Becoming Game Master of Universes!

Chapter 12: Chapter 12- Dungeon

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They met again, having a good sleep wiped all signs of fatigue from their faces.


"Lets go, we have to walk a few miles. Then we can get into the dungeon." said David.


Arthur and max nodded. Then they set out for the dungeon.


"Hey, what kind of monsters do you think are in this dungeon?" ' Max asked heim. They were both walking side by side.


"I don't know, but I hope there isn't a smart beast," said Heim.


"Smart beast? What do you mean?"


"Look man, we've been hunting monsters for a week, almost all of them fall into the same trick or easily get caught in a trap. But we've never encountered anything smart, at least at the human level of intelligence. I don't know, maybe it's my delusion, but the prospect scares me."


Max thought about what his friend had said. It was indeed a frightening thought. They had seen level 8-10 monsters during their hunt, and as soon as they saw these monsters, they immediately moved away from that area. Because when they tried to hunt them before, almost all of them died. A difference of one or two levels in the game greatly reduced the chance of fighting and digging that enemy. Who knows what would happen if they encountered a monster that could think about it and actually look strategically at fights.

While Max and Heim were talking about this, the fathers who came after were talking about completely different topics.


"David, I've bench-pressed almost 450kg. I think what's written on this forum is true. As you level up, your gains come with you to the world."


"I was feeling more vigorous than usual too, but I never tested myself. Maybe you're right." said David.


“Dude this is going to change everything. The government is trying to hide this information as much as possible but it has already become a well-known secret.”


"Then let's rise as high as we can in this game so we can at least protect ourselves in this insane world."


“David… Thanks, man. If it weren't for you, maybe I would have started this game too late.”


“Haha it doesn't matter man, frankly, we didn't know that things were going to get this big. When Heim annoyed me, I joined him so he wouldn't go in alone, we can say it was pure luck.”


As the talks continued, they came closer to their goals.


They had already reached the edge of the cliff where they had found the dungeon, they went a little further and finally came to the front of the blue vortex.


“It's still here, good,” said David.


“Let's make the final preparations, then enter,” Heim said.


Everyone checked their equipment, to see if there were any problems with arrows and bows. This process took about 20 minutes, finally they were ready to enter the dungeon.


The 4 stopped in front of the blue vortex. The transparent blue screen had already appeared before them.


“Lets go,” said Max. "Okey." said HEim, the two young people quite excited. The elders of the group, though excited, kept these feelings to themselves.


“Do you want to enter the dungeon?” Everyone said "yes" to the question and they found themselves in a dark cave.




The dungeon was a dark damp cave. The moss growing on the walls gave off a faint blue glow, and it was the cave's only source of light. There was an awkward, eerie silence.


"Let's be careful, we don't know what awaits us." said David, and inserted an arrow into his Bow.


The other archer of the team, Max, followed David and placed an arrow on his bow.


"Let's move forward slowly, Heim, get behind me, and if anything happens, I'll meet the enemy first," said Arthur.


Heim did as Arthur said and got behind Arthur so their formations were formed. At the front was Arthur, just behind him was heim, and at the very back was David and MAX.


The team slowly began to advance through the cave. Everyone was paying attention to the dangers, even the slightest sound did not go unnoticed.


As the team advanced through the cave, a clearing appeared in front of them. As Arthur observed this opening, he heard voices and raised his hand, the entire team standing still, a sign of danger.


“Goblins” whispered heim as he poked his head from the rock in front of him and peered into the clearing.


Discovering these creatures was not difficult because they had lit a fire in the middle of the clearing and were sitting around it. They wore blunt knives and tattered leather armor.


This was a shocking situation for the team. They had never fought an armored or armed enemy before. They usually only fought with monsters.


The team backed off from where they had come to come up with a plan. When they were sure that their conversation would not reach the Goblins' ears, they stopped.


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"What will we do now?" said max.


“Me and my goddamn mouth,” Heim said, thinking about his conversation with max.


"Okay, okay, let's calm down." said Arthur.


David was thoughtful.


“Did you see a bow and arrow in their hands?” he asked Arthur.


“Hmm, no, I mean I guess not,” said Arthur, not quite sure.


"Let's check this out first, Arthur, can you go and have a look?" said David.


Arthur nodded and left the team to go check it out.


He came back a few minutes later.


“No, they don't have bows”


“Good then, we'll stick to the plan, Arthur, you try not to get the monsters near with your spear, son, you need to repel anyone who approaches. Meanwhile, Max and I can hunt them down with bows and arrows. What do you think?"


“Seemed like a good plan to me?” said Arthur.


Heim and Max also confirmed this.


"Come on then," said David.


The team came into the clearing again, this time with David and Max ahead of the team. Once the goblins were in their line of sight, they stretched their bows and fired simultaneously.


Arrows shot out from the bow and began flying through the air towards their target.

The arrows made a muffled stabbing sound as they hit their target, and then the shrill cries of the goblins filled the cavern. When the goblins stuck with the arrows gave their last screams, the remaining 4 goblins jumped out of their places and began to search for the source of the attack.


When they finally found this source, they rushed like mindless beasts towards the group that was killing their friend.


David and Max immediately backed off and let Arthur and Heim take their places. Meanwhile, they tried to insert another arrow into their bow.


It wasn't long before the goblins approached Arthur's spear field.


Arthur did not let the goblins come any closer with his spear piercing attacks. But one of them escaped these attacks and approached him.


Heim stepped forward of the goblin with the sword in hand.


The goblin swung at Heim, swinging the blunt blade in his hand.


Heim immediately met the incoming blow with his sword and kicked the 4ft goblin in front of him. The goblin was thrown backwards with this blow. To seize this opportunity, Heim rushed towards the fallen goblin and plunged the sword into his chest.


While Heim was dealing with this goblin, David and Max had put a new arrow on their arrows and were aiming.


"Arthur, get down!" cried David. As soon as David heard this, he crouched down.


As soon as David crouched down, two arrows flew over him and stabbed in the chest of the goblins trying to figure out what was happening.


All that remained was the goblin, who was staring at them with frightened eyes with a blunt knife in his hand. Realizing that he couldn't beat the four in front of him, he turned around and started running towards the inside of the cave.


"Hit him, he might warn the Others," shouted Arthur.


Max immediately inserted an arrow into his bow and took aim at the fleeing goblin and fired it. The arrow struck the fleeing goblin's back and knocked him down. The levels they gained had greatly increased the power they used while stretching the bow.


After all the goblins had died, the team looked at each other. Their plans had gone surprisingly well. No one was injured.


“I think we got the job huh,” he said, And David laughed.


The team joined him.


The fathers and sons team had won their first battle against armed enemies.

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