Becoming #1 With Stun-Gun Hero!!

Chapter 93: 92. Plans

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I walked Ashido home, and then went home myself. The walk by myself didn’t feel as nice as it did before though. I couldn’t enjoy it, so I just jogged to get home faster. The next day was just the written exams. I did much better than last time of  15th/20th since I actually studied this time. “Thanks for the help Momo.” I gave her my thanks as soon as class was over and we could talk again. All of the others that studied with us all gave their thanks to Momo as well. Seeing the smile on her face almost brought me to tears. I was really proud of her, and happy to see recognition for her work.
That night I went home early to increase my maximum battery by plugging myself into a wall and meditating. I noticed something that gave me cause for concern. All of my normal neurons were able to do this better than the ones I forcefully evolved. ‘That leaves a few ideas as to why. The ones that evolved can already handle this amount of power normally so they can’t grow without more power. They can’t grow as fast after having to evolve so quickly forever. Or the most scary option, they can never grow ever again. Forcing them to change so rapidly caused them to stop being able to grow forever.’ I shivered at that last option. I didn’t think that was the case, but it will be in the back of my mind as another reason to not force it anymore.
After increasing my battery permanently by 3% before I started, I got bored. I then thought back to planning for the villain attack. “All of the people that joined because of stain should be here for this. That means Toga, Dabi, Mouth blade guy, Magician dude, magnet fatty, stain wannabe… Who else?” Don’t judge me, I couldn’t remember everybody's names. “Right! Muscle killer! I have to help Deku with him first. Best bet would be to keep Kota from running away at dinner. But if Deku doesn’t sacrifice himself then Kota’s trauma won’t be helped….... Sorry Kota, maybe Deku can help you with just words, because I won’t have him permanently break himself this way.”
“Everything happened very quickly, but was drawn out in the show to showcase everyone’s personal experience living through it. So I don’t have as much time as I might think; keep that in mind. Right there was also that guy like Midnight! I need to have a mask early so I don’t get indisposed and do nothing by accident. I should have that on me at all times. But how will I explain why I am carrying it? Doesn’t matter, just claim Momo made it for me. Nobody will check that little bit out after Bakugo gets kidnapped.”
“So the plan is at night, get my mask ready, stop Kota from leaving, or at least tail Deku to help with Muscle killer. After that I need to run around, and try to stop the kidnapping. Bakugo was always a loose cannon, I don’t want him pulling a Sasuke. Stopping the kidnapping is a high priority, but after that I think I need to try and talk some of the younger villains down. Toga I just need to explain what she is doing is just plain stupid. Seriously, I could get into an hour-long debate over what is wrong with her thought process.” 
I then leaned back in my chair and let out a sigh. “Dabi… I don’t know. I never got a lot of information about him. All I know is from a news article spoiling his real identity. I can only infer from that. I can understand him wanting to kill all of the heroes, thinking all of them are evil in disguise; his father certainly was. Talking him down might be impossible, but that won’t stop me from at least trying.”
I gained my resolve as I laid down on my bed, thoughts still wandering around. I woke up the next morning with a start. “Today is finally the day.” I said while stretching. I was excited to see how well I could do against pro heroes. “I forgot which one I would be fighting, so this will be a good test.” I got up and went to school. I went to the door, but it had a note. “Students of class 1-A, please go to the locker rooms, change into costumes and meet up at the bus department.” I nodded at the note, and started my way to the men’s locker room. Until I heard my name being called from behind.
“Kaminari!” I looked back to see Deku waving at me. I gave him a two fingered salute back. “Yo” He quickly caught up. “What are you doing? Class is back that way?” Deku looked at me with slight worry in his eyes. ‘You really don’t have to worry about me with these small things.’ I sighed and chuckled at my own thoughts. “We are probably taking practical's for the whole day. The sign said to suit up and meet at the bus department.” Deku nodded, then looked back at me. “What do you think the practical's will be?” I smiled knowingly while chuckling. “Well… I’ll give you a hint.” Deku leaned in a little bit in anticipation. “All of the teachers are taking a big break today that they normally wouldn’t do.”

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Hearing this Deku was able to make the dot connect almost instantly. The look of horror on his face was priceless. I laughed while patting him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it too much. They will be a good learning experience for you. Fighting pro’s is very difficult, but it is really great for training.” Deku just looked like he understood what I was saying until something clicked. “You sound like you have taken pro’s on before.” I smiled knowingly again. “I have.” Deku looked at me, practically begging for details.
I sighed while looking around to see if anyone was listening. Seeing nobody I kept an eye out, but started talking. “I didn’t run from Endeavor. I got the drop on him.” Hearing this, Deku's jaw opened from shock. I smiled while continuing on. “Well I got the drop on him, because he didn’t expect it. Had he been seeing me as a threat he would have been much hotter. It was a victory based on luck, mostly. The other pro I faced off with was ‘Snipe’ during my internship.” Deku was still processing all of the information that I just dumped on him. He then looked at me again with a slightly angered expression. Reminded me a little of Kyoka being mad at me, but much less scary.
“How could you be so uncaring of the fact that you could have been put in the hospital!? Is that why your arm is bandaged!?” I smiled while taking a step back. “Deku, calm down. I got this bandage much later after my fight with Endeavor, remember? And yea sorry if I do seem a little uncaring, I’ve been working on that. But these bandages are hardly covering an injury. My arm is ok.”
I waved around my arm to try and show him it was fine. He didn’t seem too convinced. I sighed a little under his frowning gaze. ‘Ugh I’m weak to him and his big innocent eyes!’ “Fine, my arm is permanently changed. It’s not injured, but it has changed, similar to Ashido’s pink skin. Using my quirk has changed my body to handle the voltage better.” Hearing this Deku gained a look of surprise, and then anger. “You did get this looked at by the teachers right? I know you hate to give attention to yourself if you can help it. But I know you are too smart to let that overshadow the danger of your body changing, right?”
I moved my gaze away from him as he began to reach for my arm. I quickly pulled away, but he used his strength to overpower my left arm. He looked at me with his frown deepening. I sighed as I stopped resisting, and undid a small portion of my bandages. Seeing this Deku gasped as he was touching the red almost glasslike, circuitry patterned lines. “It just looks like that. Just think of it like a tattoo.” I started to wrap up my arm again as Deku looked at me with concern and anger. 
“What about the rest of you?” I laughed a little bit, because that was kicked out of me from Momo and Kyoka. “You don’t have to worry about it. It has stopped at my eye, and my arm. It wont go any further unless something extraordinary happens.” He then looked at my eyes, mostly focusing on my right eye. “This happened as long ago as just after the entrance exams!?” I sighed inwardly. ‘Hah I let that cat out of the bag.’ 
“Well yes… cards on the table I was the one making the change happen, so that's how I know it won't be happening unless something extraordinary happens.” We were almost to the men's locker room when my sleeve was grabbed. “What would make you think doing this to yourself would be a good idea!?” I chuckled a little bit. “They seemed like good ideas at the time.” He looked at me with tears welling up with his frown. “Stop. Stop. Stop. Don’t cry.” I smiled at him while telling him not to cry.
“I used to think that way. Emphasis on the ‘used’. I don’t think that way anymore. This isn’t something I should not be doing to myself. I know that now, and looking at you I learned it again. I’ve stopped doing this. I’m not injured, and I’ve learned my lesson.” I ruffled his hair. “Still gotta be around to be the #1’s side-kick.” I laughed a little as I pushed Deku into the locker room where most of the other guys were.

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