Becoming a Movie Queen after Transmigrating as the Villain's Cat

Chapter 9: CH 9

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Lin Sifei was afraid she may have missed something, so she searched carefully again and dragged another pageout from behind the flowerpot. That should be all of them. 

She rushed into the elevator with her mouth clamped around the pages, jumped up, and hit the shorter button meant for those on wheelchairs. 

As the elevator rose, Lin Sifei slapped her paws anxiously, willing it to go faster. .

As soon as the elevator door opened, she ran to Zhao Min’s secretary desk, spat out the pages on the ground and started meowing.

Zhao Min was answering the phone, and when she saw Lin Sifei, she raised her hand, “Chair  Luo’s cat is here, I’ll hang up first. You have a good journey.”

She bent down, pulled out the tissue and squeezed what she had picked up, “Flash drive? Where did you get it? This is something people use for work.”

She sighed, slightly annoyed. This little thing lately only caused her trouble. She reached out and picked up the paper again, and she froze when she glanced at the title. Isn’t this the plan?

“Shoot, Chair Luo and the others have already set off.” She stood up to chase.

Lin Sifei first wrapped around her leg, and then jumped on the table to pat the printer. Please, make a copy again, my saliva is on it, as well as the holes made by my teeth.

“Oh, yes, right, make a copy.” Zhao Min saw the hole, so she hurried into the copy room and made three copies.

Lin Sifei jumped on her shoulder and patted her forehead comfortingly, “Meow!” Don’t be in too much of a hurry, they just left. It’s fine if you drive over to give them the papers.   

Zhao Min took a deep breath, comforted by her soft paw. While ushering Lin Sifei into the elevator, she called Special Assistant Lin. 

“Hey Lin, the team’s plan is incomplete. Can you quickly ask them to check it, and have them have everything else ready while I send the missing pages over.

Special Assistant Lin was shocked at first, and then surprised, “How do you know we’re missing things? Do you know what’s missing?”

“Let’s talk about the specifics when we come back. The missing parts were just brought over by Chair Luo’s cat and there is also a flash drive.”

“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”

Special Assistant Lin turned his head and explained the situation to Luo Ke. She frowned and nodded at him, “Hurry up and contact the group. The flash drive probably has their PowerPoint presentation .”

Special Assistant Lin hurriedly contacted them, and it was really true. He was so annoyed, “Secretary Zhao will send it over in a while, you guys quickly open to the missing pages and wait.”

After he finished ranting to them, his tone slowed down again, “Don’t worry too much. The most urgent thing for you is to win this contract, cheer up, and don’t be affected by a little unexpected episode…”

He rambled on his comforting speech, similar to a teacher who was sending a class to the college entrance examination. 

Luo Ke crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the window. Did Xiaoxiao find it? Was she worrying about this cooperation, since she wasn’t eating well recently?

Thinking of this, she curled her lips slightly and rolled her throat twice. It had been too long, no one had cared about her in too long. Although her grandma and uncle also do care about her, she never reported any bad news to them, and everyone else thought she was all-powerful.

Thinking of the way Xiaoxiao was tossing around her pillow last night, she wanted to laugh again. When she caught Special Assistant Lin glancing at her with a mortified expression, she coughed, raising her hand up clenched in a fist to cover the corner of her mouth.

Special Assistant Lin turned his head back and sent a message to the frightened group members.

[Chair Luo seems to be very happy, it shouldn’t be too big of a problem]

Happy??? Now those in the group were confused as heck. 

But, in any case, the contract still had to be negotiated. The group of people got out of the car, and the people of Baylor were already there, welcoming them.

Luo Ke stepped forward to shake hands with them, and walked in together.

The man in a suit left the deputy leader outside to wait for Zhao Min.

“Miss Luo, then let us start now.”

The hairs of the people in the planning group instantly stood on their ends. Their important files had not arrived yet, especially that flash drive. 

Luo Ke sat on the chair, and gestured to Special Assistant Lin behind her. He smiled and placed a nicely packaged gift in front of every person in the Baylor delegation. 

“Miss Luo, what is the meaning of this?”

“Don’t worry, I don’t mean anything else. It’s just that you have come from afar, and I am afraid I don’t know much about our country’s culture. The box is a gift that I carefully prepared. I hope that we will get to know each other briefly, communicate our thoughts, and then proceed. The meeting may have a better effect this way.”

Baylor’s people looked at each other and stretched out their hands to open their respective boxes. Everyone received different items. Some people got special locks, some were sandalwood fans. 

Luo Ke talked about the different customs and cultures in various parts of the country and the cultural concepts accumulated in the long history based on what they were holding.

“It’s kind of interesting, completely different from what we know.” The people from Baylor smiled and nodded.

Luo Ke raised her eyebrows, “This is the biggest difficulty and the biggest success of our cooperation this time. The wave of cultural collision can push us to the top, or it may sink us.”

“From this point of view, the risk of working with your company is too great.”

“Risks and benefits are equal, so what do we have to do to let the balance of success lean to our side?”


The deputy team leader waited at the door, pacing around anxiously, looking back at the living room in the villa from time to time. Chair Luo, please hold on, or it will really be over.

He had almost become a giraffe at the door, craning his neck, until finally, a red car appeared in his sight. Zhao Min held the folder file in her hand and ran towards him with the cat in her arms.

The deputy team leader leaped at her happily, took the folder from her hand, turned on a dime and ran in.

“Hey, wait for me.” Zhao Min was on high heels and almost twisted her ankle.

The deputy team leader rushed straight to the team leader and stuffed the folder into his hand.

They are all sitting on the table, with people from Baylor next to them. The team leader could only hide the folder carefully and act like he was restacking his papers.

Yan Yafei graciously helped him look through the folder, the group leader paused with his hand, looked up at her, and whispered: “Go to the side first.”

Yan Yafei stiffened, “Then, that will be distributed and shown later.”

“He can do it.” The team leader patted the deputy team leader’s arm.

Yan Yafei bit her lower lip, still wanting argue back, tbut he colleague next to her pulled her sleeve, “Hurry up, don’t be seen.”

As Yan Yafei turned her head, her high heels made a loud clicking sound.

Luo Ke’s eyes lightly swept over her, but her gaze stopped at Zhao Min, who was standing not too far away, and the cat who was on Zhao Min’s head.

The corners of her lips slightly raised, “It seems that my employees can’t wait, so please take a look at the plan prepared by our company.”

The male team leader in the suit stepped forward and started his presentation as prepared in advance.

Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief, and the deputy team leader approached in a low voice, “Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

“You should thank it, it was thanks to the cat that we found the missing things.”

Lin Sifei listened to praise while staring at Luo Ke. She saw that Luo Ke had smiled just now, and was so good-looking. It was worthwhile for her to stress over and make the trip. 

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Zhao Min felt that something was a little strange, “Chair Luo never smiles, but she actually smiled today. Is she finally understanding her power and using her visuals to conquer the other company?”

Lin Sifei glanced at her and slapped her chin.

Superficial! Although Luo Ke looked beautiful, she’s stronger, and she is so proud of herself. She would not use her beauty to conquer people.

After the presentation, Luo Ke and the others successfully elicited a cooperation contract from Baylor. Outside the villa, she stretched out her hands at Zhao Min, and Zhao Min handed Lin Sifei to her.

Lin Sifei leaped her arms, happily nuzzling, meowing at her. 

“This time, you have done a great job.” She scratched her chin, bent over and got into the car.

Unlike her good mood, the car with the group members was much more serious. Originally, they had it planned well, but because of this incident, they didn’t even think about any potential bonuses. The group members could only hope that there would be no punishment.

There was dead silence in the car, and a colleague finally couldn’t help but utter, “We really emphasized double checking everything before leaving, but even then, this can happen, unbelievable.”

Yan Yafei pouted her mouth and clenched her skirt tightly, “I didn’t want to either, it wasn’t my intention.”

“Yes, know you didn’t mean it, but don’t act pitiful. Makes it seem like we were bullying you.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Everybody understands.” The colleague snorted coldly and rolled her eyes.

“You! You slander me!” Yan Yafei clenched her lower lip with anger, her face pale, really looking quite pitiful.

But her mistake this time was too low-level, and she herself knew that the impact of this incident was very bad.

The man in the suit raised his hand, “Okay, everybody stop talking. We won the contract this time, everyone should be happy.”

The deputy team leader also rolled his eyes, “We aren’t necessarily guaranteed any bonuses now, what are you happy about.”

“Okay, don’t talk about it!” The team leader scolded, “Let’s just see how Chair Luo decides to handle the situation.”

The car fell silent again.

Back at the company, Lin Sifei sat on the desk expectantly, waiting for Luo Ke to fire the “heroine”. 

Luo Ke looked at her big eyes, touched her head, bent over and took out the snacks from the drawer, “I will make an exception today and allow you to eat snacks.”

Lin Sifei stared at the snacks in front of her, then at Luo Ke, then at the snacks, and at her again. Then, she smacked the snacks with one paw, “Meow!”

Luo Ke frowned, “Don’t you like this snack? What do you want to eat? Or do you want something else?”

Lin Sifei stood up angrily and paced around on the table. How could she express to Luo Ke that she needed to fire the heroine? The heroine committed such a low-level mistake, won’t you fire her?

She turned twice and stopped, suddenly plunged into Luo Ke’s purse next to her, pulled out her wallet, and then bit out a piece of cash from it.

Money, money, bonus.

However, Luo Ke did not realize at all, “Do you want money to buy things?”

Lin Sifei, discouraged, splayed out her body and lay still on the table.

Luo Ke reluctantly propped her chin on one hand, tapped her fingers on the table, thinking about what her cat wanted.

“Chair Luo, will there be a celebration party for winning the contract?”

Luo Ke nodded, “Yes, they have worked so hard for so long.”

Lin Sifei looked up at her, and upon finding that she had really finished speaking, couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded. Not only did Lin Sifei freeze in confusion, but Zhao Min also stood still.

“Is there anything else?”

Zhao Min bit her lower lip, “Well, doesn’t Yan Yafei need to be dealt with?”

“Do you have any suggestions?” Luo Ke lowered her head to tease her cat. 

“I think Yan Yafei has caused a very bad impact this time, and it is not the first time that she has committed this type of mistake. She should be fired as an example for others.” After Zhao Min finished speaking, she subconsciously pressed her lips together, nervous.

Luo Ke glanced at her, “You have some strong opinions on Yan Yafei.”

Zhao Min’s back straightened, for fear that Luo Ke would fire her in her next sentence.

“Since you think so, let’s fire her. Supervising is also one of your jobs. I believe you should have enough reasons to make this decision.”

Zhao Min nodded slightly and went downstairs to the personnel department to deal with it.

Lin Sifei happily clapped her paws together. Great, they’ve finally sent away this killer of a heroine. 

Luo Ke saw her smiling face and rubbed her head, “You are also a hero.”

Lin Sifei twisted her face, hummed and ignored her. Stupid, Luo Ke, how are you not as keen as Zhao Min. 

Luo Ke, suddenly sidelined, smiled. Suddenly, she frowned. Zhao Min said earlier that Xiaoxiao had found the things.

She stood up, took out a few packets of snacks for Lin Sifei, and rubbed her head, “I have something to do, you stay here.”

Lin Sifei tilted her head suspiciously, but quickly disregarded it for the snacks.

Luo Ke went all the way to the security room.

When Luo Ke went in, the two security guards were leaning on their chairs and making jokes. The one facing the door saw Luo Ke, and patted the other person in a hurry. The man turned his head, stood up hurriedly, and fixed his hat, “Chairwoman Luo!”

Luo Ke glanced at them, “I’ll take a look at the surveillance, you can go out and patrol.”

“Do you need us to help you find anything?”

“No, it’s related to the company’s affairs. I will copy and then delete the section later.”

Upon hearing this, the security guards knew they couldn’t ask too much. After making a few gestures at each other, they went out together, and helped Luo Ke close the door.

Luo Ke bent down to find the daytime surveillance, starting from the time she arrived at the company, and found Xiaoxiao’s figure. Soon, she saw that in the surveillance, Xiaoxiao ran into the team’s office, strolled and rummaged around for a while, then found the disk, and then Yan Yafei appeared in the surveillance.

Seeing the process of losing the files, Luo Ke’s face became cold. This wasn’t a simple case of  forgetfulness. 

Seeing Xiaoxiao collecting information, Luo Ke’s heart felt warm. What a stupid cat, obviously, she didn’t think of surveillance. If someone had seen her, she would have really been taken away for a scientific dissection or something. 

She sighed, copied down this part of the surveillance video, and deleted the rest.

“Didn’t even know to be careful.”

Very satisfying, right! Had a lot of fun translating too. Thanks so much for the comments of encouragement, I will continue doing my best to translate! Thanks for reading :3

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