
Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Alliances

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Another week has passed since Kira and I visited Japan to meet a government representative. 


Kenji signaled us once by using a satellite and we indeed were able to make a phone call from the comforts of our throne room, without disrupting local air traffic control. I guess they are still pissed with my previous landing.


The funny thing is that he called during our night. I can only assume that Vahli days are a bit shorter than Earth days, otherwise we would call each other around the same time. 


Kenji told me that the Japanese Government had already agreed to the alliance. They agreed on the non-aggression pact and they acknowledged the Kakross and Vahli as independent races. They agreed that this was a partnership of equals and that Japan would try to offer a fair value for any resource shared with them. They added that the agreement has been ratified and the text will be shared with all other nations, allowing them to join as well.


Imagine my surprise when I heard that they had already agreed. Usually this takes forever, or even longer. Perhaps the threat of us leaving them alone, unprotected against other aliens sped up the decision making process. Or maybe they are just looking forward to getting their hands on our technology. Was my offer really that enticing? Or did they feel like I put a knife at their throats?

I mean, diplomacy is not one of my strengths when I think back to when I lost my temper down there.


Anyway, no matter how you think about it, it still really is very fast. Those poor politicians must have talked and talked and talked about it through many nights. I almost feel sorry for them.



As expected, multiple nations have reacted strongly that Japan has been conducting secret negotiations. "Secret" is only relative, I never intended to keep it a secret. But happened.....we received a formal protest.


Kenji relayed the formal protest of the United States to us....the Vahli.

Well...we can't have that, so I have requested an urgent audience with the President.


It took about an hour for me to get an answer from the White House. This time a formal meeting request between myself and Madam President has been confirmed. 


I needed to wait a few more hours, though due to the time difference, so I just relaxed by visiting the Nursery...because it's finally time!


Nivri, my husband and now also head of security, joined me in the Nursery to meet our fifteen newly hatched children.


I will spare you the many cuddles and "awww" remarks. Suffice to say that I love them all and fed them. Oh, and all of them are nurses.....don't ask me why! I need to ask the Empress how she manages to.....or maybe not.


For now, the nursing staff will take care of my little ones. The duties of a Queen never seem to end, because sometime late in the afternoon I received word that the President was ready to see me. 

It's early morning there, but I guess this won't take too long anyway. 

[ Meeting Madam President ]

I invited Miwa to join me so she could finally see something else for a change. Not leaving your Hive must be incredibly boring and even frustrating. She happily agreed and will fly with Chiri. I will fly with Kira again in my personal interceptor.

We are currently descending near the continental United States on the East coast.

We have made some progress recently, by converting Vahli speed indicators into miles and kilometers per hour and even knots. Altitudes should also be translated properly now. As for the heading coordinates, Fuku will translate them in real time based on our position, just like an actual GPS.


Our interceptors should now also be able to handle the transponder signals a bit better than last time. The signal strength wasn't that strong then, so today we should be quite visible on their radar screens. Let's see how things go today.


Oh, and before I forget, I received some basic instructions from Misawa on communications...emphasizing basics. I discussed them with Kira and her team, so hopefully we can show some improvements now. But I really need to get my hands on a proper manual, not a summary.

"Kira, level us off please. Okay, and now activate the transponder."


"Yes, Akari, it's now online."


We are now transmitting a signal to nearby radar stations. You have no idea how complicated those things are. It all looked so simple when I played those games...but my technicians were able to figure them out anyway.

And then, while still flying above the ocean, heading for Washington, we received a communication.


"Center for unidentified crafts squawking 0151 and 0152, requesting ident."


Center is the wide area air traffic controller, they can see us approaching from far away. 

I just made up those IDs, we don't use them normally in Vahli craft. 


"Center, this is Vahli craft Alpha-Kilo-1 squawking 0151 and Alpha-Kilo-2 squawking 0152. Request only comms to Alpha-Kilo-1. Alpha-Kilo-2 will copy."


"Vahli craft, Center, understood, we have your filed flight plan."


"Center, AK1, copy. Please find us a nice safe spot to land."


"AK1, Center. By Presidential Order, you will be guided to Washington Dulles International Airport by the Air Force momentarily."


"Center, AK1, Wilco, requesting vector."


"AK1, Center. Reduce speed to three-zero-zero knots. Turn left heading 270 and descend to 6000 feet."


"Center, AK1, understood. Reducing to 300, turning left heading 270, descending to 6000."


"AK1, Center. Contact Dulles Approach on 220 decimal 1. Beware traffic. Good day."


"Center, AK1, 220.1 copy that. Good day."


"Fuku, switch to 220.1"




"....peat. AK1 contact Dulles Approach on 220.1."


"Dulles Approach, AK1, requesting instructions for vertical landing."


"AK1, Dulles Approach. Copy vertical landing. Slow to two-two-zero knots. Traffic has been cleared."


"Dulles Approach, AK1, 220 knots, cleared traffic, copy."


"AK1, Dulles Approach. Expect approach handover to Air Force Blue3, guidance to runway 37 right."


"Dulles Approach, AK1, copy approach handover to Air Force Blue3. Good day."

Well, things are going better already...not perfect...but it at least feels better. 

Kira just sneezed, I don't hope that's a bad omen.

"AK1, Blue3, squawking 0201, taking over comms from Dulles Approach."


"Blue3, AK1, confirming comms handoff to you. Requesting instructions."


"AK1, Blue3 confirm radar contact, three fighters on your six." 


"Blue3, AK1, confirming. We have radar contact." I don't know if we have radar, but I can see the blip on my screen, so we're cool.


"AK1, Blue3, slow to two-zero-zero, down to 3000, then follow us in."


"Blue3, AK1, copy. slow to 200, down to 3000. Following your lead."

We then followed Blue3 all the way to Dulles International airport. The fighters are here to stay apparently.

Kira, Chiri, Miwa and I are now waiting near our interceptors for someone to pick us up. Maybe I should have asked Ghan to accompany me this time, he's a pilot too, so he must be itching to fly. Maybe next time.


It's pretty chilly here, but at least it's not raining. Nothing our coats can't handle. A bit of fresh air is always welcome, unless we have to wait for hours.


Nobody walked over to us for a while, so I wanted to say "hi" to one of the American pilots who guided us here. They are waiting for a ladder car so they can properly exit their planes.


Our interceptors' canopies are closed and my friends decided to just follow me. I can hardly blame them, because just standing here is quite boring.

"Good day! Thanks for guiding us in," I said in a cheerful voice.


"Queen Akari, nice to meet you in person. Welcome to Dullas international." The pilot is a young woman. 


She waved to us while still sitting in her fighter. It's another F35, I guess the F16s and F18s are out of service by now.


"Will you guys be waiting here for our return? Because that will take a few hours at least."


"Yep, that's the plan, but we don't mind. The presidential staff took care of everything. We're actually looking forward to relaxing in the lounge. They reserved one, just for us today." 


"Excellent! Can I ask you a silly question? You see, seeing a F35 in person is!" 


"Ha ha ha, sure, anything. You're originally from Japan, I heard. Don't they have these babies there?"


"Sure we do, but as a civilian you can't get anywhere near them."


"I can imagine that. Shoot." 


"Do those have VTOL capabilities already?" 


"Nope, these are the F35-A still, only the Navy uses the F35s with VTOL."


"Pity, I saw one of those in a carrier test landing. Quite impressive."


"They sure are. Anything else?" 


"Well yes.. did we improve? I mean our communication with Air Traffic Control (ATC) and such. We only recently updated one of our interceptors to be compatible to Earth's terms. You know, knots, miles, heading and such."


"I don't know if you improved or not, this was my first comm with a Vahli ship. Did you reply to my comms?" 


"Yes..that was me..So what's the verdict? Did I suck at it again?"

I spent many hours listening to Misawa's ATC frequencies, trying to learn Earth's terms and procedures. Their summary sucked and I can't listen to the communications all day long.


"Ha ha ha. There is still plenty of room for improvement, but in general, you definitely didn't suck. Pardon my language. We were able to coordinate the landing pretty well."


"Alright...and thanks...for being nice. Any idea how we can improve with that? We don't have the internet up there."


"Ah ha ha, sure of course. I can ask my instructor for a manual. But it is mainly military protocol."


"No problem. Honestly, I would prefer those. We even have a compatible transponder now. Ah..and don't worry about the clearance...I'll be seeing the President today."


"I'm sure that they will make an exception for Queen Akari. And it would benefit both our communications as well."


"I'm happy you see my point. Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Tell your commanding officer the Vahli are most pleased with your assistance."


"Yes, ma'am!"

I saluted her, Earth style,  and spotted a black limousine approaching us. Two US flags are proudly adorning the front of the car, gently moving in the wind.


I guess they are allowed to drive here? Police motor vehicles were escorting them, two on the front and two at the end. I guess the President wants to make an impression....and she has.


"What is that thing?" Miwa whispers.


"It's a limousine. This one is exclusively for important people. I guess that's us today. They will drive us to the President. Maybe even The White House. But I'll ask in a minute."




"Of course, Miwa, I would never allow it otherwise. Please..time for us to act as proper Queens. Except for the royal speech...that doesn't really work well on this planet."

I noticed that Chiri had some difficulties with that last part.


"Yes, mother." Miwa nodded.


"Chiri..does it upset you when I don't use royal speech here?"


"No, Akari. But I think we should still refer to you as Queen."


"Alright, point taken. But that's as far as I'm willing to go. Mmmm....something tells me there is more, Chiri."


"Yes, my Queen. It is the fact that two Queens are being moved together in that thing. I don't think that is a good idea."


" really do have a point. Something might happen and two Queens and their best friends would be lost forever. Relax! Please trust me...I know these people."


"Yes, Queen Akari."


Somehow that didn't convince me.

The car, because a limousine is in the end just a needlessly expensive car, is now stopping in front of us.


An older gentleman steps out of the passenger part of the car. He carries the smile of a politician.....a big smile, perhaps hiding numerous secrets. I instantly don't trust him.


I cross my fingers behind my back, to clearly show my people the signal for "be careful." It is one of several signs we agreed on, to non-verbally ensure our safety.

Chiri fakes a cough to indicate "message understood." Well...stupid I know, but it works.


"Queen Akari, I'm the Secretary of State, Jonah Wall. I offer you my sincere apologies for having such important guests wait." 


I was preparing to bow, but then realized that a handshake is common practice here.

We already shook hands before I could introduce myself.


"Forgive me for not knowing how to address you properly, mister Wall. I am Queen Akari, representing the Vahli interests on behalf of my Empress."


"It is an honor to meet you. Please just call me Jonah, it makes things easier, don't you agree?"


I gave a thumbs up behind my back, this guy's safe. But no expected.

He must have watched the interview I gave in Japan and knows that I don't like honorifics. Smart guy.


"I agree. But our protocol demands that we are addressed by our titles in these kinds of situations. Even though I personally dislike that level of politeness. I apologize for this." 

I looked at Chiri for a moment. I guess she feels guilty now, but she's right, I need to start acting like a proper Queen.


"No need, I understand. And your companions?"


"Mr. Jonah, these are Queen Miwa, pilot Kira and pilot Chiri. They are also my dear friends." 


None of my friends experienced a handshake before. Oh, maybe Kira did already.


"Eh.." Miwa stared at Jonah's hand.


I had to intervene to prevent an awkward situation from developing.

"Queen Miwa, this is a customary greeting in this region of Earth, unlike in Japan. Just extend your right arm."  I noticed Jonah smiling and patiently waiting. 

"Yes, now gently touch hands....yep..perfect, Miwa! Sorry, Mr. Jonah, I didn't prepare for this."


"No problem, it's all part of the job." He then shook hands with the others, who already learned by watching Miwa's handshake with astonishment.


"Alright, now that the introductions are over, let me add one more thing. The President has entrusted me to accompany you today. It is also part of the Department of State's new duties...extraterrestrial duties." 


"Of course. And sorry for making your life even more complicated, Jonah."


"Ha ha ha, I believe the same applies to you, Queen Akari."


"Ha ha ha." I scratched my head. "I guess you are right there. But I'm happy to visit Earth."


"Very good, then if you will, please enter our limousine."


He opened the door for us and my friends copied my actions.


"Oh! It's rather spacious here!" Miwa exclaims.

I'm afraid I need to put a brake on her enthusiasm soon, but we are still safe. Jonah doesn't seem to mind. I was wrong about him, his smile is an honest one.

It's nice to see a man of that position standing firmly with both feet on the ground. Not arrogant at all. It was something I dreaded, but he's good.


The driver started the car while Jonah chatted with us. Miwa and the others are taking in the scenery. Just wait until we leave the airport.


"Don't we need to use the seatbelts?" I asked.


"No, you don't. Well, you can of course, but let's call this ride an exception. Mark is a well-experienced driver, so don't worry."


"Okay, good to know. I didn't expect anything else, honestly. Can the driver hear us?"


"No, this section has a privacy shield. Our conversation is private. But we can talk to him using that button."


"May I?"


"Of course?" He seems surprised.


I push the button and keep holding it. I assume this is how it works.

"Mr Mark, this is Queen Akari. Thank you for driving us today."


"It is an honor, Queen Akari. Is there anything I can do for you?"


"Yes please, where are you taking us?"


"I believe Mr Wall is more qualified to answer that."


"It's alright Mark, you can just tell her." Jonah said.


"Our destination is a secure conference room close to the White House."


"Alright Mark, thank you very much," I said, making sure to sound polite.


"My pleasure, Queen Akari."


I released the button.


"Jonah, so we are not going to the White House?"


"No, her security staff advised against this. This is not a location we frequently use, so we don't expect any protesters."


"Protesters? I thought they stopped protesting when I arrived here last time."


"They did, you can probably not participating in the treaty talks, caused quite the ruckus."


" people know?"


"Oh yes. Japan shared the contents of the treaty they signed with you."


"I see. But to be precise, and I mean no disrespect, it is an alliance. And it is open to other countries as well. Including the US. And more importantly, nothing has been signed yet."


"Point taken. But if you don't mind, let's include the President in this topic."


"Of course Jonah, you are right of course. I meant no offense."


"Non taken."


Silence prevailed for the next five minutes. We moved quickly through traffic due to the police escort.


"Mother! What is that?" Miwa suddenly exclaimed.


I quickly try to find what she's pointing at.
"What do you mean, Miwa?"


"There, in the sky!"


"Ohh.that? It's just a rainbow."




"Yes, it's a natural phenomenon here. You can see it when the light of the star shines through rain."


"Ohh.....pretty though!"


"It sure is. But Miwa?"


"Yes, mother?"


"And this applies to you two as well. We will be visiting this nation' could say...Empress. So when we meet her, please show her the utmost respect. Perhaps we can see more of this beautiful country soon."  I glanced at Jonah....just trying to sound polite here.


They all nodded.


"It sure is. Maybe we can meet again next time for that?"


"Absolutely. And we would gladly return the favor and personally show you our Hives in orbit."


"I'm looking forward to that."


"So are we." Just enough diplomacy and politeness to keep underlining how much we want that alliance with all countries.


"Queen Akari, may I ask a personal question?" Jonah asked.


"Sure, shoot."  Oops, I need to focus on a bit more polite speech.


He smiles, then replies "Queen Miwa refers to you as Mother. Is that a title?"


"No, it means I'm her mom. It's a long, but good story, isn't it Miwa?"


"Yes, mother."  


Good, she understands. No unnecessary talk.


"I see a question burning in your eyes, Jonah. If I told you that we Vahli grow up incredibly fast compared to humans...would that satisfy your question?"


"Really? Of course, consider it fully answered."


"Thank you very much for understanding." 


I don't feel like telling him that Miwa is adopted. Well, more or less, because it's not official. But in the end, she's just my daughter. Ow...I guess I have 16 of those now...


Another five minutes and we seem to have arrived at the conference's location.

The car stops at a checkpoint and a large, white fence opens from the middle and slowly moves to both sides.


"I see you noticed those armed guards. They are only here for our protection, please don't worry about those."


"A wise precaution. I would have ordered the same."


"Glad we agree. Now please follow me inside. The President will be joining us soon."

Mark opened one door and Jonah opened the other, so it soon became chilly in the car. We quickly exited the car and followed Jonah inside.

This is no ordinary conference location. The building almost looks like a small castle, with many small windows. Each window has old-fashioned looking wooden shutters, but all of them are open.

Short, perfectly cut green grass and I guess those are rose bushes. But it's not the season for flowers, so it's just a nice green everywhere. 


"Mr Wall, good morning." Someone greeted us at the door. Let's not ask.


Oh right, it's still morning here. I plan to leave here in a few hours, as it's late in the afternoon "Vahli time." 


Luckily there's no major jet lag for us, because we can travel pretty fast all over the world. Just a bit of inconvenience, nothing more.


"Good morning Greg, it's been a while. These are our VIPs."


"Of course, good morning. Please, please, by all means proceed."  

He motions us to continue.


"Good morning and thank you."  


We followed Jonah to the conference room...which more resembles a ball room. It's....HUGE...


A medium sized, long table stands in the middle. It seems that they expect.....about a dozen people here, judging by the number of seats. 


My friends and I sat down next to each other, as Jonah requested. The President will be my "opponent" and will be seated in front of me.


Tea and coffee is served while we wait for the President to arrive. Jonah is trying to keep the conversation going and we're actually having a good time.


Kira and Chiri are happily chatting about their duties but Miwa is a bit cautious. She's still new at this, but it is the perfect learning opportunity for her.

I can't believe I'm saying this. About two years ago, I was more like her. And now look at me...about to talk to the President!

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, the President finally arrived.

"...and tell them to wait for next week's meeting."


"Yes, madam President."


She sounds extremely busy.


I already stood up and motioned everyone to do the same when Jonah said "The President has arrived."  


I smile towards the door and see the first glimpse of her. Yep, same one as the previous time, when I landed in front of the White House.


With a loud voice she says, while checking her watch, "good afternoon, no it's still morning. Good morning everybody. I am Linda Rogers, President of the United States. I hope that Jonah has taken good care of you?"


So it's already almost noon here. I thought it was early in the morning. I really need to get a cellphone myself. It shouldn't be too hard to get the different time zones on them.


"Good care? No, madam President." I said with a smile.


Her warm smile disappeared, her expression became serious. 

But I quickly added "It was EXCELLENT care, madam President." 


"Oh my god, you scared me there. Glad to see you have a great sense of humor, Queen Akari. Nice to see you again."


"Likewise. And again my sincere apologies for leaving you soon that day. May I introduce my friends to you?" 


I then introduced Kira, Chiri, and Miwa to her. Then we all sat down. I guess.....nobody else will visit? Just the eh.. 6 of us? Okay, why not?


"You seem surprised, Queen Akari."


"Yes, Madam President. I expected more people."


"Ah...nope, just extra plates in case you arrived with more people."


"Ahhh, so that's why. Alrighty then, by all means, if you wish to start the formalities, then please do."


"Very good, straight to the point, we can do that." She smiled at me.


"Well, please let me explain. It's just that it's about noon here, but our ship's time is early in the evening. So we rather start while we are a good shape." I tried to show an apologetic expression.


"Ooh! Of course, I hadn't considered that. Good, then let's start. I will start with a few questions and then we'll see how things progress, alright?"


"Perfect, that's my preferred approach."


"Good...the alliance. Let me be frank. We, the United States, filed a protest with you, Queen Akari, for not inviting other nations to the initial talks.


I know the Japanese claim that other countries may join...but it still tastes a bit sour. You see, we would want to properly negotiate, and not just have a single option: to sign or not to sign. Do you see my point of view?"


"Of course I see your point. But allow me to be frank as well. Nobody, I repeat nobody puts a knife to your throat. The Japanese have so far ONLY agreed on a mutual non-aggression pact with the Vahli and the Kakross. Meaning everyone will respect each other's sovereignty."


I noticed the President wanted to speak, but I raised my hand..."Excuse me, I haven't finished yet. Secondly, they have ALSO acknowledged the equality of all three worlds in this alliance. 

And finally, they were open to future trade deals, like energy, medicine and technology. But WITHOUT ANY commitment at this point."


"I see. recap...and correct me when I'm wrong. The Japanese haven't agreed on any trade deals between the other nations?"


"Not nations...worlds. But for the Japanese, yes, their nation."


"Of course. But they haven't yet committed to any specific deals?" 


"You understand perfectly."


"I see. Are negotiations still open then?"


"Of course. We are trying to form an alliance which should benefit all involved parties."


"Then kindly understand that we withdraw our objections. I guess things were lost in translation, hence this meeting."


"Noted and confirmed as withdrawn." I gave her a warm smile.


"Very generous of you. But what about the other two worlds...I don't remember their names."


"It's easier to simply refer to them as the Vahli and Kakross for the moment." I tried to be helpful.


"Which one of those attacked us again?" The President looked at Jonah.


"Excuse me?!...My people take offense to your question." I said, looking at the President.


"Oh my god, please Queen Akari, I didn't mean that. For god's sake, Jonah, help me out here."


"She just meant..."


I stood up, looked at Miwa and then at the President, while raising my hand to Jonah. 


Miwa looked miffed.


"I know what she meant. Let's call error in translation. An error I might have made in your place as well. And I do apologize for my outburst. But please....please understand that this is a very sensitive topic for my people. Let us continue."


I need to speak like this to remind her what's at stake here. And I also want to get past the chit chat. 


"Yes, Queen Akari, and thank you."


I sat down again and said in a friendlier tone:

"But...Madam President...just for the record...the Kakross attacked your world. But they have changed their ways.


Both worlds now offer you an alliance, one that ensures that you won't be attacked. Granted, not even the Kakross have any reason to attack Earth anymore, so that part is mostly symbolic. But the trade part is the part you should look forward to most. The opportunity for sharing and trading, Madam President...starts right"


"Thank you. I will remember that. So what happens next?"


"We represent the Vahli in the alliance only. My people have already agreed to the principle. So have the principle. The Japanese have agreed as principle. 

All three parties will ratify the alliance at some point in the near future. 


Most probably here on Earth, as both the Kakross and the Vahli have a long history of conflict. 

And only then..I repeat...only then will they start discussing long term trade deals...where shared benefits are intended."


"And how does the US enter this alliance?"


"Excuse me?"   Now she's ready to join? Just like that? What's going on here?


" is exactly as you think. The United States of America will join the Alliance as the second nation on Earth. We will agree on sovereignty and equality, where equality implies that benefits are shared equally..."


"I hear a but.."


"...but...indeed...but, we do not agree on any trade deals...YET."


"So, the exact same point of view as the Japanese. Something tells me you can't decide this on your own. Why play this game when you already intend to join?" I must be looking quite confused at the moment.


"Simple. Diplomacy. No nation on Earth will simply say "sure, let's just sign the treaty," no...they want to meet you. The...let me check your names to be sure....the Kakross and Vahli....yes.....they are not nations, but worlds are they not?"


"Yes, they are."


"But Earth is not a single nation. Not a unified world. We are not there yet. Not for a looooong time. But visit our nations....explain what you explained to me....and you will find many of those to be open to the idea. Wouldn't you want to have foreign diplomats visit you? Would you just sign a treaty without even talking to your partner?"


"Ah....madam President.. On this part...I must concede. You make a very valid point. I thought it was just convenient to have the Japanese sign it first and simply allow any other nation to join. But, yeah, I think I understand."


At this point someone entered the room and put a small package on the table, close to the President. I just ignored it.


"Queen Akari, may I ask a personal question?"


"Of course, that seems to be a thing today anyway."


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"Eh...okay. How old are you?"


"Eh...I'm about...20 years old by now...I guess? The Vahli's perception of time is a bit different than Earth's..."


"And there you have it. You are quite young to start these kinds of diplomatic talks. But you seem to speak the language of diplomacy well. I don't question your intentions, heck, you even are from Earth originally. And besides, you don't hold a grudge against me for messing up, so let me return the favor. Please...just talk to those nations. It is in the best interest of my own nation that more countries will share the benefits. Imagine a divided Earth....half will be part of your Alliance, and the other half won't. It would probably tear us apart."


I look at my plate for a moment...lost in thought. Then I look at her again.

"Yes, I understand. And your point is a valid one. I don't know how to reply to this." 

I felt defeated...she's right. I didn't anticipate that. I guess I have a lot of traveling ahead of me.


"Don't look so gloomy, Queen Akari. You just won your second nation. We will lobby with our neighboring countries as well, but you would be wise to at least visit them."


"Thank you.....and I will. Just not all on the same day."


"Ha ha ha.....very well. Let's end our talks here. I have something for you...a small token of our appreciation for coming all this way."


"Eh...a present? For us?"


"Well....don't see it as a present, but more as a gesture. A symbol for...better communication.....from you to us...and us to you. Here you are."


She handed me a small box, it feels heavy. I open the box and inside I find a binder.

"What's this?"


"Oh, sorry! Can't you read English?"


"No no....I..... Air Force International Standardized Communications, version 2021. soon? I just asked....?"


The President smiles, she must enjoy that confused look on my face.

"Yes, I know. It helps to have friends in high places. It's just a small gesture. Oh...and we had to remove some pages for...obvious reasons."


I quickly skimmed a few pages, and these are instructions on how to properly speak to Air Traffic Controllers and such.


"A small gesture you say? This is greatly appreciated. From a symbolic perspective. But also a practical one. And...a personal one."


"Personal? How so? Please tell me." She seems genuinely interested.


"This used to be my hobby. Just before I unexpectedly left Earth, about two years ago, I returned from a visit to Misawa Airport. It was a hobby of mine to visit a lounge and watch planes depart. And of course I loved to play flight simulators back then on my home pc. To actually have the real protocol in my hands...brings back memories. Good ones."


"So I hit the Jackpot?" 


I nodded while smiling.


"Ha ha ha ha, perfect. It's a good way to end this meeting. And I apologize for the misunderstanding."


"As do I."


"Very good, see? We're practically friends already." The President jokes.


"No, I don't think so?" I said, with a serious expression.


"Huh? What do you mean?" She now looks surprised.


"Friends visit each other. So...whenever you have a day off...maybe you can visit us as well? You know your neighbors orbiting Earth?" I pointed up and looked at the ceiling for a moment.


The President stood up, as did we all.

"Ha ha ha surprised me with that one. It's a promise. One day."


"Alright. I look forward to that one day, Madam President."


"As do I. Have a safe trip home, goodbye."


We shook hands again, and the President left us.

I sat down, totally perplexed. She got me. She got me good. I guess that's why she's the leader of a nation, not unlike our Empress. I'm sure they would get along nicely.


"Are you alright, Queen Akari?" Jonah asked. Right, he's also here.


"Yes. My god, she's quite the leader, isn't she. Amazing."


"Ha ha ha, yes, she sure is. But I think it went well, didn't it?"


"I guess so. We have what we came for. Just not the way I had imagined it."


"That's normal with her. So, don't take it personal. She knows her stuff and needs to lead her country well. May I make a personal observation?"


"Of course, please do. That's the theme today, isn't it?"


He smiled "She was right, you are young, but not many people can hold a conversation with the leader of an entire nation on this level."


"Ah....words of wisdom. Accepted in gratitude. And this is coming from my opponent."


"Really? You see me as your opponent? Well, I can hardly blame you. I would prefer something like...potential trading partner. But in the end it boils down to the same thing. Now....if you don't can either have lunch with me, right here. Or....we can maybe give you a small tour of Washington? Or just return you to the Airport?" 


I look at my friends, then back to Jonah. "I think we would accept your lunch invitation...and really....something simple will be perfect. I don't want to inconvenience you."


"I hear something in your voice that hints for another request?"


"Indeed. As you may have already noticed....there are three other ladies in my party. I would really love to show them one of your malls and..."


"Ha ha ha ha...excuse me.....please..please continue..."


"No..what could possibly be so funny about that?" 

I looked at Miwa, she shrugged. Another mannerism she picked up from me.


"You are ladies alright. To talk to the President one moment and go shopping the next. My god that must be a universal constant...sorry..sorry. I apologize. I meant no disrespect."


"Ha ha are quite right. But these ladies are fed up with being cooped up inside a ship for who knows how long. And besides, we won't be browsing clothes or anything.....just lipstick if you must know." I am blushing, I know it.


Jonah raised his hands in defense "I didn't say anything..ladies....I will have Mark drive you to a nearby Mall. Is that okay?"




"You don't have any cash? Ha ha ha....I'm correct, right?"

" surely are. I guess my diplomacy meter has dropped to zero by now."


"Nope, not at all. You remind me of my daughter, so please, indulge yourselves. Courtesy of the United States. Just be home before 9, okay?"


"Eh....yes, dad....ha ha ha ha..." I just played along, he's a good guy, so why not.


We both laughed, but my friends didn't get it. I'll explain it later to them.


After a not so very modest lunch, or actually dinner for us, we said our goodbyes and Mark drove us to a nearby mall. I feel a bit guilty about this, but we defended Earth, right? So in the grand scheme of things, I think it's still okay. 


We simply bought a few lipsticks. And I showed Miwa some plushies....and now she finally understands how they should have looked..those Rasha dolls. I just had to buy spark Rasha's imagination of course.


And we had some tea. And some sweets. That's all, I swear. And bought a jar of honey, all natural. For the Empress. All of this took no more than twenty minutes. 


If you don't count the hour we spent answering questions from people who stormed the mall once they realized we were the real deal. I guess it's only fair to say things like "This is a beautiful country." Or "we heard from your malls even on the other side of the galaxy." I just didn't dare discuss the alliance, that simply didn't feel right.


This time I put the others in the spotlight, because I already appeared on national TV here. So now it was their turn. Five minutes of fame....but it was so much fun!


When the local news people came looking for us, we knew that we had overstayed our welcome. So as not to appear impolite, I told them we had visited the President and that she is a very knowledgeable and polite lady. Of course I mentioned Mr Wall too. Consider that payment for the lipsticks, please. 


Oh, and if you're wondering, we Vahli do have lips, but they just look a bit different. I wonder how the color will look on us.


My god, I wanted to get us home sooner....but none of the ladies the mission was completed successfully!


Mark drove us back to the airport and the F35s were indeed still parked near our interceptors.

We had to wait a while for the pilots to show up, so I took a minute to thank Mark for joining us on our little shopping spree and I asked him to thank Jonah for us. 


After insisting that we would be fine from here, he left us, but not after loudly hitting the car's horn twice. Yep, he's a great guy too.

"Beep Beep - incoming transmission." My watch beeped.


"Yes, Fuku? Who is it?"


"It is our Empress. May I open the channel?"


"Are you kidding? Do it!"


I motioned the others to move closer and listen in on the conversation. I held the watch closer to my face, so the Empress can see my face as much as I can see hers on the tiny display.


"Channel open."


"Akari..are you still alive?"


"Huh? Yes, my Empress?"


"Then why don't you call your mother? Are we not entitled to see our daughter more often?" 


Oh my god? Really? Is that what this is about? I rolled my eyes....bad mistake.


"We saw that. But anyway...we heard your offspring hatched today. 15 nurses. We still have to tell you how..."




"Ha ha ha ha. So easy to provoke. How is the alliance progressing?"


"Very well actually. The second nation just accepted. It seems I need to visit the others one by one."


"Mmm...we see. And regarding both us and the Kakross Empress, we shall visit that first accepting nation. It is our intention to ratify the alliance there. We both agree that Earth would be best for this."


"I understand, mother. That makes sense, so....when?"


"In three days."


"Oh my god, in three days. Oh boy..." 

That means that they have already left and are almost here. It takes the Akagi a week to get here. 


"Is there a problem, Akari?"


"No, mother, I just need to be careful. I need to inform the other nations as well.....or they might complain."


"Do as you must. Make the necessary arrangements for us. We will bring along escorts and additional security. Prepare for this."


"Yes, mother." 


"Oh, Akari. We almost forgot. The Kakross have kept their word. Not a single Hive has attacked us again. And each Hive opened communications each and every time. So...your efforts are bearing fruit. Well done."


"Thank you...thank you very much." I was all smiles by now.


"And call us more often.   Empress....out."   


<sigh> And gone is my smile again.

"Oh! There are the pilots!"


I waved at them and they immediately returned the wave. I thanked the pilot from earlier, she must have contacted her superiors about our request to learn the communication protocols of Earth.

She was actually very surprised that we already received them...I showed her the binder. 


We talked for a minute until it was time for us to return home. The F35s guided us to the east coast and we then turboed back home. 

When we finally arrived back home on the Akagi, the first things that happened were my lips greeting Nivri's. Yep, he waited for my return, the sweetheart. 


"Our little ones are doing fine," he said and he thought we were going to our alcove for a shared cuddly romantic bath. He said I had earned it...sweet isn't it?


But I had to postpone this for later....a special command from the Empress. I noticed his disappointed look, but still....a command is a command.

I asked Fuku to open a comm line to Misawa again, but she reminded me that Kenji used a satellite for a comm call last time.


"Fuku, you are the best. Open a line to Kenji please."


After a minute someone answered the call, but it wasn't Kenji. It seems he was off duty and I really  didn't want to bother him. I simply asked them to relay a message to Nagasawa-san, my contact in the Japanese Government.


I told them that in three days, two Empresses will arrive on Earth with quite the entourage. 

Security teams, escort ships...lots and lots of people are expected to accompany their Empresses. 

They are here to ratify the Alliance and Japan and the US are expected to sign as well.

And the location has to be in Japan, that is the command I was given. 

At this point I was beat. Tired. Done for. Ready to fall asleep while still standing. Out of power. 

But I have to go see Aine and my little ones in the nursery. 

But as soon as I finally found Aine in the nursery,.....I suddenly found myself somewhere else.

[ High level meeting ]

What....what just happened? I walked into the nursery on the Akagi...and now I'm standing in a meadow? All around me is beautiful green grass and there are many flowers blooming as well. 

The scent of flowers is definitely in the air, gently carried by the summer breeze.


I see two mountains in the distance, their peaks covered with snow. The temperature is nice and warm, reminding me of early summer or spring. This place is paradise!


Fluffy white clouds are slowly drifting in the sky where a warm sun is making me feel warm on the inside as well. Birds occasionally sing their songs from far away, barely audible.


A path is leading towards a forest in the distance, further down. But otherwise there are no signs of civilization to be found anywhere. Where is this place even?


"These are the Swiss Alps on Earth, three millennia ago." A female voice said, startling me.


"Eh, hello? Where are you?" I can't see anyone?


"Turn around, dear."


I turn around and see a woman dressed in a pristine white summer dress. She's wearing a few blue flowers in her golden hair. A smile is on her lips. She's definitely a human. Her facial features remind me of Native Americans. Or maybe even the early inhabitants of Hokkaido, the Ainu? 

I instantly respect her.


"Yes, I am, dear. And yes, I can hear your thoughts."  


Her eyes are friendly and her expression is welcoming, she seems nice. 

"Who...who are you?" I said, still confused by my sudden appearance here in Switzerland.


"I am Tuheia. I am the protector of Earth. Some call me a goddess, others call me Mother Earth.

But in truth I am a guardian."


" is an honor to meet you. I am Akari."  I respectfully bow to her.


"Yes dear, I know. Look at you...all grown up."  

She walked over to me with her arms stretched forward, her hands taking mine. 

She then folded her hands around mine for a moment while closing her eyes. 

After a quick embrace, she released me. 


"My daughter, we finally meet."  That was an unexpected reply! Even more so when you hear three people say that! 


I look to my left and right and see two more women. Both wearing equally beautiful dresses. 

The one on my left looks Vahli in appearance and wears a light blue dress.

The lady to my right appears to be Kakross and she wears a light pink dress. 


"Apologies for startling you." The Vahli lady said. "I am Ashti, Celestial Empress of the Vahli."

Her green eyes are almost reflecting the sunlight, beautiful.


"And I am Lasur, Celestial Empress of the Kakross. Welcome to the place where it all began, three millennia ago." Her blue wings are unlike the wings of any Kakross I have met before, that includes their Empress Shilshi.


I respectfully bowed to the other two ladies who spoke as gently as the first. Then I introduced myself as well.


"Forgive me....I don't want to sound disrespectful....but....what's going on?"


"It must be confusing for you. Let me explain," Tuheia, the lady representing Earth, said with a warm and friendly voice. "Your arrival has been foreseen for millennia. 


You see, three millennia ago, the Kakross and the Vahli started their hostilities. Long periods of simply ignoring each other led to a fragile peace again and again....but the hostilities never truly ceased. 


Until recently, that fragile peace kept the natural flow of life in balance."

Then the Vahli lady continued in an equally warm, motherly voice, "but when the Kakross started wiping out the Vahli, a change was needed."


Then the Kakross lady continues, "my children have regressed to a primal state of being. All their hearts cared about until recently, were conquering other worlds....until you joined the game."


"Game?" I said. I don't get it.


"Yes, the game of life." The Earth lady said. "We knew that our children needed help to overcome their differences, so we three guardians made a long ago."


"You see, Akari," the Vahli lady continued, "right here, the three of us decided to plant a combined soul in a human body, of course with approval of Earth's guardian, Tuheia." She gently pointed at the Earth lady.


The Kakross lady is now continuing "Akari...that soul is you. We guided the hands of fate so you would become one of us all. It was debated for centuries whether you would physically become Kakross or Vahli. It was decided that having a Vahli body would most likely lead to this outcome...and it did."


The Earth lady now puts her hand on my shoulder. "But your soul is of Earth, Kakross and Vahli. You are our daughter in spirit." mothers? I thought.


"Ha ha, yes dear, we heard that. And yes, we are your spirit. We have been watching over you, guiding you to the moment where three races would find companionship in the vast nothingness of space." The Kakross lady said with a smile.


"We thank you for carrying out our will. You fulfilled your purpose as was planned so long ago. May your soul continue to shine brightly, my dear." The Earth lady said, still smiling.


I really don't know what to think of this? Is this even real? Or just a dream?


Then the Vahli lady embraced me, "you are my daughter as well, Akari. We three shall give you a little present for your contribution, and as compensation for taking you away from your home. When you wake up, you will find your body changed. You will now be a true Vahli in my image. But now it is time for you to go."


"Eh....I don't know what to say? Thank you very much? Can we meet again?"


The Kakross lady now embraces me while all three of them say "Goodbye, our daughter. Until we meet.........." 


Suddenly there is only silence. Darkness. Loneliness.

[ Reality ]


<Yawn> Ughhh.....huh? When did I fall asleep? 


I want to take a look around me, but I can't see much. I can barely make out something white, and it seems to be all around me. I touch it, and it feels soft, fluffy even. What IS that? It's nice and warm, so a blanket perhaps?


No, I can't seem to get it off of me. I try to use my nails to shred through this white stuff, but my hands are too weak. I can't...<ugh>..move them. Did they drug me?


"Hey! Anybody there?" I manage to say, almost whispering. It's all the strength I have.


"My Queen! I'm right here!"




"No...hold on..."   Someone came to my rescue and started tearing that white fluffy stuff away. 


"There...much better, isn't it?"


It suddenly feels much cooler, but at least I can inhale fresh air now.   


"Yes, thank you. What is this stuff?"


"One moment, there..all done." She tore the last pieces off of me and then I wanted to get up...but failed miserably. 


"No! Don't stand up yet! Just wait a few more minutes and you'll be fine, I promise!"


"Eh...okay, but where am I?"  It is not very bright in this room, but I can still see two nurses smiling at me.


"You are in Her Majesty's newest nursery on Vahli Prime. And at the moment you are our first and only guest here. We dimmed the lights for your convenience."


"Strange, but that explains the where. But not the how. How did I get here? I was...on the Akagi?" 


"Maybe we can answer that. We heard you woke up."


"Mother! I Empress!" I recognized her voice immediately.


She kneeled down next to me and helped me sit a bit more comfortably with my back against a wall.


"My dear Akari. You can always call us mother. Do you know what happened?"


"No? Did I have an epilepsy attack?"


"No no....your body went into a state of Amlovar."




"You were exhausted and your body found a way to force you to relax. We told you to watch your health, didn't we?"


"So...I just slept?"


"No, your body formed a protective cocoon. Aine alerted the medical team and they confirmed you were fine. On our orders the Akagi brought you back to us...back home. On your way here you formed a cocoon around you."


So I must have slept for at least a week, I think.

"Thank you for taking care of me."


"Everything for you, little one."


"But why a cocoon? Is that normal?"


"Yes, very normal. Well, it used to be very normal. Our ancestors slept like this when there was no food in the winter. The cocoon sheltered them in caves from predators and the elements. We haven't seen this in hundreds of years. No......wait....we see something different about you. Can you stand up for us?"


I tried to, but I didn't have the strength. The two nurses helped me stand, but I actually just leaned on them.


"Yes, we notice a difference. Your body has changed. How curious."


"Huh? But I feel normal, hungry, but normal. Well, they did say that I would change. So please tell me what's different."


"They? You have had a vision? Tell us about it." The Empress looks surprised. I can see a little bit better now.


"A vision? I think it was just a dream....I visited the Celestial Empresses."


"Perhaps the translator is malfunctioning. Did you really say....plural? As in more than one?"


"Yes, mother. Three of them."


"That is beyond surprising. Now we are interested! Tell us all about your vision."


"Okay? Well, mother, I met the Celestial Empresses. They referred to themselves as guardians.  Ashti was of the Vahli. Tuheia of Earth and Lasur of Kakross."


"You...what? Do you realize what you just said? It is blasphemy to speak their names if you don't have any proof."


"Blasphemy? I....I don't know? Maybe it was just a dream? I didn't mean any disrespect."


"If you had one, we would say your genetic memory was playing tricks on you, don't have those. What did they tell you?"


"They told me as some sort of present or compensation for my efforts, they would change my body to be fully Vahli or something. My memories are getting...fuzzy. I guess it really was just a dream, huh?"


"Nurses, increase the light in here. She's awake now. We want to see for ourselves."


The light was suddenly very bright...or was it normal? It just hurt. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust.


I heard the Empress inhale quickly...she was surprised or perhaps even shocked. "....We see it now!"

The nurses also seem surprised. No way, am I really that ugly now?


"Your eyes, Akari.. You have bright green eyes now. They're reflecting the light in a strange way, just like they are glowing. It can't be...they look just like the statue of our Celestial Empress.

You will see it in our shrine. seem to be a bit shorter too. And your really look like a Vahli now."


At this point I noticed my uniform hanging a bit loose and I could feel that I'm not wearing any shoes.


"Really? I guess the fun doesn't stop around here. Is it normal for one's body to change during this sleep thing?" I touched my something fluffy. Definitely not human. 


"No, it is not normal. Why would the Amlovar change your body...unless you really spoke to our Celestial Empress?"


"Don't look at me mother. I'm as perplexed as you are. The last thing I remember was seeing Aine. Do you have any other ritual things I should know about?"


"Don't speak to us like this. We never intended to hide anything from you."


"I'm sorry. I..I just don't know anymore. I was preparing god...the meeting on Earth? Are we too late? Oh!! My children!!!"


"Yes dear. Don't worry. Your young ones are fine. Trust us. And the meeting was simply delayed. See? Life will go on without Akari trying to control it. Everything will work out fine even if you relax more. Ha ha this case.....A LOT more."

"Thank you, mother. Ugh..."  I feel hungry. 


"Well....whether it was a dream or not....we will go to Earth in two weeks. Make the necessary arrangements as soon as you feel stronger."


"Yes, mother."


"Very good, Akari. Wait....we want to see one last thing. Can you extend your wings for us?"


"Eh...sure.....focus...focus.......bzzzzzzz" A very heavy humming sound could be heard and the nurses immediately let me go so I fell to the floor. "Ouch!"


"We didn't ask you to fly! But we have seen your wings. You can fly now, Akari."


"Did you"


"Yes, you hovered for a second there...enough to scare the nurses."


I looked at them and apologized for startling them. 


Then I realized something. "Mother...most Vahli seem to have wings....but I never saw anyone fly. Why is that?"


"It is a rule of safety we enforce in our Hives. Flying is only allowed when entering or exiting the shared alcoves, where there is enough room to do so. Flying is also allowed when it poses no risk on planets. And of course during certain emergencies. Otherwise it is either forbidden or considered impolite to fly."


I visualized a scenario where I could fly through the streets of Japan....not gonna happen I guess. Too dangerous.


"Akari, are you alright?"


Now that I look at my Empress again....I notice something new. 

"Ye...nooo....  Did you....always on top of your forehead?"


"Of course. Don't tell me you didn't see them until now?"


"Mother, things look a bit different now...the colors are a bit different and that pattern on your's actually very pretty."


"We thank you for noticing. We however are surprised about this, but perhaps your eyes are now fully developed like ours? Akari...are you listening to us?"


"Hungry."  I shook my head.

"Hummumuu" yep that's me. The Empress is feeding choice.


After a few minutes The Empress stopped feeding me, and just in time too. My fuel gauge now shows maximum capacity reached. 


"Perhaps you really were touched by the Celestial Empress. Or perhaps your body just completed its transition to our form. Except for the color of your eyes, you really look like us now. We wonder why that happened." 


She then kept staring at my chest. I only now realized that something important is missing. My chest is flat, just like all of the Vahli women. Let me be very honest here...I'm having some issues with this, this is not nice at all. Don't I have a say in anything anymore? At this point I have been stripped with everything human. Nothing about me is human anymore. Nothing. Nada.




"We know."  She embraced me. "They were important to you, yes?"




"We see. There is nothing we can do about this. There are things not even Queens can control."


"Or Empresses..." 


"Or Empresses, indeed. But perhaps your changes will be beneficial to your temper?"


"My WHAT?"


"Ha ha ha. Well, it's true isn't it? We received a report from your Hive. Kira, we believe her name was, reported that her Queen released the Zanpur, the Queen's last hope?"


"Yeah....that's true. But those people were really annoying."


"Ha ha ha....that is our Akari. Don't mind, child. It is alright. Do not be ashamed...we have lost our temper many times as well. Expressing your anger is all part of being a Queen. It shows maturity. But we have never experienced the Zanpur before. Please make sure you don't do that again. It's not healthy..dangerous even."


She then embraced me again and I felt better already. What is going to happen to me?

When do these crazy things end? I just want to go hoooooooome...

My god...what will Nivri think of me? I look different now, right?




"Yes, Akari?"


"Will Nivri still recognize me?"


"Awwww.....your bonded mate will definitely recognize you. If not, we shall make him."


"Ha ha ha..thanks..I needed that."


"Now, let us relax. You can contact Earth and Miwa later. You have quite a number of friends there, are we wrong?"


"No, but I have them here too." I looked at her with a smile.


"We appreciate that.....very much. Now relax and soon we will visit those friends together. You must be feeling the need for a new batch by now."




"Ha ha ha ha..such a easy to provoke. We like that about you. You are not complicated. You are just....Akari."


"Eh...that didn't feel like a compliment at all."


"But it was. Only show your teeth if you want to bite...."


"Ehhh? Huh? What?"  I touched my teeth. Did I just speak properly...without teeth?


"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!  Truly, my Celestial Empress.....finally she realizes!"




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