Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 54: CH 42

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Chapter 42 - I Want To Be Together With Her Forever

Lin Sifei, after calculating that twelve hours had passed, immediately jumped up to lock Luo Ke’s office door and closed the blinds. 

After making sure that there were only two people that would ever know about things that happened in the office, Lin Sifei jumped on the table, raising her head up towards Luo Ke. 


Luo Ke, seeing her cat acting all cutesy and obedient on purpose, of course guessed what she wanted. 

“But how would you suddenly appear at the company?”

Lin Sifei glared at her, then settled herself down in a ball on Luo Ke’s table, not letting her work. 

Luo Ke could only smile fondly and rub her head, “What’s with your temper now, why do you want to turn back into a human?”

Lin Sifei still just raised her head at her, I’ll tell you when I’m a human. 

Luo Ke could only carry her over and pressed a kiss to her cat’s lips. 

At the same time, she felt a weight pressing down on her hands, Lin Sifei had turned back and was sitting on her legs. Luo Ke swept her eyes over her; Lin Sifei’s skin was flawless to the point it was blinding her eyes. 

It wasn’t the first time they had such intimate contact like this, so Lin Sifei didn’t find anything inappropriate with this. Lin Sifei hooked over a throw with her toes, wrapping it around her shoulders. 

Luo Ke’s arm circled around her, “You did that on purpose?”

Lin Sifei was still untangling her hair with her hands, but when she heard that, she froze. Then, after three seconds, she finally reacted, her face blushing furiously and she brought her hands to cover her face. 

“Chair Luo, why are your thoughts so dirty sometimes.”

“It was obviously you that implied it first,” Luo Ke refuted, her hands tightening around Lin Sifei’s waist. 

Lin Sifei’s body shook as she pried away Luo Ke’s hands, “Let me immediately stop your train of thought, this is your company, can you be a little more serious.”

“No one is seeing this,” Luo Ke smiled at her. 

Lin Sifei, being shocked by how low Luo Ke’s bottom line was, glared at her. 

The ends of her eyes were naturally curved slightly upward. Before Luo Ke also liked caressing and kissing the corners of her eye, and now, she had the urge again after she was glared at. 

Although her previous words were just to tease Lin Sifei she now felt that her words were very reasonable. 

She shifted their positions, pressing Lin Sifei onto the table, and kissed her again. 

“Oh….” Lin Sifei was also a needy cat, after all, and it wasn’t until Luo Ke’s hands started misbehaving did she grab her arms, “Wait!”


Lin Sifei hurriedly used her flexibility to squirm out of Luo Ke’s lap, still tightly holding the throw. 

“Stop it, I need to discuss business with you.”

Luo Ke’s top two buttons were unbuttoned and her lipstick was smudged. She leaned on the table, smiling as she asked, “What business?”

Lin Sifei swallowed nervously, and averted her eyes, saying, “Before, Zhao Min took care of me, so I was thinking how I should thank them over dinner.”

“But she only took care of you for one night; plus, I think she will be happier with a bonus.”

Of course Lin Sifei knew about how Zhao Min was still pretty afraid of Luo Ke. If Luo Ke was to guest at her house, Zhao Min would probably die of fright. However, she needed to get Luo Ke to their house to observe.

“Although that’s true, Zhao Min is an old employee. You should treat her in a unique way so that she will work harder in the future.”

Luo Ke was still a little bewildered, “I feel like the most reasonable action would be to give her a bonus…”

“Why do you have to be stubborn with me, just listen to me, okay.” Lin Sifei bit her bottom lip, slightly pitiful. 

Luo Ke looked at her and could only smile in defeat, “Okay, then I’ll follow your wishes.”

Lin Sifei excitedly pounced on Luo Ke, hugging her neck, giving her another kiss. 

The corners of Luo Ke’s lips hooked up. However, just as she leaned forward to deepen the kiss, the edge of the throw she was holding suddenly became empty. A cat flew out, opening the door and then running over to the secretary desk. 

Luo Ke’s face darkened a little as she held the empty cloth. Her Xiaoxiao didn’t like someone else, did she, now that someone had also taken care of her. 

Luo Ke followed Lin Sifei out. When Zhao Min saw her, she immediately stood up, greeting, “Chair Luo.”

Luo Ke nodded to her slightly and glanced at Lin Sifei. Lin Sifei meowed back, urging her to hurry and bring it up.

Since she had agreed, Luo Ke could only take a deep breath, “Zhao Min, last time you took care of Xiaoxiao for me, so I want to come over to thank you guys today.”

“Uh…” Zhao Min’s first reaction was to refuse. After all, she only took care of the cat for a day, why did she have to come to thank her, so scary.

But when she met Luo Ke’s “scary” gaze, she got the feeling that if she didn’t agree, she would get fired. Suppressing her shivers, Zhao Min replied, “Sure, Chair Luo. Regarding food, do you have anything you avoid?”

Luo Ke froze for a second before replying, “No.”

After that, she picked up the happy cat next to them and returned to her office, leaving the shivering Secretary Zhao to phone her parents. 

As she entered her office, Luo Ke locked her door, “You can turn back/”

Lin Sifei this time threw on some clothes and then sat down on Luo Ke’s boss chair, stretching, “Pretty comfortable.”

Luo Ke smiled lightly, leaning on her table, quietly watching her. 

Lin Sifei played on the chair, but sensing that Luo Ke was silent, also fell quiet before asking, “What happened to you?”

Nothing, it was that I was surprised when I was suddenly asked about foods they should avoid.” Luo Ke smiled a little. 

Lin Sifei immediately felt her heart cracking for Luo Ke, “Did those people in the Luo family ever care about you? Did Bai Xingrui ever ask you?”

“Grandma and the others always eat everything, so they probably just never considered it. Bai Xingrui, on the other hand, shares with me anything she tries, and if I tell her I don’t like it she would just switch to something else.”

Lin Sifei looked at her smiling face, slowly standing up and caressed her face, “Sorry, I have also not asked you.”

“Don’t apologize,” Luo Ke said as she clasped her hand, “You are a little cat that I’ve fed. Everything I fed you obviously was stuff I liked.”

Lin Sifei suddenly raised her eyebrows and leaned into her, “But I still don’t know what preferences you have.”

“Do I have any?”

Lin Sifei smiled as she took Luo Ke’s phone and found the message interface with Zhao Min, typing. 

“What did you send?” Luo Ke craned her neck over to take a look, but Lin Sifei avoided her, “I’ll let you see later, I haven’t finished.”

Luo Ke could only wait next to her as Lin Sifei did her thing. 

Lin Sifei thought about it as she wrote these messages down, concentrating 100%. She wasn’t even that focused when she was thinking about her movie. 

Luo Ke narrowed her eyes, suddenly grabbing the phone. Lin Sifei made a protest sound as she reached out to try to get it back, but Luo Ke extended her arm out long to avoid that while reading the messages she sent. 

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[I don’t avoid anything, but I have some preferences.]

[Nothing too sweet, foods with little oil and little salt, and nothing too spicy. However, a little bit of spice is fine.]

[Red meats aren’t a favorite, favor seafood and chicken]

[Soy products also aren’t my favorite, but well cooked tofu is good for me.]

“Don’t look, I haven’t finished!”

Lin Sifei stepped on a chair and finally grabbed the phone. However, she saw that Zhao Min had already replied, and had sent a shivering smile meme. 

Lin Sifei, reading again the messages she had sent, slowly returned the phone to Luo Ke. Maybe next time. If she continued, Zhao Min might be seriously scared out of her wits. 

Behind her back, Luo Ke hugged her, “I didn’t think that you had observed me so attentively.”

Lin Sifei proudly lifted her chin, “Of course, I care about you a little bit.”

She made a pinching gesture with her finger, which made Luo Ke laugh. 

The two stayed like that in the office until it was time to get off work, when Lin Sifei turned back into a cat and perched on Luo Ke’s shoulder. 

Luo Ke headed to the secretary’s desk, tapping on Zhao Min’s table, “We can go.”

Zhao Min smiled an awkward but polite smile as she replied, “Okay, then we can go now.”

Because both Zhao Min and Luo Ke had driven their separate cars to work, they both drove their separate cars to Zhao Min’s house. 

When they got into the resident community, Luo Ke looked around at the tall buildings, taking in the different scenery. 

Zhao Min had gone to Luo Ke’s house before, so she knew Luo Ke had a villa. “Chair Luo might be slightly surprised. We only have regular apartments after all, so we don’t have a lot of space,” she said as she showed her to the elevator. 

“We are here,” Zhao Min unlocked the door. 

Mr. and Mrs. Zhao were both busy in the kitchen, but both came out when the heard the sound of the door. 

Mr. Zhao hurriedly walked forward and shook hands with Luo Ke, “You are Chair Luo right, welcome.”

“Hello sir,” Luo Ke said as she handed over the gift in her hands, “I bought this on the way, I hope you don’t mind.”

“That was not necessary,” although Mr. Zhao said that, he put the gift next to them and showed Luo ke to the living room to sit. 

Zhao Min pulled off her coat, smiling as she nodded at Luo Ke, “You guys can talk, I’ll go help my mom cook.”

She hurried into the kitchen, causing Mr. Zhao to smile, exasperated, “Look at her, she doesn’t want to talk with her boss, instead going to her mom.”

“Sir, you don’t have to be so formal, after work, I am not her boss.”

The apartment the Zhaos lived in wasn’t huge, and the living room was close to the kitchen. Although Luo Ke was talking with Mr. Zhao, she could still here Mrs. Zhao telling her daughter off in the kitchen. 


“Look at you, hurry up and bring these fruits over.”

“And then you only just washed them? Cut them and arrange them nicely.”

“How are you so clumsy, also, does your boss drink coffee or tea?”

Zhao Min, taking in all of her mom’s nagging, couldn’t hold it anymore, “Mom, you don’t have to be like this, Chair Luo differentiates between work and private time very well. Even if you gave her regular water, she won’t be mean to me tomorrow.”

“What do you know, hurry up!”

Zhao Min was pushed out of the kitchen by her mother, so she could only carefully bring the plate of fruit over, “Chair Luo, some fruit.”

“Thanks, don’t trouble yourself.”

Zhao Min, hearing that, also sat down on the sofa, “Chair Luo, did my dad talk trash about me?”

Luo Ke nodded seriously, “Yes, he said that you’re slow, and not consistent.”

Zhao Min immediately scrunched up her facial features and glared at her father, “Dad! How can you say that about me, what about my image!”

Luo Ke petted her cat’s head, “Don’t worry, I know your focused attitude towards work.”

Although she said that, Zhao Min and her father started bickering, not stopping until Mrs. Zhao announced dinner, whereupon Zhao Min and her father went to the kitchen to help bring out the dishes. 

Luo Ke awkwardly stood up, should she also go and help. 

Mrs. Zhao saw her actions and waved her hand, “You are the guest, just sit, we’ll do it all.”

“But you are my senior.”

“Don’t be so formal,” Mrs. Zhao smiled as she went back and forth, quickly placing down all the dishes. 

Everyone had a bowl of rice as they sat around the table, while Lin Sifei had some canned cat food. 

Lin Sifei, seeing Mrs. and Mr. Zhao asking Luo Ke about her family, marriage, and relationships, felt slightly better about being stuck with canned cat food. 

Whatever, it was for Luo Ke. 

It was worth it!

As she scarfed down her food, she heard Mrs. Zhao exclaim, “You have a girlfriend?”

Lin Sifei immediately choked on a piece of tuna in her cat food, and had to shake her head quite a bit to get it down. She looked up to glare at Luo Ke. Why did you say that, this family might not be accepting of that!

Luo Ke nodded seriously, “Yes, I have a girlfriend, we’ve been meeting for some  time now.”

Zhao Min was biting on her chopsticks but when she heard his topic she immediately had the energy to discuss, “Was it the… Miss Lin that came to our company last time?”

Luo Ke nodded, smiling, and affirmed, “It’s her.”

Zhao Min hurriedly clapped her hands together, “Then I hope that Chair Luo and Miss Lin may have a long and happy relationship.”

“Thank you,” Luo Ke nodded in appreciation. 

Mrs. Zhao looked at Luo Ke with disbelief, and then looked back at her own daughter, “But… girls being with girls, what is good about that…”

Zhao Min immediately frowned at her, wanting her to say less.

“Nothing good about it. I haven’t really had experience with a relationship before, but I’m pretty sure I like her. I feel happy when I see her, and I always want to be with her. She’s like a miracle, suddenly appearing in front of me, and although she has a temper that needs to be pampered, she also always takes care and asks about my well being. I feel like the world is better being with her.”

The dinner table fell deathly silent until Zhao Min’s father coughed dryly and said, “That is correct. I remember when I got together with her mother no one encouraged it. Relationships are just something between the two of you; if you look at us, we’ve gotten on well for so many years.”

Luo Ke smiled lightly and turned her body a little to the side, “I hope that I can always be with her like this.”

On the chair, Lin Sifei covered her red ears, eyes completely shut as well. 

Ah! Luo Ke must’ve done it on purpose. But maybe, seeing that she was quite sincere, she would consider living with her happily together for a long time.

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