Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 29: CH 27

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The warm yellow light shone on the wall, reflecting a shaky black shadow.

Lin Sifei’s tail, which wrapped itself around Luo Ke’s arm, tightened suddenly, and then loosened again.

She fell into the soft pillow, but half-opened her eyes to look at Luo Ke.

A little sweat broke out from the tip of Luo Ke’s nose, and her loose long hair stuck to her neck and shoulders, which made her seem messy in appearance but still undeniably beautiful. 

“You… did you…” Lin Sifei said, her voice croaky.

Luo Ke lifted her blanket and sat up on the bed, then got up to leave.

“Wait,” Lin Sifei stretched out her hand and clasped Luo Ke’s arm, “Where are you going?”

Luo Ke kept her arms in front of her chest, “I was going to pour you a glass of water.”

Lin Sifei said “Oh,” and slowly let go.

Lin Sifei lay back on the bed tiredly, staring out Luo Ke’s exposed smooth back.

It was like the first night, with the same person and the same glass of water. 

When Lin Sifei lifted Luo Ke noticed her gaze and sat back on the bed, covering herself with her blanket. 

Lin Sifei, amused by her actions, grinned, but as she did so, she choked on her water. 

“You slow down.” Luo Ke sighed, taking out a tissue to wipe her neck.

Lin Sifei couldn’t help coughing, her face turning red as she heaved. When she turned her head back, she saw Luo Ke look away.

She blinked, her fingers moved. She leaned close to Luo Ke, “Do you need my help?”

Luo Ke glanced at her quickly, then looked away.

Lin Sifei smiled happily, showing her small fangs, and then, put her lips and teeth to Luo Ke’s neck.

Luo Ke raised her eyes, hugged her close, and when her eyes caught sight wagging tail behind Lin Sifei, she couldn’t help but hum.


Early the next morning, when the dazzling sunlight shone into the room, Lin Sifei couldn’t really sleep undisturbed anymore. 

She grunted, scratched her hair, and sat up from the bed.

After a daze, she turned her head to look at the bed beside her. As she saw no one there,  she muttered to herself, “Did she go to work?”

She yawned, got up to wash, and wandered downstairs.

“You’re awake.”

Luo Ke suddenly appeared, frightening Lin Sifei.

“You didn’t go to work?”

Luo Ke paused with the teacup in her hand and closed the computer in front of her, “I just checked. Normally, a cat’s heat period is three to seven days, so..”

Lin Sifei’s eyes widened suddenly, and in a flash, she jumped down the stairs in two steps, raising her hand to cover Luo Ke’s mouth.

Luo Ke glanced at her and moved her hand away.

Lin Sifei’s eyes were watery, “Yesterday…I…I couldn’t help it.”

“An accident again?” Luo Ke raised her eyebrows, leaned on the sofa, and looked at her carefully.

“No, it was not.” Lin Sifei waved her hand no repeatedly. 

Luo Ke laughed, “Didn’t you say that we were just friends helping each other?”

“Ah!” Lin Sifei covered her face, “I was delirious, but you weren’t, I treated you like that…ah!”

She put a pillow on her knees, and smushed her face frantically in it, trying to hide from the embarrassment.

Luo Ke supported her chin on her hand, watching Lin Sifei making herself dizzy with her movements. 

Lin Sifei hugged her head and paused for a while, “Well, I will be responsible!”

Lin Sifei’s ears trembled, her face was flushed.

Luo Ke removed her gaze, and sighed for some reason, “You don’t need to be responsible. You are my cat, I’m just doing what I should.”

She stood up and looked at her, “You don’t have any… not chaste ideas, do you?”

“No, no.” Lin Sifei shook her head again and again, “I just think that I haven’t been good towards you.”

“Do you like me?”

“Maybe… not.”

“I don’t like you either. I only treated you as a cat. You’ve only just become a human for two days. Do you really think I’m a pervert like that?”

“Oh.” Lin Sifei puffed up her cheeks, “But we can try to be a couple!”

Luo Ke had planned to get up, but when she heard her words, she sat back down and said, “You still want to be responsible.”

Lin Sifei whipped up the pillow to cover her face, only revealing her timid eyes, “I, I have never been in a relationship.” And then she died in her old world, which was terrible.

“And I think you are quite reliable.”

Luo Ke leaned close to her suddenly, “Are you looking for a long-term meal ticket?”

“Ahhhhh! How can you question me as such!” Lin Sifei patted her face, albeit a little harshly.

The pillow, having lost support, fell on her leg and rolled to the ground.

Lin Sifei blinked and slowly rubbed and rubbed Luo Ke’s face, “So, sorry, I’m too used to doing it as a cat.”

Luo Ke grabbed her hand and flicked her right hand and left hand.

“Ohhhhh! It hurts!” Lin Sifei flicked her tail, seeing that her hands were red.

She pouted her mouth, blowing air over her hands, “Childish!”

Luo Ke flicked her head, “Bad kitty, I’m going to the study to deal with my duties and obligations. If you need anything, come find me upstairs.”

Lin Sifei looked up and watched her go upstairs, wrinkled her face, and stepped on the pillow with her foot, “Being human isn’t as nice as being a cat.”

She angrily jumped up from the sofa and then saw the full-length mirror next to the hallway. The girl wearing a white dress in the mirror had fair-skin, slender eyebrows, grape-like black eyes, thin lips, and a pair of cat ears shaking.

Lin Sifei held her face slightly narcissistically, Why Luo Ke is not gentle at all towards me, I’m such a beautiful and lovely person.

“Is it because I clawed her too much to the point where she fears me?” Lin Sifei bent her fingers. Indeed, her fingernails were a bit long. “Then I should be more gentle?”

She tilted her head, picked up her mobile phone and searched for a while. The results were all travel guides, which, of course, were not suitable for her… cat ears and tail.

“Cooking?” Lin Sifei tilted her head. She couldn’t really cook, but she could make drinks. She looked at the sun outside and snapped her fingers. She could make some sour plum juice, a must for summer heat relief.

She opened the refrigerator confidently. After looking for it for a long time, she didn’t see any hawthorne slices, which was a key ingredient. She pouted and ran upstairs.

“Luo Ke, I’m coming in.” She pushed the study door open a small slit.

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“Come on in.”

Lin Sifei smiled and rushed in, “Luo Ke, tell Aunt Wu to buy some hawthorn slices and licorice, I want to make some sour plum juice later.”

“Then I will tell her to send it over in a while.”

“Okay, well, are you busy?”

“Well, I have a meeting soon.”

“Okay, then I’ll go back downstairs.” Lin Sifei turned around, shuffled out slowly, and helped her close the door.

In the study, Luo Ke lay down on the table in frustration. When she looked back up, she could see her family portrait on the table. The man with a slicked back hairstyle had his arms around his wife, while his wife was leaning, smiling, on a railing, holding a little girl making the peace sign in her arms. 

Luo Ke stretched out her hand to caress the photo, pinched the bridge of her nose, and sat back upright.

[Secretary Zhao: Chair Luo, department meeting will be held in five minutes.]

[Luo Ke: Alright]

Trying to make herself more energetic, Luo Ke took out a compact mirror from the drawer and sorted her clothes. She touched the neckline with her finger, and drew it down slightly, and saw a clear tooth mark.

She sighed and pressed her wound, “Mom and Dad, I’m really bad, I can’t believe I’m so superficial that I am only captivated by her visuals.”

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became, so she simply ignored it and rearranged her collar to cover the mark.

She clicked on the video conference, which had not started yet. Looking at her face on the screen, she couldn’t help but purse her lips.

What kind of feelings did she have for Lin Sifei? She was pretty sure that she didn’t like a cat, but she couldn’t help getting close, perhaps because she was intoxicated by the feeling that Lin Sifei was dependent on her.

Lin Sifei’s pink face and trembling cat ears flashed quickly in Luo Ke’s mind, and her face flushed.

This world really puts too much emphasis on visuals and faces, way too much so.

The video feed loaded, revealing a middle aged director’s sparse hair greasy face. Luo Ke couldn’t help but look away.

She glanced at the family portrait next to her, feeling ashamed. She might have just fallen to her feelings.


When the materials were delivered, Lin Sifei paid extra in tips, as a thanks for coming over in the high temperature. “I’ll make a lot and put the rest in the refrigerator. When you come to cook in the evening, take some with you.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Lin Sifei washed the fruit and other materials, put them in the pot one by one, and simmered them slowly.

Cooking this thing was time-consuming. She set an alarm clock and lay on the sofa to play with her tablet.

She fiddled around a while, then realized an issue, “I have to buy a phone.”

She opened a certain shopping app, looked at the phones, and placed an order. Then, she couldn’t help but look at other stuff,  and finally bought a bunch of snacks. There were a lot of restrictions due to her being a celebrity in her last life, but now, Lin Sifei was excited to finally eat what she wanted!

Lin Sifei bought a lot of things as she surfed the internet, and then her alarm rang.

She poured out the juice, put it aside to cool, and then put it in the refrigerator to chill.

After that, she served in a glass, fancy and delicious, 

Lin Sifei laughed, satisfied, and walked upstairs with the cup in her hand. She pushed open the study door, waved to Luo Ke, and said with her lips: Can I come in?

“Let’s stop here, the meeting is over.” Luo Ke turned off her camera and stood up with a smile.

Lin Sifei walked over happily and handed her a cup, “Try it.”

Luo Ke took a sip, “It’s delicious.”

Lin Sifei also took a sip happily, sitting on the sofa next to Luo Ke, “Are you busy with work?”

“Fortunately, the cooperation with Baylor has been very smooth, and our company will soon rise to the next level.”

Lin Sifei rolled her eyes, “Then you have to be careful, there are all different kinds of people in the company with different goals, there might be espionage and other business spies.”

Luo Ke glanced at her, “Who are you talking about ?”

“Very many!” Lin Sifei curled her lips, “I used to wander around in the company, and I saw quite a few people being unpleasant, and they would bully newcomers.”

“These things can’t be completely eliminated, since there will be no fish when the water is clear. I will pay attention. Thank you for reminding me.” Luo Ke picked up the cup, and Lin Sifei touched the cup with her and drank the plum juice together with her. 

Dinner was still as good as always. While Aunt Wu was cooking, Lin Sifei deliberately  put on a hat, hid her tail, and walked towards Aunt Wu, “Auntie, do you think I look good?”

“Looks good.” Aunt Wu smiled as she watched her eat, and then laughed, “Are you a friend of Ms. Luo’s?”

“Yes.” Lin Sifei squeezed her fingers. “We met each other not long ago, but we have a good relationship.”

“That’s good, while Ms. Luo has few friends she is very attentive to every friend.”

Lin Sifei glanced at Luo Ke, who was busy in the living room, and nodded with a smile, “Yes, she is very gentle. She seems fierce, but she’s actually easy to talk to.”

“Right, right, right.” Aunt Wu agreed with a smile.

After they ate dinner, Lin Sifei pulled Luo Ke out by the arm, “Let’s go out and take a stroll, I have been at home for a few days and been so bored that I swear mushrooms are about to grow on my head.”

Luo Ke glanced at her whole body, “Will you not be seen?”

“I showed it to Aunt Wu, she didn’t find anything strange.” Lin Sifei pressed the hat on her head happily, “We are just walking around in the community.”

Luo Ke thought for a while and reached out to her. Lin Sifei grabbed her hand, pulled her hand up, and skipped out the door.

The facilities of the high-end community were very scenic, with many green areas.

Lin Sifei went around the community and saw a playground, “There are swings!”

“Do you want to swing?”

“Yes!” Lin Sifei rushed over, beckoning to her, “Come on, you sit next to me.”

Lin Sifei swung for a while, but then stood up, reached to the waistband of her pants and pulled out the tail.

“It’s much more comfortable, my tail hurts like that.”

Luo Ke looked around nervously, “Be careful to not be seen.”

“What’s wrong with this? They probably can’t see clearly at night, and if they do, just say it’s a cosplay prop to fool them.”

Lin Sifei was swinging happily with her tail tucked behind her, and Luo Ke couldn’t help but reach out and grab her tail.

The soft hair on her tail glided across her palms, making her heart itch.

Lin Sifei suddenly dragged her foot on the ground, forcing the swing to stop. Luo Ke looked over, confused.

Lin Sifei stared at her, “You, why are you touching my tail!”

Luo Ke was taken aback for a moment. The white street lamp shone from above, stretching the shadow of the brim of Lin Sifei’s hat. Lin Sifei lifted her head slightly, revealing her red eyes, as if she was about to cry. Her body trembled slightly, and her cat’s fur gradually stood and became more fluffy with her exposed tail.

There was a strange feeling in Luo Ke’s heart. She couldn’t help but grasp the chain of the swing with her fingers, her throat moved, “Heat?”

“It’s all your fault!” Lin Sifei couldn’t help her tears falling, “What do I do!”

They are sooo sweet! Thanks for reading as well :3!

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