
Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Darkness

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When my eyes are finally getting used to the darkness, I can see a very faint light in the distance. Must be somewhere in the middle of the open space. What could that be?

There seems to be a blinking red light on the left and further to the right a green light is blinking. Maybe it is a police helicopter or something?


"Hello! Anybody there?" I shout towards the lights, but I only hear other people shouting similar requests for help in the distance. But I get no reply. 


Then a bright white light is activated from that helicopter. It's just bright enough to blind me for a few seconds, then it dims until something easier on the eyes. I decide that they must be here for a reason, so I walk towards them. 


Why would they send a helicopter here? There is nothing of interest in this town? Or did they crash land here, taking out some power lines in the process?


Maybe they can help me? They at least have power, so who knows?


I walk towards the helicopter, still clumsily carrying my bags and my phone. The bags got twisted together into one big mess and I don't want to waste any time to undo that.

"Hello? Excuse me!" I shout towards the helicopter. 


But then I hear a loud "groooowwwwl !" behind me. I turn around and see two large, glowing red eyes looking my way. Eh....make that staring EXACTLY my way! It must be about a hundred meters away from me.


"Ahhhh!!!!" I shout, making me drop the groceries and my phone while running towards the helicopter. 

Oh my god, what IS that thing? 


I don't know how far away it still is, but it must be close. I'm almost near the helicopter now. 

I hear the growl repeating, coming closer and closer. Perhaps less than twenty meters away from me. Oh god, please help me, I promise I won't complain about helping mom anymore!


Then I see a bright, white flash in front of me. The light almost seems tangible and travels right next to me, making a loud "bzzzzzz" sound, followed by  "iiiiiii, growwwwlll!!, iiiiii" and other hissing sounds.


"Quickly, get in here! I will protect you."  A loud male voice shouts my way. But I can't see him due to the blinding white light in front of me. 


"This is no helicopter, what is...?" I say when I look at...whatever this is, but he interrupts me.


"No time. GET IN THERE! Use the ladder!" He shouts. 


Okay....I do as he says and climb aboard the..thing. Doesn't look like a helicopter to me. Maybe a new type of military plane? We are close to Misawa, so could be, right? But I can't see the full plane due to the surrounding darkness. But that is not important. That creepy thing outside...THAT is important!


The man notices that I am aboard and shouts "you are safe there, I promise!"


But then I see two more pairs of glowing red eyes moving this way. Bright green flashes are coming this way now. "Bzzzzzzzz." 


"Ahh!! I'm hit. You bastards!!!"  


He climbs aboard while cursing continuously. Then he says, "keep your hands on the inside and I will get you home soon." 

A hydraulic sound accompanies the closing canopy. Oh my god, where is he taking me? 


"What...what is that thing outside? Please, let me..." I said.


"Don't worry about that, you are safe here. I will get you home soon. Looks like you are coming with me for now. I need medical"


I can only reply "eh....yes, officer."


He's wearing a helmet, nothing like one of the Air Force though. But I can't see any details as his seat is positioned in front of me.


He is pushing some buttons and occasionally says some rather nasty things, things I don't care to repeat. Whatever it was must have hurt him badly.


Then I see all kinds of green lights appear in front of him. Again I can't see much from back here. There also seem to be small computer screens in front of me. This must be a top-secret two-seater, a training craft I think. But where is the co-pilot or the trainee?


The sound of the engine is slowly starting. It sounds like a generator starting up, nothing too loud at all. Just unfamiliar. Very unfamiliar. The noise gets a bit louder, starts making a whining noise, then changes into a more familiar steady airplane-like cabin noise.


The following happens in only a matter of seconds.

"Prepare for emergency lift-off."  The pilot says while still pushing several buttons.


"This procedure is not..."  It appears a computer voice is answering him, but the pilot interrupted it. 


"Override and activate targeting sensors."  The pilot said, while checking his surroundings outside the canopy.


"Complying, scanning, two Kakross found." The computer replies in a cold, monotone voice.


"What? What's happening?"  I said, trying to understand these strange names. And what is a Kakross? What is that about?


"Not now!  He shouted.


I sink down in my chair and try to brace for whatever is going to happen.


The craft is now slowly rising in altitude. We are now probably hovering above the ground. I still can't see a thing. A mechanical sound from below can be heard, must be the landing gear. 


I move to the utmost left and try to see what the pilot is doing, but I can't. Then I see the reflection in the window, it's just enough for me to see him use a joystick of some sorts. 

Ah, I have the same one here too!  But there are strange symbols on it, they don't make any sense. 


Is this design so top-secret that they even created a new, fake, military language?


The lights in front of this...thing...go to maximum brightness, letting me see many trees directly ahead. The craft slowly repositions towards the edge of the park and green squares are projected onto the canopy. They look exactly like the targeting boxes I recognize from my game. Don't tell me...


Then the pilot pushes the red, center button on the joystick and multiple flashes are fired towards the edge of the park. Then the craft turns again, and fires again.


"Targets eliminated," is the only thing the computer cares to say.


"Okay, that was a close one. We're safe now. Hey, you! Back in there....are you alright?"


"Ehhh....yes, but can I get out now?...Please?" I don't think I like where this is going.


"Sorry, no. I need medical treatment soon, or I will pass out. And I can't leave my ship here unattended."


"Okay, I think I understand. Are you stationed at Misawa?" I asked.


"Mi sa wa? Never heard of that ship. wait. I will explain in a minute. Just know that you will be back home soon, okay?" His voice is now much calmer, but there is still distress in it. Probably due to his injuries.


"Okay. But what were those things?"


"Eh....I will explain later. Hold on tight."


"Okay...."  What can I do? There's no way out for me, I just have to wait a while I guess.


"Kakross scout ship launch detected."  The computer sounds distressed, not as monotone as before.


"Crap, we need to leave now. I promise to explain, just stay calm, alright?"


"Yes, sir."  I saluted in the back of this craft, maybe he saw the reflection in the canopy. 

I don't know what military he works for, but I hope he appreciates the gesture. Thank god that he at least speaks Japanese.


"Sir? That is not my name. Ah, never mind, I understand. Here we go, hold on to the seat please."


Then the display in front of me activates as well. Green symbols of the strange language are showing....something to me. It looks like a blue 3d sphere on a 2d screen, but with green and red indicators and symbols all over it.


The ship tilts upwards, into a 45 degree position. I can feel gravity pushing me back in my seat. The engine suddenly comes to live and makes more gets quite loud and I feel that we are increasing in altitude. I feel myself being pressed into the seat even more, but it's not uncomfortable. But where are we going? And how fast? I can't see lights on the ground nor in the sky. The whole area is without power!


Maybe we just flew right over my house? Eh...wait...shouldn't we be leveling off by now? It feels like he's still climbing.


"Eh....pilot....where are you taking me?"


"To my home, for medical treatment. Then I will take you home."


He didn't tell me much more than before. Just tell me where exactly you are taking me! Or is it top-secret? Yeah, probably.


We pass through the clouds and I now finally see the starry night sky. I see commercial planes with their blinking lights in the distance. Then they appear to be flying lower than us. 


Oh my god, he's still climbing! I see more and more blackness of space, we are definitely leaving the atmosphere by now. Just what is this thing we're flying in? Wow...this is so amazing. This is better than a simulator! I am in outer space right now!


They probably use this maneuver to increase to mach 11 and land on the other side of the planet without using much fuel. It is the best way to fly very far, very fast, what? Or not....he is steering away from Earth. Yep, definitely away.


" are going in the wrong direction. Earth is that way."  I pointed down to Earth, not knowing if he can even see my gestures.


"No, we are going exactly where we need to go. I will explain soon. Prepare for extreme acceleration."


"What do you mean......ahhhh!!!!!!!" I just got pushed back into my seat and the stars are no longer white dots but are becoming white lines. 


Then the computer starts speaking something it shouldn't be capable of saying "Ready for hyperjump in 5..4..3..2..1..jumping."  


My mouth is agape, this is science fiction turned science fact! These guys have secretly built space planes! And hyperjumps? Are you kidding me?! Where do I sign up? Are you guys from an international alliance? Or really just Japanese?


A bright red tunnel forms in front of us and the ship flies right into it, making all stars disappear for a few seconds. Then, after another flash, the stars become visible again. Simple stationary stars, the way they were supposed to look: just lots and lots of bright white dots against the infinite blackness of space. But the view outside is anything but normal.


" that Mars?" I can't believe my eyes! In a matter of seconds we arrived at the next planet of our solar system? Forget sending probes to Mars, we can just bring them there!


"If you mean the fourth planet of this system from the star, then yes. We are almost there."


" Kakross scout ship detected. Within weapon's range in 2 minutes." Okay..the computer sounds distressed again. And the pilot's gestures just confirmed that feeling.


"Var rul nach shavi......crappy crap day today."   Some kind of weird remarks are leaving my pilot's lips. What was that about?


"Ehhh....excuse me? What did you just say?"


"Huh? Ah, just ignore. Maybe you noticed a glitch in my ship's built-in translator. That stupid thing won't always do it's job. It mostly doesn't translate when I curse, so sorry. Well...maybe that is a good thing. But anyway, we are being followed by an enemy ship. It must have followed us here, and to make matters worse, I am about to lose consciousness due to my injuries." 


Translator? So he isn't speaking Japanese? Shit! I don't like where this is going!


The pilot then adds "I never intended to take you with me, but that damn thing shot me. I had no choice, you understand, right?"


"Yeah....I think I do. But, is this a real fighter plane?" I'm sure he heard the excitement in my voice, even though we are being followed. Our ship surely is faster, right?


"No, this is a scout ship. A mark5 to be precise, it has.....nevermind that. We might just make it. We are only ten minutes away from my ship and the enemy must be eliminated. They have calculated our trajectory by now and should know the position of my ship. They mustn't  .... ah ... ugh ..... no .... I'm .... sorry ..... ahhhhhhh ..."


The pilot's helmet visibly tilts to the left side, leaning against the canopy. Oh my god! He's unconscious!


What should I do? What CAN I do? This is probably an experimental top-secret military plane and the pilot is now incapable of flying! Mom, sis, I'm sorry, I don't think I will be home for dinner! Ever!


Then things take a turn for the worse as the cockpit lights deactivate, the only illumination coming from the now distant sun.


"Oh no, not again! Someone help me!" But shouting didn't help at all.


Here I am, in total darkness again. Stranded in a real space plane near Mars. Let's face it, this is probably it: my last day alive. But I will at least die in outer space. And I had one hell of a last day on Earth. So all in all, if I have to go, then this might be the best way to go. Just ten more minutes and it's game over for us.


But fate seemed to have another opinion about that.


The cockpit lights came back online one at a time.


"BEEP...reinitialising primary systems. Computer analysis complete. Pilot 1...unconscious. Engaging secondary protocols. Lifeform detected on seat 2. Initializing neuro-scanner. Attempting to acquire data. Compatible pilot found. Japanese language installed as primary system language. Updating controls. Process complete. You are now designated as pilot 2. Enemy craft approaching. Prepare for combat."

You are reading story BEEvolution at

"Ehhh....WHAT?!" What did that thing just babble? How the hell am I supposed to fight them? I can't even....SHIT!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT. Just my luck.


The displays in front of me are now changing into plain Japanese. I can read everything now! 

Even the text on my joystick changed from gibberish to Japanese! 


Can I do this? It's not like I am playing a game, or is it? Then I remembered the relaxation technique mom taught me when I was still a child. When I feel stressed, I can slip into an epilepsy seizure. Nothing too serious, thank god, but it still means that I would lose consciousness too. 


I breathe in and out. Taking slow, deep breaths. Calm down can do this. I am calm, very calm. Good, it seems to be working. Now, what do I see?


My white joystick has three visible buttons. From left to right: "Select - Fire - Turbo." Now that I can read the displays, they look suspiciously like the controls of a retro game I once played. Let me try "Select".. 


The display text blinks once and now shows the text "Primary weapon selected: "Reaper (beam)"

I...I recognize the names from my games. Did this thing just scan my brain for weapons that I would recognize? Cool!


Mmmmm....let's give this a try.

"Computer, what weapon is best suited for the approaching enemy?" 


"The currently selected weapon is optimal. Target will approach in one minute. Recommending to start evasive maneuvers."


"Ah crap. Yes, I'm a sitting duck here. Let's see..."  On my left I see something resembling a thrust slider. A good old fashioned manual slider. Nothing hidden in menus, nope, it is sitting there, ready for action. Ah, the sign also shows "sub-light thrust setting."  Cool, it literally speaks my language. It seems I won't go out without a fight after all!


I push the lever forward and feel the craft accelerating. I play a bit with the controls and see that the ship experiences inertia. So even when I stop the engines, the ship will continue to move. This means that I have to take that into consideration when changing directions. Got it.


Weapons, check. Engine controls, check. Now I need to see the target.

"Computer, show me the target on the display."


"Target is now visible. Still one scout only."  The computer makes it sound as if it is just a mere scout. Nothing for me to worry about. But I AM worried!


A small, blinking red indicator is shown on top of the scale that shows what course my craft is currently following. 


Ah...I think I understand. We are at the center of this sphere-like graphic and the red dot appears to be behind and above me. So that's how it works. Classic attack maneuver.... 

Focus Akari...focus.


A green circle is drawn around my ship on the screen. That could be either the range of the shields or the range of my weapons. Something like that. A text magically appears on the screen "weapons range." The computer must have noticed me staring at it.


"Computer, shields up." Let's see what this baby can do.


"Unable to comply, this scout vessel is not equipped with shields." The computer simply states the facts.


Crap, so no margin for error. Alright, let's do it. Let's try with game tactics 101. 


"Computer, go for maximum thrust and prepare to initiate an emergency brake on my command. Then immediately go to full thrust again."


"Understood. Maximum thrust now. Awaiting your command."


Nice. Now let's wait until this thing gets closer. How did the pilot call them? Kakross? Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Reminds me of cockroaches. Let's show them who they are up against. 


I see the ship approaching the circle, just a bit more....just a bit more...they are probably thinking that we are running for home, without any weapons. They are going to shoot anytime now.

I put my arms in front of my face and prepare for extreme deceleration. 


"Computer! NOW!"




Oh my god. My head almost impacted the screen in front of me, but my arms protected me. 

Then, one second later, we are at full thrust again, pushing me back in my seat. 


"Great, that's got to be a whiplash." I see the red dot ahead of us on the screen and outside the canopy I see a big object just pass in front of us. It's real alright, very big and very real.


A green target box appears on the enemy ship, and I push the "Fire" button. I see my beams hitting their shields. Not fair! They do have shields! 


The enemy ship is moving to my left and tries to reposition itself, but I follow its course by slowly using the exactly feels and handles the way I hope it would. I reduce my speed so I can more easily adjust my course. This is one thing that I have learned, they always brake and want to end up on your six. But not tonight...I'm hungry...irritated...and pissed off!

With quite the effort I can finally get the ship into the green square and continue to fire short bursts. Who knows how much ammo I have left...

BAM!  That was the last of their shields, I set my thrust to 50% as I expected it to make a quick turn....and it did. I reposition and go full thrust by pushing the "Turbo" button on my joystick. Excellent, that gave me a short speed boost. 


FIRE! This time I keep holding the fire-button until I see a bright white flash right in front of me. Oh crap, I.....BAM......debris of the enemy ship hit our ship! That never happened in my games!!!

I set the thrust to zero and then decide to ask for a status report.


"Computer, give me a status report."  Who knows what systems are damaged. Maybe I can't even breathe anymore in a minute or so.


"No targets remaining. Enemy threat neutralized. Warning....long range communication system damaged. Fuel down to 30%. Other systems are fully operational."


Lucky me, could have been worse. Much worse. I take another deep breath....and fold my hands in prayer..."Kami sama....thank you for your help. me get home. I don't know what to do...."


"BEEP - warning - three incoming craft detected. Heading one-five-eight-seven-three."


Waaaa?  Oh no...three of them? I can't handle that!

"Computer, are they enemy craft?"


"Standby. Waiting for optimal sensor resolution....  Negative, friendly ships identified as 3 imperial interceptors. Searching.....translating....origin is the Imperial Vahli Hiveship Huntress."


Huntress? Well, it sounds cool alright. Now what do I do?


"Computer, disable weapons systems."  I don't want them to think that I am a threat.  


"Affirmative. Systems powering down."


"Computer, can I talk to them?"


"Negative, the communications array is damaged. This ship is also under orders to remain radio silence. Attempting to use communication over short-range light systems instead. Please stand by."


After a few seconds the computer continues, "One interceptor is responding to our light signals. They now know of pilot1's condition and of this scout's sustained systems damage. They ask to follow them. What are your orders?"


"Signal them that we will comply. Computer, are you able to follow them and land automatically? I don't think I can do that."


"Checking....scanning.....affirmative. Interceptors will relay our request. Hiveship will use light signals to guide us in. Please confirm that the AI-unit is in control."


"Eh...confirmed. You are in control."


The ship then slowly increases in speed and heads towards wherever we need to go. 


We are in a standard diamond formation now, I am in the middle, with one ship directly in front of me and also one on my immediate left and right. Nice and cozy....but a little too close for my comfort. These guys are no rookies, that's for sure.


We pass the planet Mars at rather high speeds. Where our probes would take forever to pass Mars, I on the other hand see the planet moving on my left as if I were passing a truck on the highway. This thing can go reeaaally fast!

We change our heading, left about 40 degrees, and slowly other ships are coming into view. 

This is truly awesome. Not awesome as in "cool" but as in "awe inspiring." 


One HUGE, and I really mean HUGE ship is holding position behind Mars, not visible from Earth.

Two smaller, but still gigantic ships are holding position near the other ship. I wonder which one is our destination.


I glance at my display and see that the huge center ship is labeled "Huntress,"  and the other two are labeled "Watcher" and "Protector." Those names sound pretty ominous as well. seems we are slowly changing course to the center ship, the Huntress. That must be the hiveship. Or at least that's what I think I heard. The Huntress is rectangular in shape, but it also has two shorter and smaller rectangular shapes on both sides of the ship. 


The vessel's color is a dark yellow color and red markings probably show the ship's name on the hull. 


The ship gives a menacing appearance, due to its size but also the way the red striping is placed. I guess I'm now seeing the front side of the ship. Countless small antennas and things resembling small satellite dishes are spread all over the ship. This thing looks like it just escaped from a sci-fi movie...I!

Two huge antennas with red blinking lights are placed in front of the ship, almost like spears ready to attack an enemy. 


I feel very small compared to that ship. Imagine how many people must be living here. And those things on the sides....are they....oooooh yeah..they are genuine turrets, alright. This beast is not toothless at all!  


The other two vessels are also rectangular in shape, but they don't have the shapes on the sides. They do seem to be made for speed though, more aerodynamically styled, if that makes any sense. 

Their hull color is the same, but they have at least ten times as many turrets compared to the Huntress. If I can apply the size-logic from my games to these ships, then these two would be classified as escorts and the Huntress itself as a battleship. 

I see many smaller craft flying between the ships, probably resupplying the Huntress or something like that. I wonder what language these people speak. A pilot who needs a translator for Japanese is hardly representative of the rest of these folks. Maybe one of these ships is Japanese? Maybe one European-collaborative ship and an American one? 


Who do these people report to on Earth? Do governments even know that they exist?


Could it be a secret alliance kind of thing? Something that costs billions and billions of dollars, but no ordinary human knows that they exist? Some kind of secret government thing? And that other craft from earlier? Were they terrorists? How did they obtain that technology then?

So many questions...


My ship slowly decreases in speed, which will help with the inertia once we can dock.


I guess I will find some answers soon enough as we are now approaching the rear of the main ship, the Huntress. It has four massive engine exhausts and navigation lights are blinking everywhere.

Oh shit, I forgot the pilot in the excitement earlier!


"Pilot! Pilot! Are you awake?" I try to touch the pilot, but I can't do that from my current position. There is literally nothing I can do besides shouting. I hope they can help him, because this landing sequence takes forever. They KNOW that he's injured, so why not bring us in faster? Or perhaps the auto-pilot can't go any faster?


We are now turning left, heading for one of the outer rectangular shapes that are attached to the main ship. Our speed slows down considerably and what seems like hangar doors are opening upwards and downwards in front of me. I am suddenly greeted by a bright light, coming from the interior of the ship, which makes me blink a few times until my eyes adjust. I see green virtual lights and lines projected on the path towards the area ahead, seemingly indicating that we are on the right path. At this point my three escorts are breaking formation and are taking position behind me. 


Our ship is now entering the enormous bay, ever so slowly. 


It now slowly starts descending on one of four...five lanes. These must be some sort of runways where arriving craft can land. It seems that they prepared an emergency landing spot for us. Nobody in their right mind would park a craft right in front of the entrance. Then again, it might just be another day in the office for these people. 


Then I hear the familiar sound of the landing gear extending, followed by a soft thud, like hitting a speed bump. Right...touchdown! 


I see the displays turning off and hear the engine powering down. Without any warning I hear a loud CLICK sound. What is that now? I look up to where the sound came from, and see four metallic crane-like arms coming down from the ceiling. Must be hydraulics to move this ship to the proper place. 

But it seems I was mistaken. I must be careful making assumptions like that. This is definitely no game. The four arms don't pull up the only lock onto the cockpit. The cockpit is moving upwards, leaving the rest of the ship on the bay's floor. 


We are moving up and up, all the way to the ceiling. First slowly, then pretty fast. What are they doing? Hey!! We are going to collide! Then the ceiling opens in a circular fashion, pulling the cockpit further up. The upwards motion now stops and we immediately move sideways for a minute. The speed is slow again, so I take in the sights. There are like hundreds of craft parked here below me. Are they preparing for war or something?


After about a minute in total, the crane finds a nice parking spot for me on some kind of platform and lowers us very slowly. There is no speed bump this time, just a very gentle landing. Is this what these pilots have to go through every time? I pity them already.


"Sha vazal nu riza nival Kvech Tscht Frruhni"  Some kind of noise sounded in the cockpit. Was that their secret language? It sounded like a computer voice, but not the same from before. Weird. Maybe it just glitched?


After a loud CLICK and the sound of the cockpit hydraulics opening the canopy, I am free again. 

I'm not locked into seatbelts, dangerous I know, so I immediately stand up and look around. But there is nobody there? The pilot needs help!


"Hello!!! Is anybody here? The pilot needs medical help!" I shout.


Then I hear someone returning shouts through the cockpit's speakers "yes we know, just a moment, we will help you. We're almost there."


Then I hear a loud beeping coming from outside of the cockpit. I see a..what is that? A golf cart? 

Sure, why not? I have already seen too much today, so why not? Let's just call it a car.


But when the car stops in front of the cockpit.....I release the most terrifying scream any human has ever heard before....because.....those folks are not human at all!
"Ahhhh!!!!!!! Kami sama help me!!!!!!"


My first instinct is to jump out of this cockpit, but I'm too high from the floor, it might kill me. There is no way to I sink back into my seat and make myself as small as I can. 


".....This is it....I'm dead.....those are real aliens......they abducted me! It was all a lie!" I say to myself, feeling terrified, while tears are falling from my eyes.


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