Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 148: 143. Confrontation

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring at me. I wasn’t able to get much rest last night. I still had all of the memories with all of the girls running through my mind. I groggily got up from my bed and began to pack a couple day’s worth of clothes. It wasn’t much, but I was mostly worried about what might happen on the island, rather than what to pack. The girls would all be there. I wanted them to stay, but I couldn’t come up with a reason. So I had to let them come.
The hard part would be not worrying about them while all hell's breaking loose. ‘No… I just need to stop him from getting that headset. If I can stop that, then he won’t be nearly as dangerous. Deku is also much stronger than in the movie, and he should get that gauntlet to help keep his arm ok.’ I kept reassuring myself of everything being ok while I was finishing packing. I got my suitcase and went out my door. I went to the kitchen and started getting breakfast ready. It was early in the morning for us to make it to the island by mid-day.
We would be free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. On the next day, they would be holding the competitions. I forgot the name of the competition, but it didn’t matter. After those were done, we would be free for the rest of that day as well. The next morning we would get up and leave I-Island to make it back home before it got dark. I sighed while thinking of the amount of things packed in the few days we would be there. 
I had a few extra things I had in my checklist for this trip though. I would want to stop Wolfram from getting on the island somehow, but that was a long shot. If I couldn't do that, I would have to make it to the room, holding the headset and maybe stop him there. I really didn’t have a ‘Plan C’, or at least wanted a ‘Plan C’. That would mean that Wolfram would be in possession of the headset, causing him to have massive amounts of power. The only way they stopped it in the movie was with Deku and All Might. All Might was out of commission now, so that just left the class.
I sighed and held my head in my hands. I felt like I was going to the USJ or summer training camp again. Everything just felt like a battle waiting to happen. I looked up and decided to make something easy to eat on the go. 
I put some bread in the toaster and was looking at my phone checking the time. It was about a couple of hours before we had to go, so I was up before anyone else on a weekend. I began thinking more about what I had to do, until I heard the front door open. This surprised me to say the least. Nobody would likely be up yet. I was really only up this morning, because I couldn’t sleep. I looked to the door curiously to see what was happening, and I saw Midnight coming inside the dorms with a complicated look on her face.
I was really confused at this point. I never remembered Midnight ever visiting the dorms. Let alone doing it really early on a weekend. I kept staring at her, wondering what she was thinking. Until my toast popped up with a ding. Midnight snapped her head to my direction and our eyes met. She was pretty far, but I could feel something in her gaze. I couldn’t make out what it was, but it was not normal for her. I furrowed my brows in more confusion at this situation, but shook my head and called out to her. As long as she wasn’t trying to dominate or tease me, I was fine with her.
“Midnight! You want some breakfast!?” She seemed to stiffen up a bit when I called out to her, but she walked over all the same. I placed two more pieces of bread in the toaster for me. I could just give these to Midnight. She came over to the counter, but I noticed a distinct distance she was putting between us. I shrugged it off. ‘Better she is further away, rather than trying to get me to scratch her sadism itch.’ I shivered a bit, just remembering those looks she’s gave me me, and shook them away. I already had my mixture of cinnamon sugar ready, so I buttered the toast, and gave them both a light dusting.

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I then slid the plate over to Midnight. “Order up!” I yelled as I did it, like I was in a diner. Midnight looked at the toast I gave her and squinted her eyes at it. “Never had cinnamon toast before?” She looked back at me in silence. I still couldn’t get a read on her, it seemed like her emotions were raging too much for me to read what she was feeling through her eyes. She kept staring at me, and the more she did, the more I felt uneasy. Like she was seeing through me somehow. 
She then opened her mouth. I thought she was about to taste the cinnamon toast to see if it was good, but what she said next horrified me. “I know about your little Harem.” I felt my stomach drop, as I heard those words. I froze in shock, processing what she just told me. My mouth went agape, and I couldn’t move from my world crashing down. I felt like it was all over. If the teachers know, then that means parents. Parents would not want their daughters dating someone like me. I would get kicked out of school, and never be hired anywhere that they could check my record.
I just stared at Midnight like a deer in headlights. just staring at the oncoming death in front of me. Knowing that moving would just cause an injury that would be worse than death. I knew that I couldn’t deny anything. I couldn’t lie. They weren’t mine, but only having her reword it and I would just be in the same situation. We both just stared at each other in silence for what felt like an eternity. We both jumped from the sound of the toast popping out of the toaster.
We both quickly looked at it, then back at each other. I really didn’t know what to say, so I just remained silent. In my shock I finished making my toast in a daze. I wanted to take my mind off of how my life was over, so doing something mundane just happened. Midnight was silent while I finished making my breakfast. After I was done, I wasn’t hungry. I ran out of something to do to take my mind off of what was happening. I just sat down on a nearby stool with the toast on a plate in front of me.
I just stared at the toast with a solemn smile. “Tell them I loved them, would you?” I was too shocked to really feel sad. I was just there, but not at the same time. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I yearned for this to just be a dream. “Try and make sure that the parents know it was my fault… That I couldn’t pick.” I still stared at the last meal I would be having here. Chuckling that I didn’t even get a good last meal. “Are we going now? I… I.. don’t know… if I can say goodbye.” I knew that I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to the class, and the girls especially.
It would be best for me to go right now. Just leave without saying anything. I wouldn’t be able to bear watching them saying goodbye… I hated goodbyes. I just stared at my food without anything more to say. It was then that I smelt something sweet in the air. I suddenly felt dizzy, and my watch beeped. I looked at my watch to see I was under the influence of anesthesia. My head felt wobbly and my eyes had a hard time staying open. The nanites were trying their best to keep as much out of my bloodstream as possible, but they could only do so much with how low I had them set at.
I looked over to Midnight in my daze. She was surprised at seeing me still awake. Most would pass out at the first whiff, but I was still conscious, a little wobbly, but conscious. My speech was slurred as I managed to walk towards her. Her eyes widened at the sight of me, and she began to rip more of her clothing off. She was emitting way more now at me, and I couldn’t keep walking anymore. I fell to my knees and looked up at her almost fearful expression. “I wuld hav gon wiff you willyly.” (I would have gone with you willingly.)
I said the best I could as I passed out at her feet. I was about to hit the ground, but just before I passed out I could feel something hold me up before my head hit the linoleum. I had a guess of what, but I had no way of knowing in my state.

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