
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: A royal encounter

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While my brain is still struggling to wake up, my hands are already searching for my phone. 


"Mmmmm.....where is it?"  I mumble. 

I'm sure I left it on my nightstand? 


"Ugh...what time is it anyway?"  

I open my eyes and only now realize that I'm not anywhere near my nightstand anymore.


"Oh....right. I'm here."


I turn towards the transparent door and see many workers moving in and out of this sleeping area. Maybe it's a shift change?


I leave my "bed" and see it vanishing into the floor.  Creepy...but definitely comfortable.


And I have to admit...I really slept amazingly well, considering what happened yesterday. 

Let's hope I can get home today, my family must be worried sick by now.


I open the door and immediately hear more sounds and see people, let's just call them people, moving about all over the place. Considering how many people there are, they don't actually make that much noise. Perfect neighbors, I grant you that. 



I use the "toilet" while being surrounded by workers and just pretend that I'm all alone by keeping my eyes shut. It's still weird though.


When I wanted to wait in my alcove for Aine to show up, I wasn't allowed back in. Apparently they are cleaning my alcove for whoever is going to sleep in it now. Well, who am I to stand in their way? So I just waited near the exit for Aine to appear.


My eyes scan this enormous area again and I see some details I missed yesterday. Trees or tall plants are placed against most of the walls. They make this area a bit more "homey." The green is a welcome change from all the orangy walls everywhere.


Someone must have alerted Aine, because it only took a few minutes before she arrived and found me near the entrance.


"Good morning, Akari. Did you sleep well?" Aine sure sounds relaxed and she seems to be brimming with energy.


"Ah! Good morning, Aine. Yes, thank you. It sure was a strange experience to say the least...but still very comfortable."


"Very good. But you are up really early. You must be hungry then, yes?"

"Early? What time is it then?"


"Oh, I didn't explain that yesterday, now did I? Simple, you can ask for the time when you're near such a view screen. An AI-unit will answer any question you may have."


"Oh...okay. So...what time is it then?" I asked, still hoping for a bit of guidance.


I followed Aine into the corridor where she could ask the computer for the time without the risk of anyone else answering her question.


"Computer, what is the date and time?" Aine said after knocking on the screen once. Maybe it needs to wake up too?


"It is now the day of Kiath, in the month of Plee, in the year 25917 of the United Era. Time is one quarter rotation plus 1 and 37 cycles." The computer proudly proclaimed in a monotone voice.


"See?" Aine said, while smiling.


I shake my head...this is just..gibberish for me.

"'s not very helpful, sorry. Perhaps you can just tell me how I should know when to meet someone?" 


"Oh...I see. Your perception of time is of course different compared to ours. We use the fractional rotation period of our...never mind that. Just ask the computer to tell you when it's time. It's as simple as that."


"Okay...sure...that works for me. But you said it was early, but I had more than enough sleep. I was actually worried that I was late for my appointment in the medical bay."


"Really? That's interesting. Mmmmm, we usually need a bit more sleep."

Maybe humans sleep less hours? Or perhaps we just have a different circadian rhythm? Anyway, she guided me to the "bath" and made sure that I was "properly clean."


She then helped me into a new, fresh uniform and then guided me to another mess hall. The exact same type of waffle and drink were served and they still tasted delicious. 


After breakfast we reviewed today's schedule. 

First I will be visiting the ship's medical bay and immediately after lunch, I will be meeting the Queen. She gave me a few pointers so I would sound respectful to her. She's a Queen in the true sense of the margin for error if I ever want to go home. 

Aine told me that the medical bay we are about to visit is only one of many. I thought there was only one, but this ship really is that I guess that makes sense.

We just entered one of those medical bays, and it apparently is the same as where the pilot, who brought me here from Earth, is recovering. I'm sure that Aine arranged this so we can catch up. Efficient little fluffy critters, aren't they?


Aine said that she needed to take care of something, so she left me in the care of a male medical worker, officer, doctor or whatever they are called here. 


He entered some information in a computer terminal and then addressed me.

"And....done. Good. Now it's your turn. Yes, you. This won't take long. Lie down on the biobed so I can start the scan." 


The doctor only seems concerned with his work and has no bedside manner whatsoever.


"Eh...yes, sir." I'm supposed to be a guest, you know? He didn't even introduce himself, rude!

I lay down on the bed and some kind of lower powered, green laser beam flashes all over me. It buzzes for a few seconds and then simply stops with a "ping" sound.


"Mmmmmm......let's see...bipedal. No wings. Mmmm, large cranial capacity, but small eyes. Your caretaker expressed worries about digesting the Hive's nourishment. But you are perfectly compatible. Can't say that I'm surprised, though. 


No need for supplements whatsoever. Mmm, what is are emitting pheromones. External ears...hmmm.. And small, non-retractable teeth, interesting. No extendible claws, and also no nodes.  

That's a bit disappointing. 


Let's see what you look like on the inside. Mmmm...unique internal configuration....interesting. Efficient digestive tract...but no Neopentin structures, that's odd. Your Gammatalol count is abnormal. Are you feeling warm?"


" I feel fine."


"Good, good. Must be normal for this particular configuration. Skeletal structure...reinforced...mmm.  Why did the Queen produce such an anomalous worker this time?" He puts his right hand on my chin and moves my head in all directions so he gets a better view..rude!


My eyes went wide in surprise. Caretaker? Ah, he must mean Aine. Eh...Queen...produced? What? 

But he just continues "...definitely royalty. Will you perhaps start a new Hive as a new generation of Queens?"


"Eh, no, you don't understand..." He thinks I'm a Queen? What's wrong with these people?


But I was rudely interrupted. "I see, no Queen. Then....perhaps. Yes, it says here you already piloted a ship successfully. That shall be your role then. Oh my Queen...why don't you send them here first?"


"Eh, excuse me...?"


"No, no, not now. Know your place, worker. Unless the Queen orders otherwise, I am the one who decides which role is the most suitable for you. You will be assigned to interceptor duty, yes. Your higher than average neuron count in your Neodase cortex will be most useful for long-range tactical missions."


"But sir, I don't..."


He puts some kind of information in his computer, then says "You have your orders, now leave and report to your Commander."


"Ah ha ha ha ha." Someone is laughing.


We both turn around and see that it's Aine. She's leaning against the wall, very carefully I suppose, and she has her arms crossed.


"Aine?" Is the only thing I can say while still looking utterly confused.


"Doctor...Akari here is our guest, she is not one of our workers. Please correct the mishap so she can visit the Queen."


"She...what? She's not? But she.....yes of course."  Aine's eyes were transmitting a very clear message...a bee-version of the infamous death glare.


"Is she healthy?" Aine asks him.


"Eh, yes, completely healthy. She really isn't one of our workers? She looks quite similar to us, except for some anomalies. Even her pheromones are compatible. So...I apologize for the mistake."


Aine keeps staring at him until he leaves us alone. I then follow her out of the examination room, and into the recovery room where the pilot is...well...recovering I guess.

"I'm sorry Akari, he was just a bit too enthusiastic. He probably thought you were a new creation from our Queen. Ha ha ha."


We both laughed for a moment, which helped to release some tension that was building up inside of me.


"Yes, that's exactly what he thought. If you hadn't stepped in when you did, I would be piloting a ship by now." 


"Ha ha ha, don't worry. Nobody is going to harm you here. It was an honest, but funny mistake." 


" actually was kind of funny." I said. I mean, now I can see the humor in it.


"Very good, it seems your race and ours have many things in common. Maybe our two species might become friends one day." Oh, Aine is serious.


"Yes, you are right. It would be great if we became friends. You're all so nice to me." It doesn't hurt to flatter your caretaker. 


"Awww, thank you, Akari." She pats me on the head.


And there we go again, another moment ruined. I'm not a kid! Must be the clothing that makes her think I'm a kid or something. Now that I think of it, she really does have that caring mom or big sister feel to her.

We finally arrive at the biobed the pilot is recovering in. He looks confused at me when Aine and I approach him.


"Eh..hello there? I have never seen any worker like you before. Oh my Queen!" The pilot said.


He jumps out of bed, and whines from pain, then kneels before me. 

"A Queen...please forgive me for not showing the respect you deserve."


And here we go again. 


Aine shakes her head and says, "no pilot...she's no Queen. Please get back in bed at once. You are still recovering."


"But...I don't understand?"  He reluctantly stepped back into bed after understanding that Aine was serious about me not being a Queen.


He briefly stared into my eyes...perhaps trying to see if I was a Queen after all.


"Good morning. Are you the pilot who brought me here?" I said, trying to get his attention.


"The's YOU!" And there you have it. It obviously took a while for his neurons to activate and connect the dots properly. Well he's hurt, so let's be nice to him. Even though this guy dragged me all the way to Mars.

"Yes, of course it's me. You were injured when you took me from my home. Remember when you promised that you would take me home?" I crossed my arms.


"Eh eh heh....... see..I lost consciousness. The Queen now has to decide how and when you can return home." 


He's getting really uncomfortable...good. That's what you get for getting me into this situation, liar!


"That's not what you promised me. Anyway, I will meet the Queen this afternoon."


" will meet the Queen? Oh my Queen, have mercy on me!" He buries his head in what looks like a pillow, then looks at me again.


"Why? You didn't hurt me, did you?" I said while moving a few stray hairs behind my left ear.


Is this guy paranoid? Or did he go against the Queen's orders?


"Well...I did take you from your home." He's avoiding eye contact now. If I understand his behavior correctly, it means that he is feeling pretty guilty right now.


"That you did, but your people have been very nice to me. I feel like I'm treated like a Queen myself." 

I put my hands on my waist and try to look stern.


"Ah ha ha, that's because you were, Akari!" Aine said with a big smile.


Huh? I look at Aine. What's that supposed to mean? My face is turning red again. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to..."


"Oh no Akari, don't you worry. You are a guest here, so please don't feel guilty. It is the least we could do. You did save us from an enemy scout ship after all. And pilot, that scout was supposed to be your responsibility." There is Aine's death glare again. Glad she's on my side.


"For that I'm truly sorry. In my defense, I was wounded and lost consciousness. I could have never hoped that...what's her name over there....could pilot my ship. Let alone take out the enemy scout."


Oh, I don't like that look. Getting arrogant, are we?


"My name is Akari, and it was actually pretty easy. The controls are rather straightforward." I give him a smug smile.


"The...what...straightforward?" He seems pretty confused by my statement of facts.


"Ha ha ha....looks like you seriously underestimated her, wouldn't you say?" Aine is enjoying every bit of this. And so am I, to be honest.


"Eh...Akari....thank you for saving my life. And for protecting the Hive. The scout would have followed us and found our Hive. You see, we have taken many casualties lately. We need all the Hives to work together or...."


"And that's enough pilot. It is up to the Queen to decide what kind of information she's entitled to." Aine interrupted him. He was about to tell me something interesting. I guess it's classified information. 


"Eh....yes....but why is the Queen's retainer looking after a guest?" He keeps alternating glances between Aine and me.


"The...the Queen's retainer?" I asked. What is that....supposed....noooooo. She's the Queen's personal attendant? Or something like a maid? Nooooo.......that's too much honor for me.


Aine smiles at me, and says "I see you understand. Yes, that is my role. But don't worry, all is done according to the Queen's demands. You are not keeping me from my work."


"Ah, that is very good to know. I wouldn't know how to apologize to the Queen!" I wiped some sweat that had formed from my forehead.


"Haha, isn't that one cute?" Aine said to no one in particular.


My face was turning red again. She's doing that thing again. You know, that patronizing thing.


"Alright....let's leave it at that for now. Pilot....recover quickly!" Aine gave him an order. Perhaps the Queen instructed her to say that?


"Eh...yes ma'am."


Aine already wanted to leave the room, until she heard me say "Eh pilot, what is your name?"


"My eh...I'm just a worker. But if you care to remember my insignificant's..Ghan."

How humble he can sound, if he wants to...


"Alright Ghan. Nice to meet you! But before I go, could you please tell me why you didn't notice my pheromones back in that scout? But for some reason now you did?"


"Your actually did, but I thought it was my blood that made me think that I sensed a Queen. I'm...really sorry." He really seems to be sorry.


"I'll let you make it up to me. Maybe you can fly me home soon. So get well soon."


"Eh...yes ma'am." 


I waved him goodbye and followed Aine out of the room into the corridor, where she said "you shouldn't pay that much respect to workers. Besides, he made some big mistakes."


"I'm sorry, Aine, I disagree. It is customary at my home to introduce ourselves, and to try to work together."


"I see. But there is still a difference between giving respect and giving too much respect. I wonder how your Hive works. Perhaps you will show me that one day, yes?"


"Eh...sure, I would love to. But I don't know what the Queen will decide."


"True, it is her call. And now that we are speaking about our Queen...she's almost ready to receive you. A messenger told me this when you were being examined. We must go now, are you ready?"


"" My heart rate is going up....I'm feeling anxious. To meet the Queen sooner, as in right NOW?


"Yes, Akari. When our Queen summons you, you go. It's that simple. She demands your presence now. Letting her wait is beyond rude."


"Oh no no. I didn't mean it like that. I will go, of course. I was just surprised."


"Ah, that's a relief." She takes a deep breath. "Please follow me."

And so I followed the Queen's retainer to the throne room. 

And here we are...after a brisk ten-minute walk. 


We are now waiting in front of the large doors of the Queen's throne room. Don't tell me she's THAT tall? I swallowed for a moment. 


I mean...these doors are HUGE and appear to be made out of an expensive kind of wood. They have a dark color, but beautifully crafted green patterns of leaves seem to suggest that these people feel a deep connection to nature. Two red symbols must be representing the Queen's lineage. Or maybe it's just this ship's name in their writing?


The door handles are made out of wood as well and both are half-circles, which form a complete circle when the doors are closed.


To the left and right of the doors, two medium sized, well cared for coniferous trees are giving the place a more distinguished look. Both trees have many tiny, pink flowers, and I think I even smell a hint of lavender? Wonderful! These resemble the ones I saw elsewhere in this ship, but they didn't have any flowers.


Two guards are protecting the Queen, but they are not intimidating. They smile warmly to us and seem to suggest that they are more like an honor guard, proud to serve their Queen. 


Both are standing at attention, preventing access to the throne room. 

Two spears are their only weapons it seems. Maybe they have some kind of symbolic meaning? The spears don't appear to be sharp, probably for decoration only.

Those weapons could very well be based on Earth's medieval fantasy games, you know, a wizard's staff. Their uniforms are a bit more intricate, also yellow, but with a checkerboard pattern. Also the same red symbols, albeit a tiny version, adorn their uniforms.


One of them notices me scanning him, but he doesn't seem to mind. Maybe they are not allowed to speak to other people? But I can still try, right?


"Excuse me."  Let's see if he responds.


"Yes, what is it?" A friendly reply suggests that he won't be offended easily.


"That red symbol on your uniform, and on the doors...what does it mean?"


"Huh? You don't know? Well, this one means "everlasting" and the other means "unity." They are the Royal symbols of our Hive. But if I may inquire...why...?"


He didn't want to sound impolite, I guess, so let me finish his sentence.


"...Why didn't I know?" 


He nods and smiles.


"Simple...I'm new to this Hive. Just a guest, visiting here."


"Ahhh...I see. Will you be staying with us for a while? Oh sorry, I don't want to intrude."


"'s....honestly...I don't know. I just want to go home."


"Ohhh...I can imagine that." He nods while still smiling. 


Then, from the corner of my eyes I see something moving. But when I focus on's gone.


"Did...did something just move there?" I looked at the trees, but nothing moved. There's nothing there!


Aine then says "Akari. That is normal, those Pranlary plants occasionally move, so every branch of it can enjoy the light. They are also a symbol of unity, every part is as important as the others. And they produce that liquid you tasted before, remember?"


I nodded. "Ehhh..okay. move?"  

And they are plants? I thought they were trees. That explains the box-like pots beneath them.


"Hahaha, all plants do that. Didn't you know that?" Aine gives me that look that makes me feel stupid for not knowing such a simple fact.


" my planet...none move. Can they....also walk?"


"Huh? No, of course not! They don't have feet. What a strange question!" She shook her head while smiling.


Nevermind. I can't win this argument. Let's switch topics.


" to enter?"


"When the Queen decides that she's ready."


I sighed. This is going to take a while. But she promised to see me, so I guess she wouldn't lie about that.

Suddenly I felt something. "iiiiiiii!!"  I shouted. The guards moved into a defense posture, but immediately relaxed upon noticing the cause of my cry. 


Something landed on my left shoulder. In a reflex I move to the side, trying to shake off that thing, but to no avail.


"Ha ha's only a Juju." Aine said.


She reached out with her hand and let it hop onto her so I could have a better view.


"Huh...a...Juju?'s cute!" Then it takes off, hovering before Aine and then landing on a branch, its long tongue retrieving nectar from a flower.


It looks like a chameleon, but with dark blue fur. It's about the size of a parakeet. And it can definitely fly like a hummingbird with its insect-like wings.


"It is considered a sign of good fortune when they rest on you. They don't harm anyone and just enjoy the nectar of those flowers. They help pollinate our flowers everywhere in our homeworld. Some people even keep them as pets." Aine explained.


"I can see why. Do they bite when I touch them?"


"Bite? No no...they are very friendly creatures. Try it, if they are not in the mood to be petted, they just fly away."


Okay...don't mind if I do.


But before I can approach it, another one sits on my shoulder, almost startling me again.

"pipi pipi" it seems to want my attention by making these cute sounds.


" asks you for help."


"Help? What should I do?" I shrug.


"Let it sit on your hand...right like that. Then see where it looks. looks at the Pranlary."


So what's wrong with the plant?


Aine seems to understand and pulls a bucket away from the plant and puts a new one there.


"The Pranlary makes that liquid, which is called Eju by the way, and releases it near its roots. We collect that, but when the bucket is full, the plant stops producing it, to prevent saturating its soil. And when that happens, the flowers don't make nectar anymore....which annoys the Jujus.

And sometimes it annoys us as well, because the nectar is delicious...but it's mainly for the Jujus. I will just leave it here, someone will pick it up soon."


"Pi" the Juji seems happy and now lands on the plant.


"See? It's happy now and thanked us."


"Pi" Another one just landed on my shoulder. 


" many of these are there?"


"Many. They fly all over the Hive. But it's rare to see this many at the same time."


"Pi".. and another lands on my shoulder. VERY rare then?


"That is strange. They seem to be young, perhaps they just left their nest."


I let one jump onto my hand and I gently use my finger to rub its furry back.



"Awwww...see, you are a natural. That means it's happy."


It licked my finger for a moment. It tickles, but I get it. It wants me to keep petting it.

That explains why they make great pets.


I continue petting it, but the others are getting jealous. Three more land on my hand, using their tiny tongues to get my attention.


"Hey...easy there.'re all so cute."


I try to give all of them some attention, until the doors open.

The Jujus take off immediately and leave us alone.


A female worker or perhaps attendant appears. "The Queen is now ready to receive you. Please leave the Jujus here."


Huh? They are gone, right? I try to look at my shoulders, but that's a bit difficult.  


Ahh...a little stowaway, I feel it now, sitting on my head! They don't weigh much at all!


Aine tries to get it off of me, but it keeps evading her hand.


I put my hand near it and it jumps on top of my hand. I walk to a flower and it jumps to it. Mission complete!


You are reading story BEEvolution at

"Very well. Please follow me." She said.


The two guards nod, indicating it is safe for me to pass.


"Eh, alright."  Oh god, I'm shivering. The lady inside is going to decide whether I can go home or not. What if they won't let me go? Or even worse, throw me out on the next planet? Or out of the


Aine and I enter the throne room while the lady motions for us to continue, but she remains near the entrance for some reason.


I swallow once and hear the doors closing behind me. Oh god...this is it...the moment of truth for me.

"Come before me."  A very loud, feminine voice demanded.


I quickly walk towards the Queen, but stop at about ten meters from her. I don't want her to think that I am going to attack her or something. 


This is the strangest throne room I have ever seen. She's sitting on a throne that very well could have been one we used on Earth centuries ago. It looks expensive...very expensive, but also comfortable. 


Only the lights directly above the throne are lit, the rest of the room is pretty dark. I heard movement to my left and right, probably more guards. I swallow the saliva that formed in my mouth due to my anxiety.


I don't look at the Queen, but immediately bow deeply and then kneel. I don't have any choice and decide that it's wise to swallow my pride, and just show her all the respect I can.


"Interesting display of respect. Akari, is it? You may look at us."


I look up and see the Queen's face. She's...young. She looks just like other workers though, but seems to be a bit taller than most of the others. Otherwise nothing scary at all. I decided to be silent.


"We asked you a question. Is your designation Akari?"


"Eh, yes my Queen. It is. That is my name."


"Interesting choice of words. Very respectful indeed. We approve of your respect. Please stand before us."


I immediately stand up and so does the Queen, which surprises me considerably.


"They were correct. Your pheromones equal ours. Tell us Akari, are you a Queen like us? Will you lay your eggs in our Hive?"


"No, my Queen. I am not a Queen. It is only my biology, I meant no disrespect. I cannot lay eggs." Oh god...this is going so wrong.


"Oh ho! Interesting. We accept your answer. You accept us to be Queen of this Hive?"


What kind of question is that?! Of course! Why would I even care? Just get me home!

Just..just play along, Akari.


"Yes, my Queen, you are the true Queen in this Hive." 

Oh god, please help me, she thinks I'm competition. Never play with bees, they sting! Let's play the submissive respectful subject here. I just want to go home, so I don't care about feeling small at the moment.


"And so it is. Tell us, what species are you?"


"I am a human, my Queen."


"A chuumaaaan? We have never met anything like you." She observes me from my head to toes.


"I apologize if my presence is unwelcome."


"Oh ho! No, Akari. Your presence before us is most welcome. Our workers informed us that you, a guest without prior training in our craft, managed to destroy an enemy scout and thereby protected us. Your actions are most appreciated."


She's smiling, that's a good sign, right? It helps to calm me down a bit.


"Thank you, my Queen."


"So polite. We have decided. We have taken a liking to you. Tell us, you are no Queen, and still your body is taller than mine and your pheromones rival my own. How could this be?"


" do not know, my Queen. It must be a coincidence."


"So it must be. We have received word that you accepted the clothes of a mere worker without much complaints. You bathed before meeting us and honored our ways. Unlike other creatures we met on our travels, you are the first to show so much respect to us." 


She swallowed, is she perhaps nervous too?


"Yes, my Queen. Thank you for your hospitality." I bowed. What else can I say? I have literally no idea. Was it a good reply?


"Tell us, do you know why our scout was on...what is your Hive's home planet called?"


Okay, just play along, Akari. 

" is called Earth, my Queen."


I'm really bothered by the honorifics, but I don't think I have much choice here if I want to go home.


"Earth. We understand. Our scout tried to find a new source of energy for our Hive. For a brief moment your planet seemed to have plenty of it, but only moments later, nothing of it remained. Do you know why?" 


Is she testing me? Or just curious?


" my Queen. What kind of energy do you need?"


"Let's see if our translation works properly. Our energy is based on atoms that have a different electric charge compared to other counterparts."


"Don't tell were looking for antimatter? Ah, Queen."

It seems that she really was waiting for me to address her properly. Creepy.


"Antimatter? The description seems to fit. It pleases us that you seem to understand. What do you know about it?" She moved one meter towards me, then handed over something to one of the guards who appeared out of the darkness. She smiled at me, showing me this had nothing to do with me.


"Eh, only that our scientists succeeded in creating tiny amounts of it. Until recently they could make a single atom. But now they created a few grams. That is all I know, I just heard of it. Eh, my Queen." 


"We see what you mean. So your Hive is only experimenting with this technology. How unfortunate. But they show promise. Our reports say that your antimatter, as you call it, is cleaner than when we produce it ourselves. Perhaps further investigation is worthwhile?"


Did she actually ask for my opinion?

"Eh, yes my Queen. That is up to you to decide." 


"Hahaha, you are so delightfully respectful. Relax please, you are our guest."


"Ah, eh, yes my Queen." There is no way in hell that I am going to relax in front of this Queen!


The Queen smiles and seems to appreciate that I keep addressing her like this. Let's continue the game. 


Her smile vanishes when she continues speaking. 

"It saddens us to inform you that you cannot return to your originating Hive anytime soon."


I look into her eyes, and blink. "Eh, I don't know what to say, my Queen."


Noooo....did she really say that? I'm...I'm not going home? 


"But...the pilot..Ghan...he..used...what was it called? A jump? To get here? Why can't he just bring me home and catch up with you? You wouldn't even need to turn around then, right?"


The Queen looks at Aine so she doesn't have to reply.


"Akari," Aine said, "smaller ships like scouts can only jump shorter distances..unless they jump together with an escort or Hiveship. Even then, such a jump is dangerous. You may not have realized it....but we are already too far away. Even if you jumped now, on your own, it would take multiple jumps and would take you about eight or nine days."


Okay...for the sake of argument, let's just assume that their days are similar to my perception of time.


Aine continues after seeing me lost in thought.

"Even if you could pilot the ship yourself, we wouldn't send you into enemy controlled territory. Akari, would you even consider going alone? We won't be able to rescue you if something happens."


I shake my head and stare at my shoes. There's no way I would survive another battle. I was already lucky to have survived the first one.


There's no point in crying. I just...can't go home. 


"<sniff> So I won't ever be able to return home?" 


Aine pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. I don't know why, but it actually calms me down.


"Thank you Aine. Akari, we will get you home. That is our promise. We simply ask you to be our guest for a while. You see, we heard today that our homeworld will be under attack soon and the number of our Hives is diminishing. We need to fight for our survival." The Queen said while giving me a sad look.


"Oh..I..I'm sorry to hear that." I really am.


"We are already very far from your...Earth. We just cannot afford to turn around.  

Might we ask a selfish request from you? You, Akari, who were brought here without our intention and against your will?"


"Eh, of course, my Queen. What can I possibly do for you?"


She smiled again, but only for a moment.


"Both us and Commander Spinak, who reviewed your combat session, are impressed by your skills. If we promise you to bring you home as soon as we can, would you consider joining our Hive for now?"


" want me to become...?"    Huh? What?


But she interrupted me. "Don't worry Akari. We would only ask for your assistance. We cannot possibly see you as a mere worker. No, we have more plans for you. We would prefer it if you would accept your role as an interceptor pilot. One that we would keep out of harm's way of course. But if you should desire, other roles are also available. Perhaps you can take care of our little ones in the nursery? We were unable to provide all of the required workers to this Hive, so we desperately ask you to join us. We need everyone here. In exchange, we shall take care of you until you return home." 


" would really want me to pilot one of your space ships?"  


"Yes we would. Or another role as we said. You would be welcome in any role."


"But....I don't know if I even can! I was just lucky to disable that scout. Maybe it was just luck? 

So....maybe some other role is better?" I don't want to die out here!


"Akari....we know what you are capable of. We would never force our guest into a role, but we truly believe that your ways are exactly what we need now. You clearly think....differently compared to our pilots. So we ask again....please share your ways with us....or we will drop the matter and fully respect your decisions for another role." I don't really have a choice, do I? If I say "no" she promises not to think any less of me...but it still feels like that. And she really did say she wanted to keep me out of harm's way. What does that even mean? Why let me fly one of those but not put my skills to use? So....I just have to show off what I can? I think she's gonna be disappointed, let me tell you that.


Okay. No choice then. "Yes my Queen, as you wish. I will become a pilot." Yep, this is probably going to bite me in my behind....baka....stupid me. But what choice do I really have? Maybe this way I can return home sooner? Who knows?


"Excellent. So we have decided. Akari, you shall join our Hive as an interceptor pilot. We are honored and will promise to send you home as soon as we are able. Until then, you will continue to be our guest. Commander!"


Then, from the shadows behind the Queen, Commander Spinak takes position next to the Queen.

"Yes, my queen?"


"Train her well, and be receptive to her tactics. Make sure that everyone knows that she is a guest of ours. Her uncommon tactics might just be what we need to survive. And do your utmost to keep her safe."


"Yes, my Queen, as you command!"


"Akari, please step forward." The Queen demands...and I obey.


I nod and step forward.


"Closer, so that we can touch your face."


"Eh, yes, my Queen?" My face is getting red again. I'm literally standing face to face with this Hive's Queen! 


Yep, I'm a bit taller.


"Well done, Akari. Now close your eyes and do not worry, we shall not harm you. You are about to receive the greatest honor a Queen can bestow on her....guests."


I do as I'm told, and prepare for the worst. Then I feel her lips touching mine. Oh god, is she kissing...


"mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm!mmmmm!m" I want to speak, but she presses her lips against mine.


"Be silent Akari, and keep your eyes closed."




Then I feel warm liquid entering my mouth! Oh god!  "MmmmI!!" What the heck?


The Queen stops for a moment.

"Be quiet Akari. And drink! You are safe. We are the Queen and won't ever harm you. Now prepare to receive our blessing."


What??? There's more? I swallowed on her command, yuck, why? My god, why?'s actually very sweet!


"mmmmm!" there she goes again!


I can feel liquid entering my mouth, more this time, and I keep swallowing and swallowing. God when is this going to end? But it really is sweet! 


She then parts her lips from mine and says "open your eyes, we are finished."


"Eh..<cough> <cough> yes <cough> my <cough> Queen."


"Don't speak, you will feel better in a minute, we promise. It tastes sweet, yes?"


I nod. 


"Good. What you have just received is the highest blessing a Queen can give to any member of her Hive. You are now officially an interceptor pilot and protector of the Imperial Vahli Hiveship Huntress. Your pheromones will convey that you are under the protection of your Queen. May you serve us well and keep us safe. May you always return to us in good health until you rejoin your Earth-Hive. So it is said, so it shall be done!"


I look around, in total confusion. What just happened here? The Queen just kissed me?


"You appear confused? We should have told you about this procedure. Let me repeat that no harm shall come to you. And to further show our gratitude, Akari, our respectful guest, you shall receive three of my workers. They will be your fellow pilots under your command. They are still young, so you four shall all train under the Commander here. You four shall eat, drink, bathe, sleep and fly together as one."


Oh god no, don't tell me I need to bathe with those males....."My queen, if I may ask..."


"Yes we will allow it."


"Are those three....females?"


"Females you say? We feel they are inferior for this role. Are you sure that would be more efficient?"


"Yes my Queen, it would!!!  But why make me the leader?"


"Because we believe your ways might be what we need most at the moment. Good, then so it shall be. We are curious about this female grouping. Make us proud!"


I bow deeply and give her a warm, sincere smile. "Yes, my Queen!"




"Yes, my Queen?" 


"Provide her with an appropriate uniform. Make sure that her uniform clearly shows that she's under our protection. We are not sure if her pheromones will return to their previous state."


"As you command, my Queen."


"Very good. Akari, Aine shall be your retainer from now on. You are excused." She looked at the Commander and myself.


I wanted to ask her why, but I guess I don't have a choice in the matter anyway. I bow and the Commander gently guides Aine and myself out of the throne room. While we follow him outside, I feel an all too familiar sensation on top of my head: it feels like insects are crawling through my hair. It is the sign of my next...epilepsy..........

What happened then, you say? Nothing, because I lost consciousness the moment I left the throne room. I only woke up in the medical bay and the first thing I saw was that rude doctor again.


"She has regained consciousness." The doctor said.


"Mmm....mwa.....wa...whe...."  I swallowed, no taste of iron. "Where...?"  "Happen? Who?" Are the first sounds leaving my mouth. It takes another ten or so seconds before my brain starts working properly again. Ah....right. I'm on the Hiveship. These are my friends for a while. Excluding the doc, because he's just plain rude.


I sit up straight and see Aine run over to me. She says "Akari! Are you alright?" She massages my back for a few seconds.


"Yeah, I am now. Did I damage something? I don't feel pain, so I guess this was a mild attack."


"An attack? Who attacked you?" Aine seems sincerely worried.


"Ah no, this was an epilepsy seizure. I always call them attacks, because they take my consciousness without much warning." 


"But..are you alright now?"


"Yes, thank you. This happens when I experience a lot of stress. Or when I don't sleep enough. Or sometimes just without any reason at all."


"I..I see. You made me worry there. The Queen assigned me to be your retainer and the first thing that happens is that you lose consciousness."


"Ah, Aine. I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm fine now."


"How often do these....attacks...occur?" The doc asks me.


"Once a month or so. There is no set pattern for them."


"Interesting. When you were brought here, I was able to scan your brain and found random electric firing in your neurons." did they even get me to the medical bay so quickly? My seizures don't last for ten minutes.
Ah, this must be another medical bay and the doc's just visiting? Whatever.


"Yep, that's exactly the thing that made me unconscious. I have medicine at home, but it is not really that helpful, honestly. But what interests me are you able to use the exact words to describe things like neurons when you never before saw a human?"  


"Well, it's simple. The computer in the scout ship you arrived in, scanned your brain. It accessed the brain regions where....your....language........wait a second. That would be helpful. How about we continue to scan your brain during missions? We might find a solution for that condition of yours?"


"You can do that? By all means, doc. Please do!"


"What does that mean..doc?" Oh god, that funny face he makes when he's confused! I love it!


"Eh, it is short for doctor. A friendly term to describe a medical officer."


"Ah, I see. A strange custom. But I will try to remember. Anyway, you are not in any immediate danger. The Queen assigned you to interceptor duty, but your..condition...might prove to be problematic. I will contact your Commander. Perhaps the AI-unit can take over from you and bring you home safely when such an event occurs again."


Home.....that has a different meaning for me now.

"Thank you doctor. I look forward to hearing from you. Your research might help many people in my world."


"Leave it to me. You are excused."


I bow to the doctor and let him be. I don't know...he's a bit on the rude and arrogant side, but he seems to be a professional. 

Aine helps me back on my feet. "Congratulations on joining the Hive, Akari!" 


"Ah, thank you Aine. I hope that I will be of use to your people."


"Our people. You are now one of us. It really was quite the honor, the Queen feeding you."

She's smiling again, good!


"The...what? She was feeding me?"


"What? You didn't know? That is also how our young ones are fed. If it makes you feel any better, she meant well and helped stabilize your pheromones. No worker in the Hive would ever question whether you are one of us now."


"Well, it was quite the experience. And it was really sweet, so I guess it makes sense." I somehow still taste that sugary sensation in my mouth.


"If you like it, I can feed you too, you know? That was my role when I took care of the young ones....what? What's wrong?" She tilts her head, wondering about what part I find disturbing.


I violently shook my head. "No no no, please, I can eat myself, thank you very much."

Is it my imagination, or is she pouting? Ah, she really looked forward to it!


"Are you sure? I mean....I wouldn't force it...ever." 

Yep definitely pouting. And those eyes...those anime-style puppy eyes.....


" wasn't so bad. But it is embarrassing for me." Is my face heating up again? Yep, you betcha!


"Really? It is only natural here. Nobody will think any less of you, you know. How about it?"


"Alright. BUT, only when I want, okay?" 


Aine is nodding with a big smile. I guess it really means a lot to her.  "And what about those pheromones? Won't they be affected by that?"


"Oh no, no no. Not at all. Only the Queen can do that. So....would you let me?"


"If it means that much to you, then I can't refuse." I already threw away most of my common sense here, so why not all of it?


"Thank you, Akari. It means that you accept who I am and that you trust me. If you refused, the others would think that I misbehaved as your retainer and that you were punishing me." She gives me a sad look. 


"Really? Wow, I guess your culture is quite different from mine." 

Or she's just making it all up, because I have no way to verify that claim of hers.


She bows to me "thank you Akari. Thank you for accepting me as your retainer."


"What? Of course I accept you! I just felt sorry for you, because you first served the Queen. And I took you away from that important role."


"True, but the Queen entrusted me to you. You are very important to her. Please don't think that my role is any less important now." She put her hand on my shoulder to show that she's sincere.


"Alright, good to know. But Aine...?"


"Yes, Akari?"


"Please promise me that you will tell me when I do something wrong. I don't want to be disrespectful to anyone, especially you. Like that feeding part.....those are all things I don't know about. Please guide me well." Alright that sounded a bit cheesy, but how else am I going to acknowledge her? She's afraid that I would reject her. 


"I promise. Now that we are on the subject.....the Queen has officially made you her guest now. 

You will receive a new uniform and you will share your personal alcove with your flight team and me."


"My personal alcove?" I have a personal alcove? 


"Yes, it is separate from the one you slept in. It is only for guests, and being given access rarely happens. You are to share it with your three fellow pilots and myself, though. Is that agreeable?"


Does she really expect me to say "no" here?


"Sure, I don't see a problem there." I am already way past these things. My brain is already fried from all these experiences and that seizure, so why the heck not.


"Excellent. I will follow you wherever you go and help you find your way in our Hive."


"Thank you. I appreciate that. This ship is enormous!"


"Yes, it is, isn't it? How about lunch? Your body is making those sounds again."


Wow, how subtly she changed topics...

"Ah ha ha, you noticed? Sorry. Yeah, I could use something to eat." I know the Queen fed me, but I guess that wasn't so much after all? Don't look at me, I don't understand this feeding stuff at all.


"Good, then follow me. Your three pilots should meet you there as well."


"Eh...already? But the Queen just gave the order this morning?" 


"Correct, the Queen demands and we obey. That's how things work here. Are you used to a slower pace of life back home?"


"Slower? No, I don't really think so."


"Good. Then you won't be surprised when I tell you that you will also see the Commander again this afternoon."


"Huh? My god, you people really are fast. I learned that I won't be going home anytime soon. Then I said "yes" to becoming a pilot and within an instant you magically find three fellow pilots for me....AND we will see the Commander as well. What else do you have scheduled for me today? Flying already?"


I had a physical, met the Queen, agreed to a new job and had another seizure. And now this? 

Why not tomorrow? 


"Perhaps..." Aine smiled...


But it was one of those mean looking "not gonna tell you" smiles...please don't tell me she's serious about flying? I don't even know who, what, where....anything!

Oh we go the mess hall. More people to meet and another feeding session. The best part of it is that it has to be in public, or people might think that I'm punishing her. The Queen's former retainer, now my retainer. They sure put my life upside down, let me tell you that!


What else do these people have in store for me?

Oh that's is Christmas day. Not helping mom in the flower shop today. Not celebrating Christmas at home. It seems that I won't be celebrating it at all. Who would have thought that I would be kissed by a Queen-bee on Christmas day? Definitely not the romantic Christmas mom had envisioned for me!


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