Becoming Game Master of Universes!

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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 He awoke to the rhythmic sound of waves hitting the beach and the chirping of birds. A new day had begun.

He yawned and got out of bed. He was starting to enjoy this holiday more than he had anticipated.

He washed his face with a small bowl of water and went out of the hut. The view was magnificent as always. The turquoise sea and the cloudless sky seemed to fuse together in front of him.

He walked barefoot on the beach sands and came to the chaise longue.

He lay down on the chaise lounge and began to study the screen in front of him. He saw that about 200 million people were in the game. This figure was much higher than he had expected, and it cheered him up.


Most likely, yesterday's bid war was covered by news channels all over the world. And when the government's statements about the game were positive, the number of players increased to this level.

Edward opened the game's forum and began to peruse the threads.


*If time flows differently in the game, how do we watch the live broadcast in this world?

*Why are there no health bars in the game?

*Why did we not encounter any NPC?

* I leveled up in the game and got stronger in the real world.


Edward clicked on the first topic and started reading.


“Runner49: Some people entering the game for the first time have encountered a minor headache. People encountering this headache also encountered a warning window. 'Because time passes 3 times faster in the game world than in the normal world, some people may experience headaches, once your brain gets used to this flow, you will not encounter such a problem again'


Although I didn't have such a headache when I entered the game, I witnessed that the time really flows differently in the game. This brought with it the question of how live streams are made if time flows differently.


After some thought, I came to a conclusion on this matter. When we click on a live broadcast in the normal world, our brain either speeds up enough to process this information or our minds go to a place where time flows differently, such as the game world.


What are you thinking?”


Edward was quite surprised when he read the post. The man had figured it out on his first try.


Afterwards, he closed the forum and connected to the world's internet with the help of the system.


A different trend had started on Youtube. 100-150k sword and arrow shooting channels had gained millions of followers in the last few days.


Everyone was trying to learn how to fight with these weapons. All the martial arts dojos get the attention of every part of society, even some instructors start to give private lessons to rich people.


The world is changing at a visible speed. And no one wants to be left out.


Also, everyone was beginning to sense that this game was not just a game. Statements made by governments, topics discussed in forums, and discussion programs showed the existence of a mystery.


Edward turned off the screens in front of him, got up, and went swimming in the ocean for his morning workout.





"Yeah, dad."


David made a hush gesture to his son and pointed to the beast ahead.


The monster looked like a lizard, but was about a meter in size and stood on two legs. Its claws looked quite sharp and dangerous.


David read the words above the monster's head.


"Weasel LV1"


"Wait for my arrow, then strike the finishing blow, the plan is the same."


Heim nodded in agreement with what his father had said. This wasn't his first time hunting with his father. Although his father did not allow him to enter because it could be dangerous, they decided to enter together after the government's statement that they could not find any danger. Thus, father and son entered the game together for the first time.


When they started the game, Heim started with a sword, his father with an arrow pouch filled with 12 arrows, and a bow.


Ahead of them was their first hunt.


David put an arrow in his bow and stretched it. After carefully aiming, he let go of the arrow.


The arrow silently sliced ​​through the air, and stabbed into the beast's stomach.


The monster let out a painful cry. And he sailed in the direction the arrow had come from.


The monster didn't notice him as he passed through heim's hiding place. Heim, on the other hand, took the opportunity to leap out from where he was and swung the sword towards the monster's back.


The monster was knocked to the ground by this blow and could not rise again.


heim laughed and called out to his father.


"Good shot, Dad."

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“Haha, you were good too, you caught the beast by surprise,” he said, and walked over to his son with a smile.


While Heim was about to see if anything fell from the monster, he saw the flashing sign on the screen. When you clicked it, he saw that the status window was opened.


"Name: Huntlover


Level 2


Body: 6

Mind: 5


You have 10 unused points. Do you want to use it?"


"Dad, I'm level 2, have you leveled up too?"


"I don't know, how do I check?"


"it should have a flashing exclamation mark to the right, click it"


When David did as his son said, the status window opened. He was level 2 too.


"We killed 4 monsters and became level 2 huh. So what should we give these points to? It seems like there are only 2 options?" said David.


"Mind is probably for mages, I think it's best to give it to the body," he said.


After his son's words, he added all of his points to his body.


"Wow, that's great I feel like I'm getting stronger!" said David.


Heim also had the same feeling his father was talking about after using the points. He then bent down and looked down to see if the monster had dropped anything. There were 2 Copper coins on the ground next to the monster.


"We were out of luck again," he said, picking up the coins from the floor.


"If it were that easy to drop a book, it would have auctioned off a dozen more by now. Let's not worry about that. Come on, there are still many monsters to hunt," he said, and smiled.


Heim agreed to what his father said and the two continued walking through the forest.


Walking in the forest and leaving no traces was one of the first rules of hunting, and another was to be quiet.


Heim and David continued along the path that was probably made by wild animals. The forest was not dense forest like the forests in Ecuador, so they had no difficulty in moving and seeing in front of them.


Soon they came to the bottom of a cliff. They continued to advance, taking the walls of this slope as a cover. Thus, they were freed from a direction they had to defend in case of danger.


As the two moved forward, David suddenly raised his hand. That meant stop.


Heim looked over his father's shoulder to see what had happened. Then he saw a blue vortex blocking to a place like a cave entrance.


"Isn't this a dungeon?" Heim asked ,


"I didn't know there was such a thing in this game," said David.


"Let's check it out," said heim excitedly.


Father and son carefully walked towards the dungeon. They were getting very close to the blue vortex when a warning screen appeared in front of them.


"Would you like to enter the level 5 dungeon? Recommended number of people to clear the dungeon is 4."


It was indeed a dungeon. Heim's eyes lit up. dungeon meant loot, if they could find a book, they could sell it at auction and pay off all the debt on the house at once.


David sighed when he saw his son's excitement.


"Son, don't get excited right away, didn't you read what's written, 4 people are needed, and it's not even clear when we will be level 5." he said realistically.


But his words must not have affected him, as heim began to speak.


"Dad, it won't take long for us to be level 5 if we're always roughing it up, we can invite both max and his father, we went hunting together before. We share everything that falls in the dungeon equally."


After giving some thought to his son's plan, David decided it made sense.


"Let's get out of the game and talk to them then. I haven't seen Arthur in a while."

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