Becoming an Oni in This Land of Illusion

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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I am facing a girl that has aqua-blue eyes and long, scarlet hair that symbolizes both her name and the place that she's guarding. Her green beret and dress resemble traditional Chinese clothing mixed with the red guard uniform. Her beret has a gold star on the front with the Traditional Chinese character that is read and pronounced as "lóng" in standard Chinese and means dragon.

I'm surprised I know everything about that when I have no idea what type of clothes I am wearing

Something like kemono? Kimono? Yukata...? Yeah it's yukata the clothes, not the feeling

Meiling: why are you helping the thief?

Ibaraki: is it a thief if they enter the front gate?

Meiling: I...

Ibaraki: what is it called if the guard let the thief in?

Meiling: what?

Ibaraki: I have no idea but from what I recall it's called incompetence

Meiling: You!

I'm glad... She bit it

Now let me test how tanky I am

Ohh...? It seems she is a practitioner of tai-chi

Do your best Human


Meiling thrust her palm towards the standing Oni and a burst of air can be seen When her palm connected

Meiling: eh?

Ibaraki: is that it?

Meiling: not yet!

Meling throws out a barrage of kicks and punches

And she used two of her fist to make Ibaraki stagger but she shakes it off like its nothing

Ibaraki: quite a disappointment...

Ibaraki: you should start from scratch that didn't even hurt

Meiling: it's not over!

Meiling shoots Ki towards Ibaraki but the result is the same as before

Ibaraki: I guess it's my turn...

Ibaraki's single step has gouged the ground and her hand is in front of Meiling

Marisa: Ibaraki! Let's go!

Ibaraki: Okay!

But Marisa has appeared so Ibaraki stopped at the perfect moment and go toward Marisa

Ibaraki: next time please put up a fight as a fellow that likes hand-to-hand combat

Ibaraki follows Marisa as Meiling looks at the departing Oni as her legs give up

Meiling: I almost died


I'm satisfied with the test earlier I could conclude that I'm pretty much resilient though I staggered because I think too deeply at that time and I'm surprised by the sudden silhouette right near my eye

Marisa: did something great happened?

Ibaraki: yeah, the human earlier she practices martial arts and I hope she grows stronger so we can fight next time

Marisa: I thought you two fought when I was picking some books?

Ibaraki: no... I let her hit me so I could gauge her strength

Ibaraki: though a bit weaker than I normally prefer...

Ibaraki: also why are you stealing books?

Marisa: I'm not stealing it's borrowing

Ibaraki: but you didn't bring it back

Marisa: they have a longer life than me so they could wait till I die

Ibaraki: makes sense...

So dark... this person beside me is surprisingly dark


We have arrived at her home which surprisingly it's the first house I saw

Marisa: welcome to Kirisame's Magic shop!

Marisa opens the door and what is inside is... a total mess

It's like a hoarder's house...

Looking closely at Marisa and what happened earlier

I conclude this is a house full of borrowed things meant this is truly a hoarder's house

It almost rivals dragons

Hmm? How do I know that...

Marisa: sorry~ I didn't clean up because I didn't think there's someone will arrive

Ibaraki: not at all... let me help you

Marisa: eh?!

Ibaraki: what?

Marisa: I mean are you OK with that?

Ibaraki: of course, I like cleanliness after all and I'm quite proficient in it

Marisa: do you know how to cook?

Of course, I've made Stella teach me how to...

Ibaraki: yes

Marisa: what's the sudden change of tone?

Marisa: well I guess you could help me and you could cook for me in exchange for living in my house

Ibaraki: I don't mind


She is truly a hoarder she didn't even know what the use of most of the things inside the house

There are many cursed things that I have resistant to but I have to make sure that this girl won't get hurt

Or else I will be held guilty and Roam around the surroundings fighting for a roof

I've made sure to be careful putting the things on the cardboard boxes

Ibaraki: and this is the last one

Now that the things have been tidied up the room become so spacious than before

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Though the rise due of dirt makes the whole room filthy

Ibaraki: Can I use your broom?

Marisa: no! Here's an extra broom!

Ibaraki: Okay then...


Cleaning things is strangely therapeutic and it feels good for the mentality

Ibaraki: and done

Marisa: amazing! can you clean my room?

Ibaraki: clean your room

Marisa: it's our room!

Ibaraki: what?

Marisa: I have only one bed which meant we are going to sleep beside each other

Ibaraki: do you have no bedding or a futon?

Marisa: Nope!

Ibaraki: I don't mind but help me out!

Marisa: fine...

I hope she isn't rowdy when sleeping because I will sleep under the bed if that happens


Marisa: haha! It's finished and my bedroom looks like new!

Ibaraki: you just stare at me doing things...

Marisa: I've thrown the trash!

Ibaraki: I'm tired to argue with you... at least the bathroom is clean right?

Marisa: of course!

Ibaraki: then I'm going to use it...

Marisa: why?

Ibaraki: I'm sweaty...

And I also need to buy clothes that means I need money what currency do they use here I need to know

Maybe Rinnosuke knows about it and I will apply for a job with him

I have arrived in the bathroom and I'm preparing mentally on what to expect and from what I saw

It's relatively normal

Thought its a bit of a mess It's not messy as the overall state of the house

I guess she is using the well since it's a giant tub that is full of water

And the floor is made out of materials that are made for boats

How did she get it? Or rather how did she find a boat here in the middle of a mountainous region?

I didn't smell any sea so I'm sure there are no boats...

Well whatever I just need to clean up myself


Ahh... that was a nice nap this place isn't bad and the world is relatively peaceful in my opinion

Being in this world isn't bad at all

Marisa: Ibaraki look at this!

Ibaraki: Okay...

Marisa has a newspaper in her hand and she hands it out to me

There's a picture of Marisa using the window to escape from the mansion

Season 118, Hazuki issue #4

In a String of Successive Midsummer Burglaries, the Culprit was Photographed in the Act

That makes the 5th time this month, said an exasperated resident

On the day of X the Xth at about half past noon, another burglary occurred at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, located by the edge of the lake. Ever since the Scarlet Mist Incident (*1) last month, there has been a surprising number of successive break-ins; not even a month has elapsed since the incident and yet more than ten break-ins have occurred.

Our newspaper, as a result of a three-day stakeout, managed to obtain photographs of a burglary in progress. Regrettably, the crime could not be stopped, because the journalist in charge was completely devoted to photography.

The criminal appears to be Marisa Kirisame (human), who lives in an unkempt house in the Forest of Magic. When the victims of these crimes, the residents of the mansion, were questioned, they were evasive in their reply: "But we already know who the culprit is." It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that there's some relationship between this and the earlier Scarlet Mist Incident.

The crime was very simple: after casually sneaking in through the back entrance, the criminal acted as if she owned the place, and walked about inside the mansion. She then left with whatever books she felt like taking. It's hard to believe that the palatial Scarlet Devil Mansion would ever be completely unoccupied. I couldn't help thinking that they must have slackened their security to allow these thefts to happen while surely somebody was present. In that case, since the mansion wasn't empty, it might not be accurate to call it a burglary. However, it seemed to be neither mugging nor swindling, so it seems to be the most appropriate name. For that reason, this article has settled on the term burglary

According to the resident who was robbed, the criminal left the following words:

"Me, burglar? That's just mean. Just 'cause I snuck in didn't mean I stole anything. My life is way shorter than yours anyway, so can't you just take back everything after I kick the bucket? I'm just borrowing until then. It should be good for the stuff I'm taking that way, too."

The contents of the excerpt are very human-like and childish, but it is more surprising that the culprit and the residents regularly converse.

(Aya Shameimaru)

1: This summer, a scarlet mist temporarily engulfed Gensokyo, blocking all sunlight. The details are uncertain, but it is known that last month, the incident was resolved by a human and the strong sunlight of summer was restored.

Ibaraki: kuhahahaha...!

Marisa: Don't laugh!

Ibaraki: sorry, sorry

I read the next news that has a chibi image of me...

Season 118, Hazuki issue #5

Does the thief has a partner in crime?!

A new yokai has come to the village

At the same time, as the burglary has occurred, another person is fighting against the Gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

Due to the blurry pictures the reporter can only describe what is the look of that Yokai, she said it was a short girl that wears a Yukata, she seemed an Oni because of her horns, she had yellow eyes light yellow hair and black and red horns, she has several markings of red tattoos in her body, she doesn't have an accessory so just add a sash on her head and a weapon

The Yokai in question isn't known due to her relatively new appearance in Gensokyo so we have no information about this certain individual we only know that she is very short and has light yellow hair, she also has connections with Marisa Kirisame

According to the victim who has been assaulted, the perpetrator has said the following

"You are very weak I want to fight stronger people too that's why you must be stronger because I will have fun beating you up"

The contents of the excerpt are quite Oni-like and motivational. Surprisingly, the victim didn't have a broken bone or two from the short Oni

(Aya Shameimaru)

Ibaraki: Oops... the newspaper has been burned I want to visit this Aya person suddenly

Marisa: that's fine please give her an extra beating

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