Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 4: CH 4

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Lin Sifei dozed off in Luo Ke’s office again. When she woke up, she saw the sunset outside.

She yawned and raised her paws to rub her eyes. When she turned her head, she saw that Luo Ke was packing her things.

When Luo Ke opened the door to her house, she was startled by the pile of delivery boxes in the living room.

Aunt Wu came out from the kitchen at the sound of her voice, “Miss Luo, you’re back so early today.”

“What’s with these packages?”

“Miss Bai sent these over and said that they were for the cat.”

Luo Ke frowned, took out a pocket knife, and opened the packages one by one.

There was a cat den, cat litter box, scratching boards, catnip, climbing structures…  the list went on and on.

Luo Ke shook her sore hand and threw the knife back into the drawer. She picked Lin Sifei up and tucked her into the cat den.

When Lin Sifei knocked her head against the wall of the cat’s den, she reached out and slapped it with her paw, and then quickly wiggled out 

Luo Ke put her in the cat den and Lin Sifei slapped it again.

Lin Sifei used to sleep in Luo Ke’s bed, so, obviously, Lin Sifei was not satisfied with this small kitten den. She ran away.

Luo Ke tried to stuff her in the cat den twice again and finally stood up, exasperated, “She doesn’t seem to like it.”

Lin Sifei grunted twice and climbed on the couch, which was much more spacious, in her opinion.

Luo Ke shook her head helplessly, “Aunt Wu, you can take the cat’s den tomorrow.”


Among the many gifts, Lin Sifei liked the climbing structure the most. It was good exercise for her as she could practice climbing and jumping with it, so she would have a better time escaping if she met someone like the terrible heroine in the future.

When she thought of the heroine, she stretched out her claws angrily. She was originally feeling a little guilty about her plan to fire her later, but now, well, since the heroine offended her, all guilty thoughts went out the window.

She smirked twice, showing her little fangs. A bottle was suddenly shoved into her mouth, causing her to blink in confusion. Luo Ke looked at her in satisfaction, “This is more convenient, mothing will get dirty.” 

Lin Sifei twitched her eyebrows and spat out the bottle in her mouth, successfully spilling the milk, soiling her fur and the sofa.

Luo Ke put down the milk bottle with a darkened face, “Aunt Wu, clean the sofa.”

Lin Sifei grunted twice. She’ll fight her! “Meow!” “I don’t need the milk bottle!”

In the evening, Lin Sifei nestled on the sofa, tossing and turning, but she couldn’t sleep at all.

She slept a lot during the day and couldn’t sleep at all now, at night.

She sighed, jumped off the sofa, took a look around the living room, looked upstairs and lifted her legs to climb the stairs.

After a hard and arduous journey, Lin Sifei finally climbed to the top.

There were many rooms on the second floor, all of which had their doors closed, so she couldn’t recognize which one was Luo Ke’s bedroom.

She walked around and returned to the stairs. Looking at the steep stairs, she gulped down her saliva. She dared to go up but was not keen to go down, she would rather stay on the second floor.

She remembered watching videos where other cats could jump up and grab the doorknob. She also tried to take two steps backward, and  jumped towards the doorknob.

There was a loud “bam” as her head hit the doorknob. She fell down on the floor and laid on her back, unable to move.

Inside the room, Luo Ke was browsing the information document for the company Baylor. This collaboration was a springboard for the company to go further, so she had to pay attention. 

Suddenly, there was a “bam” sound, breaking the silence. She frowned, shutting the computer down and lifted her pillow, revealing the dagger underneath. She walked carefully to the door, stuck close to it, listened for movement outside, and pulled the door open sharply.

“Meow~” a soft cat cry sounded and a cat’s head peeked in, looking at her.

“It’s you.” Luo Ke put away the dagger and reached out to pick her up.

Lin Sifei was placed on the table, her gaze was fixed on the dagger.

Luo Ke noticed her gaze at the dagger and put it back under the pillow.

Lin Sifei didn’t remember any dangerous scenes in the original book, so why did Luo Ke sleep with this?

She rubbed her feet nervously, unconsciously thinking that the romantic Mary Sue drama she was stuck in suddenly shifted to a crime show.

Lin Sifei jumped onto the table. She nestled at the head of the bed and looked at Luo Ke with a pair of round eyes, “Meow~”

Luo Ke rubbed her eyebrow, lifted the blanket and laid down in it, with Lin Sifei nestled next to her pillow.

She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep with no insomnia for the first time in her life.

Lin Sifei watched as Luo Ke gradually lowered her eyebrows. and stretched out a paw over Luo Ke’s eyebrow. It was the first time she had ever seen a woman who always had a tense face whenever she was awake.  She must be very tired.

As the youngest triple movie queen, Lin Sifei had a very high status in the entertainment circle, and although her relationship with her family was not good, her family was very well off and no one dared to offend her. She had always been unscrupulous and criticized anyone she wished in the entertainment circle.

Lin Sifei couldn’t help but sigh. “I’m not sure if this is the reason why God made me be reborn as a cat,” she thought. They made her stay with the villainess. She remembered that the villainess’ original cat was quite aloof, and it was too painful to have a cat you couldn’t rub.

“Meow Meow Meow Meow~” “Don’t worry, I’ll let you pet me to lessen stress.”

Lin Sifei curled up her body and fell asleep while hugging her tail.

Luo Ke, in her dream, dreamt that she was floating on water, ice cold wrapping around her. She opened her eyes and looked at the gray sky, waiting to wake up from her dream.

Suddenly, something warm was pressed to her forehead, and she stared in amazement as the ice water faded and everything returned to white.

“I’ll let you-”

“What?” She couldn’t hear what the person was saying, and she tilted her head to look that way.

“Luo Ke, you are literally sick!”

“Luo Ke, you problematic person!”

“You’re cold-blooded and heartless! Your father can die!”

“Just you wait!”

Luo Ke’s eardrums hurt from the roars, and she covered her ears, breathing in two breaths of cool air.

‘Who is yelling at me? She thought. I have never heard this voice before.

She rubbed her ears and sat down for a moment to calm down. Maybe it was an employee of her company, or maybe it could be from the partners’ company, there were quite a few people who didn’t like her.

“You’re a big dummy who can’t take care of a cat.”

Luo Ke narrowed her eyebrows, well, that narrowed down the suspect.

“But your body is awesome~”

Luo Ke’s face darkened. Is there a hidden camera somewhere around me?

“Sweet dreams.”

Luo Ke was so angry that her chest rose and fell and she could hardly breathe, but how can a normal person have a nice dream after being scolded and peeped at?

She was so angry that she opened her eyes sharply, and the morning sun shone through the curtains a little. Luo Ke lowered her head to find the source of her chest tightness in the dream, and found out that the cat was lying on her chest, sleeping soundly.

The cat was lying on her chest, sleeping soundly. Luo Ke curled up her blanket and carefully placed the cat down next to her. She hopped out of bed, barefoot, opened the curtains, and stared out the window, sunlight covering her body.

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It had been a long time since she had slept through the night, since she was always waking up in the wee hours every morning, her nightmares haunting her like a curse.

The phone on the nightstand vibrated and she picked it up, it was Special Assistant Lin.

“Chair Luo, is there something wrong? You didn’t come to work today.”

Luo Ke, appalled, looked at her phone screen,and when she saw that it was nine o’clock, she was stunned momentarily. She rubbed her eyebrow, “It’s okay, I slept in, I’ll be right over.”

“Do you need to change your appointment from the morning to the afternoon?”

“Change it, please.”

Luo Ke looked at the sleeping cat and decided to not wake it up, silently walking downstairs by herself.

Aunt Wu had already prepared breakfast and was sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

“Ah, Miss Luo, you’ve finally come down. I was afraid something had happened to you, and I was wondering if I should go up.”

Luo Ke had asked her to cook and clean, but said that the rooms on the second floor were off limits.

“I’m fine.” Luo Ke sat down at the table to eat, “Aunt Wu, I’ll give you some extra money to stay here today and watch the cat for me.”

“Ah, I can’t do it this time, I’m going to the amusement park with my grandson in the afternoon, as we have agreed before.”

“In the morning, then. You can leave in the afternoon.”


Luo Ke finished her breakfast, took her bag and left.

Lin Sifei woke up, saw the empty bedroom, scuffled, and sat up.

She jumped out of bed and scurried into the restroom, shower, and closet, but didn’t see Luo Ke. She meowed loudly twice, ran to the stairs, and upon being reminded of their steepness, and yowled at the top of her lungs.

She didn’t believe that Luo Ke would leave a cat at home alone.

After she meowed loudly twice, Aunt Wu came up happily, “Mimi can’t come down? I’ll carry you down.”

Lin Sifei was carried to the first floor, and as soon as she was let go, she leaped out like a motorcycle, scurrying from room to room, looking everywhere for Luo Ke. 

“Are you looking for Miss Luo? She’s gone to the office.”

Lin Sifei’s running feet slowed down and meowed listlessly. Luo Ke actually left.

Aunt Wu rubbed her head, “Do you miss your owner?”

Lin Sifei knew that Luo Ke wouldn’t leave her alone, but she forgot about Auntie Wu.

After drinking another bowl of goat’s milk, Lin Sifei laid down on the sofa, bored. Without a cell phone, what is the joy of life?

She turned up her belly and stared at the air, pondering about things. Lin Sifei recalled the troublesome heroine again, and the dagger last night.

She propped her chin on her paws. So it seemed that the characters and plot were different from the original book. Apparently this world wasn’t very rigid and didn’t always follow canon. 

In the book, it was written that the heroine wasn’t qualified to participate in the project, but  the top management wanted her to join. It should probably be the same person as secretary Zhao complained about. There was a problem with this top director, if he had a heavy say in the company, then things were not good. If he spoke up for the heroine, the heroine could still stay after making a huge mistake. 

She cried out and stirred her legs angrily. Being in a cat body is simply a restriction, she lamented. She couldn’t get information leaving her in the dark and having only her guesses.

Sighing, she jumped off the couch, her eyes suddenly catching sight of a delivery box that hadn’t been packed away yet. She rubbed her paws and felt a desire to get into it.

She looked to her left and right, noting that Auntie Wu was checking her phone in the kitchen and wasn’t looking at her. She stood on her tiptoes and climbed into the box. She shook her legs and happily rolled around inside.

When she was done, she climbed the climbing structure and rolled a ball of yarn, trying to train herself to be a fit cat.

Lin Sifei took out the willpower she had developed while she was set for a martial arts film, exercising for a while and then taking a break, strictly following a practice schedule.

At noon, the housekeeping aunt prepared some goat’s milk for her and fed her some fruits. Smacking her lips, Lin Sifei ate and drank to her heart’s content.

Suddenly her ears moved and she heard the sound of the door opening. She jumped down from the sofa, wagged her tail and ran to the door to wait.

As soon as the door opened, she immediately tilted her head and raised her paws, “Meow~!”

Luo Ke changed her shoes and looked at her, “Do cats wag their tails?”

Lin Sifei’s tail stiffened and temporarily went up like a lamppost.

Luo Ke frowned and bent down to look at her, “Why do I think you can understand what I’m saying?”

Lin Sifei’s heart was pounding with fright, her tongue licking her lips. Lin Sifei started jumping and running around Luo Ke’s heels, as if saying, I don’t understand. I don’t understand. I’m just a kitten.’ 

Finally, she heard Luo Ke sighed, “What am I thinking about?”

Aunt Wu took off her apron, “The food is ready and the cat has been fed, so I’ll be off.”


Lin Sifei watched her sit and eat alone, the only sound in the room was the occasional clinking of chopsticks.

Her ears moved, it was too quiet and felt a little too depressing. She meowed and came over with a ball of yarn, spinning it around at her feet. Luo Ke was eating her food and watched her nibble on the ball of yarn from time to time.

When Lin Sifei saw the smile on Luo Ke’s lips, she was stunned momentarily, and the ball of wool rolled away. When she tried to pounce on it, she missed and fell straight to the ground.

“Pftt, silly cat.”

Lin Sifei cupped her chin and meowed at her: you’re the silly one!

After Luo Ke finished eating, she cleaned up the dishes, and her phone dinged on the table.

She dried her hands and picked up the phone, and it was a message from Bai Xingrui.

[Bai Xingrui: Is the cat cute?]

[Luo Ke: It’s so troublesome, you have to pick it up.]

[Bai Xingrui: Nope, what did you name the cat?]

Luo Ke looks at the cat on the chair, name? She hadn’t really thought about it.

[Luo Ke: No]

[Bai Xingrui: Let’s think of one]

Luo Ke turned her head to look at the cat rolling a ball of yarn next to her and remembered that Xiao Zhao had asked the same question. The name…

After a long while, she picked up the phone and typed down two words.

[XiaoXiao] 1. 

Bai Xingrui replied to the message, complaining, “That’s a half-hearted name”.

Luo Ke stopped paying attention to her, picked up the phone, put it in his pocket, and bent down to pick up the cat with both hands.

Lin Sifei looked at her in confusion.

”XiaoXiao.” Luo Ke smiled, reached out and took her in her arms, stroking her fur, “Your name will be XiaoXiao.”

Lin Sifei opened her eyes wide and looked up at Luo Ke’s smiling face, her cheeks reddening slightly. Whose name is XiaoXiao, I hate it!

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