
Chapter 28: Epilogue

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← Prev Chapter we are...another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

And of course lots has happened.


The Huntress and the Akagi are now permanently stationed in Earth's orbit. Sometimes we will be a diplomatic transport to the others in the Alliance, but at the end of the day....Earth is where my friends and I feel most at home now.


Life surely is complicated now that I have two Empresses and a real mom who want me to come and visit them frequently. But I guess that's nothing to complain about. Except for missing a dad, but that's nothing I can fix. I don't think mom will ever get remarried after losing dad.


Oh, right. Vahli scientists found the reason for my conversion from human to Vahli. It was the nourishment alright, but only when being fed. So just eating waffles, or drinking that plant juice, ordinary humans are safe.

And IF someone really needs to be fed, as a cultural requirement from our Empress to show gratitude, a simple medicinal drink will help to counteract those changes.


The doctor on the Huntress still firmly believes that we Vahli and humans share a common ancestor, but hasn't been able to show any proof of that yet. He likes Earth's honey and is convinced it will somehow affect him too. But nobody else believes him. He sure is an odd one, that doc.


Now fourteen nations on Earth have joined the Alliance...and I visited all of them. Most nations are quite pleased with their trade deals, but some political bickering about sharing benefits evenly, is normal I guess. 


Kira and Chiri have learned to use Earth's lipstick but haven't had much luck with that in attracting mates. Well, they're still young. But Aine....she's seeing someone. It was the Commander of the Huntress after all. I knew it!! I was right all along, you can't hide something like that from me!


Remember the "real" plushie I brought along from our trip to the US?

Yep, Rasha found some inspiration and created copies of that one, but also completely new designs.

Some of those reminded me of fantasy creatures, others I would never even consider buying for my kids. 


Well, listen to that. Sounding like a responsible parent already. The plushies are making their way to all Hives everywhere....inspiring a new generation of Vahli.


Would you believe me if I said that Ghan found more than enough reasons to visit Rasha frequently? is in the air.


Oh...and that Queen Yeli? Do you remember her? She was that troublesome Vahli Queen who needed to learn a lesson in humility. She was allowed to find a new Hive after an intense week of "re-education" by my Empress herself.

Mom's flower shop has piqued international interest, but also from a bit further away.

Ever since I made up for that day in 2021 when I couldn't help out in the flower shop, people knew their way to her shop. Just one day of me helping her out in her shop, like I occasionally did three years ago, and her shop is famous!


The Vahli have been precuring her flowers since they watched one of Earth's documentaries...courtesy of the Alliance. It's now a trend to use your god...yuck...and imitate those bees. Don't look at me...I never said that flowers are delicious, they decided that for themselves.


Now that everyone on Earth knows about aliens and such, I can visit my mom at home again.

Things became a bit emotional when I entered my old bedroom, and noticed that most things were still there. 


I showed Kira, who joined me for that day, my flight simulator, but she failed to see the resemblance.

But after demonstrating a space battle, I finally got her hooked on the game. We are definitely bringing that thing up to the Akagi. Maybe we can recreate something like that for the young ones?


As you probably already have guessed, I try to focus on life with Nivri and my friends. With the rate that certain...romantic things...are going...our family will grow very large....very quickly.


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Did I mention that I had to write down all names and hatch dates of all my 45 children?

To make matters worse....some of them are working on Earth at the Embassy. Others are in the Vahli home world, serving my kind, each in their own role. They don't have any special privileges though, just because I'm a Queen. Some of my children chose to remain aboard the Akagi, like a few nurses who are now helping their baby siblings.


Seeing all of my children inheriting a genetic "database" of my knowledge of Earth and especially Japan, was beyond strange. Keeping in touch with them is nearly impossible, but I try.


Of course the young ones have their plushies and get plenty of affection these days, unlike when I first visited a nursery so long ago. 


Our Hive has grown considerably in population. We now have a Hive on Earth as well, but won't further intrude on Earth. It is located next to the Embassy so we can show some of our Vahli hospitality. "What hospitality," you say? Exactly....the Vahli still need to open up to the idea of entertainment and receiving guests. Gone are their days of just focusing on their duties. But they'll learn, trust me.


At some point someone suggested colonizing the moon and Mars. Easier said than done of course.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Vahli just built colonies wherever possible.


And Earth....just look at this blue jewel in the endless abyss of space. Its atmosphere is cleaner than ever. Our nuclear waste is gone. There are even plans to set up irrigation systems all throughout the whole African continent, converting even the desert into farmlands.


In the ever growing need for more space for humans to live....underwater cities are being discussed. Vast complexes, to be built with the combined Vahli technology, human ingenuity and Kakross determination. I'm sure that Earth will be colonizing space in the next one hundred years too. They are sure to find the Vahli everywhere though, but it's nice to have friends, right?


Ah, just a few more things before I sign off.


The Kakross....they have matured as well. I wouldn't go as far as calling them my best friends...but they have been reaching out to us ever since the Alliance. Having their Empress call me her daughter probably also helped with that. 


We haven't seen a single Rogue Hive or probe since the signing ceremony on Earth. The Kakross Empress has kept her promise to take care of the matter. We can only assume that the Rogue threat has been neutralized.


My Vahli language studies are progressing, but I still need to practise more. My Vahli mother, the Empress, has already kindly informed me that she will disable the translator whenever I visit her. pressure there.


Miwa, my dear Miwa. She's definitely a mature Queen now. But for some reason she sometimes still calls me "mommy" by accident, making her blush from embarrassment. Another thing we have in common.

Let me quote one of my favorite authors....Carl Sagan in his novel "Contact."

"You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other."

" love. Are you done writing?"


"Yes, Nivri dear." 


Sorry, I have to go. Maybe you can just come and visit me, when you have the time?

Just lookup in the night sky...that bright dot above can't miss it....that's my home. Hope to see you soon, my friend. Bye! Akari.



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