Becoming an Oni in This Land of Illusion

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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There are recurring characters from my other fanfic called Grass Story... It's on Wattpad because I don't think I will post it here...

But just treat them as Gods that will help Ibaraki... They aren't necessary to remember but they will pop in and out sometimes


A light orange-haired girl wears red clothes and a grey-haired man that wears a simple white t-shirt that contrast his skin and a fair beauty joining with them playing a card game

Sun: Can I ask why do you agree with the request of a former criminal, Kusa?

Kusa stopped for a moment before adding a +2 towards the moon making the moon put another +2 making it +4 towards the sun

The sun made a painful face after receiving four more cards

Kusa: I'm weak to people who sacrificed their selves just to make the person they hold dear be happy

Kusa: even though in the end that person will not become happy when they are not there

Moon: did her significant other didn't become happy?

Kusa: not only she didn't become happy she become depressed and closed herself up

Kusa: well sooner or later she will die due to her insufficient take of nutrition

Kusa: well I will deal with it because an unsatisfactory love story is very bitter

Kusa: sacrificing yourself to make someone happy but your intended result isn't the one you hoping for

Kusa: what a bitter drink I just want to add more sugar to it

Kusa: Uno

Moon put down a green 5 but Kusa has a red 5 so she just tag it in and she won the game

Sun/Moon: Nooo!!!!

Kusa let out an evil laugh and her face become sinister

Kusa: now for your punishment

Kusa: you two will have to spend time with each other and consider your relationship, don't worry I will maintain the order of your jobs

Kusa: I expected to be an aunt next time we meet

The moon and The sun become flushed as they are embarrassed by Kusa's bluntness


Kasen made Ibaraki eat the mochi before she made the Mountain in flames

Ibaraki: Kasen...

Ibaraki: did I win...?

Kasen: yes, Aya escaped fast and you decided to destroy trees after you can't chase her

Ibaraki: I see...

Ibaraki: thanks...

Ibaraki closes her eyes and I catch her before she falls down

That curse... It's very cruel

Her flames are unstoppable but it eats away her lifeforce very quickly... good thing she can replace unconsciously when she is resting

It's no wonder she is very exhausted after that

I have read that when the one massacre happened the whole mountain has been in flames... I guess her curse is connected to that

She will be burned alive if there's no one stopping her from the rampage as the flames eat her from the inside...

I have made up my mind I will teach her to reign in her emotions because it will be lethal if she lost control



I see a somewhat delipidated ceiling

What happened?, why I am here?

Did someone poison me?

Marisa: ohh... You are awake

Mhm... What are you going to say next? Perhaps The famous quote from a video game?

Marisa: we just recently meet and yet here you are bedridden by a fever

Me having a fever? That's impossible I'm an Oni...

Marisa: Stop! Don't force yourself, I will try to find medicine from the medicine seller that's always going to the village

Ibaraki: why...?

Marisa: you need water, wait for me

She then left while I just blankly stare at her

It reminded me of how I often get sick and how Stella nurse me back to being healthy

I miss her...

Marisa came back with a cup of water in hand

Marisa: here, drink it

*glug* *glug*

I felt my dry throat getting moist...

Marisa: I'm going now and stay in the bed

Ibaraki: take... Care...

I feel drowsy and my eyelids grew heavier

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I think I'll sleep for now


I am currently on my way back home because the Oni who I live with has a fever

I didn't think yokai can have common illnesses

I think there's food for people that have fevers Kourin must know how to cook it

I will request him to make me one


Marisa: Kourin!

Rinnosuke: Marisa didn't I tell you-

Marisa: don't just Waltz in here

Marisa: but I need you to cook porridge for people that caught a cold

Rinnosuke: did the shrine maiden catch a fever?

Marisa: no, it's Ibaraki

Rinnosuke: the Oni?

Marisa: obviously

Rinnosuke: fine I will cook it


For some reason, Kourin tagged along with me

I opened the door and head out towards the bedroom

Rinnosuke: this is impossible...

Marisa: what is it?

Rinnosuke: your house... Is clean and tidy

Rinnosuke: the sun must be rising from the west

Marisa: Ibaraki helped me

Rinnosuke: I see...

Rinnosuke: I will start cooking now and could you wet cloth and put on her head

Marisa: Okay


I heard voices... A male and a female

I heard someone squeezing something it's like the sound of the water leaving from the cloth when you twist

A cool sensation can be felt on my forehead

I saw blonde hair in my vision... It's Marisa

Marisa: ahh... Did I wake you up?

Ibaraki: not at all... I'm in between conscious and unconscious at the same time...

Ibaraki: so I wake up from time to time

Marisa: Kourin will make you some porridge that's why just sleep for now

Ibaraki: yes...


Marisa: here eat

Marisa is holding a spoonful of porridge near my mouth

So I could only open my mouth and eat it

Ibaraki: Rinnosuke thank you for helping

Rinnosuke: it's nothing really

Ibaraki: no... I'll pay you back one way or another...

Ibaraki: Marisa, thank you too despite we only met yesterday yet you already helping me...

Ibaraki: I thank you for that...

It seemed Marisa is holding her laugh

Ibaraki: what?

Marisa: no it's just you act like you are a well-educated human than an Oni

Ibaraki: well I am educated by my mother

Marisa: huh?

Ibaraki: you see I am part of a noble Oni bloodline

Ibaraki: as a noble, I need to act proper and lead my armies without losing anything

Ibaraki: so you could say my mother raised me strictly

Marisa and Rinnosuke seemed surprised by that 


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