Becoming an Oni in This Land of Illusion

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Mafia, An organization that mainly deals with shady things and is actively one of the organizations commonly found in the darkest corners of society

Though I could say being in a Mafia isn't that too different than a regular human being

Yes, it's strict. It's being frowned upon masses yet what can you do?

When every opportunity you see goes past so fast and didn't even manage to grab even one of them

Being on the streets and becoming a slave is the best possible outcome for it

The worst outcome is you being used as a test subject making your life hellish than before

Or getting abducted and harvesting your organs ending your unsatisfactory life

That's why being an insurgent or doing illegal things is the most viable options if you are so low in life

But I hate it when someone claims their own life because they can't handle it...

Humans have four limbs just because you lost two doesn't mean you have to stop moving forward

Losing every limb? Use your teeth to move yourself

Not having teeth? Imitate a snake and you will certainly have a higher chance to move than using a teeth

That's what I've been taught since I was young

No matter how painful it is, no matter how much damage it cause

As long you are alive, move forward no matter how rough, and prickly the road is

And that's why...


In a well-decorated room that has plushies on it where the color scheme of the room is white and blue

As the sunlight peeks in the blue blindfolds showering A blond-haired girl that is hugging a fluffy brown teddy bear

Despite the clock has rung loudly the girl didn't even flinch

*door opens*

a brown-haired girl that is wearing a typical black and white maid outfit can be seen entering the room sighing as she looks at the girl sleeping

She approaches the girl and gently nudges her

Stella: young miss please wake up

Sofia: 45 more minutes...

Stella: young miss I've completed the event and I've finished all the grinding so you could buy everything in the event shop

The girl springs up revealing her night dress while her thesis full of happiness

Sofia: Stella! You are truly the best!

She grabs the phone and starts the game called fate grand disorder

Stella: young miss you should start to clean up yourself and join Mistress and Master

Sofia: and my other siblings?

Stella: young miss...

Sofia: don't worry Stella I've accepted it!

Sofia: I'm just one of his chess pieces thats why you are the most important person in my whole life

Stella just tears up and hugs Sofia

For such a young girl to do her best only to realize she is just another disposable thing is quite cruel

She watched her grow from a shy girl into a confident and strong girl feels like yesterday for Stella

Sofia: ah... Stella did the alliance reply?

Stella: yes, this is the letter

Sofia: let me see...

Sofia opened the letter and the letter seemed stained with darkish liquid that made Stella flinch

Sofia: very funny...

Sofia: and here I thought I could play games and go to school

Sofia dialed someone

Sofia: it's a bust, gather everyone

Sofia closed the phone

Sofia: I will take a bath please prepare my dress Stella, also destroy that letter

Stella: yes young miss

Yes, this young girl has is sitting on a throne filled with dead bodies

Sofia "Raging Oni" De Luca one of the Capo of Fiametta Mafia

Despite her young age, she surpassed the appointed boss on kill count alone and the number of contenders are like mosquitos falling whenever she decided to deal with them

That's why Stella wishes that her young miss could be like other young girls having fun and talking about their movies or books


Inside a ruined office, there are bodies of people can be seen amongst the debris of cement and wood

A blond girl is pointing a handgun toward the injured man on the floor clutching his stomach in pain

Sofia: what do you expect will happen because you send me a severed finger huh?

Sofia: do you expect me to shriek and cry?

The man tried to speak but she kicked him on the jaw making it dislocated

Sofia: I forgot that the jaw is very important for speaking

Sofia: *sigh* I just wanted to play a game... And you just need to agree or lay your terms

Sofia: but no~ you decided to be an as***e and send me that to ruin my day

She grabbed random debris and chuck it toward the man making it emit a painful groan

Sofia: *sigh* be grateful because I will not kill you myself

The man seemed to have hope in his eyes

Grunt: Boss the explosives are ready

A person has emerged through the hole and notified Sofia

Sofia: I'm going to let this building decide whether or not you will live!

The man seemed to understand what Sofia meant and he fiercely looked at her

She grabs her RPG 32 on the side and slings it on her as she walked through the door despite there being a massive hole in the wall

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At the long table, there's a blond-haired man on the other side and there's a blond-haired girl on the other

Sofia: Don, why I am here?

Sofia managed to muster hiding her anger completely while looking at this so-called human-like father

Don: I've heard that you destroy the Alliance

Sofia: yes...

Don: Thanks for your dedication there are no groups that could ever threaten us again

A butler has appeared delivering two glasses of wine

Sofia: sees it and widens her eyes

Sofia already knows that her existence is a threat to him and her usefulness has been used up

Sofia: you know I hate poisoned wine

The Don stayed silent at her

She clenches her teeth so hard and picks up the wine the Don does the same


They bumped their glasses and they both drink the wine

Audible glug can be heard from Sofia and the Don nods in satisfaction

Sofia: excuse me

Sofia walks away and finds Stella to talk to her


Sofia: Stella

Stella: young miss how is it?

Sofia: Stella you can pack your bags I've sent over 5M to your bank account

Stella: I don't get what you say, young miss

Sofia: I won't beat around the bush... I've lost all of my uses

Sofia: and I'm not needed anymore

Stella's eyes seemed blank and she looks at Sofia

Sofia: Please be happy and have a fulfilling life Stella

Sofia: and please don't go against my wishes because I will never forgive myself if something bad happens to you

Stella's tearing up and dropping to the ground

Sofia: hurry he will probably silence you if he sees you

Sofia: I've talked to Marcelo he could drive you towards Venice where you could start a new life

Stella: NOOO! I WON'T!!

Sofia grabs a syringe and injects it into Stella's neck

Stella: Sofia...

Sofia: shh... Everything will be fine when you will wake up there's no sadness anymore

Sofia: everything will be normal

Stella: no... Please... I don't... Want to lose you...

Stella has fallen asleep as Sofia catches her

Marcelo: Boss...

Sofia: you are here... Take her

Marcelo carries Stella and looked at Sofia

Marcelo: being under you is the best thing that happened in my life and the rest think so too

Sofia: you guys are the best underlings I could ever ask...

Sofia gives her phone to Marcelo

Sofia: please tell her the phone password is her birthday

Marcelo: understood...

Marcel I leaves with Stella while Sofia looks at their silhouette

Sofia falls towards her bed as she positions herself in a resting position

She grabs another phone from her pocket and text something

Sofia: hope you like my present Shitty Father

She closes her eyes as the sound of multiple sirens can be heard and the pleasant sound of aircraft is the last thing she heard as she smiles


Stella wakes up and looks around inside the car and panicked

Stella: please go back!!!!

Marcelo: sorry boss orders

Marcel I grabs Sofia's phone and gives it to Stella

Marcelo: your birthday is the password

Stella seemed at loss but she nonetheless opens the phone

She sees the photo gallery filled with their pictures and many secretly taken photographs

A message has arrived and she sees it

|Anon: this is my last gift towards you Stella my happy memories and my heartfelt love thats why please smile and be happy - Sofia|

Stella can only let her voice out and cried loudly as she lost her first love and her first friend


Sofia is 16 while Stella is 22

Stella is decided to be sold to a wealthy bidder but the Don decided her to be the first kill of Sofia

Sofia didn't kill her so the Don punished Sofia every day until she finally kill Stella

She killed the former maid that is mean to her and made Stella her maid

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