Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 150: 145. Reasons

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It was then that Midnight sighed at the sight of how all of the girls were acting. “You are all pathetic!” This caught all of the girls' attention as they stared off at Midnight. “If you want to keep him around, then fight for him! Give me a reason to overlook this! Why are you giving up already!?” Midnight snapped her whip as she was talking. This made the girls jump from the loud cracking sound. Mina then spoke up while still holding Himiko. Mina never looked at Midnight, but just stared at the ground as she yelled. 
“We love him! All of us! We are all totally in love! Why should we have to make you overlook anything!?” Everyone was surprised by Mina yelling in anger. Most had only seen it once. Everyone was staring at Mina, until they heard something falling to the ground near Midnight. They all looked at the recorder that had fallen on the linoleum. Midnight then put it under her heel and broke the recorder with a crunch. 
The girls were confused and surprised that she was doing this, but Midnight explained herself. “I am the only faculty that knows. I was trying to find out if this relationship was actually known by all of you, and he wasn’t keeping the others behind your backs. Take it as a courtesy from girl to girl.” Midnight sighed from how much we were all acting while massaging the bridge of her nose. “You all really know he is dating you all?” All of the girls blushed and nodded in silence.
Midnight saw how all the girls acted and sighed again. Normally she would make some sexual comments and laugh from their embarrassment, or other expressions. But she just couldn’t right now. Midnight didn’t know why, but she felt like she had to be serious about this relationship. “You all are together with yourselves as well?” The girls fervently shook their heads in response while shouting the negative. Midnight smiled a bit from their embarrassment, but quickly focused back up.
“Ok then. How far has he gone with all of you?” This made all of the girls look down and around while blushing. They refused to make eye contact with anyone at the moment while thinking back to the previous night. “Ok, is kissing as far as this has gotten?” The girls nodded while still remaining silent. “Has he been pushing for more?” After Midnight asked, she saw how each girl had a different reaction while all shaking their heads.
Momo had placed her hand on her cheek with a small smile of warmth and comfort. Kyoka was completely embarrassed, making random noises from lack of ability to speak with words at the moment. Mina had a smile similar to Momo’s but she also was a little embarrassed for having to push more from me.
Toru was impossible to read expression wise, but Midnight could tell she was shaking her head from the lightning pin in her hair. Himiko was the one that Midnight happened to hear, and it almost sounded to Midnight that She and I went further than just kissing. Midnight looked at Himiko to see Himiko zoning out while smiling. “Toga, has Kaminari been doing more than kissing you, or you drinking his blood?” Himiko was startled awake from her daydreaming and shook her head a little distraught, and disgruntled. “No… He makes me hold back constantly.”

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Midnight nodded and let out a sigh of relief. “How long has he been with all of you?” Momo spoke up at this one while still blushing from telling a teacher about her complicated relationship. “It was Kyoka and I at first, right after Denki fought the hero killer. Mina then joined a week later, after the practical exams. Himiko and Toru then joined together after we moved into the dorms.” Midnight froze while thinking about how that even happened. ‘These kids are getting into relationships together? Then add more on!?’
“How did you react to Denki asking for Ashido to join? It was only a week before he was already unfaithful.” The girls frowned and scowled at Midnight for saying that. Kyoka then spoke up with anger in her voice. She grabbed her skirt tightly as she yelled. “Denki never did ask! He is too stupid to notice his own feelings! He was in love with Momo and I for who knows how long! He started looking at Mina the same way he always looked at us. But his look for us never faded.. You might think he is being unfaithful to each of us individually, but he loves all of us. He loves me… And I love him… What’s wrong with him also loving others as long as he still finds me special…?”
By the end, Kyoka looked down at the ground, and spoke quietly. She was embarrassed to be explaining her emotions, and sad that if she couldn’t convince Midnight. The other girls went together with Kyoka and each placed their hand on her shoulder. Momo was the fist. “I know Denki always finds me special as well. He has shown me that loves me, accepts me, and wants me with him constantly. He always does his best for me, and is willing to change his ways for all of us.”
Mina then spoke up while placing her hand on Kyoka’s other shoulder. “Denki has sacrificed himself for me. He totally cares more for me than he does for himself. I totally love that he is willing to do that! I love how caring he is!” Toru placed her invisible hand on Kyoka’s head and began to talk as well. “He always looked at me! Even when he never felt anything towards me, he still never looked past me! Now that I’m starting to get him to love me, I’ve gotten to see all the adorable expressions he has when he looks at me! I can see the same looks he has when he is with Momo, Kyoka, or Mina! He may not even know it himself, but he does love me!”
Himiko was the last one to place her hand on Kyoka’s arm and yelled. “Denki is the first to love me with my true self! He loves me, and the way I express my love! I love him! For the first time, I am in a real relationship! I love everything about him! I-” Himiko then froze, causing the girls to all look at her. Himiko then started to blush and smile knowingly. Midnight frowned a bit and her eyes squinted at Himiko. Himiko then started to giggle and laugh. She began laughing so hard she fell down to her knees while holding her stomach.
Everyone else was confused and scared at what Himiko was doing. She did always have at least one screw loose. Himiko began talking in-between chuckles. “You… You just wanted excuses! He he he… Oh that is good! I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before!” The girls were confused at what Himiko was saying, but Kyoka was the only one picking up on what Himiko meant. Kyoka then looked at Midnight incredulously.

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