Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 123: 120. More Testing!

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He started to measure me while I was thinking of what to do. “Are you sure about this? Your double may just run.” I laughed while he stared at me with confusion. “No, I know myself well enough. I have the will to die to see this happen. If this clone is the same as me then he will know what I want to test about your cloning, and how far I can push my abilities.” He just stared in awe for a few seconds before continuing on. After about five minutes he was done and started making a copy of me. I looked at another version of me, was being made right in front of my eyes. I just stared as I watched the other me open his eyes. 

We just stared at each other for a bit. Then we both smiled and almost mirrored ourselves by happenstance. “Cool” We both said while grinning at each other. We both laughed while being in each other's presence. The teachers looked at us with interest at what we were doing while the rest of the class was too busy fighting clones themselves. I looked at myself and nodded. He nodded back as turned on ‘2nd gear’. He looked at himself as I looked at him as well. He then ran about a little bit before he stopped. “My speed is the same.” I nodded as he went to ‘Overdrive’. He started to steam up and almost teleported around. He stopped and turned off his power.

“Battery consumption is normal, and my overheating is the same with my costume. I’m down to around 70%, and pretty warm.” I nodded, and he went on to try ‘Bullet Time’. He did so, and I felt like I could see him move supernaturally. He seemed faster, but not at the same time. He then stopped and looked at me. “Everything seems to be the same. I think I can really try now. I can’t wait to see what might happen.” I grinned right along with him. The suspense of what I might be able to do was killing me. “You ready to try this?” He chuckled as he looked at me. “Would you be?” I chuckled back and shook his hand. 

“So you really are me.” He nodded with a grin on his own. “Yea, even in the way you're thinking.” I looked at him with surprise. “Are you sure?” He nodded with a smile. “Oh, I know the feeling.” “But how? Does this quirk copy…?” “I don’t know… My best guess is it takes a piece of the whole and makes it out of that.” I nodded at his conjecture which was the same as mine. “Then what about…” “We’re both living it, so it may be possible, but I don’t think we should meddle.” I nodded while thinking about double Deku and One for All. 

“Yea that might get out of hand, plus I don’t think he would appreciate it very much.” The other me started laughing at that. “Can you imagine his face!?” I laughed, but stopped. “Wait, what do you think about the others?” He stopped laughing too and thought for a second. “I would imagine the others would also go along for the ride, the only question is what happens to the piece after the whole is gone.” I scoffed at that. “You and I would die before that ever happened.” He chuckled a little now that he was thinking about it. “Yea, we would. There is still a lot for him to grow before our job is done.” We both sighed at what the future might hold.

We then both noticed all of the teachers staring at our conversation. “Are we really that interesting to look at?” He said, shaking his head. I shrugged and shook his hand one last time. “Thank you for helping me with this.” He smirked and shook his head. “I know you would do the same if you didn’t have to worry about what they might think.” I let out a laugh. “You’re me, what would you do?” He laughed and took a few steps back from me. “The same you’re doing right now.” I sighed at the answer I thought I was gonna get. 

He laughed at my expression. After a bit of him getting it all out of his system he then nodded and took a deep breath to get ready. “Now I'll start the thing. You should also go so we can communicate while I’m testing.” I nodded and went into ‘Bullet Time’ while he was in 2nd Gear ‘Bullet Time’. “Ok I’m starting to increase the power to 10%” I nodded while he was working on it. I could see him sweat furiously, and smoke almost seemed to be coming out of his bright red ears.

He switched back off, and we both stopped for a second to take in what just happened. “Ok, I can do that, but only for a few seconds before I start to really overheat. You might have better luck with what Jin never copied.” I nodded while still waiting for more information. He then continued on while getting a drink of my water. “The heat is bad, don’t think about doing it with ‘Overdrive’. That really will kill us. You could try Shoto with his ice, but I wouldn’t push it. You might boil the ice at the temps we’re at.”

I sighed at my abilities being locked out from my body not being able to handle them. He then continued on. “I don’t have what you have, so I think this might be as much help as I can give.” I nodded while running out of ideas for tests myself. “Well, thanks for the help.” He nodded while giving me a grin. He then put a bunch of charge into his arm to destroy himself. I was a little sad to see the other me go, but it was nice to trust myself. I looked back at Jin as he just stared at me in shock. 

“The clones aren’t supposed to remember their entire past. Just the time with me personally.” I looked at him confused. “I don’t get what you're trying to say.” He just looked at me in awe. “That you only had memories of when we were together, but almost seemed like a perfect replica of you!” I shrugged my shoulders. ‘Maybe the cause of him copying two souls at once, or my soul is special. Or he is wrong about his quirk. Too many variables.’ “Well that doesn’t matter. All that does matter is what the other me did. I now know I can go up to 10% bullet time safely. I won't test it here, but that is good to know for the future.”

I was then approached by Aizawa who just looked at me. I looked at him confused. “What was that conversation about?” I thought about all that we said to each other. I sighed as I was thinking of something to say. “Which part?” I said while drinking some of my own water. Aizawa squinted for a few seconds at what I was doing before continuing on. “The job you have.” I smiled and laughed. “Oh, I'm making sure that Deku will be ok. That's the job of a big brother right?” Aizawa looked at me for a bit to see if I was lying, but eventually sighed and walked away.

I looked back over to Jin and patted him on the shoulder. “I think you should pick up drawing... Or maybe pottery” He looked at me confused, but I continued on. “The best way for you to make a good clone is being accurate. The better the accuracy, the better the clone.” He nodded at what I was saying. “So the longer you can keep those images and measurements in your head the more clones you can make depending on who you need.” He looked at me shocked at never thinking of this before, but I continued on. “If you can remember me accurately, I’ll help you wherever you may be.” I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He just put his head down and nodded silently.

Soon after that All Might came into the building. I smiled and ran over to him. He finished talking with Deku and looked at me. “Kaminari, it’s good to see you. Actually I need to talk with you in private.” I was confused at what he might need to talk to me about. Deku followed behind, as we both went to the main building to find a room to talk in. “Young Kaminari, I’m sorry, but it seems that All for One thinks you are the next in line for my quirk.” I looked at him incredulously. I kept staring at him in silence to know if he was telling the truth. ‘He’s serious.’ I was shocked at this turn of events.

“Wow… Lucky break.” I sighed in relief as All Might and Deku were looking at me confused. “Kaminari! How is this good!?” I laughed at Deku and explained. “Deku, if he thinks it’s me, then he won't be as focused on attacking you, or sending others at you when you are just training. You are at your weakest right now, this is when you need to be protected. This is good. Not only did I stop him from getting Ragdoll’s quirk, but now I’ve tricked him into thinking the wrong person is the next holder of your quirk.” I started to laugh at how well things were going for us now. 

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“Young Kaminari, I advise you to act with more caution for your own safety.” All Might said worriedly. I nodded at him. “Of course, I’m not planning on dying just yet.” This caught Deku’s attention. “Then when are you planning to die!?” I chuckled at him and ruffled his hair. “When I’m 90, and I give my wisdom to the next generation for a spin-off.” I started to chuckle at the idea until I had a sudden thought. “Do these things increase life span?” I then looked at my watch to see the nanites' functions. All Might was confused at what was happening. “Sorry you’re in the dark about this one. I happened to be dosed with Nano machines on accident less than a week ago.” I said it like it was old news while looking at the nanites description.

All Might was concerned about my health with it, but I already moved on from the dangers. If I wanted to get stronger, these were the best way. “I already have the school looking at it. Ask ‘Recovery Girl’ about what she thinks if it concerns you still.” I said while looking at what they did. “Ahh!” I groaned at what I just found. “These things do help stop aging. These nanites help copy DNA from cell division better to help prevent the loss of length of the chromosomes, which is a lead cause in aging. Great… I’ll be the one to die last when I’m married.” I sighed at the conjecture I just made and turned off my watch. All Might and Deku were both staring at me in shock. 

“What? It’s not like I asked them to do it. I would rather die together, I don’t want to live alone at 100.” I sighed again at another piece of information about my nanites. “Anyway, I don’t really have anything left to train before I get killed by Deku or somebody else that doesn’t like me pushing my body. I’m gonna go to the support division to help me get better boots. I think the one’s I have are good, but need an upgrade. My hands keep getting burns from using them too much.” Hearing this caused Deku to switch thoughts about his own quirk. 

All Might was confused at how I just took over the conversation, but I just smiled at him. “Don’t worry too much, All Might. You made the right pick for your successor. I’m going to do my best to help him every step of the way to becoming the new symbol of peace.” He was still quiet from surprise, but eventually broke free and smiled at me. “I’m glad he has friends like you to help him on his way.” 

I smirked and gave a nod. “Thank you for everything you have done. I won't let everything you built get torn down. I’ll stop ‘All for One’ and his future plans.” Hearing this All Might transformed for a second to give me his thanks. “Thank you, young man!” before poofing back into his normal self. I chuckled at him and left with Deku. We made it to the support section, and I had a nagging sense of Deja vu. I walked up to the door, and knocked on it. Just as I did, Uraraka, Ida, Momo, and Kyoka all walked down the hall. I looked over at them, and when I did I was suddenly blown back onto the ground.

After getting my bearings I heard a girl talk. “Huh? Where'd you come from?” I looked up to see Hatsume straddling me. I reddened up a little bit, but got up and gave her a hand as I did so. “Sorry about the… Oh! The man with the incredible watch!! Can I see it again!? I want to make diagrams to look at later!!” She was grasping onto me while checking my wrist for the watch. She continued to do that until Momo and Kyoka both tore us apart. I sighed with relief. ‘That girl is too energetic with toys… Don’t take that out of context.’ 

We were quickly brought in by power loader and looked around the workshop again. I looked around a bit while Hatsume was still trying to take sneak peeks at my watch. I then looked over to Momo and Kyoka who were right next to me. “Are you two here to get your costumes remodeled too?” Momo looked away while turning red slightly while Kyoka spoke louder than normal. “I did. I thought of a few ideas for putting more amps in my costume, and I wanted Yaoyorozu to help me test some of them first.”

I looked at them both, and it kinda looked like they were different. But I would let it go. “What do you need to alter Denki?” Momo asked to get the conversation moving in a new direction. I kicked my shoes on the ground. “I just thought, since this is the perfect time. I might as well change my costume to help me more. Boots that have steel toes with small protruding parts to use electric kicks. Better shirt and pants to keep me cold and not cool. My trench coat needs to be able to help regulate my temperature better too. Also thinking of having gloves to switch between letting electricity pass and stop electricity from flowing through.” 

After I was done I noticed how much I was talking and started to blush in embarrassment. Momo and Kyoka both smiled at this, while ‘power loader’ was writing down everything I wanted. I looked back at him with a confused look on my face. He shrugs while walking away. “Anything in this room about upgrades, I’m gonna hear about it. Might as well make sure I don’t forget any details.” I nodded in understanding and thanked him. I then remembered Uraraka. 

“Hey, Uraraka!” She looked over at me. “How did Toga do at the test?” Uraraka had a complicated expression. “She seemed to have a knack for it after I taught her a little of how I felt when I used my quirk.” I perked up at hearing this. “It actually worked?” She nodded with more of a smile. “Yea, she got really excited and ran off to see you, but you weren’t there.” I then squinted my eyes, and noticed something. Uraraka wasn’t in her costume. She was in just her normal school clothes. I then looked her in the eyes. That seemed to catch the attention of everyone, but I was too busy looking into her eyes to notice. “Toga, how long are you going to be disguised like this?”

Everyone stopped and then just looked at Uraraka. She then started to smile and laugh maniacally. “I’m so glad you were able to figure it out so quickly Denki~!” Uraraka's body then started melting into this gray sludge, and Toga was laughing underneath it. After all of the sludge disintegrated she then rushed to my side and hugged my arm. I played with her hair a bit while everyone was just staring at us. Deku was the first to ask. “How did you know it was her? Ida walked with her all the way here and didn’t notice!” I looked at Ida who almost looked full of shame.

I chuckled and patted his back to cheer him up. “Don’t worry about it. Toga is a great actor. The only thing that I noticed was wrong was Uraraka’s expressions, and the way she talked. After that was the clothes. She was just wearing normal school clothes instead of her hero costume. Then it was the eyes.” I then looked at Toga directly in her eyes as she stared back at me. “You can change the eye color, but the soul never lies.” I said with a slight knowing smile about souls.

I then looked away from her, because I could see she wanted to drink my blood right now. I looked back at everyone who was just astounded at my deduction. “You’ll get better at it, the longer you’re around her.” Everyone was still not quite convinced.

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