
Chapter 22: Chapter 21: A royal wedding

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[Point of view of Satoshi]

We have just arrived at their ship, the Akagi. Yamada-san, my cameraman, has recorded everything. Us leaving Earth, their communications and seeing their enormous ship! It's even bigger than I had imagined. 


I can't believe this is happening...Queen Akari invited us to her wedding aboard their ship.

How should I proceed? We're hardly prepared for this kind of event.


We just came to a complete stop after carefully landing inside their massive "launch bay," as Akari called it. She has been explaining their ways of doing things until we arrived here. I must say, she's a good host. I wonder how things will go once we disembark this...this transport of theirs.


"Yamada-san, keep rolling. I'll ask for the linkup." He gave me a thumbs-up. It's hard to break routine, because he usually isn't supposed to reply. But this is hardly a normal day.


The door is opening now, and I can still breathe normally. It's quite warm, but not too warm. I follow everyone outside and people seem to just follow Akari. I guess it's proper etiquette to let her lead.


I see Akari's three pilots run away. Maybe Akari has ordered them to do something?


Akari now looks back at us. "Alright everyone. Welcome to the Imperial Vahli Hiveship Akagi. She's our home away from home. Our homeworld is called Vahli Prime, by the way.

Is everybody okay? Nobody is feeling queasy or something?"


Everyone shook their heads, as did I. The ride here was pretty smooth, so no complaints.


I see three of their people approaching us..they have some kind of gun attached to their waist-belts. I bet those are the security people Akari has requested. It makes sense, they probably don't want us to wander off.


"Ah, and don't worry, those are my security staff. They will keep you, me and the ship safe. So don't worry." Akari said with a reassuring smile.


See, as expected.


"Please wait here for a moment, we will soon walk to my throne room. We will also be using cars but I always call them golf carts. They are designed for kindly watch your heads."


Akari sure knows how to make us feel at home, she tries to keep us in good spirits, but she also seems very nervous. I can't blame her, it's her wedding day after all.


We follow Akari while she explains a bit about their society. I can see why she agreed to that reference about bees, because it really does look somewhat like a bee-hive on the inside.  

The corridors have an organic look and feel. Yes, I touched their walls, and they feel soft, but not gooey.


I see Akari's three pilots now joining her, whispering something. I wonder what that's about. 

"Annnnnd...stop here please. Our destination is just a few more steps that way. See those guards? They are preventing unauthorized people from entering my throne room. But all of you are welcome, of course.


A word of caution. May I have your attention please? Haru! You too...yes, good. Inside you will find food and drinks. As a host I would tell you to enjoy and have a good time. 

But I need to remind are aboard an unfamiliar ship. Not Alien, I don't like that word. You will see extremely delicious-looking waffle-like food and cups with liquids.

While they shouldn't harm you, we don't know for sure yet. So please, please try to resist. Everyone heard that? Good, good. What else...ah right. Satoshi, a moment please."


I immediately walk closer to her and the others make way. "Yes, Queen Akari?"


"Please, just Akari. I'm already nervous. Ah, whatever. This is our communications officer. He will help you to hook-up your video signal to a satellite or your news van. I have no idea how that works, so just try and find a solution, alright? Ask Kira if you need more assistance."


"Sure, thank you."


"Nivri, dear, would you please...thanks."  

I see Nivri, her fiance, approach her. He must have wanted to give her some space. 


I whisper to Yamada-san, "are you still.."


He nods..good. We're now recording how they are holding hands. True love.

I whisper my commentary in my microphone, the tech people in the news studio will correct the volume later on. 

"To everyone tuning in to us, we are now on the alien ship, the Akagi, where Queen Akari and her fiance Nivri will have their bonding ceremony, or wedding as we call it on Earth.

We are standing in front of the doors leading to their throne room. It is very exciting to witness this with my own eyes and I will try to share my experiences with the people back home. We are recording this and will hopefully go live in a few moments."

At this point their communications officer approaches me.

"Greetings, I am communications officer Yikri. Queen Akari has requested a signal relay. Are you the one called Satoooshi?"


"Indeed I am. Yikri, I am Satoshi. Nice to meet you."


"Likewise. We have equipment prepared for you. Will you be relaying the signal to an orbiting vessel or to a ground station?"


"At the location where we departed, we have an eh..transmitter waiting for our signal. It will send information back the same way."


"Very good." He takes something like a smartphone out of his pocket and fiddles with it for a moment.


"Good, please activate your equipment and choose the lowest possible output. We will relay and amplify the signal." 


This is getting a bit too technical for me, so Yamada-san takes over. After only a few minutes, Yamada-san confirms that we are ready to go live.


I asked him to quickly send down the recorded video from earlier and tell the editor to just broadcast the footage unedited and that we will go live soon. The camera is now on stand-by, ready to go live.

"Ah...Akari-san.. eh, I mean Akari.."  I forgot she doesn't want the honorifics.


"Yes, Satoshi?"


"We will go live in about 10 minutes, is that okay?"


"Sure, we will enter the throne room now. Nivri and I will freshen up quickly, so....about 10 or 15 minutes is fine."


"Okay, thanks!"


My team and I follow the Queen and her guests into the throne room...and my's huge! There is indeed a throne in the middle of the room, but otherwise it just looks like a modern, comfortable meeting room. There are already about a dozen other people here, they have an air of importance to them. Maybe the captain? I wonder. I hope they hurry, at the news studio in Tokyo, we have to go live! 


"Kurata-san..this is Takishima. We are ready for your live signal. Please confirm." 


I look at my camera man and my sound specialist, they give me the thumbs up. The camera's red light is also on, good, we're ready!


"Tokyo News Center, this is Kurata, we're ready."


"Alright, ready in 5,4,3,....."

I raise my voice a bit, "Ladies and gentlemen, viewers at home. We are now broadcasting live from the Imperial Vahli ship the Akagi. We are here to witness the marriage of Queen Akari and her fiance Nivri. Live on JNN...." 

I heard through my earpiece that they hadn't yet shown the footage we filmed earlier, so they are going to show that now. Perhaps it's for the best, because Akari and Nivri have just left to freshen up, as she told me a few minutes ago.


After showing our recorded footage, which took about ten minutes, we went live again. I was able to review recent events for a few more minutes until I saw both Akari and Nivri entering the throne room again. 


The camera focuses on them when the whole throne room goes silent, so I can't comment for the moment.


Akari is blushing and smiling while holding hands with her fiance, who winks at her.  


Nivri is now wearing a different outfit. Similar to what he wore earlier, but this one has a golden yellow color with three black stripes in the middle. It looks more "fluffy" for lack of a better word. 


Akari is wearing a similar red outfit as before, but also more "fluffy." Perhaps these are clothes for special occasions? I can only guess.


Then I notice that Akari isn't wearing shoes this time, and neither are any of the Vahli. I only now noticed that. Should we remove our shoes as well? I can't possibly ask that. 


She also has a different hairstyle, it suits her, she looks pretty. One small blue flower in her hair must be part of the ceremony. Or perhaps it's just her normal hairstyle when onboard? 

Akari then suddenly walks to me and whispers "Satoshi, are we live?"


I return the whisper, because the room is still very quiet.

"Yes, we are now live. A few billion humans are currently expressing their gratitude to invite them to your wedding through this live transmission."


"Can they understand us? Or do I need to change the translator?"


"One moment....nope, it works perfectly. We hear everything in Japanese."


Akari seems a bit nervous, do I need to help her?


Ah, she looks into the camera and raises her voice, so everybody can hear her. 

"People of Earth, you already know me of course. I am Akari. And I welcome you to my ship, the Akagi. As Satoshi already is my wedding day.

Please join me...and forgive me for being very, very, very nervous."  She gives me a careful smile and looks at me now...okay got it.


"Thank you, Queen Akari," I need to call her Queen onboard her ship. There is no other way, I just have to be respectful. "..we will be quietly filming in the background, please pay no further attention to us."


"Thank you...everyone."  She smiled and then walked away to stop in front of her throne.


Akari takes a deep breath, then addresses one of the important looking people.


She's right, none of them show their teeth, only Akari does. And we all know why, because she just has to, in order to speak.

And they are all rather on the short side, and that fact combined with their fuzzy, fluffy uniforms make them look anything but threatening. They really seem to be nice people.

That person guides Akari and Nivri to some kind of television screen and both now stand in front of it. Akari on the left side, and Nivri to the right of the screen.

They glance at each other, laughing nervously. Akari must feel the pressure, not only from her own people, but from the entire Earth as well. They hold hands again, but only for a few seconds.


Suddenly the television switches on...but a blue screen is shown with some kind of logo and unintelligible text.


The communications officer from earlier runs to Akari, bows and whispers something. Oh god, she seems to be angry!


Her expression is no longer warm and friendly, but polite and serious.


She turns to us and says "sorry can I say it...we are experiencing technical difficulties...please standby while we call maintenance." She laughs for a moment as does everyone else, but I can clearly see that she's not amused.


I look back at Yamada-san, he nods. Good, we're still live. For what's worth, it only shows that these people are just like us. No perfect superbeings...just...people. That is exactly what I whisper in the microphone, so the people at home know what's happening.


She then speaks to her watch.  

"Fuku, connect me to the escort which isn't relaying the signal to the Empress."


"Copy. Working... Escort8941 identified. Channel open."


"This is QUEEN Akari for Escort8941. Please reply."


"Escort8941 for Queen Akari. How can we be of service?"


Akari looks at us in disbelief. Then focuses on her watch again. "Escort8941 you are not relaying the signal to the Empress. I have 3 billion people here waiting to hear the Empress, so...what's wrong?"


"We apologize, Queen Akari. The next ship in our relay was attacked by a Kakross Hive earlier. They had to jump-out but otherwise reported no serious damage. We have a NavScan unit filling the gap. It will reach the relay point in a minute, we had to make sure it was safe first." 


"Escort8941, I understand. Thank you. And...that's excellent thinking."


"Queen Akari. We thank you. Please standby....we're receiving telemetry now. Expect comm lines to open any moment now. Potential risk of black out remains."


"Of course. Order that NavScan unit to be safe."


"Understood. You should now be online." 


"Okay, Akari....OUT."

Akari turns around and sees another smiling Vahli on the television. I guess that's the Empress. The screen sometimes glitches, but considering the distance...there are no complaints here.

The Empress seems to be speaking from their home world as sunlight is entering that room from all sites. Two guards are standing proudly next to her. Their camera then zooms in on her face.


"Our daughter. Queen Akari. We see you have been busy again. We congratulate you on establishing a communication bridge all the way to your...Earth."


Her...daughter? That's..unexpected. Perhaps it's an honorary title?


"My Empress. We are honored to see you." Everyone bows. Should I...okay, we bow as well.

Oh! Akari switches to royal speech. I quickly tell my viewers the same.

"We apologize for not being there in person. We have been right from the Nivri, Nivri, Nivri." The Empress smiles and seems to look at Nivri for a moment.


"To have won her heart must have been difficult. But here you are today...the both of you...bonding. Love happens when you least expect it. And once again has our Celestial Empress reached out to two hearts, bringing them closer."  She waited for a moment, probably to see Akari respond...but she only blushed.


The Empress smiles and continues. "Everyone gathered there, it is both my duty and honor to create their bonding. Please, take your places."


Both Akari and Nivri turn to see each other, just one meter apart, while the Empress watches them in the background.


"Our daughter Akari. Do you vow loyalty to the Celestial Empress, to the Vahli Empress and to your Hive above all else?"


"We do, my Empress."  Akari bowed. I see the Empress waiting for something...  "...And mother."


"Good." She winked at Akari. "And do you vow the same loyalty as well, Nivri?"


"Yes I do, my Empress." He bowed as well.


"Commander...the ribbon please." The Empress said in an authoritative tone.


That person from before now stands before them when the Empress continues. 

"Your offspring shall vow the same loyalty...before their loyalty to you. Do you consent to that?"


"Yes, My Empress." Both Akari and Nivri speak at the same time. Akari is blushing considerably.


The smile on the Empress's face now grows even So that's how they smile? Thank god she doesn't show her teeth...


"Now join hands you two."


They both put their flat hands together, like they are both giving a stop sign. Then their fingers intertwine.


"Commander. Proceed with the red ribbon of sacred bonding."


I see him gently tying the ribbon around their hands, then steps aside.


"A sacred bonding between a Queen and her mate is indeed a rare occurrence. This is your last opportunity to stop the bond. A sacred bond is forever and cannot be broken. Not even by an Empress. Now vow to each other...that your hearts shall only beat for each other."


" heart will only beat for you."


" heart shall only beat for you."


"On behalf of our Celestial Empress, we..Empress of all Vahli...have witnessed the sacred vows and declare the sacred bonding between Queen Akari and Nivri to have been created. As a reminder of your vows, Akari shall from now on wear the Symbol of Unity in her hair. Nivri, you will from now on proudly wear the symbol on your uniform.


Now...let us be the first to say..congratulations!!! And may your offspring be healthy and plentiful!"

Wow..that last part was unexpected. They would never, ever say that here on Earth. I mean, down on Earth.


The newlyweds bow to the Empress and she then disappears from the screen.


We, people from Earth, are applauding, but we seem to be the only ones...the Vahli here are loudly cheering...   So we simply stop clapping and start cheering too.


"And so, ladies and gentlemen, we humans have witnessed the first alien from above our own Earth. We will stop the broadcast now and hope to meet Queen Akari again soon. Alright, Takishima-san, back to you."


"And....we're offline." Yamada-san says.


Wow, this was I wonder if she'll give us the grand tour of the ship while we're here, but I guess not. 

[Back to Akari's perspective]

My god, it really happened, didn't it? I'm now a married woman, a wife. And Nivri is husband. I can't believe it.


The Commander removed the ribbon from our hands and carefully put a little pin in my hair, just above my left ear. It's the symbol of their goddess, or rather Celestial Empress as they call her. 


Nivri receives a pin on his uniform, on his left shoulder. I would rather see it on the front of his uniform, but I only have myself to blame. In order to increase the number of workers in a Hive, I practically introduced most of these customs. In the old days only the Queen or Empress would have offspring. My god, they're children, not offspring! Am I really turning into a Vahli?

After receiving many congratulations and blessings from the people gathered here, I started feeling a bit odd. I don't know what it is, perhaps it's just the stress from recent events. Or maybe I have the Vahli space flu now, for not wearing anything warm at the White House. Oh god, now I'm feeling a bit dizzy.


"Honey, are you alright?" Mom sees that I'm not feeling all too well. 


" dizzy. I think I should see my doctor."


"Aine!" Mom shouts, drawing Aine's attention.


Aine notices the serious look on our faces and quickly runs this way. "Akari, what's wrong?"


Nivri also excuses himself from a conversation and rushes over to me. 


"Aine, I'm feeling dizzy. This isn't normal for me."


"Is it another epi attack?"


"No...this is stomach too. Aine...ugh...I need to see the doc."


I see many people looking at me, they of course don't know what's going on. 

I fake a smile and give Kenji a thumbs up. Hitomi and her husband are speaking to Satoshi, so they haven't even noticed yet.


"Akari, come...take my hand." Aine said.


"Can we join you?" Mom asked, also putting her hand on Nivri's shoulder to include him.


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"Yeah..just get me....oh god...stop moving already!" The room is spinning in front of my eyes.

If this continues, it might very well end in an epilepsy seizure. I close my eyes and let Aine guide me. As strange as it sounds, this seems to work, I just have to keep my eyelids shut.


"Ah!" Did I fall down? No, I peek...bad idea....but I know at least what happened now. Nivri is princess-carrying me to the medical bay, the sweetheart.


Nivri almost ran us to the medical bay, so we arrived only a few minutes later. Thank god I made sure that I always have one nearby. In the original design for a Hiveship, the nearest medical bay would be a bit further away, but due to my seizures and using my authority as a Queen..I was able to have this one close to the throne room. My personal alcove is also nearby, but I don't want to sleep, I need

Aine helps me sit on a biobed and then calls for a doctor. I open my eyes for a second and don't recognize this one. How many doctors do we have onboard this ship? Whatever, I just hope she's not too young.


"My Queen, what happened?" The doctor approached me quickly and spoke loudly.


"Ugh...." I just massaged my stomach area.


Aine then helps me.  "She says she's experiencing dizziness and her stomach seems to hurt as well.

We ate Earth food earlier might be related."


"I see. One moment please." 


I suddenly feel a strong hand on my back. It's Nivri who gives me a supporting smile while massaging my back for a few seconds. Yep, I made the right choice with him. But...ugh....this feeling.


"Open your eyes please." The doctor politely demands.


"The's spinning."


"Alright, close them for now. I have scanned your stomach area and can rule out food poisoning."


"Then what IS wrong with her, doctor?" Mom can't wait for the doc to hurry up.


"Her brain is showing minimal signs of misfiring neurons, but they are already returning to normal. Ah? Ahhh......I see what's wrong. My apologies, my scanner only now picked this up. Don't be alarmed, I will give you an injection of Interfedosyn Dactiprex in your neck."  


"Eh...what?" I hear my mom say. I would have said the same thing, but I'm about to throw up.


"Please ignore that," the doctor says with her calm and friendly voice. She then injected me with my neck. And thank god that didn't hurt at all. 


"It will make you feel better in a moment. Please tell me when you feel better, I will then explain what has happened."




Nobody said a word for a minute, until I finally dared to open my eyes. The room wasn't spinning anymore. "I feel better already, doctor. The dizziness is gone. The need to throw up is almost gone. Thanks, that really worked."


"Ha ha. Of course it did. My Queen, as this is a private matter, I'm not sure if you would want to share this with these people?"


"Yes, they All of them." I could see them smile after these words.


"My Queen, I have only quickly glanced through your records. I noticed an entry from the medical team on Vahli Prime? You just had your Gadobegron ritual, yes?"


"Eh..the translator must be failing.. The...what now?"


"Oh, you don't speak...nevermind that now. It is the coming of age ritual where your teeth..."


I interrupted her. "Yes, yes, that happened recently. I don't know, a few weeks ago? I can't really remember anymore. Too much has happened lately."


"And that explains exactly your condition. Listen please. Judging by your recent coming of age, you are still a very young Queen." 


Eh no, I'm actually much older than you, but let's not interrupt her... 


"This feeling you are experiencing is another...sort of first time could say. It is the Omestrel.   Ah... judging by that expression you don't understand that either. It means, my Queen, that you are carrying new life for the very first time."


"Oh. this is like morning sickness or something?" Mom said.


"No, it has nothing to do with the time of the day. It's still a bit early to be precise, but it means her body needs to adjust to make room for those 15 eggs she's carrying." The doctor said matter of factly.


"WHAT????"  Mom said. Yeah, she's not a big help at the moment.


Aine is hugging me. "My little one, congratulations on your bonding. AND on carrying your first batch. I'm very proud of you. I will be here to help you, everything is perfectly normal."


Aine really knows how to help me relax. It's just that she went into mommy-mode again that is a bit weird for my mom I'm afraid.


"Indeed, as she just said. You are in perfect health, my Queen. But as a doctor I recommend that you take plenty of rest, eat lots of nourishment and don't leave this Hive for the next 7 or 8 days. I would like to monitor your health."


"Did...did you say...DAYS?" Mom said.


"Yes, I can understand your reaction. It is indeed long. You see, her first batch always takes longer. But after this batch, she will lay her eggs within three days after each mating."


I put my hands in front of my face....I must be about to explode now. How can she be so direct? I'm no animal !!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!


I peep through my fingers and see the astonished look on my mom's face. See, I knew it!


She only says "oh...I see. Thank you, doctor, for explaining."


"My pleasure. It is always wonderful to see new life being created. My Queen, might I be your personal doctor? I would like to monitor the health of your little ones."


I nodded, still keeping my face hidden. 


Then, after a few moments, I looked at the doctor and just had to ask this. 

"Doc, please tell me. Are there more on the way now? I mean, fifteen is more than enough already!"


"Well...that's not up to me. You decide if you wish to create more. It is not my place to tell a Queen when she must mate."


"Oh my god.." mom is blushing too. 


Nivri is just buddy....I'm going to wipe that smile off of your face. Fifteen kids is plenty!


Mom tried to help me relax. "Akari, sweetie. Is this a normal day in your life nowadays?"


"Eh..sure mom. Fighting aliens, traveling all over the world in half an hour. Giving a press conference. Getting married. Learning that I'm pregnant with 15 at once. Yep, just an average day. Duh, of course not mom!!!"


"Akari...I was just trying to cheer you up. Doctor, can she leave this...medical"


"Of course. My Queen, I would like to see you here every day for a quick scan. It is your first batch, after that you won't need my attention anymore."


Oh my god. Really?  "Eh..sure doc. Once a day it is."


"Good, then you may leave. And thank you for walking here. Carrying the equipment to the throne room would have taken me much longer."


"Ah, right. Thanks doc."

I was able to walk back to the throne room without any issues. Finding my guests and talking to them like nothing had happened was more of a challenge though.


I walked over to Satoshi while Nivri kept close to me wherever I went. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, like I had done a while ago. He learns quickly, my Nivri. It put a smile back on my face.

Also that he occasionally holds my hand, might have something to do with that.


"Queen Akari, is everything alright?" Satoshi asked.


"Yes, Satoshi, I just felt dizzy for a moment. I thought I might have an epilepsy seizure, but it's all good now."


"Ah, thank heavens for that. On behalf of Earth, and of course my team here, I would like to offer my congratulations to you two. We are very grateful for being here. Thank you!"


"Ha ha's our pleasure. I will talk to major Kenji in a moment and then you and everyone else from Earth will be returned to Misawa."


"Good to know."


"Oh, and sorry for not being able to offer you anything to eat or drink." I gave him a quick bow to show him that I was sincere. 


"Oh no, Akari. We are the ones standing here empty handed. A wedding without a gift."


"Then...let's call it even, ha ha ha. Enjoy yourselves. Maybe talk with my Commander or the General over there. They are nice people. Until next time!"


I already turned around, heading for Kenji when I heard Satoshi say "Thank you, and we look forward to your next interview!"


I only waved to him to acknowledge that.




That wonderful exclamation came from Hitomi. She immediately put her hand in front of her mouth when she noticed my death glare. Mom then pulled her away, closer to the window looking out into space.

"Major Kenji...I humbly apologize for not seeing you sooner."


"So it's Major Kenji now? In that Queen has been an honor."


"Ah ha ha.. Sorry Kenji, this is just one heck of a strange day."


He then congratulated me and Nivri.


"Yeah, and a long one too. Just one question Akari....that plant there...did it just..move?"


I scanned the room and only now noticed that plant. I guess someone has added them to the throne room for this ceremony? A pity there are no Jujus....Focus Akari..focus! 


"Oh that one?'s a bit strange. It can't walk though, if that's what you meant. Those make a liquid that we like. Think lemon juice, but....very different. Maybe one day..."


" day. Say, Akari. My commanding officer will be expecting me back home today. May I ask when you will send us back to Misawa?"


"Oh, I forgot. I just told Satoshi, but..ehehehe....forgot to tell you. You guys will leave soon. I already gave the command. It's just that I won't be joining you this next time then?"


"Of course, Akari. You know where I work."


"Of course. And Kenji...thank you for your hospitality. It's been nice."


"My pleasure. is it again, a message from my government. We thank you for visiting Japan and hope you will consider Japan as a future business partner."


"Eh, Kenji. You sound like an answering machine. And didn't you already tell me that?"


"Sure did. Don't ask me, I only follow orders. They really want you to visit them soon. Can I tell them you are interested at least? That will get them off my back."


"Ha ha ha, sure. Tell them that her royal majesty Queen Akari of the Imperial Hiveship Akagi is looking forward to opening trade negotiations as soon as her Empress gives the green light."


" think I can remember that."


"Bye for now Kenji."  We bowed to each other while smiling.

Just when I wanted to approach Hitomi and complain about her outburst, Satoshi approached me again. "Excuse me please, Queen Akari?"


"Yes, Satoshi? What's wrong?"


"Nothing, nothing! I just received word from know...we have that uplink thing still going? 

Anyway, your talk in Washington and our interview earlier seem to have quite the effect. 

The videos are going viral! People seem to believe now...believe that you are real. Many comments said that they are happy to see that you are just like them.....only human. I hope that wasn't insulting?"


"Insulting? No! It's excellent! Thank you Satoshi, you really helped me bring that message to the people. And I really want to show them who we really are!"  I'm not stupid, I see the cameraman's equippment blinking with red LEDs. They're still recording.


"It really calms people down. Global unrest is now subsiding. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Goodbye, Akari."


"Very good to know. Okay then...bye!"

Hitomi walks up to me and tries to change the topic. "What was that about?"


"Nothing too interesting. Just that people on Earth liked the interview. But big to explain why you had that outburst earlier?"


"Eh....eheheehehe.....I'm sorry. As a big sister I was just surprised that you were pregnant as well. god...fifteen. Doesn't that hurt?"


"It does, actually. But that seems to be normal for the first time."


" want to..."

"Noooo! My god Hitomi! That's not what I meant! Now please drop the matter. You guys will be leaving for Earth soon, so let's just talk, okay?"


"Eh.....sure. Your wedding was...interesting, though."


I rolled my eyes. "I think I'm going to talk to mom, you are a bit weird today."


"Huh? I'M weird today? Tell me, Akari....what's normal around you these days?"


"Hitomi......please. It's already difficult enough."


"Akari....I....c'mon. I didn't mean it like that."


"I know. And I'm not mad or anything. It's just that so much has happened lately. I still don't even know if I'm really Akari."


Hitomi then hugged me. "Akari....don't say that. We just....I just...need to get used to this. Yesterday I thought you were dead. And now we're already having arguments like we always had. Trust're still my little sister."


"Awww.....thanks.  We will see each other again. Just don't know when. It depends on my Empress."


She released the embrace.  

"Go, talk to mom. Just promise to see us soon." 


"I promise." I winked at her.

Mom was all smiles when I approached her. She has a tear rolling down her left cheek.

"Honey, it's good to see you and Hitomi together again. I really missed that."


I hugged mom. " have absolutely no idea how much I missed you guys."


"Akari, I know you have great responsibilities. But sometimes, just let it go. Just be Akari, alright?"


"<Sniff> Yes, mom. This is goodbye for now. You will be going back soon and I don't know what my Empress will decide. But as soon as I can....I will visit you. I promise."


"Alright then, I will hold you to that promise. Now give your mother another hug. And I want pictures of those 15."



We then hugged and we said our goodbyes for now.




I waved at my friends who left the throne room for their transport ship. I kept staring outside the window, hoping to see them leave, but I guess I must have missed them when Aine talked to me for a moment. 

So...this is it. I'm almost alone in the throne room now. Just Aine, a few guards and me.

It's so quiet now. Well, my goal was to get back to Earth...but now what?


I can't quit and live on Earth like nothing has happened. No...I'll have to talk to the Empress and see what's up next. But not today. It has been a looooong day.


I saw Nivri returning, he was kind enough to guide my friends to their transport. Kira will handle the communications for now, so it should all work out nice. We still have to work on the callsigns etc.

But no...not now.

"My love...are you feeling better?" Nivri takes my hand.


"Yes, Nivri. I'm happy that all worked out. And happy....that we are together now. Oh, that's right...Aine?"


"Yes, Akari?"


"Would you your own personal alcove from now on?"


" But I don't need a personal alcove. I can sleep with the other workers."


"Aine...please. You are my friend....and a mom.  And even if people didn't know that, then you're still a royal retainer. How could I possibly do that... No no no. I really want need you to be close."


"Thank you. That is very kind of you. Now, when will you continue your language lessons?"


I gave her my death glare.


"Ha ha ha, sorry Akari. You were so serious."


"<Sigh> it seems we were mistaken. Perhaps..we should order you to the nursery?"


Aine bowed deep "that won't be necessary my Queen." 

She carefully glanced upwards to check my expression....then we all just had to laugh at how silly our humor had become.


Nivri and I decided to call it a day and said our goodbyes. Then we slowly walked to our own personal alcove. His warm hand was firmly holding mine.


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