Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 130: 127. Other Schools

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I stretched and yawned to help wake myself up. After doing that I looked over at my watch to check the time. I had been sleeping for about an hour. I looked out the window around Toru to see a lot of buildings. “That doesn’t help me with finding out how close we are.” I said in a hushed tone to not wake Himiko. Toru spoke up, gaining my attention to her lightning bolt hair clip. “We are almost there. At least that is what I heard Aizawa say a few minutes ago.” I smiled and petted her hair. I had never seen it, but feeling her hair was extraordinary. The feeling of warmth, and softness was enveloping. My hand was slowly moving around, feeling the sheer amount of beauty I couldn’t see.
I was lost in thought of how her hair was so amazing, only to accidentally move my hand down to her cheek, wrapping my fingers around the base of her head. I just stared at what I was holding, almost seeing her peering back at me. All of this remained until we were broken out of our own personal world by Himiko waking up. She woke up slowly by squeezing me tighter. I broke out of the entangling, alluring webs of Toru’s hair and focused on Himiko. She was mumbling about loving me under her breath. I started to smile at the fact that, even in her sleep. She really did love me. I pet her raggedy hair, and spoke to her to wake her up.
“Himiko, it’s time to wake up.” She just hugged me tighter while groaning. I just shook my head while smiling at the display. She was cute and almost innocent while she was just asleep. When she was awake, she gained a level of annoyance, but one I could never really be mad at. She lost some of her innocence, but gained something more. I couldn’t describe it, but Himiko just grew on me the longer I spent with her. I sighed at how much of a womanizer I was. Just after I got out of my thoughts, I noticed the bus was slowing down. I looked over Toru to see a parking lot. 
I smiled in excitement at how much fun this could be. “Denki, please don’t do anything rash. That look gives you away.” I heard Momo talk with a calming voice. I looked at her with slight embarrassment, and tried to stop my smile. Best I could do was downgrade it to a grin. She smiled and giggled at my display and patted my head. “I know you are excited, but remember that you have to take care of yourself for us.” My smile relaxed to a more comforting one and I nodded. “Always.” She nodded back as the bus came to a stop.
At this point Kyoka stabbed Himiko with her earphone jack to wake her up. “Time’s up!” She yelled at Himiko while almost dragging her off of me. Himiko was up, but still clinging to me. “We aren’t leaving the bus yet! I still get the VIP seat!” I looked at them both in shock at that last statement. Kyoka let go from embarrassment, while Himiko tackled back into my lap. Luckily everyone else in the class was too busy talking and stretching to notice us in the back, but Kyoka still checked to make sure. Her gaze went over to Shoto and Jin in the seats close by just staring at this whole scene with astonishment.
They then stared at me. I blushed at this and got up. “Himiko, we made it to our destination. We have to get up, and leave the bus.” She pouted while clinging to my arm as we were standing. I sighed and got out of the bus with the last of the class. I was mostly surrounded by the girls in the class which was being noticed at this point. ‘I guess it does seem odd when most of the girls are only close with one guy.’ I sighed at the outrage Mineta would throw at me for ‘Hogging all the girls’. ‘Ugh, just thinking about me hogging them makes me feel sick. I’m not owning them, I’m owned by them.’ I had to set that bit straight in my head to stop from feeling sick anymore.
Aizawa grabbed everyone's attention with his little speech. “Now remember, earn your provisional licenses by passing this test and you will no longer be eggs. You will be full fledged hatchlings… Reborn as semi-pro’s. Show them your best.” Hearing this Kirishima got very excited about hatching. “Yea! We’re totally gonna hatch from those eggs! Time for our cheer! All together now… Plus…!” It was at that point a large teenager almost the size of an adult came up from behind Kirishima and yelled almost as loud as ‘precedent mic’. “ULTRA!!!”
Everyone was stunned at the sudden loud intrusion, but I already had the girls and my ears covered. I chuckled at everyone else’s reaction, but it was understandable. Then another student with the same hat talked to him while walking past the group. “It’s bad manners to interrupt others from their group huddle, Inasa.” Inasa then realized that he was caught by his classmates and apologized in the most over the top way. He yelled at the top of his lungs “I’M…! SO…! SORRY…!” and proceeded to whack his head against the ground. I cringed at the thought of the pain that must be, but he seemed unaffected.
Sero spoke up about how he was like Ida and Kirishima squared and got a laugh out of me from it. Everyone around was talking about the uniforms they were wearing, and Bakugo spoke to Kirishima, but was loud enough for everyone to hear. “U.A.’s in the east. And Shikestu’s is in the west. Theirs is one of the few elite hero courses that can rival U.A… Shiketsu High.” 

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After the exposition, Inasa started to explain how much he loves the U.A. cheer. He truly was a boisterous character. He had a permanent smile, and was almost as loud as All Might in his muscle form. I sighed and let everything blow over until ‘Ms. Joke’ came around with her students. The comedy routine of her flirting with Aizawa was entertaining to watch, and Mina was bearing holes in the back of Aizawa for most of his love life. ‘The girl really does love seeing love. I can’t say I’m not the same. It would be fun to see them end up together. But I’ve seen enough TV to know that forced relationships always end poorly.’
I sighed at TV gods for forsaking me, but had my train of thought broken by her students. “Hi, I’m Shindo! I’ve seen a lot of you guys! I’m very proud, and excited to be taking the tests with such inspiring heroes!” He was acting all friendly, and fooled most of the class including the girls, but I just squinted at him, and so did Himiko. “Denki, he’s lying. I don’t like him.” His smile faltered ever so slightly. If you weren’t looking for it, it would go unnoticed. I chuckled at his expression and pet Himiko as a reward. “Yea, he is not completely lying. He is just happy to take us down.” This made him look at me with his fake plastered smile. He took steps closer to Himiko and I. The other girls were away, being pulled by Mina about Aizawa’s love life.
We measured each other up. I stopped smiling and let him know through my eyes what he was dealing with. He either was frightened at my eye, or he could peer deeper into our souls. He instantly startled back and took gasps of air. The girl from his class ran to his side to help him, and yelled at me. “You aren't allowed to use quirks outside of the exams!” I chuckled a bit at her and raised my left bandaged arm up to show sparks flying across it. She was startled at the display and looked back at her friend.
“I never used my quirk on him. He just caught a glimpse at what it takes to be the top. If you despair at just the look from a villain. You should leave now, before you get people killed. You have to fight opponents like me when you have a family behind you, requiring your protection. Freezing now will mean death. Ojiro showed much more backbone than I see in you. Fix it, or leave.” I walked off to the rest of the class while Aizawa was looking at my grinning face, I was trying to straighten. He scowled at what I did, and the girls were a bit in the dark of what happened, but Himiko was filling them in. Albeit with her own filter.
“Kaminari, please don’t bully the other participants.” I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. “I’m just charitable. I like giving back medicine.” Bakugo heard this and scowled at me while clicking his tongue. Aizawa just squinted at me harder as I sighed at his pressure. “I didn’t touch him, I hardly said a word before he fell down.” 
“Then what about after…” Aizawa quickly shot back at me while the rest of the class was listening in. “Advice on how to make it to the top.” I kept trying to dodge repeating what I said to him. I don’t know, but seeing a hero in training being like a sociopath, and manipulative really grinded my gears. Or maybe Denki’s. I could feel Denki feeling conflicted, I could feel anger, but also sadness. I was pondering what Denki was thinking, but had my thoughts derailed. “What was the advice? Because I see him boring holes in the back of your head.” I felt them too, but I didn’t want to mention it. The girls looked back at him, and saw a glimpse of his true demeanor. They all seemingly wanted to protect me and walked in his line of sight. Aizawa saw this and raised an eyebrow at me.
I had to distract everyone from what the girls were up to, so I showed my hand a bit. “I just told him to be more up-front and brave. Like Ojiro.” Everyone then looked at the surprised and embarrassed Ojiro. “It took a lot of guts to ask for my full power, and to keep on working hard, and never giving an inch when you have to. I respect the will. That guy…” I tried to look back but only saw the girls having a glaring contest with the girl from the other class. “He just wants to hide his clear hatred for us, and pretend to be nice. Then attacks us from behind, or something else very un hero like in my opinion. I just don’t like his character.” I could feel Denki's approval at my opinion.
Others were confused at my claiming his true nature. Bakugo looked at him again, and nodded at his distrust at him as well. Aizawa finally decided to drop this matter as we all made it to the locker rooms to change.

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