Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 2: CH 2

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The coming morning, Lin Sifei woke up to the wonderful aroma of breakfast.

Last night, she fell asleep in the laundry basket with the towel around her, but ended up waking up on the sofa with the towel still on her body.

Lin Sifei plucked and pawed at the towel. It seemed that the villainess wasn’t that mean, since she still covered her with a towel.

“Meow~” Lin Sifei sat and stared at the height from the couch to the ground, very sure that if she jumped down, she would break a bone, so she could only howl to indicate her existence.

Although she heard the commotion, Luo Ke continued to eat breakfast, not even raising her head once. A nanny in an apron came over, put her bowl on the ground, and picked her up again.

“Come on, Mimi 1, time to eat.”

Lin Sifei’s brain was immediately filled with question marks, when did she become “Mimi”? She raised her head to meow, protesting against the name.

“Drink up now.” The nanny didn’t realize her thoughts, and pushed the bowl forward again.

Lin Sifei had no choice but to lower her head and drink the milk.

The nanny smiled and looked at Luo Ke, “Miss Luo, this kitten is so sweet, what’s her name?”

Lin Sifei was relieved, so Mimi wasn’t her name.

Luo Ke picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth, “It doesn’t have a name, and it’s my friend’s cat so I’ll be returning her. Aunt Wu, I’m sorry that you need to clean up all of the cat fur around today.”  

“Alright, Miss Luo.” Aunt Wu looked at Lin Sifei somewhat reluctantly.

Lin Sifei was so shocked that she couldn’t even drink her milk. Wait a minute, they were a person and cat who had showered together. Why would she turn her back on her cat? She was so sad that she was about to vomit her milk.

Before she could, a shadow loomed over her head. Lin Sifei raised her eyes and saw Luo Ke, standing beside her with a cold face.  

Lin Sifei’s fur instantly exploded, her whole cat body turning into a spiky hairball.

Luo Ke frowned and picked her up by the back of her neck. Lin Sifei cried out in pain and her legs flailed wildly.

Luo Ke, shocked, hurriedly threw her on the couch.

Lin Sifei whimpered as she was let go, gasping for air. Who said that pinching a cat in the back of the neck didn’t hurt. She almost died of pain just now! 

Luo Ke crossed her arms over her chest, frowning at her, while Aunt Wu, who was next to her laughed, “Miss Luo you’ve never held a cat before, ah, this cat is small, you can just let her lie in your arms.”

Aunt Wu gathered up the cat and put it in the crook of Luo Ke’s arm.

As her body abruptly left solid ground, Lin Sifei was so frightened that her claws couldn’t help but stick out again, piercing through Luo Ke’s clothes and lodging in her arm.

“Ssss-” Luo Ke sucked in air, her brows furrowed.

Even her tail was shaking, to Lin Sifei it seemed like she’d clawed her owner twice, though it seemed like she might change owners later.

“You better stay in the cage.” Luo Ke put Lin Sifei in the cage and carried it out.

Luo Ke’s movements were not gentle, and Lin Sifei shifted around in the cage, where she could have banged her head all over the place if she hadn’t hooked her paws on it

“Rreow!” Lin Sifei hissed angrily at Luo Ke. She was about to change to a new owner anyway, no need to please the villainess.

Luo Ke’s footsteps paused, and then the cage steadied.

According to what was written in the book, this Bai Xingrui was quite fond of cats, and had several cats herself. She was also bankrupted by the heroine later on, but then she brought the cats to a little town and opened a shop.

Luo Ke carried the cage upstairs and rang the doorbell.

Bai Xingrui opened the door, toweling her hair. When she saw Luo Ke, she immediately wanted to close the door, but Luo Ke used her arm as leverage and forced the door open. 

Luo Ke put the cage on the table, but Bai Xingrui pretended not to see it, instead accosting Luo Ke and pouring her a glass of water, “Why did you come to see me so early?”

“I’ve delivered the cat, bye.” Luo Ke turned to leave.

“Ay, wait!” Bai Xingrui stopped her, “Wait a minute, I need to take out the trash and I need you to open the door for me later.”

“Can’t you bring your keys?”

“Geez, I don’t have pockets and I don’t want the trash to touch my keys, just for a minute, help me out.”

Luo Ke rolled her eyes and sat on the couch, took out her phone to look through files, and muttered, “Hurry up, I have to go to the office.”   

“I’ll be back quickly!”

Lin Sifei crouched in her cage and watched her new owner run out like the wind.

Soon, the phone in Luo Ke’s hand vibrated. She clicked on the message box that popped up, and it was a voice message from Bai Xingrui.

As soon as she clicked on it, rampant laughter came out from the sound ports, “Hahaha! Luo Ke, I’ve decided to take a trip around the world at the last minute, so I can’t take the cat, sorry~”

Luo Ke listened to the teasing tone with a cold face and dialed back the number directly, “So you’re not coming back, but about those cats you’re raising?”

“Sorry, they’re at my parents’, I sent them over already. I told you I’m going to travel around the world.”

Luo Ke pursed her lips, no wonder she didn’t hear any cat mewls. “If you don’t want this cat, believe it or not, I’m going to leave this cat here to starve to death right now.”

“You can leave it if you want, it’s not my cat anyway.”

Lin Sifei’s cage was not far away, and her eyes popped open when she heard Bai Xingrui’s indifferent tone. Wasn’t this person a cat lover? Why was she so heartless?

“I’m gonna hang up, okay, my flight is taking off real soon, and the cat, you can handle it yourself.”

Luo Ke took a deep breath after she hung up the phone. She turned her head towards the cage and looked at Lin Sifei.

Lin Sifei felt a chill rush down her spine, and immediately put her legs together, tilting her head slightly and smiling her best adorable kitty smile in an effort to please her owner.

After a long stare, Luo Ke stood up and walked out the door.

No way, is she really going to leave me to starve to death?!

Lin Sifei immediately jumped at the cage mesh and meowed three times. Don’t leave me, I don’t want to die!

As she watched the door gradually close, Lin Sifei let out a miserable yelp and upon glancing at the lock on the cage, reached out her claws and tried to pick the lock. The lock on the cage soon clicked open, and she couldn’t care less about the height of the table and hurriedly jumped down.

She fell to the floor, rolled over, and flew back up to rush for the door. 

Bang! Lin Sifei felt that her neck was about to be broken.

Lying on the floor, Lin Sifei saw Luo Ke standing in the doorway when it opened again. She felt pain, grievance, and fear all rise in her chest, her eyes became red, and tears dripped down.

Luo Ke sighed and squatted down to pick her up, pulling out a handkerchief to rub at the corners of her eyes a little.

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Lin Sifei’s body was still shaking, experiencing the moment she had just been abandoned for adoption, she finally recognized that she had to be more careful, and a human’s decision could kill her.

Lin Sifei sniffed her nose, held back her tears, and attempted to paw at Luo Ke adorably, originally wanting to rub against her, but after thinking Luo Ke didn’t like it, she stopped again.

Luo Ke carried her over to the table and Lin Sifei watched as the cage door was opened, toggled twice, and closed again. Luo Ke just carried the empty cage in one hand and the cat in her other hand as they walked down flights of stairs.

As she got back into the car, Luo Ke looked at her watch. It was too late to take the cat home again, so she had to drive straight to the office.

In the airport, Bai Xingrui watched her house’s live monitoring on her phone, saw Luo Ke take the cat away, relieved, knocking on the screen, “Inconsistent, she’s hard-mouthed but obviously soft-hearted.”

As airport announcements blared, Bai Xingrui smiled and put away her phone, dragging her suitcase along.


Instead of going back into the carrier, Lin Sifei squatted on the passenger seat. Luo Ke was an exceptionally good driver and drove very smoothly all the way.

Lin Sifei stayed for a while, bored, so she started clawing up the window with her front paws to look out.

The outside world seemed no different from her original world, but the billboards had an image of an unknown person, probably a star in this world.

Lin Sifei looked at the billboard and then down at her cat paws. Was she going to be a cat for the rest of her life? She was quite fond of filming dramas and acting. Her agent and fans would have been so sad when they learned something happened to her.

She sighed and nestled back into the seat.

As she was feeling sad, Luo Ke had already stopped the car.

She picked up Lin Sifei and walked into the elevator. When the employees in the elevator saw her, they all nodded with a smile, “Chair Luo.”

Luo Ke nodded slightly, pressed her floor, and raised her hand to look at her watch.

Lin Sifei lay in the crook of her arm, looking around, and noticed a large semicircle forming around Luo Ke. Everyone’s face maintained an awkward and confused expression, and whenever the elevator arrived on a floor, most immediately left the elevator.

“This is probably the deterrent effect of a cold villainess,” she sighed again.

She stretched out in the nook of Luo Ke’s arm, looked up at her cold and serious face, and sighed once again. It was too easy to offend people with that iceberg face.

She scrunched up her face, and suddenly the world went dark. A hand covered her eyes, pushing her head back into a warm shoulder.

Lin Sifei wanted to lift her foot to kick on her arm, but she honestly didn’t dare to move again.

When the elevator arrived on the correct floor, Lin Sifei felt the rise and fall of Luo Ke’s chest as she walked. It was a little stuffy to be pressed up against a human like that, so Lin Sifei uncomfortably moved her butt and lifted her paws to push Luo Ke.

She momentarily froze when she felt a rough, patterned texture of cloth on her paws, and suddenly realized what she was rubbing against… She swiftly withdrew her paw, her face flushing, even as a cat. 

Lin Sifei reached up to cover her face, and then remembered where her hpaw had just touched, and hurriedly moved it away again. She felt as if her whole cat body were steaming.

Luo Ke’s office was on the right side of the corridor, and outside the door was the secretary’s long table.

Secretary Zhao saw her come over and stood up to hand over a form, “Chair Luo, Chen Corporation called just now, their president has some things to do so the morning meeting needs to be postponed, and there are adjustments to these schedules…”

Luo Ke nodded and instructed her secretary with a few words, “Then adjust the departmental meeting for this morning, especially since the next business partnership will be discussed, and have that department focus on the report.”

“Okay, boss.”

Luo Ke took the documents into the office, put Lin Sifei on the carpet, and sat down at the desk to deal with the documents.

Lin Sifei strolled around inside, bored, yawning every few steps. She ended up falling asleep next to the sofa. 

It was already noon when she woke up. When she rubbed her eyes and saw an empty office, she worriedly turned around and ran to the door.

Luo Ke’s office door was a heavy wooden door that Lin Sifei couldn’t open on her own.

She raised her front paws and meowed twice as she scratched the door.

The door suddenly opened outward, and Lin Sifei looked up to see Zhao Min, the secretary from earlier, standing outside the door. Lin Sifei immediately meowed three times to her.

“Huh? You’re awake.” Secretary Zhao bent down and picked her up, “Chair Luo has gone to a meeting.”

She took a small piece of chopped apple and put it in a small bowl for her. Lin Sifei smacked her lips and sat down obediently on the secretary’s table to eat the apple.

Zhao Min, seeing that she was an obedient cat, began her own work again.

“Rrrrrrrr”…. Secretary Zhao picked up the phone. It was from the conference room, since they needed two more documents.

Secretary Zhao: “Okay, I’ll print them out and send them over.”

Finishing up the printouts, Xiao Zhao took the folders and looked at the lonely cat squatting on the table and said, “Ah, Chair Luo asked me to take care of you, I can’t leave you here alone.”

She looked around, and, upon seeing that all of the secretaries were busy, she picked up the cat and went to the office with the folder in one hand.

Passing by the elevator, just as the doors opened, a woman with a high ponytail came out and saw Zhao and smiled brightly.

“Secretary Zhao, hello.”

Zhao Min nodded slightly and continued to walk forward.

The woman with the high ponytail quickly followed and looked at the cat in her arms, “Are you going to the conference room, too? We’re heading the same way. Let me help you with the documents.”

She held out her hand and Xiao Zhao dodged her arm, “The documents are for President Luo Ke, it’s not appropriate.”

The high ponytail woman’s smile stiffened and scratched her head, “Ah, I didn’t think about it that much, so I’ll hold the cat for you.”

“No, you’re holding files, too. The cat isn’t too heavy either, I’ll just walk faster.”

Lin Sifei raised her head and looked at Secretary hao’s polite and distant smile, and then eyed the high ponytail woman again. Did this Secretary Zhao not like this woman?

She soon saw that Xiao Zhao handed over the paperwork, rolling her eyes along the way at the high ponytail woman’s back.

A man just happened to see this and gave her a meaningful glance.

Secretary Zhao smirked and turned her head back, and soon the man caught up with her, “Zhao Min, don’t be too obvious with your personal emotions in the company.”

“I just don’t like her, if it wasn’t for someone on the board of directors protecting her, would she be in the company? She came through the back door2” She snorted and petted Lin Sifei’s head.

“You knew that Yan Yafei has backers and yet you’re still offending her, you’re giving yourself a hard time, huh?” The man sighed, “Okay, if this project goes well, Chair Luo will definitely give us red envelopes3, aren’t you happier?”

“Special Assistant Lin, really!? Is this project so important?”

“That’s right, didn’t you see Chair Luo ask me personally?”

While they got together and cheerfully discussed red envelopes, Lin Sifei was in a petrified state, with only the gears in her brain moving.

That woman with the high ponytail just now was the “heroine”?

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