Beegutz and The Mercenary of Sloth

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – The Beginning

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The carpet was stained scarlet by the darkened rivers spilling from the headless corpse laying grimly silent on her sofa; The fearful, panicked expression, still nearly visible, splayed across the decapitated head on the floor.

“-You.. Why did you let this happen?” Its voice purled from its pale, dead lips as the dark, viscous fluid spewed onto the floor. “Why B-Beeona.. Bee..” It cried. “BEE!!” It called her name.


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“Beeona? Beeona Hiveford?” The conductor stood with his hand held outward; The punched ticket with her name swaying between his fingers.

“S-sorry. Thank you, I mean.” She muttered.

“It isn’t often I see your kind around this area.” Bee looked up in her daze, gazing into his eyes. “Ah, forgive me.” He bowed his head, “I meant no misfortunes by my words. I only meant to ask, what brings you to a meager station such as this? It’s rare to see.. hm.“ He thought of his words carefully.

“Monsters? Creatures? -Or do you mean a goblin?” Bee sneered at the thought.

“No, I mean, yes.. but, No. I-I meant no disrespect. My apologies, Ms Hiveford.” He bowed his head again; Scratching at the back of his neck. “My curiosity may have gotten the better part of me.” The old gentleman smiled. “I won’t bother you again, Ma’am. I hope you enjoy your trip on our railway.”

“W-wait..” Bee spoke up as he stepped out of her cabin. “I.. I’m looking for someone. I didn’t mean to be rude. I haven’t been sleeping well. So, I’ve been.. irritated. More irritated than most other days.” She chuckled awkwardly, trying to give a somewhat warmer smile. “It’s just been a rough few days.”

“Hmm.” He nodded, “I have a few more cabins to check on, but if you want an open ear, I can return in a few minutes.” The old conductor smiled from ear to ear. “I had a daughter once, who’d come running whenever she couldn’t sleep. Sometimes, just speaking your mind can help keep the nightmares at bay. Everyone deserves a good night’s rest.”


“I’ll return shortly; With tea, and biscuits.” The conductor clapped his hand together, leaving with a childlike glow.

Bee watched her cabin door shut closed as she sat back in her seat, and stared out the window to the open fields passing the train by; The horrific scene of her deceased friend replaying in her mind.


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Typically, she’d have been alone; Living in her cavern house by herself, with her obscure numbers of shiny things, and knickknacks she’d gathered throughout her years. She collected what other would consider junk, and nonsense, but whenever she found something worth bringing home, nobody could see its beauty in that moment, besides her. Everything had its place in her home that made it special.

“Your house is so cool!! why haven’t you ever invited everyone over for parties, or hangouts? This place would be lit!”

A smile came to Bee’s lips, watching her friend bounce around the living room. “Dude, I’m not into all that. You know?”

“Yeeeeeeaaa…” She nudged the little goblin, “But, imagine the possibilities.” Her eye brows wiggled as if implying something other than ‘hanging out’. Bee blushed, taking a seat beside her.

“Well, I don’t know about any of that, big crowds aren’t my thing. I like simple company.”

“-Calling me simple?” Her dark brow lifted, leaving Bee flustered.

“No! You know what I mean!” She pouted, “I like chillin out. One, or two friends, snacks, music, or a movie. Games, and some chitchat. That sort of thing.”

“I know. I’m just fucking with you.”

“I know you are.”

“-But you know, you ARE ..pretty fuckin cute.” She said, getting the last laugh.

“A-a-am not..” Bee stuttered.


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It’d been a while since she had company; Welcomed company, that is. It’s different, it’s always different, wanting someone there, rather than being forced to spend time with them. She’d come out of the blue; knocking at her front door.

It was strange, at first, hearing that distinct knock, especially late into the evening. Bee glanced at the clock, seeing the numbers 9:56 glaring back at her. It wasn’t as though she was expecting anyone, but when she peeked outside, she saw someone she hadn’t seen in such a long time; A peculiar angel, named ProjektMelody.

She opened her door in disbelief. From what it looked, Melody had been standing out in the rain for a while, soaked from head to toe; Probably, deciding whether, or not, she’d be a bother.

“H-heya, Beegutz.” She waved, grasping at he elbows from the cold.

“Wh-what are you doing here, Mel-?” Bee shook her head. “I-I-I-I mean come inside! Come! Get in! What are you doing outside!? It’s raining!” She pulled Melody in. “I’ll get you something to change into.” She anxiously ran toward her room, returning in seconds with a handful of clothes. “Please, please. You can take a shower if you want. I have some warm towels, and blankets. Are you hungry?” Bee rushed.

“A warm shower would be nice.” The two wandered the small, comfy house toward the kitchen, and down the hall.

“Bathroom is over here.” She pointed. “I’ll fix you up something hot in the meantime.”

Melody smiled, a bit self-conscious of her present drowned-rat-like appearance; Only to be reassured by the warm expression of her host. “Thanks. I’ll try not to take long.”

Bee nodded, making her way back into the kitchen before taking a deep breath. What the hell was Project Melody doing at her house!? Taking a shower in her bathroom no less! They’d only talked a few times, nothing special, or so Bee thought. So… How had she even known where she lived? Was this real? Was she dreaming? She must had fallen asleep watching a stream, or watching too many clips off the internet. There was no way! …Right?

Bee peeked back up the hall at the closed door as steam, and light, gradually seeped from below its gap; The sound of running water echoing through the walls.

“This is insane.” She slapped herself. “She’s just a friend! There’s no reason to be star-struck.” Bee glanced around at her kitchen. She hadn’t made a real home-cooked meal in a while, scattering to gather what she could before her company was finished. “Bah. This is crap. Would she even like spaghetti?”

“I’d love spaghetti.”

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“Ah!” Bee spun around as Mel leaned against the counter, pulling the towel over her wet hair. Bee stared. She had only been in the shower for a minute.. hadn’t she? The clock read 10:31, just over half an hour since she’d arrived. How much time had her anxiety taken from her? “You- You’re- Uh, that was a pretty quick shower. Did you find everything alright?”

“Yea. Your shampoo smells CRAZY good! I was almost tempted to taste it.”

“Thanks?” Bee shook her head at the thought.

“So we’re having spaghetti? I’m no wizard in the kitchen, but I can make a mean sauce.”

“No, I couldn’t ask you to-”

”Don’t worry about it. It’s the least I could do.” Mel stood triumphantly. “Just tell me where the pans are.” She grinned.


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As their midnight dinner came into fruition, the cavernous home filled with the savory, delicious smells of herbs and spices that danced from Mel’s skillet.

“Mel, That.. smells amazing!”

“I know.” Mel stirred the sauce, wiggling in place. “I can’t cook for shit, so I have to make the sauces taste ridiculously good to compensate. It’s important to follow the recipes, but adding just a little bit of your own special additions, gives it the best kind of flavour.”

Bee strained the noodles, getting them both a bowl to serve themselves. “Additions?” She glanced at Mel curiously, feeling a bit concerned. “What ‘additions’?”

“I mean paprika.. and cumin.” Mel giggled. “I wouldn’t do THAT to you.”

“WAH? I-I-I didn’t say anything weird!! You’re- What do you mean ‘THAT’?” Bee pouted, as Mel gleefully chuckled with a genuinely happy expression. Even if it was at Bee’s expense, It was nice to see her smile.


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Soon enough, they had eaten the entire pot of noodles, while watching tv, chatting, and laughing. Mel had quickly made herself at home, becoming more comfortable as time went on, but as the night got longer, Bee noticed Mel’s half-lit eyes slowly closing; Fluttering awake just as they began to shut.

“Getting tired?”

“What? Me? No way! -Course not!” She laughed, cleaning up from their earlier dinner.

“You can take my bed for tonight. It’s really comfy.”

“Wah- no!” She turned. “I couldn’t! I’ll just take the couch. I couldn’t take your bed away from you.” Mel sheepishly slid her pointed toes across the floor. “It’d be rude after you’d been so hospitable, you know?”

“Okay. Then I’ll just get you a few blankets to get comfy.”

“Just one.. one is good. Thanks.”

“Alright then, one it is.”

“T-thanks, Beegutz.”

“You can just call me Bee; Everyone else does.” Bee stood, walking into the hallway. ”If you need any other blankets, they’re here. Okay?” Mel nodded, taking the large blanket as Bee pulled it from the small closet. “Anything you need from the fridge, feel free to grab, and just try to get some sleep.”

Mel nodded again. “I will..”

“If you need anything else, I’m here in the third room down the hall, and you know where the bathroom is.” Bee pointed, slowly walking into her room. “You sure you’ll be alright out there?” She poked her head back out into the hall.

“I’ll be fine, Bee! I’m a big girl!” She hugged the blanket as Bee smiled. “Go to bed.” Mel waved her off. “I’ll be fiiiine.”

“Okay! Okay.” Bee retreated back into her room, closing the door. “G’night!” She called out.

“Night..” Mel whispered, looking around at the devilishly dim living room. The tv still up, and breathing its subtle, hushed tones; And giving off the only light within the entire house. Mel sat down, setting the folded blanket just far enough out of reach, on the other side of the couch; Sighing heavily as her voice d deepened in a desperate attempt to hide her fears. “..How long have you been here?” Mel brought her knee’s to her chin, sitting quietly in the nearly dark room. “..How’d you even find me?” She muttered.

“..You knew I was already behind you when you first arrived.” The shadow of a hooded masked man stepped out from the corner of the room. “So, why did you knock?”

“I-…. I don’t know..” Mel’s hands shook as she wrapped her arms around her legs.

“..This isn’t something I wanted to do… I-”

“..Just get it over with..” Mel closed her eyes, facing up toward the ceiling.

“..I’ll make it as painless as possible.” The light from the television danced on the walls of the living room as the reflection of a long steel sword crept from its scabbard. “Goodbye.. ProjektMelody.”

A tranquil whistling noise, like that of a solemn breeze, spun throughout the room as the front door was pushed open by the cold, stormy night winds.


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Chapter 1 - End


Yes, Mel. I killed you off. I'm sorry, I love you. Don't be angy! lol

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