Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 155: 150. Exploring The Island

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We all walked up to them. “Deku! Hey!” I waved at him to get his attention. He looked over in my direction and smiled. “Denki!” He smiled as we came up to him. “We just landed, did you find any good places to see?” It was then that the blonde girl spoke up. “Oh you are the famous Denki Kaminari?” I looked over at her and smiled with my greeting. “Yea. That’s me.” I held out my hand, and she returned with a handshake. “My name is Melissa Shield.” 

She looked then looked at my bandaged arm. “Oh my goodness what happened there?” I chuckled weakly as I held it up. “It’s not injured, just looks a bit strange. Anyway-” I was about to divert the conversation back to cool attractions I could see with the girls, but Melissa wanted a closer look. “Wait, strange how?” I shrugged my shoulders at her question. I knew the conversation would take forever to move on unless I told her so I unwrapped my arm a bit. My arm’s circuitry-like lines reflected the light a bit and gave off a glow. 

Melissa was in full analytical mode. “What kind of quirk does this?” I shrugged again. “I just amped my arm with too much electricity from my quirk. I don’t really like to talk about it.” I could feel the girls’ disapproval at what I did, and talking about it always soured the mood a bit. “But let’s forget about that! Today, we have fun!” I cheered and everyone smiled and agreed. However Deku was confused why Nemuri was with us.

“Umm… Is that Midnight?” He looked at her and Uraraka’s eyes almost burst out of her head. “Oh my goodness!” She was more shocked than I was when I first saw her like this. I chuckled a bit at her reaction and nodded. “Yes, she is our… Chaperone for the trip.” I looked back at Momo to see if I was correct. She gave me a calming smile and nodded. I reaffirmed my statement. “Yea, our chaperone.” Deku nodded with understanding, since he came here with the rest of the class that could go together with All Might.

We then decided to have fun on the rides together. Our group was pretty big so we sometimes had to split ourselves in half to meet the maximum allowed per ride. There were so many things to do. Stands where people were giving shows to passersby. Fountains of water that you could have them spell things you wanted. We had to stop Himiko from writing something about how much she loved me though. I sighed as she whined about not getting to write with the water. I just rubbed her back to try and make her feel better. 

The moment I did she grabbed onto my arm and nuzzled her face in it. Mina, the only one that was publicly in a relationship with me, decided to take this opportunity to grab onto my other arm. Both of the girls were enjoying getting to do this. The only reason why Himiko could get away with it though, is because the others thought she was a little less than sane. They weren’t wrong, and Himiko didn’t want to prove them wrong if she got this right. The girls were used to this, but I could still see some jealousy in their gazes.

Melissa was confused about my relationship though. “I’m sorry Kaminari… I thought you were… Taken.” She blushed a bit from embarrassment at seeing us like that. ‘Girl, you don’t know the meaning of embarrassed. Do you feel all of the looks from the guys that want me dead!? Because I do!’ I sighed as we walked to a café to rest our legs and get something to drink. “I’m together with Mina.” I then gave both of the girls a quick loving squeeze while grabbing their hands for a second. I wanted to let Himiko know that I loved her, even if it was still too early to make it public. 

Himiko giggled in response and rubbed her head against my arm as she held my arm tighter. Melissa was still a little confused, but decided to drop it. We made it to the café, and took seats at the largest table they had. We all sat outside on the tables and enjoyed our drinks while talking about what things we liked most on our visit here. I sat between Mina and Nemuri. I wondered a bit why she was always so close to me on this trip. She wasn’t playing pranks or something. It looked like she was just enjoying herself.

I shook my head after realizing I was staring at her for a bit. ‘I guess she is just making sure that I’m not some disgusting pig, faking these girls into loving me.’ I nodded a bit in understanding, and got back to just enjoying ourselves for the day. We kept talking about our lives to Melissa as we sat and rested. She seemed to be more interested in my life more than Deku’s. “Kaminari, are you here as a U.A. representative as well?” I nodded while drinking more of my root beer. “Yea, but they ran out of spots, so Momo decided to give me a lift here.”

Melissa looked at Momo, who continued to explain. “My family has many stocks here. They wanted me to view how the companies might be doing.” Melissa nodded, and now the conversation went over to all of the different girls. I sighed in relief of how she no longer seemed interested about me. I didn’t want her to dig too deep. After a while, we all left together to see some more sights that Melissa wanted to show us. All of the different technologies were amazing, especially to someone who grew in the 21st century. 

Time passed us by, and noon became night. We all were getting tired from walking around over the whole island. I yawned and took that as a sign. “I think it’s time for me to turn in.” Melissa nodded in understanding, she seemed a bit tired herself. I looked over at Deku and Uraraka. “Where are you guys staying?” They both seemed to blush a bit, and Deku could hardly stutter out a word. Uraraka, still blushing, spoke in Deku’s place. “Um… We’re staying with the rest of the class that came. Where are you all staying? We never saw you there.”

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“Oh, Momo had some reservations, but-” I was then stopped from talking by Kyoka and Mina. Kyoka stabbed me in the neck while Mina dragged me away from the conversation. Momo then spoke up in my place, explaining which hotel we were staying at. Melissa seemed concerned about me, but Deku explained that this was a regular occurrence. We all went our separate ways, and I was getting extra tired heading to our room. As soon as we all made it in, I thought about what I needed to do before bed.

“Ok, I need to take a bath, so I think I should go first, then let you all go after me while I go to sleep on one of the twin beds.” The girls took some distance and discussed their plans while Nemuri and I just sat on the outskirts. Nemuri still seemed concerned about all of us sharing a room. I could see angst in her eyes, and smiled at this more normal, and shy girl. She seemed to pick up on my gaze and met mine. “It’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m way too tired to even try and pull anything.”

Nemuri’s eyebrows furrowed a bit as her face reddened. She adjusted her glasses a bit as she looked away. Just seeing that made my smile wider. The other girls seemed to be done discussing and came to a conclusion. Momo smiled calmly and nodded while talking. “Denki, we all believe that would be best for you to bathe first as well.” I nodded and got some of my clothes to change in the bathroom.

I took a quick bath and changed into my T-shirt and shorts. I went out with my hair still wet, I didn’t have time nor my hair dryer to dry my hair correctly, so I just had to make due with towel drying. I had the towel around my neck as I left the bathroom still drying my hair off, but I wanted to give the girls more time to wash up before bed. I went into the main room that the bathroom was connected to, and saw all of the girls sitting on the big bed in a circle, Nemuri included.

I yawned and stretched. “It’s open.” I said sleepily as I walked over to the other room with the twin beds for me to sleep on. It was then that I was being held back, I looked for an arm holding me but found nothing. I smiled a bit as I looked at Toru. “Anything you need?” She giggled a bit while pulling me over to the other girls. “We wanted to play some more games. C’mon just play with us a bit before bed.” She sounded extra sad and cutesy. I sighed from my lack of ability to say no to her cute voice she pulled out. Her soft hands that were pulling mine didn’t help either.

I nodded a bit reluctantly, I was tired, but if they wanted to have a bit more fun before bed, I would do it for them. “Alright, just a few games.” The girls celebrated, and Nemuri seemed to be a bit embarrassed, judging from her playing with her glasses a bit while looking away. So after I said I would play with them, the girls got themselves cleaned up next. They all decided to go in together since it was a large family bath.

I never understood Japanese bathing practices, but whatever. Nemuri insisted at staying out and bathing on her own. I had a feeling she just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t peek or something, but I was ok with not being alone waiting by myself. Having Nemuri here would take my mind off of the girls bathing in the next room. I sat on the bed facing Nemuri. We both sat in silence just sitting apart from each other. 

I finally sighed while asking something to break the silence between us. “Why are you so accepting of us?” I was confused what the girls did to change Nemuri’s mind. It had plagued me since I saw her driving us to the airport. I couldn’t understand why Nemuri wasn’t actively trying to break us up. Nemuri, hearing my question, looked at me with surprise, then she looked away after seeing my gaze. She frowned while adjusting her glasses. “I just haven’t found anything to break you all up with yet.” 

I looked at her more confused. “I think me being in a relationship with all of them is a big thing. I’m pretty sure the public isn’t very accepting of our relationship.” I was saddened just saying it out loud. Nemuri saw my expression and sighed. “Kaminari…” I looked back up at Nemuri. Her eyes were serious, and she was frowning at me. She continued speaking while she approached me slowly. “I wasn’t sure when I first found out about this, but the more that I see you all together, the more that I see that you aren’t just taking advantage of those girls.” 

She sighed again, without realizing that the distance between us had diminished greatly. “Kaminari…” Nemuri seemed torn, whether or not to keep talking. She gave me a quick glance, and saw my expression of confusion. She sighed again, and began to speak in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. “Can you tell me about your parents?” I was really confused at this point. ‘How did we get here in the conversation? Does she want to switch topics?’ I was confused, but I saw the look of determination in her eyes. Like she was desperate for answers that only I would have. ‘I only know my parents though…’

I sighed and decided to talk to her about my own parents. I could feel Denki still not ready to even talk to me about what his parents were like.

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