Before the Tiger: First Contact

Chapter 3: Chapter 1: Attack

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Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Time passed in the harbor. Gunfire could be heard in every direction, somewhere in the city near the harbor. All you can hear are gunshots shattering against the walls or the ground, or bullets whizzing just above your helmet if you're being suppressed. The fire was everywhere in the port area, all you can see was a bright orange light.

A tank shell hit the road and blew it and making a small foxhole that barely fit someone in cover.
"Shit, Shit, Shit, Where the fuck is the artillery support? Give me that radio." He grabbed the radio from the man carrying the radio while firing bursts of bullets at something in the window of the building.
"HQ speaking, Alpha Platoon, please hold the line while we are preparing to shell the port to hell."
"Hurry up, we'd be overrun any minute now, plus we have a lot of wounded men in here."
"Where the hell is the reinforcement? I NEED THEM NOW!"
"Coming in they're about 5 klicks away from the location, they'll arrive in 5 minutes or so."
"Let them come in fast, Alpha Red out."

The guy returned the phone to the radioman's back and gazed through the binoculars, seeing columns of tank emerging from the amphibious vessel. Despite intense fire from the invading forces, they suffered more casualties than the defensive soldiers. He gave the command from the roof for the AT rocket launchers to be ready; it was some TOW anti-tank missile. Despite having several M72s in their possession, they were utilized on the streets as they were thought to do. They were in an apartment complex area. And now he heard some tank shells hitting the building on the right, but nobody was there. The man took out his radio and adjusted the channel; he noticed a tank approaching from the north and yelled, "Tank, half a klick distant, north, Fire away!" The AT crew on the roof fired the missile, which struck the tank, causing it to catch fire and the tank turret to blast off a moment later.

"Tank is history." Then the platoon leader looked in his binoculars again and saw more enemy soldiers dismounting from the ship, although he assessed it and estimated around 200 enemy marines. Well, we must do our job as protectors of our motherland, but damn these imperials to hell, He thought to himself. He saw another tank with some few soldiers from the back and from the above radio'd in that the AT missile was loaded, instinctively ordered, "Fire away!" Another tank in fire, but the AT crew had a single missile left.

The platoon leader walked to the wounded men and saw the doc was tending the wounded men he asked, "Reymiz, how's the wounded men, are they all good to walk?"
Reymiz was bandaging some soldier who was struck in the shoulder, "All of them are okay, but we have one that needs to be evacuated from this building." He pointed his bloody hands to the man lying in the floor.

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"Is he fine or not?"
"All good at this moment, but we need to evacuate him from this building or else."
"I see, we'll go out from the building and call evac in."

Another, tank shell hit the building in the right. The whole place feels like it's going to crumble. He immediately rushed to the window and grabbed his binocular and saw a tank about a 100 meters away from the building. But the AT crew shot at it without any orders, the platoon leader felt a sigh of relief, but there is still the threat that the building will collapse anytime. He ordered his men to rig with explosives the TOW launcher if in case the imperials capture it and reverse engineer it. Then he turned his attention to the wounded man and called someone in to help carry the man. They left the building and firefights are everywhere, with explosives exploding left to right in the streets. Tanks are rolling in as infantry line up and take cover along the walls of buildings. Civilians were caught in the crossfire; some were shot and injured, while some bodies were lying dead in the street during the bombing operation.

They walked a block away from the building and saw a secure spot in the leader's eyes. Although the wounded men were okay, but the one person who was unconscious. He pointed at the café across the street and said, "Alpha squad take the café across the street, secure it and that will be temporarily the wounded reside for now before the reinforcement arrive."
"Roger Lieutenant." The Alpha squadron moved across the building, they checked everything and found it was secure. "All clear, Lieutenant. Alpha squad out."
"Reymis, go in the café, Jyan, & Ifzan help the wounded men get them in a good place across the street."
"Roger" They carried the unconscious soldier across the street, and they put him in the back of the café in the storage room. They did the same with the ones who can walk.
"Bravo, on me." They moved in some building, they checked the floors for any booby traps enemy hiding in it. They cleared it, they stayed there till reinforcement arrives.

The reinforcement arrived minutes later, they left the place as they were ordered to do. Carrying wounded men in the truck, going through after checkpoints upon checkpoints. They passed through the streets of the city, pillboxes being setup in some buildings with some magic trickery. Although this would likely mean more time to retreat, this isn't enough in a practical sense because of the sheer size of the imperial invasion force. In radio communication, every platoon or company units reporting that they can't handle all the invasion force like the platoon leader did. Although the sense of failure was in the air, they had been trained for this scenario to come. Minutes passed, streets were in pure confusion as civilians find a way to get out from the city as soon as possible. Although traffic is affected, the military had been using specific roads to transport troops to goods as soon as possible. Aside from it, the hospital in the city was filling up wounded people after the surprise bombardment from naval guns or bombs in the sky. Nobody knows for now. 

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