Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Lin Sifei held grudges. Since, in her eyes, Luo Ke took advantage of the bee to bully her during the day, when she was sleeping at night, she deliberately kicked Luo Ke with her leg to prevent her from sleeping well.

In the end, Luo Ke surrendered and took her into his arms, “It’s my fault, okay?”

Lin Sifei snorted and barely retracted her leg.

When she entered the company the next day, Lin Sifei still was slightly cross, refusing to let Luo Ke hold her, and walked into the elevator with her head held high, exuding a “do not come close to me” aura.

Luo Ke, holding her bag, followed in behind her, seeming like she was in a good mood.

Zhao Min was also standing in the elevator, and her phone kept vibrating. She took it out and saw that everyone in the staff group chat was off their tables.

[Did Chair Luo’s cat have trouble with Chair Luo? Their angry look is so cute. ]

[But Chair Luo looks so happy]

[Maybe Chair Luo tried to kiss her cat? I did the same with mine, and then got three stripes across my face QAQ]

When Zhao Min saw that message, her eyes couldn’t help but float over to Luo Ke’s face. Well, it’s still so smooth, so she didn’t get scratched.

She exhaled, a little relieved and a little disappointed. For some reason, she did kind of want to see Chair Luo being scratched by her cat.

[Secretary Zhao: Chair Luo’s face is fine, it’s okay, Chair Luo’s cat is quite docile]

[Luo Ke: Chat less, work more]

The group chat literally froze. When Zhao Min looked at the message that followed hers, she immediately turned stiffly to Chair Luo beside her.

Luo Ke patted her on the shoulder, “How do you know that my cat is docile or not?”

“Uh -” Zhao Min’s thoughts were racing, “Chair Luo’s cat is definitely the best, docile, cute, and…very affectionate towards Chair Luo.”

Luo Ke looked at her, and only turned her head back after seeing sweat on the top of Zhao Min’s head.

Lin Sifei was standing next to Zhao Min. Upon hearing Zhao Min’s words, she gritted her teeth angrily. Who would want to be affectionate towards her !

She stretched out her claws, grabbed Zhao Min’s stockings, and ran her claws through it a few times, pulling out a few strands of filaments.

Zhao Min looked at her now ruined stockings, daring to be angry but not daring enough to speak.

It just so happened that the elevator door opened at that moment, and Luo Ke glanced at her, “I’ll reimburse it for you. Go buy another pair.”

Despite Lin Sifei’s resistance, she picked her up firmly and walked out of the elevator.

Zhao Min happily leaned on the door to her office, “Chair Luo, can I buy more expensive stockings?”

“Up to you.”

“Thank you Chair Luo! Chair Luo’s cat is really very affectionate towards you.”

Luo Ke laughed softly. Lin Sifei felt the vibration of her chest, crawled out of her arms with difficulty, grabbed her shoulders, and waved her paws at Zhao Min.

No matter how many silk stockings you buy, I will leave them ruined!

However, Zhao Min did not understand her, and waved to her happily, “Goodbye.”

Lin Sifei was so angry that she fell back into Luo Ke’s arms, and when she entered the office, she set up the tablet to watch Tom and Jerry.   

Luo Ke didn’t disturb her, sitting by and reading the reports she received.


After a while, Lin Sifei heard her calling herself and stubbornly pointed her butt at her.

Luo Ke sheepishly said, “Xiaoxiao, are you still angry? Next time I will help you catch the bees as soon as possible.”

Lin Sifei gave a cold snort and twisted her head away.


Lin Sifei jumped off the sofa and rushed out the door to show her refusal to communicate with her actions.

Luo Ke just shook her head and let her go.

Lin Sifei just wanted her to understand that cats are very difficult to serve, but when she was outside, she became bored again.

There wasn’t any tablet she could use to pass time after leaving the office. She was happily surfing social media just now. Ugh.

Lin Sifei sighed. Seemed like she could only run around the company for a while to exercise and patrol the territory.

As she was passing by Yan Yafei’s office, Lin Sifei slowed down unconsciously, and leaned towards the door.

“Yan Yafei is so annoying, I’m not the one who demoted her, but she’s giving us death glares.”

“Okay, let’s just stop this discussion. I heard from the Personnel Department that she was originally fired, but the director came forward to protect her.”

“It’s great to have connections.”

“It’s amazing, okay, let’s just work hard, Chair Luo said that we will still have a celebration party…”

Lin Sifei watched them talk about the celebration banquet. After they left, she ran over from the side, looked at the office door, and then at the direction they came.

She raised her chin and slid through the door smoothly. Her first mistake was the first time that Yan Yafei was saved. If she continued to make mistakes, then she would have to be fired, right.

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She ran over and saw Yan Yafei dragging a cardboard box out of the printing room from a long distance away. She carried the cardboard box to the utility room and threw it in.

However, when she arrived back at the printing room, Yan Yafei was met with many documents, “Print three copies of this one, ten of this document, and this one…. Send them to the room second to the left upstairs in twenty minutes.”

Yan Yafei was suddenly buried by a pile of documents, and threw the folders into the printing room angrily. Several of the folders were broken, but fortunately, the files inside were only exposed and not scattered.

Yan Yafei stared at it for a while, then squatted down, annoyed, picked up the folders one by one, and sorted the files.

Even though the documents from those files had not been sorted out yet, someone else sent over more documents to be copied.

Yan Yafei was so overwhelmed, she threw the files to the ground in a rage, and couldn’t help but start to cry.

Lin Sifei lay down on the table next to her with a grin. She didn’t understand, Yan Yafei was already busy enough, and she was still throwing files around, making herself more and more busy. In the end, she’d have to clean it up herself, or else be scolded.

Lin Sifei’s eyes drifted to a phone not far away.   

Lin Sifei suddenly felt alive as an idea formed, and looked left and right to make sure there was no one. She cautiously crawled forward, climbed to the side of the phone, turned on the camera, found two stacks of files just right on top, and put the phone in the middle.

With the mobile phone camera pointed at Yan Yafei, Lin Sifei recorded all scenes of Yan Yafei slamming files and throwing folders down. 

Lin Sifei hid behind the file,  and guessed where the camera button was, placing her paw next to it. When Lin Sifei saw that Yan Yafei was almost done, she pressed the stop button, then took and sent it to the group chat.

The group immediately exploded. Lin Sifei looked at the incoming messages, which was a mix of both questioning Yan Yafei and complaining about her princess temperament.

Lin Sifei nodded in satisfaction but then she woke up sharply.

No no no, she wanted to get the heroine fired, but she didn’t want to offend the heroine. Looking at it now, she was more than offended, she probably would bring vengeance upon herself.

Lin Sifei shook her tail twice anxiously, watching the company employees in the group express their dissatisfaction with the heroine.

Un oh. She seemed to have become the driving force of the plot.

Lin Sifei slapped a paw on her forehead, cursing her own stupidity. She was really used to Luo Ke spoiling, so much so that she lost her brain.

Lin Si Fei wondered if there was any way to remedy it. But, when she raised her head, she ran straight into Yan Yafei’s gaze. 

“Cursed cat!” Yan Yafei rushed over with gritted teeth.

Hearing her trembling voice with anger, Lin Sifei’s fur exploded into spiky tufts. She quickly jumped onto the table and ran away.

Behind her, Yan Yafei yelled.

Lin Sifei turned her head and saw her frowning, holding her mobile phone.

Lin Sifei quietly slid back to the office with her neck shrunk. Luo Ke was a little surprised when she saw her appearance, “What happened? Did someone steal your snacks?”

Lin Sifei glared at her, but then, remembering that she had probably just made Yan Yafei hate her even more, immediately bowed her head guiltily.

She was drowsy thinking what to do when the door of the office was pushed open by Zhao Min, “Chair Luo, something happened to Yan Yafei.”

Lin Sifei: …Oh no, shoot.


Lin Sifei lay at the edge of the door and peeked through the crack, seeing Yan Yafei sitting in a chair crying.

Luo Ke put his hands around his chest and frowned slightly, “You said this was filmed secretly, maliciously?

Yan Yafei nodded, “This video was sent through my account, so obviously it can’t be me.”

Luo Ke frowned, watching the video in the group chat. She glanced back at the cat, whose head was showing through the door, and sighed slightly.

“I probably know who did it.”

Zhao Min looked at her in surprise, and Luo Ke asked her to contact the security room and find the video from during that period.

After a while, Luo Ke received the surveillance video sent by the security guard and clicked to play it on the computer in front of everyone. Everyone saw a cat jumping from the ground to the table, biting the phone and putting it in the pile of files, and then pulling the phone out again.

Everyone’s reaction was basically if the surveillance didn’t show a cat, they would really not have believed it.

Soon, Yan Yafei screamed towards Xiaoxiao.

Luo Ke straightened up, “Xiaoxiao was looking dejected just now when she came back. It seemed like she was yelled at, and she knew she was in trouble.”

“This video was accidentally shot by my cat. I apologize for causing you harm. But the reward and punishment system of the company is clear. Miss Yan, perhaps reflect on your recent attitude towards work? The company’s documents are all important, and you have had a mistake before. Do you want to make mistakes two or three more times? The company is not doing charity work. We will give you one chance, but not a second.”

Yan Yafei bit her lip and lowered her head, “I will.”

“Then this thing ends here.” Luo Ke swept her around the employees, and everyone took two steps back and approached their workstations.

Luo Ke turned and walked back to the office, not seeing her trouble-making cat everywhere.

She looked around and saw her hiding in the gap of the sofa cushion, trying to pretend to be a non-existent cat.

She bent over and pulled her out, couldn’t help but smile and pet her fur. Is this cat afraid of her blaming her?

“It’s okay, it’s okay if you don’t do this next time, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.”

Lin Sifei looked up at her guiltily, eyes filling with tears. Chair Luo, you don’t understand the heroine and what horrors she can unleash, I’m sorry QAQ 

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