ‘Nothing you do, doesn’t have something for your goals in the background.’ He smiled at me doing this and continued on. “The next thing to address would be what happened in the forest between you and Toga.” Everyone’s gaze fell to Toga.
They kept us apart, or had someone supervising us together to not let us corroborate a story in private. Making us talk together was the idea to check for any discrepancies in our stories. ‘Nice move principal, but I’m one move ahead of you on this one. I already told her to say she gave me information on herself, and the others.’ We both spoke slightly modified stories. I said that she gave me info on herself to talk her down. Then after she wanted to trust me she told me what little she learned from being with the group for a day or two. 
Toga just kept talking about how she wanted to love me. “He taught me so much about love! He gave me so many new ideas to try out! And after all of that his blood! His blood is amazing! I just fell in love even more!” All of the teachers were looking at me as I just sighed. I began to explain more properly what happened.
“She told me a little about herself, and from that I could infer about her. Parents that made her act a certain way, and she finally broke free to her more natural self. Only problem is that the pendulum has swung the other way in full force, causing her to give into her fetishes. But her fetishes are very hard to find others capable of dealing with them. So I told her about how she was just living based off of sexual pleasure at doing her fetishes to random guys, and not the real love she was searching for. I also told her that what she was doing with Shigaraki wouldn’t help her find her love either. Which I still don’t think it would. Anyway, I think the best way for her to recover would be to find a guy that can deal with her personality. I was planning to help her find one…” 
It was at that point Toga jumped in. “But I love you now! You have all of the rules you set up for me to find the right guy, and your blood is amazing! I saw the way you dealt with that magic guy, and Dabi… or Toya… Doesn’t matter, I saw that look you had! You are perfect! Can I drink some of your blood now?” She finished her outburst by licking her lips while looking at my neck again. I looked back at the teachers. Midnight had a heat filled gaze at us, Snipe was just shaking his head. ‘Please Snipe don’t look down on me! I really did try to help! It just turned out like this!’ President Mic was looking at us incredulously, while the principal had his signature small smile.
Aizawa looked at us and sighed. “Go ahead Kaminari, I think the rest of us need to see her quirk anyway.” Toga jumped on me as soon as Aizawa finished talking. She quickly bit into my neck and kept drinking blood. “I’m gonna need something to increase my blood count before she just takes it all, and I become anemic.” I said, trying to take my mind off of how excited this was making me. After a bit of moaning, and grasping at me Toga was finally done. I saw ‘Midnight’ look at us with a lust filled gaze. I quickly turned away to see myself wearing girls clothes. Toga had transformed into me, but her clothes were something she would have to take off first to make clothes for herself with her quirk. We just stared at each other until the other me jumped into my arms while fervently breathing.
I looked at the others, and specifically Aizawa. “Aizawa, she gets like this when she transforms into me! You knew that!” I was referring to when we were held together and she got a little of my blood, and transformed into me. After seeing the change she started to hold on to me tightly while breathing heavily. It seemed she wanted to become me, while being held by me. She seemed to like the idea of her being me, while me being close to her as me. Try and get your head around that. I tried to calm her down, but it was of little effect. I just stopped trying and just held her in my arms.

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I looked back up at the teachers, but I couldn’t really meet their eye line. I was way too embarrassed to do that right now. “I know she is a little strange, but right now she is harmless. I have talked some sense into her, and she won’t be going around trying to destroy society. She never really wanted to destroy society, she only wanted to have people accept her.” I looked down at her still hugging me while transformed into me. I pat her head while sighing. 
“Underneath all of this, she just wanted to be happy. If we don’t give her a chance she will just relapse again. I don’t want to see a teenage girl that we could help slip through our fingers because she made a bad decision. She had bad judgement. She just needed someone to open her eyes on what she really needed. She wants to fall in love, but her version of love is like this.” I motioned with my head towards her, still clamped into me while still disguised as me. She seemed unaware of the conversation right now, and was just enjoying our embrace. I sighed just looking at her. I couldn’t really get mad at her right now. She wasn’t screaming bits of information I didn’t want to talk about so that was ok. I looked back up to the teachers to continue talking. 
“I wanted to help her find someone she could love more correctly. Have someone that she couldn’t accidentally stab. Yes, that is a requirement. And somebody that was ok with her affection like this. That way she wouldn’t be tempted to commit crimes again.” I finished my little speech to help change their minds. I just waited while the teachers were just thinking. It then hit me, something that I should have noticed from the beginning. “Wait a second. Why are you guys doing this? No offence, but shouldn’t the cops have been the ones to decide whether she was going to be arrested or not?”
Hearing me ask this, Snipe and the Principal started chuckling. I was getting really confused at what was happening. Until the principal started talking. “Sorry Kaminari. You are always so smart, but it is funny to see someone as smart as you be so slow.” I blushed in embarrassment at what the principal said. He then continued on while chuckling. “Normally yes, Kaminari. The police would take action, however right now they are being overworked from the information you two have given us about the leagues operations. I asked them to let Toga be under our care.” I looked at him with disbelief.
He continued on while I was in shock. “I have always wanted to teach, and help kids onto the right path. Young villains especially. I agree with you Kaminari. I think Toga can be helped onto the right path, but I had to see if she really is just a young lost child, or something more sinister. From what I’ve seen, she appears to match up to your testimonies, and others that were supervising you both. She unfortunately cannot be released into the public, but she can be supervised here until the higher up’s feel that she is rehabilitated. You may not know this, but we are now setting up dorms for the students here. We will be having her live in the same dorm as class 1-A. We will be monitoring her here at school. She will also be taking classes with you. The hope is to have her be around others with you as a buffer.” The principal looked at my frozen gaze and laughed.
I looked at the other teachers, and it appeared that they were all already in agreement with the principal. “Then… Me trying to talk you guys into giving her a reduced sentence. That…” I just sighed before I could finish my sentence. “I’m guessing the dorms won't be up for a while, so where will she be staying until then? And I also couldn’t really ask about the aftermath of the attack. What happened at the end?” I asked, hoping that things were better than what happened in the original. The teachers looked at each other and made a confirmation. Aizawa started talking first.

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